.Synopsis Utility function to fetch cluster's hadoop configs based on the cluster type .DESCRIPTION This function takes. .EXAMPLE ## To be added. .LINK https://github.com/mabushaireh/HDICloner #> function Create-FolderIfNotExist($folderName, $path) { Show-Debug "Passed value for folderName is $folderName" Show-Debug "Passed value for path is $path" Show-Info "Creating Folder $path\$folderName" if (-Not (Test-Path $path)) { Show-Error "Folder $path not found!" throw "Folder $path not found!" } if (Test-Path "$path\$folderName") { Show-Warning "Folder $path\$folderName already exits!" return } $null = New-Item -Path "$path\$folderName" -ItemType Directory Show-Info "Folder $path\$folderName is created" } function Get-LastConfigurationFolder($path) { Show-Debug "Get Last Configuration Folder on this path '$path'" $MaxDate = Get-Date("1/1/1900") Show-Debug "MaxDate is set to: $MaxDate" Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory ` | ForEach-Object { Show-Debug ("Try to parse Folder name: " + $_.Name + " to DateTime") [datetime]::parseexact($_.Name, "yyyyMMdd_hhmmmss", $null ) } ` | ForEach-Object { Show-Debug "Evaluating if $_ is greated that $MaxDate" if ($_ -gt $MaxDate) { $MaxDate = $_ Show-Debug "$MaxDate is set to: $_" } } $lastConfigFolderName = $MaxDate | Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_hhmmmss" Show-Info "Last Configuration Folder on this path $path\$lastConfigFolderName" return "$path\$lastConfigFolderName" } function Get-PathFor { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $SubscriptionId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ClusterDnsName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] [ValidateSet("Base", "ARM", "HDP", "HDP-CONFIG", "HDP-ENV", "HDP-Log4j", "Nodes-HN", "Nodes-WN", "Nodes-ZK")] $ConfigArea ) $documentsPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") $productBaseFolderName = "HDICloner"; $clsuterPath = "$documentsPath\$productBaseFolderName\$SubscriptionId\$ClusterDnsName" switch -Exact ($ConfigArea) { 'Base' { return "$documentsPath\$productBaseFolderName" } 'ARM' { $lastConfigFolder = Get-LastConfigurationFolder $clsuterPath return "$lastConfigFolder\ARM" } 'HDP' { $lastConfigFolder = Get-LastConfigurationFolder $clsuterPath return "$lastConfigFolder\HDP" } 'HDP-CONFIG' { $lastConfigFolder = Get-LastConfigurationFolder $clsuterPath return "$lastConfigFolder\HDP\CONFIG" } 'HDP-ENV' { $lastConfigFolder = Get-LastConfigurationFolder $clsuterPath return "$lastConfigFolder\HDP\ENV" } 'HDP-Log4j' { $lastConfigFolder = Get-LastConfigurationFolder $clsuterPath return "$lastConfigFolder\HDP\Log4j" } 'Nodes-HN' { $lastConfigFolder = Get-LastConfigurationFolder $clsuterPath return "$lastConfigFolder\Nodes\HN" } 'Nodes-WN' { $lastConfigFolder = Get-LastConfigurationFolder $clsuterPath return "$lastConfigFolder\Nodes\WN" } 'Nodes-ZK' { $lastConfigFolder = Get-LastConfigurationFolder $clsuterPath return "$lastConfigFolder\Nodes\ZK" } } } |