=========================================================================== Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2017 v5.4.143 Created on: 8/8/2017 6:49 PM Created by: spencer.nicol Organization: Filename: HCPosh.psm1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module Name: HCPosh =========================================================================== #> <# .SYNOPSIS HCPosh is a powershell module that provides some useful functions and tools when working with data in the Health Catalyst Analytics Platform. .DESCRIPTION Some key features include: * built-in column-level **sql parser**, developed using the Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom library. * integration of **Graphviz** software for ERD and Data flow diagram generation (pdf, png, and svg) * splits SAM Designer files into smaller files for source control .PARAMETER version Returns the version number of the **HCPosh** module .PARAMETER sqlparser Gets tables and columns from sql queries .PARAMETER data return a metadata_raw.json and metadata_new.json, then splits these objects into a folder structure of content for easier source control management of SAMD data models. HCPosh -Data output the hcx objects to a variable in-memory $Var = HCPosh -Data -OutVar other options when using the -Data function HCPosh -Data -Force HCPosh -Data -NoSplit HCPosh -Data -Raw .PARAMETER graphviz A description of the graphviz parameter. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> HCPosh -Graphviz #> function HCPosh { #region PARAMETERS param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Version')] [switch]$Version, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SqlParser', Mandatory = $True)] [switch]$SqlParser, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SqlParser', Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Query, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SqlParser')] [switch]$Log, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SqlParser')] [switch]$SelectStar, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SqlParser')] [switch]$Brackets, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Impact', Mandatory = $True)] [switch]$Impact, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Impact', Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Server, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Impact')] [string]$ConfigPath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Impact')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Docs')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Graphviz')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Diagrams')] [string]$OutDir, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Data', Mandatory = $True)] [switch]$Data, <# [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Data')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Docs')] [switch]$Force, #> [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Data')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Docs')] [switch]$OutVar, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Data')] [switch]$Raw, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Data')] [switch]$NoSplit, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Docs', Mandatory = $True)] [switch]$Docs, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Docs')] [switch]$KeepFullLineage, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Diagrams', Mandatory = $True)] [switch]$Diagrams, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Diagrams')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Docs')] [switch]$OutZip, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Graphviz', Mandatory = $True)] [switch]$Graphviz, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Graphviz')] [string]$InputDir, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Graphviz')] [ValidateSet('pdf', 'png', 'svg')] [string]$OutType ) #endregion begin { #region FUNCTION FOR WRITING LOGS function Write-Log { Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Message, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [psobject]$Type = "info", [Parameter(Position = 2)] [psobject]$Identifier ) if ($LogFile) { $Output = New-Object PSObject $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DateDTS -Value (Get-Date -Format G) $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name MessageTXT -Value $Message.Trim() $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Type -Value $Type if ($Identifier) { $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Identifier -Value $Identifier } Add-content $LogFile -Value ($Output | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -Compress); } } #endregion #region FUNCTIONS TO ZIP DIRECTORIES AND UNZIP FILES function Unzip($File, $Destination) { [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($File, $Destination); } function Zip($Directory, $Destination) { [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($Directory, $Destination, 'Optimal', $true); } #endregion #region CREATE DIRECTORIES function Create-Directory ($Dir) { If (!(Test-Path $Dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Dir -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } #endregion switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Version' { "HCPosh v$((Get-Module HCPosh -ListAvailable).Version -join '.')" if (!$Version) { Get-Help HCPosh } } { 'SqlParser' -or 'Data' -or 'Impact' } { function Parse-Sql { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Query, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [bool]$Log = $False, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [bool]$SelectStar = $False, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [bool]$Brackets = $False ) begin { $Parsed = New-Object -TypeName ColumnExtractor.Parser($Log, $SelectStar, $Brackets) } process { #Using the parsed object return $Parsed.GetTables($Query) } } } 'Graphviz' { if ($InputDir) { $GvFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $InputDir | Where-Object Extension -eq '.gv' } else { $GvFiles = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object Extension -eq '.gv' } try { if (($GvFiles | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { throw; } } catch { $Msg = "Unable to find any gv files in current directory."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } function Invoke-Graphviz { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$File, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$OutType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$OutFile ) process { try { $Graphviz = ".""$(Split-Path (Get-Module -ListAvailable HCPosh).path -Parent)\Graphviz\dot.exe"" -T$($OutType) ""$($File)"" -o ""$($OutFile)"" -q" } catch { $Msg = "Unable to find the graphviz dot.exe"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } Invoke-Expression $Graphviz } } } 'Data' { $Files = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object Extension -eq '.hcx' try { if (($Files | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { throw; } } catch { $Msg = "Unable to find any hcx files in current directory."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } function Get-Metadata_Raw { <# .EXTERNALHELP HCPosh.psm1-Help.xml #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$File, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$OutDir ) process { #$OutDirFilePath = "$($OutDir)\metadata_raw.json" try { Test-Path $File | Out-Null; $InputFile = Get-Item $File if ($InputFile.Extension -ne '.hcx') { throw; } else { $FileDirectory = Split-Path $File -Parent $Msg = "DATA - $(Split-Path $File -Leaf)"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Magenta; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Unable to find any hcx files."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } try { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unzipping hcx file..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; Copy-Item -Path $File -Destination $File.Replace('.hcx', '.zip') -Force | Out-Null $ZipFile = $File.Replace('.hcx', '.zip') $OutBin = "$($FileDirectory)\$((Split-Path $File -Leaf).Replace('.hcx', '_bin'))" $Zipoutdir = "$($OutBin)\$((Split-Path $File -Leaf).Replace('.hcx', '_zip'))" if (Test-Path $OutBin) { Remove-Item $OutBin -Force -Recurse | Out-Null } If (!(Test-Path $Zipoutdir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Zipoutdir -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } Unzip -file $ZipFile -destination $Zipoutdir Remove-Item $ZipFile -Force | Out-Null } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Unable to unzip file."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } try { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Getting sam json object..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $SamFile = Get-ChildItem $Zipoutdir -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq ".sam" } #DATA ENTRY CSV FILES $CsvFiles = Get-ChildItem $Zipoutdir -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq ".csv" } if ($CsvFiles) { $CsvArray = @(); ForEach ($Csv in $CsvFiles) { $CsvFile = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FullyQualifiedNM = $Csv.BaseName; Data = Import-Csv -Path $Csv.FullName; Msg = $null } $CsvArray += $CsvFile } } $MetadataRaw = ((Get-Content $SamFile.FullName | Select-Object -Skip 1) -join " ") | ConvertFrom-Json $FirstRow = Get-Content $SamFile.FullName | Select-Object -First 1 $SamdVersionText = $FirstRow | ForEach-Object{ $_.split('"')[3] } if ($SamdVersionText) { $MetadataRaw | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SAMDVersionText -Value $SamdVersionText } else { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Unable to parse Sam Designer Version."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'warning'; } if ($CsvFiles) { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Found $($CsvFiles.Count) data entry entity file(s)..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $MetadataRaw | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DataEntryData -Value $CsvArray } $MetadataRaw | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name _hcposh -Value (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ FileBaseName = $InputFile.BaseName; LastWriteTime = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffff") }) $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Converted from json to psobject"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; Remove-Item $OutBin -Recurse -Force } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Unable to get sam content into object."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } $Output = New-Object PSObject $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name metadataRaw -Value $MetadataRaw $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name outdir -Value $OutDir return $Output } } if (!($Raw)) { function Get-Metadata_New { <# .EXTERNALHELP HCPosh.psm1-Help.xml #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSObject])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [psobject]$MetadataRaw, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$OutDir ) begin { #region FUNCTIONS FOR DATAMART OBJECT CREATION function CreateEmpty-HCDatamartObject { $Datamart = New-Object PSObject $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ContentId -Value $Null $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DatamartNM -Value $Null $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DataMartTypeDSC -Value $Null $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DescriptionTXT -Value $Null $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DestinationDatabaseName -Value $Null $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DestinationObjectPrefix -Value $Null $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DestinationSchemaName -Value $Null $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SamTypeCode -Value $Null $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Status -Value $Null $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name VersionText -Value $Null $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Entities -Value @() $Datamart<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DatamartNoSpacesNM -Value $Null $Datamart<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SAMDVersionText -Value $Null $Datamart<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name MaxLastModifiedTimestamp -Value $Null $Datamart<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SourcedByEntities -Value @() $Datamart | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name _hcposh -Value $Null return $Datamart } function CreateEmpty-HCEntityObject { $Entity = New-Object PSObject $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ContentId -Value $Null $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DescriptionTXT -Value $Null $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DatabaseNM -Value $Null $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SchemaNM -Value $Null $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name TableNM -Value $Null $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name TableTypeNM -Value $Null $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ViewName -Value $Null $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LoadType -Value $Null $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LastModifiedTimestamp -Value $Null $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsPersisted -Value $Null $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsPublic -Value $Null $Entity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name EntityGroupNM -Value $Null $Entity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ClassificationCode -Value $Null $Entity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullyQualifiedNames -Value $Null $Entity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Indexes -Value @() $Entity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Columns -Value @() $Entity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Bindings -Value @() $Entity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SourcedByEntities -Value @() return $Entity } function CreateEmpty-HCIndexObject { $Index = New-Object PSObject $Index | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IndexName -Value $Null $Index | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IndexTypeCode -Value $Null $Index | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsActive -Value $Null $Index | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IndexColumns -Value @() return $Index } function CreateEmpty-HCIndexColumnObject { $IndexColumn = New-Object PSObject $IndexColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Ordinal -Value $Null $IndexColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ColumnNM -Value $Null $IndexColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsCovering -Value $Null $IndexColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsDescending -Value $Null return $IndexColumn } function CreateEmpty-HCColumnObject { $Column = New-Object PSObject $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ContentId -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ColumnNM -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DataSensitivityCD -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DataTypeDSC -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DescriptionTXT -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsIncrementalColumnValue -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsSystemColumnValue -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsNullableValue -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsPrimaryKeyValue -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Ordinal -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Status -Value $Null $Column | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ColumnGroupNM -Value $Null return $Column } function CreateEmpty-HCBindingObject { $Binding = New-Object PSObject $Binding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ContentId -Value $Null $Binding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name BindingName -Value $Null $Binding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name BindingNameNoSpaces -Value $Null $Binding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name BindingStatus -Value $Null $Binding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name BindingDescription -Value $Null $Binding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ClassificationCode -Value $Null $Binding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name GrainName -Value $Null $Binding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name UserDefinedSQL -Value $Null $Binding<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SourcedByEntities -Value @() return $Binding } function CreateEmpty-HCFullyQualifiedNameObject { $FullyQualifiedName = New-Object PSObject $FullyQualifiedName<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Table -Value $Null $FullyQualifiedName<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name View -Value $Null return $FullyQualifiedName } function CreateEmpty-HCIncrementalConfigurationObject { $IncrementalConfiguration = New-Object PSObject $IncrementalConfiguration | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IncrementalColumnName -Value $Null $IncrementalConfiguration | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name OverlapNumber -Value $Null $IncrementalConfiguration | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name OverlapType -Value $Null $IncrementalConfiguration | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SourceDatabaseName -Value $Null $IncrementalConfiguration | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SourceSchemaName -Value $Null $IncrementalConfiguration | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SourceTableAlias -Value $Null $IncrementalConfiguration | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SourceTableName -Value $Null return $IncrementalConfiguration } function CreateEmpty-HCSourcedByEntityObject { $SourcedByEntity = New-Object PSObject #$SourcedByEntity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ServerNM -Value $Null $SourcedByEntity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DatabaseNM -Value $Null $SourcedByEntity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SchemaNM -Value $Null $SourcedByEntity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name TableNM -Value $Null $SourcedByEntity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullyQualifiedNM -Value $Null $SourcedByEntity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name AliasNM -Value $Null $SourcedByEntity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name TableOrigin -Value $Null $SourcedByEntity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name BindingCount -Value $Null $SourcedByEntity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SourceContentId -Value $Null $SourcedByEntity<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SourcedByColumns -Value @() return $SourcedByEntity } function CreateEmpty-HCSourcedByColumnObject { $SourcedByColumn = New-Object PSObject $SourcedByColumn<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ColumnNM -Value $Null $SourcedByColumn<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullyQualifiedNM -Value $Null $SourcedByColumn<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name AliasNM -Value $Null $SourcedByColumn<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name BindingCount -Value $Null return $SourcedByColumn } function CreateEmpty-HCSourcedByPossibleColumnObject { $SourcedByPossibleColumn = New-Object PSObject $SourcedByPossibleColumn<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ColumnNM -Value $Null $SourcedByPossibleColumn<#extension#> | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullyQualifiedNM -Value $Null return $SourcedByPossibleColumn } function CreateEmpty-HCExtensionContentIdsObject { $ExtensionContentIds = New-Object PSObject $ExtensionContentIds | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name CoreEntity -Value $Null $ExtensionContentIds | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ExtensionEntity -Value $Null $ExtensionContentIds | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name OverridingExtensionView -Value $Null return $ExtensionContentIds } function Create-HCEntityObject { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [psobject]$Entity, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1)] [array]$Bindings, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2)] [string]$ClassificationCode ) begin { $HCEntities = @() function Inner-HCEntityObject { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [psobject]$Entity, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1)] [array]$Bindings, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2)] [string]$ClassificationCode ) begin { $HCEntity = CreateEmpty-HCEntityObject } Process { #region GENERAL PROPS $HCEntity.ContentId = $Entity.ContentId $HCEntity.DescriptionTXT = $Entity.DescriptionTXT $HCEntity.DatabaseNM = $Entity.DatabaseNM $HCEntity.SchemaNM = $Entity.SchemaNM $HCEntity.TableNM = $Entity.TableNM $HCEntity.TableTypeNM = $Entity.TableTypeNM $HCEntity.ViewName = $Entity.ViewName $HCEntity.LoadType = $Entity.LoadType $HCEntity.LastModifiedTimestamp = $Entity.LastModifiedTimestamp $HCEntity.IsPersisted = $Entity.IsPersisted $HCEntity.IsPublic = $Entity.IsPublic #endregion #region PROTECTION PROPS $IsProtected = $Entity.AttributeValues | Where-Object AttributeName -eq 'IsProtected' if ($IsProtected) { #New attributes introduced with CAP 4.0 $HCEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsProtected -Value $([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($IsProtected.TextValue)) } #endregion #region FULLYQUALIFIEDNAME PROPS $HCFullyQualifiedName = CreateEmpty-HCFullyQualifiedNameObject $HCFullyQualifiedName.Table = "$($Entity.DatabaseNM).$($Entity.SchemaNM).$($Entity.TableNM)" $HCFullyQualifiedName.View = "$($Entity.DatabaseNM).$($Entity.SchemaNM).$($Entity.ViewName)" $HCEntity.FullyQualifiedNames = $HCFullyQualifiedName #endregion #region COLUMN PROPS foreach ($Column in $Entity.Columns) { $HCColumn = CreateEmpty-HCColumnObject $HCColumn.ContentId = $Column.ContentId $HCColumn.ColumnNM = $Column.ColumnNM $HCColumn.DataSensitivityCD = $Column.DataSensitivityCD $HCColumn.DataTypeDSC = $Column.DataTypeDSC $HCColumn.DescriptionTXT = if (($Column.DescriptionTXT -split " ")[0] -like "<*") { ($Column.DescriptionTXT -replace ($Column.DescriptionTXT -split " ")[0], "").TrimStart() } else { $Column.DescriptionTXT } $HCColumn.IsIncrementalColumnValue = $Column.IsIncrementalColumnValue $HCColumn.IsSystemColumnValue = $Column.IsSystemColumnValue $HCColumn.IsNullableValue = $Column.IsNullableValue $HCColumn.IsPrimaryKeyValue = $Column.IsPrimaryKeyValue $HCColumn.Ordinal = $Column.Ordinal $HCColumn.Status = $Column.Status $HCColumn.ColumnGroupNM = if (($Column.DescriptionTXT -split " ")[0] -like "<*") { (Get-Culture).textinfo.totitlecase((($Column.DescriptionTXT -split " ")[0] -replace "<", "" -replace ">", "" -replace "-", " ").tolower()) } $HCEntity.Columns += $HCColumn } #endregion #region INDEX PROPS foreach ($Index in $Entity.Indexes) { $HCIndex = CreateEmpty-HCIndexObject $HCIndex.IndexName = $Index.IndexName $HCIndex.IndexTypeCode = $Index.IndexTypeCode $HCIndex.IsActive = $Index.IsActive foreach ($IndexColumn in $Index.IndexColumns) { $HCIndexColumn = CreateEmpty-HCIndexColumnObject $HCIndexColumn.Ordinal = $IndexColumn.Ordinal $HCIndexColumn.ColumnNM = ($Entity.Columns | Where-Object { $_.'$Id' -eq $IndexColumn.Column.'$Ref' }).ColumnNM $HCIndexColumn.IsCovering = $IndexColumn.IsCovering $HCIndexColumn.IsDescending = $IndexColumn.IsDescending $HCIndex.IndexColumns += $HCIndexColumn } $HCEntity.Indexes += $HCIndex } #endregion #region BINDING PROPS foreach ($Binding in $Bindings) { $HCBinding = CreateEmpty-HCBindingObject $HCBinding.ContentId = $Binding.ContentId $HCBinding.BindingName = $Binding.BindingName $HCBinding.BindingNameNoSpaces = (Get-CleanFileName -Name $Binding.BindingName -RemoveSpace) $HCBinding.BindingStatus = $Binding.BindingStatus $HCBinding.BindingDescription = $Binding.BindingDescription if ($ClassificationCode) { $HCBinding.ClassificationCode = "$($Binding.ClassificationCode)-$($ClassificationCode)" } else { $HCBinding.ClassificationCode = $Binding.ClassificationCode } $HCBinding.GrainName = $Binding.GrainName $HCBinding.UserDefinedSQL = ($Binding.AttributeValues | Where-Object AttributeName -eq "UserDefinedSQL").LongTextValue #New attributes introduced with CAP 4.0 $IsProtected = $Binding.AttributeValues | Where-Object AttributeName -eq 'IsProtected' if ($IsProtected) { $HCBinding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsProtected -Value $([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($IsProtected.TextValue)) } $LoadType = if ($Binding.LoadType) { $Binding.LoadType } else { $HCEntity.LoadType } if ($LoadType) { $HCBinding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LoadType -Value $LoadType if ($Binding.IncrementalConfigurations) { $HCBinding | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IncrementalConfigurations -Value @() foreach ($IncrementalConfiguration in $Binding.IncrementalConfigurations) { $HCIncrementalConfiguration = CreateEmpty-HCIncrementalConfigurationObject $HCIncrementalConfiguration.IncrementalColumnName = $IncrementalConfiguration.IncrementalColumnName $HCIncrementalConfiguration.OverlapNumber = $IncrementalConfiguration.OverlapNumber $HCIncrementalConfiguration.OverlapType = $IncrementalConfiguration.OverlapType $HCIncrementalConfiguration.SourceDatabaseName = $IncrementalConfiguration.SourceDatabaseName $HCIncrementalConfiguration.SourceSchemaName = $IncrementalConfiguration.SourceSchemaName $HCIncrementalConfiguration.SourceTableAlias = $IncrementalConfiguration.SourceTableAlias $HCIncrementalConfiguration.SourceTableName = $IncrementalConfiguration.SourceTableName $HCBinding.IncrementalConfigurations += $HCIncrementalConfiguration } } } $HCEntity.Bindings += $HCBinding } #endregion #region EXTENSION PROPS $ExtensionContentIds = CreateEmpty-HCExtensionContentIdsObject if ($Entity.ChildEntityRelationships -or $Entity.ParentEntityRelationships) { $HCEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsExtended -Value $true -Force $HCEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ExtensionContentIds -Value $ExtensionContentIds -Force } foreach ($Ext in $Entity.ParentEntityRelationships | Where-Object { $_.ParentRoleName }) { $ExtensionContentIds."$($Ext.ParentRoleName)" = $HCEntity.ContentId foreach ($Ext2 in $Ext.ChildEntity) { $ExtensionContentIds."$($Ext.ChildRoleName)" = $Ext2.ContentId foreach ($Ext3 in $Ext2.ChildEntityRelationships | Where-Object { $_.ParentRoleName }) { $ExtensionContentIds."$($Ext3.ParentRoleName)" = $Ext3.ParentEntity.ContentId } Inner-HCEntityObject -Entity $Ext2 -Bindings $Ext2.FedByBindings } $HCEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ExtensionContentIds -Value $ExtensionContentIds -Force } foreach ($Ext in $Entity.ChildEntityRelationships | Where-Object { $_.ChildRoleName }) { $ExtensionContentIds."$($Ext.ChildRoleName)" = $HCEntity.ContentId foreach ($Ext2 in $Ext.ParentEntity) { $ExtensionContentIds."$($Ext.ParentRoleName)" = $Ext2.ContentId foreach ($Ext3 in $Ext2.ParentEntityRelationships | Where-Object { $_.ChildRoleName }) { $ExtensionContentIds."$($Ext3.ChildRoleName)" = $Ext3.ChildEntity.ContentId } Inner-HCEntityObject -Entity $Ext2 -Bindings $Ext2.FedByBindings } $HCEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ExtensionContentIds -Value $ExtensionContentIds -Force } #endregion #region CUSTOM GROUP PROPS $HCEntity.EntityGroupNM = $HCEntity.Bindings[0].GrainName #Set the EntityGroupNM to the first Grain name for now // not a perfect solution if ($HCEntity.Bindings) { $HCEntity.ClassificationCode = $HCEntity.Bindings[0].ClassificationCode #Set the ClassificationCode to the first ClassificationCode for now // not a perfect solution } else { $HCEntity.ClassificationCode = $ClassificationCode } #endregion } End { return $HCEntity } } } process { $HCEntities += Inner-HCEntityObject -Entity $Entity -Bindings $Bindings -ClassificationCode $ClassificationCode } end { return $HCEntities; } } #endregion #region FUNCTIONS FOR SPLITTING OBJECT INTO A BUNCH OF FILES function Create-Directory { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [string]$Directory ) process { If (Test-Path $Directory) { Remove-Item $Directory -Recurse -Force | Out-Null } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Directory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } function Get-CleanFileName { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Normal")] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, ParameterSetName = "Normal")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, ParameterSetName = "Replace")] [String[]]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "Replace")] [String]$Replacement = '-', [Parameter(Position = 2, ParameterSetName = "Replace")] [Alias("RO")] [Object[]]$RemoveOnly, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Normal")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Replace")] [Alias("RS")] [switch]$RemoveSpace ) Begin { #Get an array of invalid characters $arrInvalidChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() #Cast into a string. This will include the space character $invalidCharsWithSpace = [RegEx]::Escape([String]$arrInvalidChars) #Join into a string. This will not include the space character $invalidCharsNoSpace = [RegEx]::Escape(-join $arrInvalidChars) #Check that the Replacement does not have invalid characters itself if ($RemoveSpace) { if ($Replacement -match "[$invalidCharsWithSpace]") { Write-Error "The replacement string also contains invalid filename characters."; exit } } else { if ($Replacement -match "[$invalidCharsNoSpace]") { Write-Error "The replacement string also contains invalid filename characters."; exit } } Function Remove-Chars($String) { #Test if any charcters should just be removed first instead of replaced. if ($RemoveOnly) { $String = Remove-ExemptCharsFromReplacement -String $String } #Replace the invalid characters with a blank string(removal) or the replacement value #Perform replacement based on whether spaces are desired or not if ($RemoveSpace) { [RegEx]::Replace($String, "[$invalidCharsWithSpace]", $Replacement) } else { [RegEx]::Replace($String, "[$invalidCharsNoSpace]", $Replacement) } } Function Remove-ExemptCharsFromReplacement($String) { #Remove the characters in RemoveOnly first before returning to the potential replacement #Test that the entries are invalid filename characters, and are able to be converted to chars $RemoveOnly = [RegEx]::Escape(-join $(foreach ($entry in $RemoveOnly) { #Try to cast to an int in case a valid integer as a string is passed. try { $entry = [int]$entry } catch { #Silently ignore if it fails. } try { $char = [char]$entry } catch { Write-Error "The entry `"$entry`" in RemoveOnly cannot be converted to a type of System.Char. Make sure the entry is either an integer or a one character string."; exit } if ($arrInvalidChars -contains $char -or $char -eq [char]32) { #Honor the RemoveSpace parameter if (!$RemoveSpace -and $char -eq [char]32) { Write-Warning "The entry `"$char`" in RemoveOnly is a valid filename character, and does not need to be removed. This entry will be ignored." } else { $char } } else { Write-Warning "The entry `"$char`" in RemoveOnly is a valid filename character, and does not need to be removed. This entry will be ignored." } })) #Remove the exempt characters first before sending back [RegEx]::Replace($String, "[$RemoveOnly]", '') } } Process { foreach ($n in $Name) { #Check if the string matches a valid path if ($n -match '(?<start>^[a-zA-z]:\\|^\\\\)(?<path>(?:[^\\]+\\)+)(?<file>[^\\]+)$') { #Split the path into separate directories $path = $Matches.path -split '\\' #This will remove any empty elements after the split, eg. double slashes "\\" $path = $path | Where-Object { $_ } #Add the filename to the array $path += $Matches.file #Send each part of the path, except the start, to the removal function $cleanPaths = foreach ($p in $path) { Remove-Chars -String $p } #Remove any blank elements left after removal. $cleanPaths = $cleanPaths | Where-Object { $_ } #Combine the path together again $Matches.start + ($cleanPaths -join '\') } else { #String is not a path, so send immediately to the removal function Remove-Chars -String $n } } } } function CreateEmpty-Property { $Property = New-Object PSObject $Property | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Null $Property | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Property -Value $Null $Property | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Value -Value $Null return $Property } function Split-ObjectToFiles { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [psobject]$MetadataNew, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$SplitDirectory ) process { try { #create base directory Create-Directory -Directory $SplitDirectory #region CREATE DATAMART FILES $Exclusions = @('DatamartNoSpacesNM', 'Entities', 'SourcedByEntities', '_hcposh', 'MaxLastModifiedTimestamp') $Out = @() $Props = $MetadataNew.psobject.properties.name | Where-Object { $MetadataNew.$_ } forEach ($Prop in $Props | Where-Object { $_ -NotIn $Exclusions }) { $OutObj = CreateEmpty-Property $OutObj.Name = $MetadataNew.DatamartNM $OutObj.Property = $Prop $OutObj.Value = $MetadataNew."$($OutObj.Property)" if ($OutObj) { $Out += $OutObj } } $OutFile = "$($SplitDirectory)\_Datamart.csv" if ($Out) { $Out | Sort-Object Name, @{ e = { if ($_.Property -eq 'ContentId') { 0 } else { 1 } } }, Property | Export-Csv $OutFile -Force -NoTypeInformation } #endregion #region CREATE SOURCE FILES $SourcedByColumns = @() forEach ($Entity in $MetadataNew.SourcedByEntities | Where-Object TableOrigin -eq 'External' | Sort-Object FullyQualifiedNM) { forEach ($Column in $Entity.SourcedByColumns | Sort-Object FullyQualifiedNM) { $SourcedByColumn = New-Object PSObject $SourcedByColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DatabaseNM -Value $Entity.DatabaseNM $SourcedByColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SchemaNM -Value $Entity.SchemaNM $SourcedByColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name TableNM -Value $Entity.TableNM $SourcedByColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ColumnNM -Value $Column.ColumnNM $SourcedByColumns += $SourcedByColumn } } $ByDatabase = $SourcedByColumns | Group-Object DatabaseNM forEach ($db in $ByDatabase) { $db.Group | Sort-Object SchemaNM, TableNM, ColumnNM | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "$SplitDirectory\Sources-$($db.Name).csv" -Force | Out-Null } #endregion #region CREATE ENTITY FILES $Exclusions = @('Bindings', 'Columns', 'Indexes', 'SourcedByEntities', 'FullyQualifiedNames', 'LastModifiedTimestamp', 'DataEntryData', 'OverridingExtensionView') forEach ($Group in $MetadataNew.Entities | Group-Object ClassificationCode) { $Out = @() forEach ($Entity in $Group.Group) { $Props = $Entity.psobject.properties.name | Where-Object { $_ } forEach ($Prop in $Props | Where-Object { $_ -NotIn $Exclusions }) { $OutObj = CreateEmpty-Property $OutObj.Name = $Entity.FullyQualifiedNames.Table $OutObj.Property = $Prop $OutObj.Value = $($Entity."$($OutObj.Property)" -replace "`r`n", "") if ($OutObj) { $Out += $OutObj } } } $OutFile = "$($SplitDirectory)\Entities-$($Group.Name).csv" if ($Out) { $Out | Sort-Object Name, @{ e = { if ($_.Property -eq 'ContentId') { 0 } else { 1 } } }, Property | Export-Csv $OutFile -Force -NoTypeInformation } } #endregion #region CREATE BINDING FILES $Exclusions = @('BindingNameNoSpaces', 'UserDefinedSQL', 'SourcedByEntities', 'IncrementalConfigurations') forEach ($Group in $MetadataNew.Entities.Bindings | Group-Object ClassificationCode) { $Out = @() forEach ($Binding in $Group.Group) { $Props = $Binding.psobject.properties.name | Where-Object { $_ } forEach ($Prop in $Props | Where-Object { $_ -NotIn $Exclusions }) { $OutObj = CreateEmpty-Property $OutObj.Name = $Binding.BindingName $OutObj.Property = $Prop $OutObj.Value = $($Binding."$($OutObj.Property)" -replace "`r`n", "") if ($OutObj) { $Out += $OutObj } } } $OutFile = "$($SplitDirectory)\Bindings-$($Group.Name).csv" if ($Out) { $Out | Sort-Object Name, @{ e = { if ($_.Property -eq 'ContentId') { 0 } else { 1 } } }, Property | Export-Csv $OutFile -Force -NoTypeInformation } } #endregion #region CREATE SQL FILES forEach ($Binding in $MetadataNew.Entities.Bindings) { $OutFile = "$($SplitDirectory)\SQL-$($Binding.ClassificationCode)-$(Get-CleanFileName $Binding.BindingName -RemoveSpace).sql" $Binding.UserDefinedSQL | Out-File $OutFile -Encoding Default -Force } #endregion #region CREATE COLUMN FILES $Exclusions = @('Ordinal') forEach ($Group in $MetadataNew.Entities | Group-Object ClassificationCode) { $Out = @() forEach ($Entity in $Group.Group) { forEach ($Column in $Entity.Columns) { $Props = $Column.psobject.properties.name | Where-Object { $_ } forEach ($Prop in $Props | Where-Object { $_ -NotIn $Exclusions }) { $OutObj = CreateEmpty-Property $OutObj.Name = "$($Entity.FullyQualifiedNames.Table).$($Column.ColumnNM)" $OutObj.Property = $Prop $OutObj.Value = $($Column."$($OutObj.Property)" -replace "`r`n", "") if ($OutObj) { $Out += $OutObj } } } } $OutFile = "$($SplitDirectory)\Columns-$($Group.Name).csv" if ($Out) { $Out | Sort-Object Name, @{ e = { if ($_.Property -eq 'ContentId') { 0 } else { 1 } } }, Property | Export-Csv $OutFile -Force -NoTypeInformation } } #endregion #region CREATE INDEX FILES $Exclusions = @('IndexName') forEach ($Group in $MetadataNew.Entities | Group-Object ClassificationCode) { $Out = @() forEach ($Entity in $Group.Group) { forEach ($Index in $Entity.Indexes) { $Props = $Index.psobject.properties.name | Where-Object { $_ } forEach ($Prop in $Props | Where-Object { $_ -NotIn $Exclusions }) { $OutObj = CreateEmpty-Property $OutObj.Name = "$($Entity.FullyQualifiedNames.Table).$($Index.IndexName)" $OutObj.Property = $Prop if ($Prop -eq 'IndexColumns') { $OutObj.Value = $(($Index."$($OutObj.Property)" | Sort-Object ColumnNM).ColumnNM -join " | ") } else { $OutObj.Value = $($Index."$($OutObj.Property)" -replace "`r`n", "") } if ($OutObj) { $Out += $OutObj } } } } $OutFile = "$($SplitDirectory)\Indexes-$($Group.Name).csv" if ($Out) { $Out | Sort-Object Name, @{ e = { if ($_.Property -eq 'ContentId') { 0 } else { 1 } } }, Property | Export-Csv $OutFile -Force -NoTypeInformation } } #endregion #region CREATE INCREMENTAL CONFIG FILES $Exclusions = @() forEach ($Group in $MetadataNew.Entities.Bindings | Group-Object ClassificationCode) { $Out = @() forEach ($Binding in $Group.Group) { forEach ($Increment in $Binding.IncrementalConfigurations) { $Props = $Increment.psobject.properties.name | Where-Object { $_ } forEach ($Prop in $Props | Where-Object { $_ -NotIn $Exclusions }) { $OutObj = CreateEmpty-Property $OutObj.Name = $Binding.BindingName $OutObj.Property = $Prop $OutObj.Value = $($Increment."$($OutObj.Property)" -replace "`r`n", "") if ($OutObj.Value -ne $null -and $OutObj.Value -ne "") { $Out += $OutObj | Sort-Object { $_.Property, $_.Value } } } } } $OutFile = "$($SplitDirectory)\IncrementalConfigurations-$($Group.Name).csv" if ($Out) { $Out | Sort-Object Name, @{ e = { if ($_.Property -eq 'ContentId') { 0 } else { 1 } } }, Property | Export-Csv $OutFile -Force -NoTypeInformation } } #endregion #region CREATE DATA ENTRY ENTITY FILES ForEach ($Entity in $MetadataNew.Entities | Where-Object { $_.ClassificationCode -eq 'DataEntry' }) { If ($Entity.DataEntryData) { $OutFile = "$($SplitDirectory)\DataEntryData-$(Get-CleanFileName $Entity.DataEntryData.FullyQualifiedNM -RemoveSpace).csv" if ($Entity.DataEntryData.Data_All) { $Entity.DataEntryData.Data_All | Export-Csv $OutFile -NoTypeInformation -Force } } } #endregion #region CREATE ISSUE FILES if (($MetadataNew.Entities.Bindings.SourcedByEntities.SourcedByPossibleColumns | Measure).Count -gt 0) { $Out = @() forEach ($Binding in $MetadataNew.Entities.Bindings) { forEach ($Issue in $Binding.SourcedByEntities.SourcedByPossibleColumns) { $OutObj = CreateEmpty-Property $OutObj.Name = $Binding.BindingName $OutObj.Property = "Missing Alias - Unable To Parse" $OutObj.Value = $Issue.FullyQualifiedNM if ($OutObj.Value) { $Out += $OutObj } } } $OutFile = "$($SplitDirectory)\_ISSUES-Bindings-MissingAlias.csv" if ($Out) { $Out | Sort-Object Name, @{ e = { if ($_.Property -eq 'ContentId') { 0 } else { 1 } } }, Property | Export-Csv $OutFile -Force -NoTypeInformation } } #endregion #Get-Date | Out-File $SplitDirectory\_lastmodified.txt -Encoding Default -Force | Out-Null } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)An error occurred while trying to split data object into smaller files :("; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } } } #endregion } process { #$OutDirFilePath = "$($OutDir)\metadata_new.json" $SplitDirectory = "$($OutDir)\Datamart" $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Creating new $(($MetadataRaw.DatamartNM).ToLower()) object..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $MetadataNew = CreateEmpty-HCDatamartObject #region DATAMART $MetadataNew.ContentId = $MetadataRaw.ContentId $MetadataNew.DatamartNM = $MetadataRaw.DatamartNM $MetadataNew.DatamartNoSpacesNM = (Get-CleanFileName -Name $MetadataRaw.DatamartNM -RemoveSpace) $MetadataNew.DataMartTypeDSC = $MetadataRaw.DataMartTypeDSC $MetadataNew.DescriptionTXT = $MetadataRaw.DescriptionTXT $MetadataNew.DestinationDatabaseName = $MetadataRaw.DestinationDatabaseName $MetadataNew.DestinationObjectPrefix = $MetadataRaw.DestinationObjectPrefix $MetadataNew.DestinationSchemaName = $MetadataRaw.DestinationSchemaName $MetadataNew.SamTypeCode = $MetadataRaw.SamTypeCode $MetadataNew.Status = $MetadataRaw.Status $MetadataNew.VersionText = $MetadataRaw.VersionText $MetadataNew.SAMDVersionText<#extension#> = $MetadataRaw.SAMDVersionText $MetadataNew._hcposh<#extension#> = $MetadataRaw._hcposh #endregion #region ENTITIES Foreach ($Binding in $MetadataRaw.Bindings | Where-Object { $_.ContentId }) { $Bindings = @() $Bindings += $Binding Foreach ($AnotherBinding in $Binding.DestinationEntity.FedByBindings | Where-Object { $_.ContentId }) { $Bindings += $AnotherBinding } foreach ($Entity in $Binding.DestinationEntity | Where-Object { $_.ContentId }) { $MetadataNew.Entities += Create-HCEntityObject -Entity $Entity -Bindings $Bindings } } foreach ($Entity in $MetadataRaw.BatchDefinitions.Tables | Where-Object { $_.ContentId }) { $Bindings = @() foreach ($Binding in $Entity.FedByBindings | Where-Object { $_.ContentId }) { $Bindings += $Binding } $MetadataNew.Entities += Create-HCEntityObject -Entity $Entity -Bindings $Bindings } foreach ($Entity in $MetadataRaw.Tables | Where-Object { $_.ContentId }) { $Bindings = @() foreach ($Binding in $Entity.FedByBindings | Where-Object { $_.ContentId }) { $Bindings += $Binding } $MetadataNew.Entities += Create-HCEntityObject -Entity $Entity -Bindings $Bindings -ClassificationCode 'DataEntry' } #Update extension entities foreach ($Extension in $MetadataNew.Entities | Where-Object { ($_.ExtensionContentIds.PsObject.Properties.Value | measure).Count -eq 3 }) { foreach ($property in $Extension.ExtensionContentIds.PsObject.Properties) { $Entity = $MetadataNew.Entities[$MetadataNew.Entities.ContentId.IndexOf($property.Value)]; $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ExtensionTypeNM -Value $property.Name -Force; $Entity.ExtensionContentIds = $Extension.ExtensionContentIds; if ($property.Name -eq "OverridingExtensionView") { $Entity.ClassificationCode = "OverridingExtensionView"; } elseif ($property.Name -ne "CoreEntity") { $Entity.ClassificationCode = "$($Entity.ClassificationCode)-Extension" } foreach ($Binding in $Entity.Bindings) { $Binding.ClassificationCode = $Entity.ClassificationCode; } } } #endregion $MetadataNew.MaxLastModifiedTimestamp<#extension#> = ($MetadataNew.Entities.LastModifiedTimestamp | Measure -Maximum).Maximum $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$(($MetadataNew.Entities | Measure).Count) - Entities"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$(($MetadataNew.Entities.Bindings | Measure).Count) - Bindings"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; #endregion #region ADD DATA ENTRY DATA if ($MetadataRaw.DataEntryData) { foreach ($HCEntity in $MetadataNew.Entities | Where-Object { $_.ClassificationCode -eq 'DataEntry' }) { $DataEntryDataIndex = $MetadataRaw.DataEntryData.FullyQualifiedNM.IndexOf($HCEntity.FullyQualifiedNames.View) if ($DataEntryDataIndex -ne -1) { #New property added to store a maximum of 300 records for that Data entry entity #@{ FullyQualifiedNM = $Csv.BaseName; Data = Import-Csv -Path $Csv.FullName; Msg = $null } $DataEntryRecordCNT = ($MetadataRaw.DataEntryData[$DataEntryDataIndex].Data | Measure).Count if ($DataEntryRecordCNT -gt 300) { $Msg = "Displaying only 300 out of $($DataEntryRecordCNT) records" } else { $Msg = "Displaying $($DataEntryRecordCNT) records" } $DataEntryData = New-Object PSObject $DataEntryData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullyQualifiedNM -Value $MetadataRaw.DataEntryData[$DataEntryDataIndex].FullyQualifiedNM $DataEntryData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Data -Value ($MetadataRaw.DataEntryData[$DataEntryDataIndex].Data | Select-Object -First 300) $DataEntryData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Data_All -Value ($MetadataRaw.DataEntryData[$DataEntryDataIndex].Data) $DataEntryData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Msg -Value $Msg $HCEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DataEntryData -Value $DataEntryData } } } #endregion #region PARSE BINDINGS $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Parsing tables and columns from sql..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; foreach ($HCEntity in $MetadataNew.Entities) { foreach ($HCBinding in $HCEntity.Bindings) { $SourcedByEntities = $(Parse-Sql -Query $HCBinding.UserDefinedSQL -Log $False -SelectStar $False -Brackets $False) foreach ($SourcedByEntity in $SourcedByEntities | Where-Object { $_.DatabaseNM -and $_.SchemaNM -and $_.TableNM }) { $HCSourcedByEntity = CreateEmpty-HCSourcedByEntityObject #$HCSourcedByEntity.ServerNM = $SourcedByEntity.ServerNM $HCSourcedByEntity.DatabaseNM = $SourcedByEntity.DatabaseNM $HCSourcedByEntity.SchemaNM = $SourcedByEntity.SchemaNM $HCSourcedByEntity.TableNM = $SourcedByEntity.TableNM $HCSourcedByEntity.FullyQualifiedNM = $SourcedByEntity.FullyQualifiedNM $HCSourcedByEntity.AliasNM = $SourcedByEntity.AliasNM $HCSourcedByEntity.BindingCount = 1 #if table originated from a system table if ($HCSourcedByEntity.SchemaNM -eq 'CatalystAdmin') { $HCSourcedByEntity.TableOrigin = 'System' } #or if table originated from a local table elseif (($MetadataNew.Entities.FullyQualifiedNames.Table -contains $HCSourcedByEntity.FullyQualifiedNM) -or ` ($MetadataNew.Entities.FullyQualifiedNames.View -contains $HCSourcedByEntity.FullyQualifiedNM)) { $HCSourcedByEntity.TableOrigin = 'Local' $HCSourcedByEntity.SourceContentId = ($MetadataNew.Entities | Where-Object { (($_.FullyQualifiedNames.Table -eq $HCSourcedByEntity.FullyQualifiedNM) -or ($_.FullyQualifiedNames.View -eq $HCSourcedByEntity.FullyQualifiedNM)) -and $_.ClassificationCode -ne 'OverridingExtensionView' }).ContentId } #else table must have originated externally else { $HCSourcedByEntity.TableOrigin = 'External' } foreach ($SourcedByColumn in $SourcedByEntity.Columns) { $HCSourcedByColumn = CreateEmpty-HCSourcedByColumnObject $HCSourcedByColumn.ColumnNM = $SourcedByColumn.ColumnNM $HCSourcedByColumn.FullyQualifiedNM = $SourcedByColumn.FullyQualifiedNM $HCSourcedByColumn.AliasNM = $SourcedByColumn.AliasNM $HCSourcedByColumn.BindingCount = 1 $HCSourcedByEntity.SourcedByColumns += $HCSourcedByColumn } #check for missing alias ie PossibleColumns if ($SourcedByEntity.PossibleColumns) { $HCSourcedByEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SourcedByPossibleColumns -Value @() foreach ($SourcedByPossibleColumn in $SourcedByEntity.PossibleColumns) { $HCSourcedByPossibleColumn = CreateEmpty-HCSourcedByPossibleColumnObject $HCSourcedByPossibleColumn.ColumnNM = $SourcedByPossibleColumn.ColumnNM $HCSourcedByPossibleColumn.FullyQualifiedNM = "$($HCSourcedByEntity.FullyQualifiedNM).$($HCSourcedByPossibleColumn.ColumnNM)" $HCSourcedByEntity.SourcedByPossibleColumns += $HCSourcedByPossibleColumn } } $HCBinding.SourcedByEntities += $HCSourcedByEntity } } #region LEVEL-UP SOURCES (BINDING TO ENTITY) $HCEntityGroups = $HCEntity.Bindings.SourcedByEntities | Group-Object -Property FullyQualifiedNM foreach ($HCEntityGroup in $HCEntityGroups) { $HCSourcedByEntity = CreateEmpty-HCSourcedByEntityObject #$HCSourcedByEntity.ServerNM = $HCEntityGroup.Group[0].ServerNM $HCSourcedByEntity.DatabaseNM = $HCEntityGroup.Group[0].DatabaseNM $HCSourcedByEntity.SchemaNM = $HCEntityGroup.Group[0].SchemaNM $HCSourcedByEntity.TableNM = $HCEntityGroup.Group[0].TableNM $HCSourcedByEntity.FullyQualifiedNM = $HCEntityGroup.Group[0].FullyQualifiedNM $HCSourcedByEntity.TableOrigin = $HCEntityGroup.Group[0].TableOrigin $HCSourcedByEntity.SourceContentId = $HCEntityGroup.Group[0].SourceContentId $HCSourcedByEntity.BindingCount = ($HCEntityGroup.Group.BindingCount | Measure -Sum).Sum $HCSourcedByEntity.PSObject.Properties.Remove('AliasNM') $ColumnGroups = $HCEntityGroup.Group.SourcedByColumns | Group-Object ColumnNM foreach ($ColumnGroup in $ColumnGroups) { $HCSourcedByColumn = CreateEmpty-HCSourcedByColumnObject $HCSourcedByColumn.ColumnNM = $ColumnGroup.Group[0].ColumnNM $HCSourcedByColumn.FullyQualifiedNM = $ColumnGroup.Group[0].FullyQualifiedNM $HCSourcedByColumn.BindingCount = ($ColumnGroup.Group.BindingCount | Measure -Sum).Sum $HCSourcedByColumn.PSObject.Properties.Remove('AliasNM') $HCSourcedByEntity.SourcedByColumns += $HCSourcedByColumn } $HCEntity.SourcedByEntities += $HCSourcedByEntity } #endregion } #endregion #region UPDATE EXTENSION ENTITIES function Get-Entity ($ContentId) { return $MetadataNew.Entities[$MetadataNew.Entities.ContentId.IndexOf($ContentId)] } foreach ($HCEntity in $MetadataNew.Entities | Where-Object { $_.ExtensionTypeNM -eq 'CoreEntity' }) { $ExtensionEntityId = $HCEntity.ExtensionContentIds.ExtensionEntity; $ExtensionEntity = Get-Entity($ExtensionEntityId); $OverridingExtensionViewId = $HCEntity.ExtensionContentIds.OverridingExtensionView; $OverridingExtensionView = Get-Entity($OverridingExtensionViewId); #Add the SourcedByEntities from the OverridingExtensionView to the CoreEntity $HCEntity.SourcedByEntities += $OverridingExtensionView.SourcedByEntities | Where-Object { $_.SourceContentId -ne $HCEntity.ContentId }; #Add the Columns from the ExtensionEntity to the CoreEntity $ColumnsExt = $ExtensionEntity.Columns | Where-Object { $_.IsSystemColumnValue -eq $false -and $_.IsPrimaryKeyValue -eq $false }; $MaxOrdinal = ($HCEntity.Columns.Ordinal | measure -Maximum).Maximum + 1; foreach ($ColumnExt in $ColumnsExt | Sort-Object Ordinal) { $ColumnExt | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsExtended -Value $True; $ColumnExt.Ordinal = $MaxOrdinal; $MaxOrdinal++; } $HCEntity.Columns += $ColumnsExt; #Add the OverridingExtensionView as a property of the CoreEntity $HCEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name OverridingExtensionView -Value $OverridingExtensionView; #Remove the OverridingExtensionView as a true entity $MetadataNew.Entities = $MetadataNew.Entities | Where-Object { $_.ContentId -ne $OverridingExtensionViewId }; #if the CoreEntity is not a public entity, then turn off the extension and overridingextension as being public #if (!($HCEntity.IsPublic)) #{ # $ExtensionEntity.IsPublic = $false; # $OverridingExtensionView.IsPublic = $false; #} } #endregion #region UPDATE OVERRIDING VIEW ENTITIES (SEPARATE FROM EXTENSIONS) $OverrideList = $MetadataNew.Entities | Group-Object -Property { $_.FullyQualifiedNames.View } | Where-Object Count -gt 1 $OverrideObjects = @(); foreach ($Override in $OverrideList) { $OverrideObject = New-Object PSObject $OverrideObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name OverriddenContentId -Value $Null $OverrideObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name OverridingContentId -Value $Null foreach ($Entity in $Override.Group) { if ($Entity.IsPersisted) { $OverrideObject.OverriddenContentId = $Entity.ContentId } else { $OverrideObject.OverridingContentId = $Entity.ContentId } } $OverrideObjects += $OverrideObject; } foreach ($OverrideObject in $OverrideObjects) { $OverriddenEntity = $MetadataNew.Entities[$MetadataNew.Entities.ContentId.IndexOf($OverrideObject.OverriddenContentId)]; $OverriddenEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IsOverridden -Value $True $OverriddenEntity.ViewName = $OverriddenEntity.ViewName + 'BASE' $OverriddenEntity.FullyQualifiedNames.View = $OverriddenEntity.FullyQualifiedNames.View + 'BASE' $OverridingEntity = $MetadataNew.Entities[$MetadataNew.Entities.ContentId.IndexOf($OverrideObject.OverridingContentId)]; $OverridingEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DoesOverride -Value $True } #endregion #region LEVEL-UP SOURCES (ENTITY TO DATAMART) $MetadataNewGroups = $MetadataNew.Entities.SourcedByEntities | Group-Object -Property FullyQualifiedNM foreach ($MetadataNewGroup in $MetadataNewGroups) { $HCSourcedByEntity = CreateEmpty-HCSourcedByEntityObject #$HCSourcedByEntity.ServerNM = $MetadataNewGroup.Group[0].ServerNM $HCSourcedByEntity.DatabaseNM = $MetadataNewGroup.Group[0].DatabaseNM $HCSourcedByEntity.SchemaNM = $MetadataNewGroup.Group[0].SchemaNM $HCSourcedByEntity.TableNM = $MetadataNewGroup.Group[0].TableNM $HCSourcedByEntity.FullyQualifiedNM = $MetadataNewGroup.Group[0].FullyQualifiedNM $HCSourcedByEntity.TableOrigin = $MetadataNewGroup.Group[0].TableOrigin $HCSourcedByEntity.SourceContentId = $MetadataNewGroup.Group[0].SourceContentId $HCSourcedByEntity.BindingCount = ($MetadataNewGroup.Group.BindingCount | Measure -Sum).Sum $HCSourcedByEntity.PSObject.Properties.Remove('AliasNM') $ColumnGroups = $MetadataNewGroup.Group.SourcedByColumns | Group-Object ColumnNM foreach ($ColumnGroup in $ColumnGroups) { $HCSourcedByColumn = CreateEmpty-HCSourcedByColumnObject $HCSourcedByColumn.ColumnNM = $ColumnGroup.Group[0].ColumnNM $HCSourcedByColumn.FullyQualifiedNM = $ColumnGroup.Group[0].FullyQualifiedNM $HCSourcedByColumn.BindingCount = ($ColumnGroup.Group.BindingCount | Measure -Sum).Sum $HCSourcedByColumn.PSObject.Properties.Remove('AliasNM') $HCSourcedByEntity.SourcedByColumns += $HCSourcedByColumn } $MetadataNew.SourcedByEntities += $HCSourcedByEntity } #endregion #region ADD GIT REPO PROPERTIES try { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Adding git properties..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; function checkGit { [CmdletBinding()] param () begin { if (!(Test-Path $((Get-Location).Path + '\.git'))) { throw; } } process { git --version $GitUrl = (git config --local remote.origin.url).Replace(".git", "") $MetadataNew | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Team -Value $(($GitUrl -split "/")[3]) $MetadataNew | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Repository -Value $(($GitUrl -split "/")[4]) $MetadataNew | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Branch -Value $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) } } checkGit -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Git not installed or not inside a git directory -- unable to add git properties"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'warning'; } #endregion #region SPLIT OBJECT INTO SMALLER FILES if (!$NoSplit) { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Splitting data object into smaller files..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; Split-ObjectToFiles -metadataNew $MetadataNew -splitDirectory $SplitDirectory } #endregion $Msg = "Success!`r`n"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $Output = New-Object PSObject $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name MetadataNew -Value $MetadataNew $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Outdir -Value $OutDir return $Output } } } } 'Docs' { function Get-Docs { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [psobject]$DocsData, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$OutDir, [switch]$OutZip ) begin { #remove inactive bindings and non-dataentry entities without bindings foreach ($Entity in $DocsData.Entities) { $Bindings = @(); foreach ($Binding in $Entity.Bindings) { if ($Binding.BindingStatus -eq 'Active') { $Bindings += $Binding } } $Entity.Bindings = $Bindings; if ($Entity.ClassificationCode -ne 'DataEntry' -and ($Entity.Bindings | measure).Count -eq 0) { $DocsData.Entities = $DocsData.Entities | Where-Object { $_ -ne $DocsData.Entities[$DocsData.Entities.ContentId.IndexOf($Entity.ContentId)] } } } $validPublicEntities = { !($_.IsOverridden) -and $_.IsPublic -and (@('Summary', 'Generic') -contains $_.ClassificationCode) } #region FUNCTIONS FOR DATA LINEAGE function CreateEmpty-Nodes { $Nodes = New-Object PSObject $Nodes | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Upstream -Value @() $Nodes | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Downstream -Value @() return $Nodes } function CreateEmpty-Node { $Node = New-Object PSObject $Node | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Level -Value $Null $Node | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Direction -Value $Null $Node | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ContentId -Value $Null $Node | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Attributes -Value ([ordered]@{ DatabaseNM = $Null; SchemaNM = $Null; TableNM = $Null; FullyQualifiedNM = $Null; BindingCNT = $Null }) $Node | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Groups -Value $Null; $Node | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Edges -Value @() return $Node } function CreateEmpty-Edge { $Edge = New-Object PSObject $Edge | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ContentId -Value $Null $Edge | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Attributes -Value ([ordered]@{ DatabaseNM = $Null; SchemaNM = $Null; TableNM = $Null; FullyQualifiedNM = $Null; BindingCNT = $Null }) $Edge | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Groups -Value $Null; return $Edge } function Get-Entity ($ContentId) { return $DocsData.Entities[$DocsData.Entities.ContentId.IndexOf($ContentId)] } function Get-NodeGroups ($Node) { $Groups = [ordered]@{ GroupId = $Null; Group1 = $Null; Group2 = $Null; Group3 = $Null } $Attributes = $Node.Attributes function IsConfig ($Sources) { $IsConfig = $False forEach ($Source in $Sources) { if ($Source.TableOrigin -eq 'External' -and $Source.DatabaseNM -ne 'Shared' -and $Source.SchemaNM -notmatch 'Shared__') { $IsConfig = $True return $IsConfig } } return $IsConfig } if ($Node.ContentId) #Local { $Entity = Get-Entity -ContentId $Node.ContentId $Groups.Group1 = 'Local' if ($Entity.ClassificationCode -like '*Extension') { $Groups.Group2 = 'Extensions' } elseif ($Entity.DoesOverride) { $Groups.Group2 = 'Overriding' } elseif ($Entity.IsPublic) { $Groups.Group2 = 'Public' } elseif ((IsConfig -Sources $Entity.SourcedByEntities) -or $Entity.SchemaNM -match 'Config' -or $Entity.ClassificationCode -eq 'DataEntry') { $Groups.Group2 = 'Configurations' } elseif ($Entity.ClassificationCode -eq 'ReportingView') { $Groups.Group2 = 'Reports' } else { $Groups.Group2 = 'Staging' forEach ($Source in $Entity.SourcedByEntities | Where-Object SourceContentId) { if ((Get-Entity -ContentId $Source.SourceContentId).IsPublic) { $Groups.Group2 = 'Reports' } } } $Groups.Group3 = $Entity.ClassificationCode } else #External { $Groups.Group1 = 'External' if ($Attributes.DatabaseNM -eq 'SAM') { $Groups.Group2 = 'SubjectArea' } elseif ($Attributes.DatabaseNM -eq 'Shared') { $Groups.Group2 = 'Shared' } elseif ($Attributes.DatabaseNM -eq 'EDWAdmin' -or $Attributes.SchemaNM -eq 'CatalystAdmin') { $Groups.Group2 = 'System' } else { $Groups.Group2 = 'Source' } #default Group3 name $Groups.Group3 = $Attributes.DatabaseNM #except for Azure SQLDB where they put the DB name in the schema if ($Attributes.SchemaNM -match 'SAM__') { $Groups.Group2 = 'SubjectArea' $Groups.Group3 = $Attributes.SchemaNM.Substring(0, $Attributes.SchemaNM.LastIndexOf('__')) } elseif ($Attributes.SchemaNM -match 'Shared__') { $Groups.Group2 = 'Shared' $Groups.Group3 = $Attributes.SchemaNM.Substring(0, $Attributes.SchemaNM.LastIndexOf('__')) } elseif ($Attributes.SchemaNM.LastIndexOf('__') -ne -1) { $Groups.Group3 = $Attributes.SchemaNM.Substring(0, $Attributes.SchemaNM.LastIndexOf('__')) } } $Groups.GroupId = "$($Groups.Group1)_$($Groups.Group2)_$($Groups.Group3)" return $Groups } function Create-UpstreamNode ($Entity, $Level) { $NewNode = CreateEmpty-Node $NewNode.Level = $Level $NewNode.Direction = 'Upstream' $NewNode.ContentId = $Entity.ContentId $NewNode.Attributes.DatabaseNM = $Entity.DatabaseNM $NewNode.Attributes.SchemaNM = $Entity.SchemaNM $NewNode.Attributes.TableNM = $Entity.ViewName $NewNode.Attributes.FullyQualifiedNM = $Entity.FullyQualifiedNames.View $NewNode.Attributes.BindingCNT = if ($Entity.Bindings) { "($(($Entity.Bindings | Measure).Count)) " } else { '' }; foreach ($Upstream in $Entity.SourcedByEntities) { $NewEdge = CreateEmpty-Edge $NewEdge.ContentId = $Upstream.SourceContentId $NewEdge.Attributes.DatabaseNM = $Upstream.DatabaseNM $NewEdge.Attributes.SchemaNM = $Upstream.SchemaNM $NewEdge.Attributes.TableNM = $Upstream.TableNM -replace 'base$', '' $NewEdge.Attributes.FullyQualifiedNM = $Upstream.FullyQualifiedNM -replace 'base$', '' $NewEdge.Groups = Get-NodeGroups -Node $NewEdge $NewNode.Edges += $NewEdge } $NewNode.Groups = Get-NodeGroups -Node $NewNode return $NewNode } function Create-DownstreamNode ($Entity, $Level) { $NewNode = CreateEmpty-Node $NewNode.Level = $Level $NewNode.Direction = 'Downstream' $NewNode.ContentId = $Entity.ContentId $NewNode.Attributes.DatabaseNM = $Entity.DatabaseNM $NewNode.Attributes.SchemaNM = $Entity.SchemaNM $NewNode.Attributes.TableNM = $Entity.ViewName $NewNode.Attributes.FullyQualifiedNM = $Entity.FullyQualifiedNames.View $NewNode.Attributes.BindingCNT = if ($Entity.Bindings) { "($(($Entity.Bindings | Measure).Count)) " } else { '' }; foreach ($Downstream in $DocsData.Entities | Where-Object { $_.SourcedByEntities.SourceContentId -eq $NewNode.ContentId }) { $NewEdge = CreateEmpty-Edge $NewEdge.ContentId = $Downstream.ContentId $NewEdge.Attributes.DatabaseNM = $Downstream.DatabaseNM $NewEdge.Attributes.SchemaNM = $Downstream.SchemaNM $NewEdge.Attributes.TableNM = $Downstream.ViewName $NewEdge.Attributes.FullyQualifiedNM = $Downstream.FullyQualifiedNames.View $NewEdge.Attributes.BindingCNT = if ($Entity.Bindings) { "($(($Entity.Bindings | Measure).Count)) " } else { '' }; $NewEdge.Groups = Get-NodeGroups -Node $NewEdge $NewNode.Edges += $NewEdge } $NewNode.Groups = Get-NodeGroups -Node $NewNode return $NewNode } function Create-Nodes { [CmdletBinding()] param ($Entity) begin { $Nodes = CreateEmpty-Nodes; } process { #UPSTREAM LINEAGE $Level = 0; $Nodes.Upstream += Create-UpstreamNode -entity $Entity -level $Level; $Index = 0; $Batches = 1; do { $Edges = $Nodes.Upstream[$Index].Edges $EdgeCount = ($Edges | Measure).Count; $Level = $Nodes.Upstream[$Index].Level - 1; $Batches = $Batches + $EdgeCount; foreach ($Edge in $Edges) { if ($Edge.ContentId) { $Node = Create-UpstreamNode -entity (Get-Entity -contentId $Edge.ContentId) -level $Level; if ($Nodes.Upstream.ContentId.indexOf($Node.ContentId) -eq -1) { $Nodes.Upstream += $Node; } } else { $ExtEntity = New-Object PSObject $ExtEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DatabaseNM -Value $Edge.Attributes.DatabaseNM $ExtEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SchemaNM -Value $Edge.Attributes.SchemaNM $ExtEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ViewName -Value $Edge.Attributes.TableNM $ExtEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullyQualifiedNames -Value @{ View = $Edge.Attributes.FullyQualifiedNM; } $Node = Create-UpstreamNode -entity $ExtEntity -level $Level; if ($Nodes.Upstream.Attributes.FullyQualifiedNM.indexOf($Node.Attributes.FullyQualifiedNM) -eq -1) { $Nodes.Upstream += $Node; } } } $Batches-- $Index++ } while ($Batches -gt 0) #DOWNSTREAM LINEAGE $Level = 0; $Nodes.Downstream += Create-DownstreamNode -entity $Entity -level $Level; $Index = 0; $Batches = 1; do { $Edges = $Nodes.Downstream[$Index].Edges | Where-Object { $_.ContentId } $EdgeCount = ($Edges | Measure).Count; $Level = $Nodes.Downstream[$Index].Level + 1; $Batches = $Batches + $EdgeCount; foreach ($Edge in $Edges) { $Node = Create-DownstreamNode -entity (Get-Entity -contentId $Edge.ContentId) -level $Level; if ($Nodes.Downstream.ContentId.indexOf($Node.ContentId) -eq -1) { $Nodes.Downstream += $Node; } } $Batches-- $Index++ } while ($Batches -gt 0) } end { return $Nodes } } function Get-LineageCollection { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [psobject]$DocsData, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [psobject]$Lineage, [switch]$keepRef ) begin { function Get-ParentChildrenObj { $ParentChildren = New-Object PSObject; $ParentChildren | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Ordinal -Value $Null; $ParentChildren | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Parent -Value $Null; $ParentChildren | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Children -Value @(); return $ParentChildren; } } process { $Collection = New-Object PSObject forEach ($Stream in $Lineage) { $Group1 = $Stream.Groups.Group1; $Group2 = $Stream.Groups.Group2; $Group3 = $Stream.Groups.Group3; if (!($Collection.PSobject.Properties.Name -match $Group1)) { $Collection | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $Group1 -Value (New-Object PSObject) } if (!($Collection.$Group1.PSobject.Properties.Name -match $Group2)) { $Collection.$Group1 | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $Group2 -Value (New-Object PSObject) } if (!($Collection.$Group1.$Group2.PSobject.Properties.Name -match $Group3)) { $Collection.$Group1.$Group2 | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $Group3 -Value @() } $Table = New-Object PSObject $Table | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Level -Value $Stream.Level $Table | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ContentId -Value $Stream.ContentId $Table | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullyQualifiedNM -Value $Stream.Attributes.FullyQualifiedNM $Collection.$Group1.$Group2.$Group3 += $Table } $LineageArray = @(); $Level1 = $Collection; $PropsLevel1 = $Level1.PSobject.Properties.Name; forEach ($PropLevel1 in $PropsLevel1) { $Level1Obj = Get-ParentChildrenObj; $Level1Obj.Parent = $PropLevel1; $Level2 = $Level1.$PropLevel1 $PropsLevel2 = $Level2.PSobject.Properties.Name forEach ($PropLevel2 in $PropsLevel2) { $Level2Obj = Get-ParentChildrenObj; $Level2Obj.Parent = $PropLevel2; $Level3 = $Level2.$PropLevel2 $PropsLevel3 = $Level3.PSobject.Properties.Name forEach ($PropLevel3 in $PropsLevel3) { $Level3Obj = Get-ParentChildrenObj; $Level3Obj.Parent = $PropLevel3; $Level4 = $Level3.$PropLevel3 $Level3Obj.Ordinal = ($Level4.Level | Measure -Average).Average $PropsLevel4 = $Level4 $b = 1; forEach ($PropLevel4 in $PropsLevel4 | Sort-Object { $_.FullyQualifiedNM }) { $Level4Obj = Get-ParentChildrenObj; $Level4Obj.Ordinal = $b; $Level4Obj.Parent = $PropLevel4.FullyQualifiedNM; forEach ($ContentId in $PropLevel4 | Where-Object ContentId) { $Index = $DocsData.Entities.ContentId.indexOf($ContentId.ContentId) $Bindings = $DocsData.Entities[$Index].Bindings.BindingNameNoSpaces | Sort-Object $a = 1; forEach ($Binding in $Bindings | Sort-Object) { $Level5Obj = Get-ParentChildrenObj; $Level5Obj.Ordinal = $a $Level5Obj.Parent = $Binding; $Level4Obj.Children += $Level5Obj; $a++ } } $Level3Obj.Children += $Level4Obj $b++ } $Level2Obj.Children += $Level3Obj } $Multiple = 0; if ($PropLevel2 -eq 'Extensions') { $Multiple = 1000; } $Level2Obj.Ordinal = ($Level3Obj.Ordinal | Measure -Average).Average + $Multiple $Level1Obj.Children += $Level2Obj } $Level1Obj.Ordinal = ($Level2Obj.Ordinal | Measure -Average).Average $LineageArray += $Level1Obj } return $LineageArray } } #endregion #region FUNCTIONS FOR EMPTY DIAGRAM OBJECTS function CreateEmpty-DiagramGraph { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [array]$Types ) $Diagram = New-Object PSObject $Diagram | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $($Name) -Value (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Data = $Null; Graphviz = $Null }) $DiagramData = New-Object PSObject $DiagramData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name GraphId -Value $Null $DiagramData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name GraphName -Value $Null $DiagramData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Subgraphs -Value @() $DiagramData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Nodes -Value @() #$DiagramData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Edges -Value @() $DiagramGraphviz = New-Object PSObject forEach ($Type in $Types) { $DiagramGraphviz | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $Type -Value $Null } $Diagram.$($Name).Data = $DiagramData $Diagram.$($Name).Graphviz = $DiagramGraphviz return $Diagram } function CreateEmpty-DiagramSubgraph { $Subgraph = New-Object PSObject $Subgraph | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SubgraphId -Value $Null $Subgraph | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SubgraphName -Value $Null $Subgraph | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Props -Value @() $Subgraph | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Subgraphs -Value @() $Subgraph | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Ports -Value @() return $Subgraph } function CreateEmpty-DiagramNode { $DiagramNode = New-Object PSObject $DiagramNode | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name NodeId -Value $Null $DiagramNode | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name NodeName -Value $Null $DiagramNode | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Ports -Value @() $DiagramNode | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Props -Value @() return $DiagramNode } function CreateEmpty-DiagramPort { $DiagramPort = New-Object PSObject $DiagramPort | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name PortId -Value $Null $DiagramPort | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Props -Value @() $DiagramPort | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Items -Value @() $DiagramPort | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Edges -Value @() return $DiagramPort } function CreateEmpty-DiagramItem { $DiagramItem = New-Object PSObject $DiagramItem | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ItemId -Value $Null $DiagramItem | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ItemName -Value $Null $DiagramItem | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Props -Value @() return $DiagramItem } function CreateEmpty-DiagramEdge { $DiagramEdge = New-Object PSObject $DiagramEdge | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name From -Value (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ NodeId = $Null; PortId = $Null; }) $DiagramEdge | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name To -Value (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ NodeId = $Null; PortId = $Null; }) return $DiagramEdge } #endregion #region FUNCTIONS FOR ERD DIAGRAMS function Create-Erd { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [psobject]$DocsData ) #Gcreate a new ERD object using the datamart name as the ERD name $Erd = CreateEmpty-DiagramGraph -Name Erd -Types @('Full', 'Minimal') $Erd.Erd.Data.GraphId = """" + $DocsData.DatamartNM + """" $Erd.Erd.Data.GraphName = $DocsData.DatamartNM #Get all the entities that we want to be nodes in the ERD diagram $Entities = $DocsData.Entities | Where-Object $validPublicEntities #Interate through these entities and create a new node forEach ($Entity in $Entities) { $ErdNode = CreateEmpty-DiagramNode $ErdNode.NodeId = """" + $Entity.FullyQualifiedNames.View + """" $ErdNode.NodeName = $Entity.FullyQualifiedNames.View $ErdNode.Props = $Entity.Columns #For those entities with primary keys...create a default PK port $PkColumns = $ErdNode.Props | Where-Object IsPrimaryKeyValue if ($PkColumns) { $PkPort = CreateEmpty-DiagramPort $PkPort.PortId = 0 foreach ($PkColumn in $PkColumns) { $PkItem = CreateEmpty-DiagramItem $PkItem.ItemId = $PkColumn.ContentId $PkItem.ItemName = $PkColumn.ColumnNM $PkItem.Props += @{ DataTypeDSC = $PkColumn.DataTypeDSC; Ordinal = $PkColumn.Ordinal } $PkPort.Items += $PkItem } $PkPort.Props += @{ PortType = 'PK'; PortLinkId = ($PkPort.Items.ItemName | Sort-Object ItemName) -join "_" } $ErdNode.Ports += $PkPort } $Erd.Erd.Data.Nodes += $ErdNode } #loop back through the nodes and add any foreign key nodes forEach ($Node in $Erd.Erd.Data.Nodes) { #foreign keys nodes have to be primary keys from other nodes forEach ($OtherNode in $Erd.Erd.Data.Nodes | Where-Object { $_.NodeId -ne $Node.NodeId }) { $OtherPort = $OtherNode.Ports | Where-Object { $_.Props.PortType -eq 'PK' } $Count = 0; $TotalCount = ($OtherPort.Items | Measure).Count $MaxPortId = ($Node.Ports.PortId | Measure -Maximum).Maximum if (!$MaxPortId) { $MaxPortId = 0 } $FkPort = CreateEmpty-DiagramPort forEach ($OtherItem in $OtherPort.Items) { if ($Node.Props.ColumnNM.ToLower() -contains $OtherItem.ItemName.ToLower()) { $TempColumn = $Node.Props[$Node.Props.ColumnNM.ToLower().IndexOf($OtherItem.ItemName.ToLower())] $FkPort.PortId = $MaxPortId + 1 $FkItem = CreateEmpty-DiagramItem $FkItem.ItemId = $TempColumn.ContentId $FkItem.ItemName = $TempColumn.ColumnNM $FkItem.Props += @{ DataTypeDSC = $TempColumn.DataTypeDSC; Ordinal = $TempColumn.Ordinal } $FkPort.Items += $FkItem $Count++ } if ($Count -eq $TotalCount) { $FkPort.Props += @{ PortType = 'FK'; PortLinkId = ($FkPort.Items.ItemName | Sort-Object ItemName) -join "_" } $FkEdge = CreateEmpty-DiagramEdge $FkEdge.From.NodeId = $Node.NodeId $FkEdge.To.NodeId = $OtherNode.NodeId $FkEdge.To.PortId = 0 if ($Node.Ports.Props.PortLinkId) { $Index = $Node.Ports.Props.PortLinkId.indexOf($FkPort.Props.PortLinkId) if ($Index -ne -1) { $FkEdge.From.PortId = $Node.Ports[$Index].PortId $Node.Ports[$Index].Edges += $FkEdge } else { $FkEdge.From.PortId = $FkPort.PortId $FkPort.Edges += $FkEdge $Node.Ports += $FkPort } } else { $FkEdge.From.PortId = $FkPort.PortId $FkPort.Edges += $FkEdge $Node.Ports += $FkPort } } } } $MaxPortId = ($Node.Ports.PortId | Measure -Maximum).Maximum if (!$MaxPortId) { $MaxPortId = 0 } $LastPort = CreateEmpty-DiagramPort $LastPort.PortId = $MaxPortId + 1 $LastPort.Props += @{ PortType = ' ' } forEach ($Col in $Node.Props | Sort-Object Ordinal) { if ($Node.Ports.Items.ItemName -notcontains $Col.ColumnNM) { $LastItem = CreateEmpty-DiagramItem $LastItem.ItemId = $Col.ContentId $LastItem.ItemName = "$(if ($Col.IsExtended) {'*'})$($Col.ColumnNM)" $LastItem.Props += @{ DataTypeDSC = $Col.DataTypeDSC; Ordinal = $Col.Ordinal } $LastPort.Items += $LastItem } } if (($LastPort.Items | Measure).Count -gt 0) { $Node.Ports += $LastPort } $Node.PSObject.Properties.Remove('Props') } $Erd.Erd.Data.PSObject.Properties.Remove('Subgraphs') if ($Erd.Erd.Data.Nodes.Ports.Edges) { $Erd.Erd.Graphviz.Full = Create-ErdGraphviz -ErdData $Erd.Erd.Data $Erd.Erd.Graphviz.Minimal = Create-ErdGraphviz -ErdData $Erd.Erd.Data -Minimal } else { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Requirements not met for erd diagram:`n$(" " * 10)At least 2 public entities with primary keys and one foreign key relationship"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'warning'; } return $Erd } function Create-ErdGraphviz { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [psobject]$ErdData, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [switch]$Minimal ) begin { $Tab = " " * 4; $GraphTmp = "digraph {{ GraphId }}{`n$($Tab)graph[rankdir=RL];`n$($Tab)node [shape=plaintext, fontname=""Arial""];`n{{ Nodes }}{{ Edges }}`n}"; $NodeTmp = "`n$($Tab){{ NodeId }} [label=<`n$($Tab * 2)<table>`n$($Tab * 3)<tr><td border=""0"" bgcolor=""#D7DDE4""><b>{{ NodeName }}</b></td></tr>`n{{ Ports }}$($Tab * 2)</table>>];`n"; $PortTmp = "$($Tab * 3)<tr><td sides=""t"" port=""{{ PortId }}"" align=""left"">`n$($Tab * 4)<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" fixedsize=""true"" align=""left"">{{ Items }}`n$($Tab * 4)</table>`n$($Tab * 3)</td></tr>`n"; $ItemTmp = "`n$($Tab * 5)<tr>`n$($Tab * 6)<td align=""left"" fixedsize=""true"" width=""20""><font point-size=""10"">{{ PortType }}</font></td>`n$($Tab * 6)<td align=""left"">{{ ItemName }}</td>`n$($Tab * 6)<td align=""left""><font point-size=""10"" color=""#767676"">{{ DataTypeDSC }}</font></td>`n$($Tab * 5)</tr>"; $EdgeTmp = "`n$($Tab){{ From.NodeId }}:{{ From.PortId }} -> {{ To.NodeId }}:{{ To.PortId }} [arrowtail=crow, arrowhead=odot, dir=both];"; } process { #BASE $GvErd = $GraphTmp -replace '{{ GraphId }}', $ErdData.GraphId #NODES $GvNodes = @() forEach ($Node in $ErdData.Nodes) { $GvNode = $NodeTmp -replace '{{ NodeId }}', $Node.NodeId -replace '{{ NodeName }}', $Node.NodeName $GvPorts = @() if ($Minimal) { $Ports = $Node.Ports | Where-Object { $_.Props.PortType -ne ' ' } } else { $Ports = $Node.Ports } forEach ($Port in $Ports) { $GvPort = $PortTmp -replace '{{ PortId }}', $Port.PortId $GvItems = @() forEach ($Item in $Port.Items) { $GvItem = $ItemTmp -replace '{{ PortType }}', $Port.Props.PortType -replace '{{ ItemName }}', $Item.ItemName -replace '{{ DataTypeDSC }}', $Item.Props.DataTypeDSC $GvItems += $GvItem } $GvPort = $GvPort -replace '{{ Items }}', $GvItems $GvPorts += $GvPort } $GvNode = $GvNode -replace '{{ Ports }}', $GvPorts $GvNodes += $GvNode } #EDGES $GvEdges = @() forEach ($Edge in $ErdData.Nodes.Ports.Edges) { $GvEdge = $EdgeTmp -replace '{{ From.NodeId }}', $Edge.From.NodeId -replace '{{ From.PortId }}', $Edge.From.PortId -replace '{{ To.NodeId }}', $Edge.To.NodeId -replace '{{ To.PortId }}', $Edge.To.PortId $GvEdges += $GvEdge } } end { return $GvErd -replace '{{ Nodes }}', $GvNodes -replace '{{ Edges }}', $GvEdges } } #endregion #region FUNCTIONS FOR DFD DIAGRAMS function Create-Dfd { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [array]$Lineage, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Upstream', 'Downstream', 'Both')] [string]$Type ) begin { function Get-Color ($code) { switch ($code) { "Datamart" { @{ ColorLight = "#F0F3F6" } } "Source" { @{ ColorLight = "#FCFAD0" } } "System" { @{ ColorLight = "#FDE2C1" } } "Shared" { @{ ColorLight = "#FDE2C1" } } "SubjectArea" { @{ ColorLight = "#FDE2C1" } } "Overriding" { @{ ColorLight = "#C7C7C7"; ColorDark = "#A2A2A2" } } "Extensions" { @{ ColorLight = "#C7C7C7"; ColorDark = "#A2A2A2" } } "Configurations" { @{ ColorLight = "#FBC9CC"; ColorDark = "#F8A6AA" } } "Staging" { @{ ColorLight = "#B9E8FF"; ColorDark = "#73D2FF" } } "Public" { @{ ColorLight = "#B9E7D1"; ColorDark = "#8BD7B3" } } "Reports" { @{ ColorLight = "#D7D0E5"; ColorDark = "#BDB0D5" } } default { "Color could not be determined." } } } function Spacer ($string) { return ($string -creplace '([A-Z\W_]|\d+)(?<![a-z])', ' $&').trim() } $Dfd = CreateEmpty-DiagramGraph -Name Dfd -Types @('LR', 'TB') $Dfd.Dfd.Data.GraphId = """$($Name)""" $Dfd.Dfd.Data.GraphName = $Name } process { #region EXTERNAL if ($Type -eq 'Upstream' -or $Type -eq 'Both') { $Externals = $Lineage.Upstream | Where-Object { $_.Groups.Group1 -eq 'External' } | Group-Object { "$($_.Groups.GroupId)" } forEach ($External in $Externals) { $Subgraph = CreateEmpty-DiagramSubgraph $Subgraph.SubgraphId = """cluster_$($External.Name)""" $Subgraph.SubgraphName = $External.Group[0].Groups.Group3.ToUpper() $Subgraph.Props = (Get-Color -code $External.Group[0].Groups.Group2).ColorLight $Port = CreateEmpty-DiagramPort $Port.PortId = """$($External.Name)""" forEach ($Item in $External.Group) { $NewItem = CreateEmpty-DiagramItem $NewItem.ItemId = """$($Item.Attributes.FullyQualifiedNM)""" $NewItem.ItemName = "$($Item.Attributes.SchemaNM).$($Item.Attributes.TableNM)" if ($Port.Items.ItemId -notcontains $NewItem.ItemId) { $Port.Items += $NewItem } } if ($Subgraph.Ports.PortId -notcontains $Port.PortId) { $Subgraph.Ports += $Port } if ($Dfd.Dfd.Data.Subgraphs.SubgraphId -notcontains $Subgraph.SubgraphId) { $Dfd.Dfd.Data.Subgraphs += $Subgraph } } } #endregion #region LOCAL $Subgraph = CreateEmpty-DiagramSubgraph $Subgraph.SubgraphId = """cluster_$($Name)""" $Subgraph.SubgraphName = $Name $Subgraph.Props = (Get-Color -code "Datamart").ColorLight if ($Type -eq 'Both') { $Locals = $Lineage.Upstream + $Lineage.Downstream | Where-Object { $_.Groups.Group1 -eq 'Local' } | Group-Object { "$($_.Groups.Group2)" } } else { $Locals = $Lineage.$Type | Where-Object { $_.Groups.Group1 -eq 'Local' } | Group-Object { "$($_.Groups.Group2)" } } forEach ($Local in $Locals) { $Subgraph2 = CreateEmpty-DiagramSubgraph $Subgraph2.SubgraphId = """cluster_$($Local.Name)""" $Subgraph2.SubgraphName = $Local.Group[0].Groups.Group2.ToUpper() $Subgraph2.Props = (Get-Color -code $Local.Group[0].Groups.Group2).ColorLight $Locals2 = $Local.Group | Group-Object { "$($_.Groups.Group3)" } forEach ($Local2 in $Locals2) { $Subgraph3 = CreateEmpty-DiagramSubgraph $Subgraph3.SubgraphId = """cluster_$($Local2.Name)""" $Subgraph3.SubgraphName = $Local2.Group[0].Groups.Group3.ToUpper() $Subgraph3.Props = (Get-Color -code $Local.Group[0].Groups.Group2).ColorDark $Port = CreateEmpty-DiagramPort $Port.PortId = """$($Local2.Group[0].Groups.GroupId)""" forEach ($Item in $Local2.Group) { $NewItem = CreateEmpty-DiagramItem $NewItem.ItemId = """$($Item.Attributes.FullyQualifiedNM)""" $NewItem.ItemName = "$($Item.Attributes.BindingCNT)$($Item.Attributes.SchemaNM).$($Item.Attributes.TableNM)" if ($Port.Items.ItemId -notcontains $NewItem.ItemId) { $Port.Items += $NewItem } $Downstream = $Item | Where-Object { $_.Direction -eq 'Downstream' } $Upstream = $Item | Where-Object { $_.Direction -eq 'Upstream' } ForEach ($Edge in $Downstream.Edges.Groups.GroupId) { $NewEdge = CreateEmpty-DiagramEdge $NewEdge.From.PortId = $Item.Groups.GroupId $NewEdge.To.PortId = $Edge $Port.Edges += $NewEdge } ForEach ($Edge in $Upstream.Edges.Groups.GroupId) { $NewEdge = CreateEmpty-DiagramEdge $NewEdge.From.PortId = $Edge $NewEdge.To.PortId = $Item.Groups.GroupId $Port.Edges += $NewEdge } } if ($Subgraph3.Ports.PortId -notcontains $Port.PortId) { $Subgraph3.Ports += $Port } if ($Subgraph2.Subgraphs.SubgraphId -notcontains $Subgraph3.SubgraphId) { $Subgraph2.Subgraphs += $Subgraph3 } } if ($Subgraph.Subgraphs.SubgraphId -notcontains $Subgraph2.SubgraphId) { $Subgraph.Subgraphs += $Subgraph2 } } $Dfd.Dfd.Data.Subgraphs += $Subgraph #endregion } end { $Dfd.Dfd.Data.PSObject.Properties.Remove('Nodes') $Dfd.Dfd.Graphviz.LR = Create-DfdGraphviz -DfdData $Dfd.Dfd.Data -Direction LR $Dfd.Dfd.Graphviz.TB = Create-DfdGraphviz -DfdData $Dfd.Dfd.Data -Direction TB return $Dfd } } function Create-DfdGraphviz { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [psobject]$DfdData, [ValidateSet('LR', 'TB')] [string]$Direction ) begin { $Tab = " " * 4; $Justify = 'c' if ($Direction -eq 'TB') { $Justify = 'l' } $GraphTmp = "digraph {{ GraphId }}{`n$($Tab)graph [layout=dot, rankdir=$($Direction), fontname=Arial, pencolor=transparent, style=""rounded, filled"", labeljust=""$($Justify)""];`n$($Tab)node [shape=box, fixedsize=false, fontname=Arial, style=""rounded, filled"", fillcolor=white];`n$($Tab)edge [style=dashed];`n{{ Subgraphs }}`n{{ Edges }}`n}"; function Get-SubgraphTmp ($i) { return "`n$($Tab * (1 + $i))subgraph {{ SubgraphId }} {`n$($Tab * (2 + $i))label=<<B>{{ SubgraphName }}</B>>;`n$($Tab * (2 + $i))bgcolor=""{{ Color }}"";`n{{ Subgraphs }}{{ Ports }}`n$($Tab * (1 + $i))};"; } function Get-PortTmp ($i) { return "$($Tab * (1 + $i)){{ PortId }} [label=<`n$($Tab * (2 + $i))<table border=""0"">{{ Items }}`n$($Tab * (2 + $i))</table>>];"; } function Get-ItemTmp ($i) { return "`n$($Tab * (1 + $i))<tr><td align=""left"">{{ ItemName }}</td></tr>"; } $EdgeTmp = "`n$($Tab)""{{ From.PortId }}"" -> ""{{ To.PortId }}"";"; } process { #BASE $GvGraph = $GraphTmp -replace '{{ GraphId }}', $DfdData.GraphId #SUBGRAPHS $GvSubgraph = @() $GvPort = $Null forEach ($Sub1 in $DfdData.Subgraphs) { if ($Sub1.Subgraphs) { $GvSubgraph2 = @() forEach ($Sub2 in $Sub1.Subgraphs) { if ($Sub2.Subgraphs) { $GvSubgraph3 = @() forEach ($Sub3 in $Sub2.Subgraphs) { $GvItems = @() forEach ($Item in $Sub3.Ports.Items | Sort-Object ItemName) { $GvItems += (Get-ItemTmp -i 5) -replace '{{ ItemName }}', $Item.ItemName } $GvPort = (Get-PortTmp -i 3) -replace '{{ PortId }}', $Sub3.Ports.PortId -replace '{{ Items }}', $GvItems $GvSubgraph3 += (Get-SubgraphTmp -i 2) -replace '{{ SubgraphId }}', $Sub3.SubgraphId -replace '{{ SubgraphName }}', $Sub3.SubgraphName -replace '{{ Color }}', $Sub3.Props -replace '{{ Subgraphs }}', '' -replace '{{ Ports }}', $GvPort } $GvSubgraph2 += (Get-SubgraphTmp -i 1) -replace '{{ SubgraphId }}', $Sub2.SubgraphId -replace '{{ SubgraphName }}', $Sub2.SubgraphName -replace '{{ Color }}', $Sub2.Props -replace '{{ Ports }}', '' -replace '{{ Subgraphs }}', $GvSubgraph3 } else { $GvItems = @() forEach ($Item in $Sub2.Ports.Items | Sort-Object ItemName) { $GvItems += (Get-ItemTmp -i 4) -replace '{{ ItemName }}', $Item.ItemName } $GvPort = (Get-PortTmp -i 2) -replace '{{ PortId }}', $Sub2.Ports.PortId -replace '{{ Items }}', $GvItems $GvSubgraph2 += (Get-SubgraphTmp -i 1) -replace '{{ SubgraphId }}', $Sub2.SubgraphId -replace '{{ SubgraphName }}', $Sub2.SubgraphName -replace '{{ Color }}', $Sub2.Props -replace '{{ Subgraphs }}', '' -replace '{{ Ports }}', $GvPort } } $GvSubgraph += (Get-SubgraphTmp -i 0) -replace '{{ SubgraphId }}', $Sub1.SubgraphId -replace '{{ SubgraphName }}', $Sub1.SubgraphName -replace '{{ Color }}', $Sub1.Props -replace '{{ Ports }}', '' -replace '{{ Subgraphs }}', $GvSubgraph2 } else { $GvItems = @() forEach ($Item in $Sub1.Ports.Items | Sort-Object ItemName) { $GvItems += (Get-ItemTmp -i 3) -replace '{{ ItemName }}', $Item.ItemName } $GvPort = (Get-PortTmp -i 1) -replace '{{ PortId }}', $Sub1.Ports.PortId -replace '{{ Items }}', $GvItems $GvSubgraph += (Get-SubgraphTmp -i 0) -replace '{{ SubgraphId }}', $Sub1.SubgraphId -replace '{{ SubgraphName }}', $Sub1.SubgraphName -replace '{{ Color }}', $Sub1.Props -replace '{{ Subgraphs }}', '' -replace '{{ Ports }}', $GvPort } } #EDGES $Edges = $DfdData.Subgraphs.Ports.Edges + $DfdData.Subgraphs.Subgraphs.Ports.Edges + $DfdData.Subgraphs.Subgraphs.Subgraphs.Ports.Edges $GvEdges = @() forEach ($Edge in $Edges) { if ($Edge) { $GvEdge = $EdgeTmp -replace '{{ From.PortId }}', $Edge.From.PortId -replace '{{ To.PortId }}', $Edge.To.PortId if ($GvEdges -notcontains $GvEdge) { $GvEdges += $GvEdge } } } } end { return $GvGraph -replace '{{ Subgraphs }}', $GvSubgraph -replace '{{ Edges }}', $GvEdges } } #endregion } process { $Msg = "DOCS - $($DocsData._hcposh.FileBaseName)"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Magenta; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; #region ADD LINEAGE try { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Adding entity data lineage..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; foreach ($Entity in $DocsData.Entities) { $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Lineage -Value @() $Entity.Lineage = Create-Nodes -entity $Entity } } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Unable to add data lineage properties"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'warning'; $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$($Error[0])"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'warning'; } #endregion #region ADD DIAGRAMS $DocsData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Diagrams -Value (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Erd = $Null; Dfd = $Null; DfdUpstream = $Null; DfdDownstream = $Null }) #region ERD try { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Adding erd diagram..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $DocsData.Diagrams.Erd = (Create-Erd -DocsData $DocsData).Erd if (!$KeepFullLineage) { #Remove un-needed properties if (($DocsData.Diagrams.Erd.PSobject.Properties.Name -match 'Data')) { $DocsData.Diagrams.Erd.PSObject.Properties.Remove('Data') } } } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Unable to add erd diagram"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'warning'; } #endregion #region DFD $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Adding dfd diagrams..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; try { $DocsData.Diagrams.Dfd = (Create-Dfd -Name $DocsData.DatamartNM -Lineage ($DocsData.Entities | Where-Object $validPublicEntities).Lineage -Type Both).Dfd $DocsData.Diagrams.DfdUpstream = (Create-Dfd -Name $DocsData.DatamartNM -Lineage ($DocsData.Entities | Where-Object $validPublicEntities).Lineage -Type Upstream).Dfd $DocsData.Diagrams.DfdDownstream = (Create-Dfd -Name $DocsData.DatamartNM -Lineage ($DocsData.Entities | Where-Object $validPublicEntities).Lineage -Type Downstream).Dfd if (!$KeepFullLineage) { #Remove un-needed properties if (($DocsData.Diagrams.Dfd.PSobject.Properties.Name -match 'Data')) { $DocsData.Diagrams.Dfd.PSObject.Properties.Remove('Data') } if (($DocsData.Diagrams.DfdUpstream.PSobject.Properties.Name -match 'Data')) { $DocsData.Diagrams.DfdUpstream.PSObject.Properties.Remove('Data') } if (($DocsData.Diagrams.DfdDownstream.PSobject.Properties.Name -match 'Data')) { $DocsData.Diagrams.DfdDownstream.PSObject.Properties.Remove('Data') } } #ADD DFD DIAGRAM TO EVERY PUBLIC ENTITY forEach ($PublicEntity in $DocsData.Entities | Where-Object $validPublicEntities) { $PublicEntity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Diagrams -Value (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Dfd = $Null; DfdUpstream = $Null; DfdDownstream = $Null }) $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Adding dfd diagrams...$($PublicEntity.FullyQualifiedNames.Table)..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $PublicEntity.Diagrams.Dfd = (Create-Dfd -Name $PublicEntity.FullyQualifiedNames.Table -Lineage $PublicEntity.Lineage -Type Both).Dfd $PublicEntity.Diagrams.DfdUpstream = (Create-Dfd -Name $PublicEntity.FullyQualifiedNames.Table -Lineage $PublicEntity.Lineage -Type Upstream).Dfd $PublicEntity.Diagrams.DfdDownstream = (Create-Dfd -Name $PublicEntity.FullyQualifiedNames.Table -Lineage $PublicEntity.Lineage -Type Downstream).Dfd } } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Requirements not met for dfd diagrams:`n$(" " * 10)At least 1 public ""summary"" entity for Framework SAM or 1 public entity in Generic SAM"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Yellow; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'warning'; } #Replace Lineage property with a cleaner version for display purposes forEach ($Entity in $DocsData.Entities | Where-Object $validPublicEntities) { $Upstream = Get-LineageCollection -Lineage $Entity.Lineage.Upstream -DocsData $DocsData; $Downstream = New-Object PSObject; if ($($Entity.Lineage.Downstream | Where-Object Level -NE 0)) { $Downstream = Get-LineageCollection -Lineage $($Entity.Lineage.Downstream | Where-Object Level -NE 0) -DocsData $DocsData; } $Entity | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LineageMinimal -Value ( New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Upstream = $Upstream; Downstream = $Downstream; } ) } if (!$KeepFullLineage) { forEach ($Entity in $DocsData.Entities) { if (($Entity.PSobject.Properties.Name -match 'Lineage')) { $Entity.PSObject.Properties.Remove('Lineage') } } } #endregion #endregion #region ADD COUNT DETAILS $Sources = New-Object PSObject $Sources | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DelimitedList -Value (($DocsData.SourcedByEntities | Where-Object { $_.TableOrigin -eq 'External' -and $_.DatabaseNM -notin @('Shared', 'IDEA') } | Group-Object DatabaseNM).Name -join ', '); $Sources | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name List -Value ($DocsData.SourcedByEntities | Where-Object { $_.TableOrigin -eq 'External' -and $_.DatabaseNM -notin @('Shared', 'IDEA') } | Group-Object DatabaseNM | Select-Object Name).Name; $Sources | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Count -Value (($DocsData.SourcedByEntities | Where-Object { $_.TableOrigin -eq 'External' -and $_.DatabaseNM -notin @('Shared', 'IDEA') } | Group-Object DatabaseNM | Measure-Object).Count); $Sources | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name EntitiesCount -Value (($DocsData.SourcedByEntities | Where-Object { $_.TableOrigin -eq 'External' -and $_.DatabaseNM -notin @('Shared', 'IDEA') } | Measure-Object).Count); $Entities = New-Object PSObject $Entities | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Count -Value ($DocsData.Entities | Measure-Object).Count; $Entities | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name PersistedCount -Value ($DocsData.Entities | Where-Object { $_.IsPersisted } | Measure-Object).Count; $Entities | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name NonPersistedCount -Value ($DocsData.Entities | Where-Object { !($_.IsPersisted) } | Measure-Object).Count; $Entities | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ProtectedCount -Value ($DocsData.Entities | Where-Object { $_.IsProtected } | Measure-Object).Count; $Entities | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name PublicCount -Value ($DocsData.Entities | Where-Object { $_.IsPublic } | Measure-Object).Count; $Columns = New-Object PSObject $Columns | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name PublicCount -Value (($DocsData.Entities | Where-Object { $_.IsPublic }).Columns | Measure-Object).Count; $Columns | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ExtendedCount -Value (($DocsData.Entities | Where-Object { $_.IsPublic }).Columns | Where-Object { $_.IsExtended } | Measure-Object).Count; $Bindings = New-Object PSObject $Bindings | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Count -Value ($DocsData.Entities.Bindings | Where-Object { $_.BindingStatus -eq 'Active' } | Measure-Object).Count; $Bindings | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ProtectedCount -Value ($DocsData.Entities.Bindings | Where-Object { $_.BindingStatus -eq 'Active' -and $_.IsProtected } | Measure-Object).Count; $Bindings | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name FullCount -Value ($DocsData.Entities.Bindings | Where-Object { $_.LoadType -eq 'Full' -and $_.BindingStatus -eq 'Active' } | Measure-Object).Count; $Bindings | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name IncrementalCount -Value ($DocsData.Entities.Bindings | Where-Object { $_.LoadType -eq 'Incremental' -and $_.BindingStatus -eq 'Active' } | Measure-Object).Count; $Indexes = New-Object PSObject $Indexes | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ClusteredCount -Value ($DocsData.Entities.Indexes | Where-Object { $_.IndexTypeCode -eq 'Clustered' -and $_.IsActive } | Measure-Object).Count; $Indexes | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name NonClusteredCount -Value ($DocsData.Entities.Indexes | Where-Object { $_.IndexTypeCode -eq 'Non-Clustered' -and $_.IsActive } | Measure-Object).Count; $Counts = New-Object PSObject $Counts | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Sources -Value $Sources; $Counts | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Entities -Value $Entities; $Counts | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Columns -Value $Columns; $Counts | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Bindings -Value $Bindings; $Counts | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Indexes -Value $Indexes; $DocsData | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Counts -Value $Counts; #endregion #region REMOVE DATA_ALL PROPERTY (UNECESSARY FOR DOCS) foreach ($Entity in $DocsData.Entities) { if ($Entity.DataEntryData) { if ($Entity.DataEntryData.Data_All) { $Entity.DataEntryData.PSObject.Properties.Remove('Data_All') } } } #endregion $DocsData._hcposh.LastWriteTime = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffff") #Directories $DataDir = "$($OutDir)\static\data"; Create-Directory -Dir $DataDir; #Files $DocsSourcePath = "$(Split-Path (Get-Module -ListAvailable HCPosh).path -Parent)\docs\*"; $DocsDestinationPath = $OutDir; $DataFilePath = "$($DataDir)\dataMart.js"; try { if (($DocsData.Entities | Where-Object $validPublicEntities | measure).Count -eq 0) { throw; } Copy-Item -Path $DocsSourcePath -Recurse -Destination $DocsDestinationPath -Force 'dataMart = ' + ($DocsData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -Compress) | Out-File $DataFilePath -Encoding Default -Force | Out-Null $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Created new file --> $($DocsData._hcposh.FileBaseName)\$(Split-Path $DataDir -Leaf)\$(Split-Path $DataFilePath -Leaf)."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Cyan; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to find valid public entities or An error occurred when trying to create the docs folder structure"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } if ($OutZip) { try { Zip -Directory $DocsDestinationPath -Destination ($DocsDestinationPath + '_docs.zip') if (Test-Path $DocsDestinationPath) { Remove-Item $DocsDestinationPath -Recurse -Force | Out-Null } $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Zipped file of directory --> $($DocsDestinationPath + '_docs.zip')"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Cyan; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to zip the docs directory"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } } $Msg = "Success!`r`n"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $Output = New-Object PSObject $Output | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DocsData -Value $DocsData return $Output } } } 'Diagrams' { function Get-Diagrams { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [psobject]$DocsData, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$OutDir, [switch]$OutZip ) begin { #region CREATE DIRECTORIES function Create-Directory ($Dir) { If (!(Test-Path $Dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Dir -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } #endregion $validPublicEntities = { !($_.IsOverridden) -and $_.IsPublic -and (@('Summary', 'Generic') -contains $_.ClassificationCode) } #Directories $DiagramsDir = "$($OutDir)"; Create-Directory -Dir $DiagramsDir; $GvDir = "$($DiagramsDir)\gv"; Create-Directory -Dir $GvDir; } process { $Msg = "DIAGRAMS - $($DocsData._hcposh.FileBaseName)"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Magenta; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Adding graphviz files (gv)..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; #region CREATE GV FILES $DocsData.Diagrams.Erd.Graphviz.Minimal | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + '\ERD_Minimal.gv') -Encoding Default | Out-Null $DocsData.Diagrams.Erd.Graphviz.Full | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + '\ERD_Full.gv') -Encoding Default | Out-Null $DocsData.Diagrams.Dfd.Graphviz.LR | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + '\DFD_LR.gv') -Encoding Default | Out-Null $DocsData.Diagrams.Dfd.Graphviz.TB | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + '\DFD_TB.gv') -Encoding Default | Out-Null $DocsData.Diagrams.DfdUpstream.Graphviz.LR | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + '\DFD_LR_Upstream.gv') -Encoding Default | Out-Null $DocsData.Diagrams.DfdUpstream.Graphviz.TB | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + '\DFD_TB_Upstream.gv') -Encoding Default | Out-Null $DocsData.Diagrams.DfdDownstream.Graphviz.LR | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + '\DFD_LR_Downstream.gv') -Encoding Default | Out-Null $DocsData.Diagrams.DfdDownstream.Graphviz.TB | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + '\DFD_TB_Downstream.gv') -Encoding Default | Out-Null forEach ($DocsPublic in $DocsData.Entities | Where-Object $validPublicEntities) { $PublicDFD_LR = $DocsPublic.Diagrams.Dfd.Graphviz.LR $PublicDFD_TB = $DocsPublic.Diagrams.Dfd.Graphviz.TB if ($PublicDFD_LR -and $PublicDFD_TB) { $PublicDFD_LR | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + "\DFD_$($DocsPublic.FullyQualifiedNames.Table)_LR.gv") -Encoding Default | Out-Null $PublicDFD_TB | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + "\DFD_$($DocsPublic.FullyQualifiedNames.Table)_TB.gv") -Encoding Default | Out-Null } $PublicDFD_LR_UPSTREAM = $DocsPublic.Diagrams.DfdUpstream.Graphviz.LR $PublicDFD_TB_UPSTREAM = $DocsPublic.Diagrams.DfdUpstream.Graphviz.TB if ($PublicDFD_LR_UPSTREAM -and $PublicDFD_TB_UPSTREAM) { $PublicDFD_LR_UPSTREAM | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + "\DFD_$($DocsPublic.FullyQualifiedNames.Table)_LR_Upstream.gv") -Encoding Default | Out-Null $PublicDFD_TB_UPSTREAM | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + "\DFD_$($DocsPublic.FullyQualifiedNames.Table)_TB_Upstream.gv") -Encoding Default | Out-Null } $PublicDFD_LR_DOWNSTREAM = $DocsPublic.Diagrams.DfdDownstream.Graphviz.LR $PublicDFD_TB_DOWNSTREAM = $DocsPublic.Diagrams.DfdDownstream.Graphviz.TB if ($PublicDFD_LR_DOWNSTREAM -and $PublicDFD_TB_DOWNSTREAM) { $PublicDFD_LR_DOWNSTREAM | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + "\DFD_$($DocsPublic.FullyQualifiedNames.Table)_LR_Downstream.gv") -Encoding Default | Out-Null $PublicDFD_TB_DOWNSTREAM | Out-File -FilePath $($GvDir + "\DFD_$($DocsPublic.FullyQualifiedNames.Table)_TB_Downstream.gv") -Encoding Default | Out-Null } } #endregion $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Adding svg, pdf, and png files using Graphviz..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; #region CREATE SVG, PDF, PNG FILES HCPosh -Graphviz -InputDir $GvDir -OutDir $DiagramsDir -OutType svg HCPosh -Graphviz -InputDir $GvDir -OutDir "$($DiagramsDir)\pdf" -OutType pdf HCPosh -Graphviz -InputDir $GvDir -OutDir "$($DiagramsDir)\png" -OutType png #endregion if ($OutZip) { try { Zip -Directory $DiagramsDir -Destination ($DiagramsDir + '_diagrams.zip') if (Test-Path $DiagramsDir) { Remove-Item $DiagramsDir -Recurse -Force | Out-Null } $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Zipped file of directory --> $($DiagramsDir + '_diagrams.zip')"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Cyan; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to zip the diagrams directory"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } } } end { $Msg = "Success!`r`n"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } } } 'Impact' { function Invoke-ImpactAnalysis { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSObject])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Server, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$ConfigPath = "./_impactConfig.json", [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$OutDir = "./_impact" ) begin { function create-emptyfile ($OutFile) { try { if (Test-Path $OutFile) { Remove-Item $OutFile -Force | Out-Null } New-Item -ItemType File -Force -Path $OutFile -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to create output directory (""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)"")"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } } $Msg = "Impact analysis [$($Server)]"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Magenta; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; if (!(Test-Path $ConfigPath)) { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to find configuration file in current directory or specified path"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Do { $TemplateFlag = Read-Host -Prompt 'Create a config template? (Y/N)' } while ('y', 'n' -notcontains $TemplateFlag) if ($TemplateFlag -eq 'y') { create-emptyfile './_impactConfig.json'; Add-Content ./_impactConfig.json "{`n ""Columns"": {`n ""SQL"": {`n ""Connection"": {`n ""Database"": ""<database>""`n },`n ""FilePath"": ""./columns.sql""`n }`n },`n ""Queries"": {`n ""SQL"": {`n ""Connection"": {`n ""Database"": ""<database>""`n },`n ""FilePath"": ""./queries.sql""`n }`n },`n ""Mappings"": {`n ""CSV"": {`n ""FilePath"": ""./mappings.csv""`n }`n }`n}"; create-emptyfile './columns.sql'; Add-Content ./columns.sql "SELECT`n /******REQUIRED******/`n tbl.DatabaseNM`n ,tbl.SchemaNM`n ,tbl.TableNM`n ,col.ColumnNM`n /********************/`n /* ADD ANY OTHER GROUPERS YOU NEED`n ,Grouper1NM?`n ,Grouper2NM?`n */`nFROM CatalystAdmin.TableBASE AS tbl`nINNER JOIN CatalystAdmin.DatamartBASE AS dm`n ON dm.DatamartID = tbl.DatamartID`nINNER JOIN CatalystAdmin.ColumnBASE AS col`n ON col.TableID = tbl.TableID`n AND col.IsSystemColumnFLG = 'N'`nWHERE dm.DatamartNM = '<MY_DATAMART>'`n AND tbl.PublicFLG = 1;" create-emptyfile './mappings.csv'; '' | Select-Object FromDatabaseNM, FromSchemaNM, FromTableNM, FromColumnNM, ToDatabaseNM, ToSchemaNM, ToTableNM, ToColumnNM | Export-Csv './mappings.csv' -NoTypeInformation create-emptyfile './queries.sql'; Add-Content ./queries.sql "SELECT`n /******REQUIRED******/`n obj.AttributeValueLongTXT AS QueryTXT`n /********************/`n /* ADD ANY OTHER GROUPERS YOU NEED`n ,tbl.ViewNM+' ('+b.BindingNM+')' AS QueryNM`n ,'SAM Designer' AS Grouper1NM`n ,dm.DatamartNM AS Grouper2NM`n */`nFROM CatalystAdmin.ObjectAttributeBASE AS obj`nINNER JOIN CatalystAdmin.BindingBASE AS b`n ON b.BindingID = obj.ObjectID`nINNER JOIN CatalystAdmin.TableBASE AS tbl`n ON tbl.TableID = b.DestinationEntityID`nINNER JOIN CatalystAdmin.DataMartBASE AS dm`n ON dm.DatamartID = tbl.DatamartID`nWHERE obj.ObjectTypeCD = 'Binding'`n AND obj.AttributeNM = 'UserDefinedSQL'`n AND b.BindingClassificationCD != 'SourceMart'`n AND LEN(obj.AttributeValueLongTXT) > 0`n AND tbl.TableID NOT IN`n(`n SELECT`n tbl.TableID`n FROM CatalystAdmin.TableBASE AS tbl`n INNER JOIN CatalystAdmin.DatamartBASE AS dm`n ON dm.DatamartID = tbl.DatamartID`n WHERE dm.DatamartNM = '<MY_DATAMART>'`n);" $Msg = "Configuration files created, rerun when you are ready.`r`n"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } Break; } else { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Creating output directory..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; try { if (Test-Path $OutDir) { Remove-Item $OutDir -Recurse -Force | Out-Null } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $OutDir -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)"" directory"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$($OutDir)/raw/csv" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv"" directory"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$($OutDir)/raw/json" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/json"" directory"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to create output directory (""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)"" or ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw"")"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } try { $Config = Get-Content $ConfigPath | ConvertFrom-Json $Properties = ($Config | Get-Member | Where-Object MemberType -eq NoteProperty).Name if (!($Properties -contains 'Columns' -and $Properties -contains 'Queries')) { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Configruation file (""$(Split-Path $ConfigPath -Leaf)"") must contain all of the the following properies: Columns, Queries"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } $MappingsFlag = $False; if ($Properties -contains 'Mappings') { $MappingsFlag = $True; } $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Getting data..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; #region Columns (REQUIRED) $ColumnsPath = $Config.Columns.SQL.FilePath if (!(Test-Path $ColumnsPath)) { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to find ""$(Split-Path $ColumnsPath -Leaf)"" specified in the configuration file"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } else { try { $ColumnsSQL = Get-Content $ColumnsPath | Out-String try { $ColumnsDb = $Config.Columns.SQL.Connection.Database if (!($ColumnsDb)) { $Columns = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $ColumnsSQL -ServerInstance $Server } else { $Columns = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $ColumnsSQL -ServerInstance $Server -Database $ColumnsDb } $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$(($Columns | Measure).Count) records from query ""$(Split-Path $ColumnsPath -Leaf)"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $Properties = ($Columns[0] | Get-Member | Where-Object MemberType -eq Property).Name if (!($Properties.ToLower() -contains 'databasenm' -and $Properties.ToLower() -contains 'schemanm' -and $Properties.ToLower() -contains 'tablenm' -and $Properties.ToLower() -contains 'columnnm')) { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Sql query must contain the following columns: DatabaseNM, SchemaNM, TableNM, and ColumnNM"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } $UpdatedColumns = @() $I = 0 foreach ($Column in $Columns) { $Fqn = "$($Column.DatabaseNM.ToLower()).$($Column.SchemaNM.ToLower()).$($Column.TableNM.ToLower() -replace 'base$', '').$($Column.ColumnNM.ToLower())" $UpdatedColumn = New-Object PSObject $UpdatedColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name `$ColumnId -Value $I $UpdatedColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name `$Fqn -Value $Fqn $UpdatedColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name `$Queries -Value @() if ($MappingsFlag) { $UpdatedColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name `$Mappings -Value @() } foreach ($Property in $Properties) { $UpdatedColumn | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $Column.$Property } $UpdatedColumns += $UpdatedColumn $I++ } $Columns = $UpdatedColumns; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Unable to establish a connection to db or execute query"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$($Error[0])"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to get the contents of the ""$(Split-Path $Config.Queries.SQL.FilePath -Leaf)"" file"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } } #endregion #region Queries (REQUIRED) $QueriesPath = $Config.Queries.SQL.FilePath if (!(Test-Path $QueriesPath)) { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to find ""$(Split-Path $QueriesPath -Leaf)"" specified in the configuration file"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } else { try { $QueriesSQL = Get-Content $QueriesPath | Out-String try { $QueriesDb = $Config.Queries.SQL.Connection.Database if (!($QueriesDb)) { $Queries = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $QueriesSQL -ServerInstance $Server -MaxCharLength 8000000 } else { $Queries = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $QueriesSQL -ServerInstance $Server -Database $QueriesDb -MaxCharLength 8000000 } $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$(($Queries | Measure).Count) records from query ""$(Split-Path $QueriesPath -Leaf)"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $Properties = ($Queries[0] | Get-Member | Where-Object MemberType -eq Property).Name if (!($Properties.ToLower() -contains 'querytxt')) { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Sql query must contain the following column: QueryTXT"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } $I = 0 $UpdatedQueries = @() foreach ($Query in $Queries) { $UpdatedQuery = New-Object PSObject $UpdatedQuery | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name `$QueryId -Value $I $UpdatedQuery | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name `$Query -Value $Query.querytxt $UpdatedQuery | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name `$Columns -Value @() foreach ($Property in $Properties | Where-Object { $_.ToLower() -ne 'querytxt' }) { $UpdatedQuery | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $Query.$Property } $UpdatedQueries += $UpdatedQuery $I++ } $Queries = $UpdatedQueries; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Unable to establish a connection to db or execute query"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$($Error[0])"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to get the contents of the ""$(Split-Path $Config.Queries.SQL.FilePath -Leaf)"" file"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } } #endregion #region Mappings (OPTIONAL) if ($MappingsFlag) { $MappingsPath = $Config.Mappings.CSV.FilePath if (!(Test-Path $MappingsPath)) { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to find ""$(Split-Path $MappingsPath -Leaf)"" specified in the configuration file"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } else { try { $Mappings = Get-Content $MappingsPath | ConvertFrom-Csv } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to parse the contents of the ""$(Split-Path $Config.Mappings.CSV.FilePath -Leaf)"" file"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$(($Mappings | Measure).Count) records from csv ""$(Split-Path $MappingsPath -Leaf)"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $Properties = ($Mappings[0] | Get-Member | Where-Object MemberType -eq NoteProperty).Name if (!($Properties.ToLower() -contains 'fromdatabasenm' -and $Properties.ToLower() -contains 'fromschemanm' -and $Properties.ToLower() -contains 'fromtablenm' -and $Properties.ToLower() -contains 'fromcolumnnm' -and ` $Properties.ToLower() -contains 'todatabasenm' -and $Properties.ToLower() -contains 'toschemanm' -and $Properties.ToLower() -contains 'totablenm' -and $Properties.ToLower() -contains 'tocolumnnm')) { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Csv file must contain the following columns: FromDatabaseNM, FromSchemaNM, FromTableNM, FromColumnNM, ToDatabaseNM, ToSchemaNM, ToTableNM, ToColumnNM"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } foreach ($Mapping in $Mappings) { $Fqn = "$($Mapping.FromDatabaseNM.ToLower()).$($Mapping.FromSchemaNM.ToLower()).$($Mapping.FromTableNM.ToLower() -replace 'base$', '').$($Mapping.FromColumnNM.ToLower())" $Index = $Columns.'$Fqn'.indexOf($Fqn) if ($Index -gt -1) { $AddMapping = New-Object PSObject $AddMapping | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ToDatabaseNM -Value $Mapping.ToDatabaseNM $AddMapping | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ToSchemaNM -Value $Mapping.ToSchemaNM $AddMapping | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ToTableNM -Value $Mapping.ToTableNM $AddMapping | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ToColumnNM -Value $Mapping.ToColumnNM $Columns[$Index].'$Mappings' += $AddMapping } } $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$(($Columns.'$Mappings' | Measure).Count) columns assigned mappings"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $MappingsFlag = $Columns | Where-Object { ($_.'$Mappings' | Measure).Count -eq 0 } | Select-Object @{ n = 'FromDatabaseNM'; e = { $_.DatabaseNM } }, @{ n = 'FromSchemaNM'; e = { $_.SchemaNM } }, @{ n = 'FromTableNM'; e = { $_.TableNM } }, @{ n = 'FromColumnNM'; e = { $_.ColumnNM } }, ToDatabaseNM, ToSchemaNM, ToTableNM, ToColumnNM } } #endregion } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Unable to parse the contents of ""$(Split-Path $ConfigPath -Leaf)"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; $Msg = "$(" " * 4)$($Error[0])"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } } } process { $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Parsing queries..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; $ScriptStart = (Get-Date) $DataColumns = $Columns if ($MappingsFlag) { $DataMappings = @() foreach ($Column in $Columns) { foreach ($Mapping in $Column.'$Mappings') { $ColumnMapping = New-Object PSObject $ColumnMapping | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name `$ColumnId -Value $Column.'$ColumnId' $ColumnMapping | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ToDatabaseNM -Value $Mapping.ToDatabaseNM $ColumnMapping | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ToSchemaNM -Value $Mapping.ToSchemaNM $ColumnMapping | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ToTableNM -Value $Mapping.ToTableNM $ColumnMapping | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ToColumnNM -Value $Mapping.ToColumnNM $DataMappings += $ColumnMapping } } } try { $I = 0; $J = 0; $Total = ($Queries | Measure).Count; $DataQueriesToColumns = @() $DataQueries = @() foreach ($Query in $Queries) { if ($I -eq 0) { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$(("{0:P0}" -f ($J/$Total)).PadLeft(5)) $($J.ToString().PadLeft($Total.ToString().Length))/$($Total) ...parsing..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } $Q = $True; $ParsedTables = $(Parse-Sql -Query $Query.'$Query' -Log $False -SelectStar $False -Brackets $False) foreach ($ParsedTable in $ParsedTables) { foreach ($ParsedColumn in $ParsedTable.Columns) { $Fqn = "$($ParsedTable.FullyQualifiedNM.ToLower() -replace 'base$', '').$($ParsedColumn.ColumnNM.ToLower())" $Index = $DataColumns.'$Fqn'.indexOf($Fqn) if ($Index -gt -1) { $Match = New-Object PSObject $Match | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name `$QueryId -Value $Query.'$QueryId' $Match | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name `$ColumnId -Value $DataColumns[$Index].'$ColumnId' $DataQueriesToColumns += $Match if ($Q) { $DataQueries += $Query; $Q = $False; } } } } $I++; $J++; if ($I -eq 100) { $I = 0; } } $ScriptEnd = (Get-Date) $RunTime = New-Timespan -Start $ScriptStart -End $ScriptEnd $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$(("{0:P0}" -f ($Total/$Total)).PadLeft(5)) $($Total)/$($Total) Done ~ $("Elapsed Time: {0}:{1}:{2}" -f $RunTime.Hours, $Runtime.Minutes, $RunTime.Seconds)"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)An error occurred during query parsing"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; $Msg = "$(" " * 8)$($Error[0])"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; Break; } foreach ($Column in $DataQueriesToColumns) { $IXColumn = $DataColumns.'$ColumnId'.IndexOf($Column.'$ColumnId') $IXQuery = $DataQueries.'$QueryId'.IndexOf($Column.'$QueryId') $QueryObj = New-Object PSObject; $QueryObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name '$QueryId' -Value $DataQueries[$IXQuery].'$QueryId'; $ColumnObj = New-Object PSObject; $ColumnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name '$ColumnId' -Value $DataColumns[$IXColumn].'$ColumnId'; $DataColumns[$IXColumn].'$Queries' += $QueryObj; $DataQueries[$IXQuery].'$Columns' += $ColumnObj; } #region CSV files $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Creating output csv files..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; try { $DataColumns | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty '$Mappings', '$Queries' | Export-Csv -Path "$($OutDir)/raw/csv/columns.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force $Msg = "$(" " * 8)File created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv/columns.csv"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Something failed when creating the ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv/columns.csv"" files"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } try { $DataQueries | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty '$Query', '$Columns' | Export-Csv -Path "$($OutDir)/raw/csv/queries.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force $Msg = "$(" " * 8)File created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv/queries.csv"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Something failed when creating the ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv/queries.csv"" files"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } try { $DataQueriesToColumns | Export-Csv -Path "$($OutDir)/raw/csv/queries-to-columns.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force $Msg = "$(" " * 8)File created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv/queries-to-columns.csv"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Something failed when creating the ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv/queries-to-columns.csv"" files"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } if ($MappingsFlag) { try { $DataMappings | Export-Csv -Path "$($OutDir)/raw/csv/mappings.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force $Msg = "$(" " * 8)File created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv/mappings.csv"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Something failed when creating the ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv/mappings.csv"" files"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } try { $MappingsFlag | Export-Csv -Path $OutDir/raw/csv/unmapped.csv -NoTypeInformation $Msg = "$(" " * 8)File created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv/unmapped.csv"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Something failed when creating the ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/csv/unmapped.csv"" files"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } } #endregion #region JSON files $Msg = "$(" " * 4)Creating output json files..."; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; try { $DataColumns | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -Compress | Out-File "$($OutDir)/raw/json/columns.json" -Encoding Default -Force $Msg = "$(" " * 8)File created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/json/columns.json"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Something failed when creating the ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/json/columns.json"" files"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } try { $DataQueries | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -Compress | Out-File "$($OutDir)/raw/json/queries.json" -Encoding Default -Force $Msg = "$(" " * 8)File created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/json/queries.json"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Something failed when creating the ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/json/queries.json"" files"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } if ($MappingsFlag) { try { $MappingsFlag | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -Compress | Out-File $OutDir/raw/json/unmapped.json -Encoding Default -Force $Msg = "$(" " * 8)File created ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/json/unmapped.json"""; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor White; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } catch { $Msg = "$(" " * 8)Something failed when creating the ""$(Split-Path $OutDir -Leaf)/raw/json/unmapped.json"" files"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Red; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg 'error'; } } #endregion } end { $Msg = "Success!`r`n"; Write-Host $Msg -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Verbose $Msg; Write-Log $Msg; } } } } } process { switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'SqlParser' { Parse-Sql -Query $Query -Log $Log -SelectStar $SelectStar -Brackets $Brackets } 'Data' { $Pipe = $Files | Select-Object @{ n = 'File'; e = { $_.FullName } }, @{ n = 'OutDir'; e = { "$($_.Directory)\_hcposh\$($_.BaseName)" } } if ($OutVar) { if ($Raw) { ($Pipe | Get-Metadata_Raw | Select-Object MetadataRaw).MetadataRaw } else { ($Pipe | Get-Metadata_Raw | Get-Metadata_New | Select-Object MetadataNew).MetadataNew } } else { if ($Raw) { $Pipe | Get-Metadata_Raw | Out-Null } else { $Pipe | Get-Metadata_Raw | Get-Metadata_New | Out-Null } } } 'Docs' { if (!$OutDir) { $OutDir = (Get-Location).Path + '\_hcposh_docs' } $DocsDataArr = HCPosh -Data -OutVar -NoSplit | Where-Object { $_ }; forEach ($DocsData in $DocsDataArr) { $NewOutDir = $OutDir + '\' + $DocsData._hcposh.FileBaseName if ($OutZip) { if ($OutVar) { (Get-Docs -DocsData $DocsData -OutDir $NewOutDir -OutZip | Select-Object DocsData).DocsData } else { Get-Docs -DocsData $DocsData -OutDir $NewOutDir -OutZip | Out-Null } } else { if ($OutVar) { (Get-Docs -DocsData $DocsData -OutDir $NewOutDir | Select-Object DocsData).DocsData } else { Get-Docs -DocsData $DocsData -OutDir $NewOutDir | Out-Null } } } } 'Diagrams' { if (!$OutDir) { $OutDir = (Get-Location).Path + '\_hcposh_diagrams' } if ($OutZip) { $DocsDataArr = HCPosh -Docs -OutVar -OutDir $OutDir -OutZip | Where-Object { $_ }; } else { $DocsDataArr = HCPosh -Docs -OutVar -OutDir $OutDir | Where-Object { $_ }; } forEach ($DocsData in $DocsDataArr) { $NewOutDir = $OutDir + '\' + $DocsData._hcposh.FileBaseName if ($OutZip) { Get-Diagrams -DocsData $DocsData -OutDir $NewOutDir -OutZip | Out-Null } else { Get-Diagrams -DocsData $DocsData -OutDir $NewOutDir | Out-Null } } } 'Impact' { if ($ConfigPath -or $OutDir) { if ($ConfigPath -and $OutDir) { Invoke-ImpactAnalysis -Server $Server -ConfigPath $ConfigPath -OutDir $OutDir } elseif ($ConfigPath) { Invoke-ImpactAnalysis -Server $Server -ConfigPath $ConfigPath } else { Invoke-ImpactAnalysis -Server $Server -OutDir $OutDir } } else { Invoke-ImpactAnalysis -Server $Server } } 'Graphviz' { if (!$OutType) { $OutType = 'svg' } if (!$OutDir) { if ($InputDir) { $OutDir = $InputDir } else { $OutDir = (Get-Location).Path } } If (!(Test-Path $OutDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $OutDir -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } $Pipe = $GvFiles | Select-Object @{ n = 'File'; e = { $_.FullName } }, @{ n = 'OutType'; e = { $OutType } }, @{ n = 'OutFile'; e = { "$($OutDir)\$($_.BaseName).$($OutType)" } } $Pipe | Invoke-Graphviz | Out-Null } } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function HCPosh # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIcRgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIcNzCCHDMCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCDm/O12J4RAInuw # lbjBtiTVxIcgxMNGx8sOKL0AZI1ZyaCCCqAwggUwMIIEGKADAgECAhAECRgbX9W7 # ZnVTQ7VvlVAIMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMGUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQK # EwxEaWdpQ2VydCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xJDAiBgNV # BAMTG0RpZ2lDZXJ0IEFzc3VyZWQgSUQgUm9vdCBDQTAeFw0xMzEwMjIxMjAwMDBa # Fw0yODEwMjIxMjAwMDBaMHIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQKEwxEaWdpQ2Vy # dCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xMTAvBgNVBAMTKERpZ2lD # ZXJ0IFNIQTIgQXNzdXJlZCBJRCBDb2RlIFNpZ25pbmcgQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3 # DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQD407Mcfw4Rr2d3B9MLMUkZz9D7RZmxOttE9X/l # qJ3bMtdx6nadBS63j/qSQ8Cl+YnUNxnXtqrwnIal2CWsDnkoOn7p0WfTxvspJ8fT # eyOU5JEjlpB3gvmhhCNmElQzUHSxKCa7JGnCwlLyFGeKiUXULaGj6YgsIJWuHEqH # CN8M9eJNYBi+qsSyrnAxZjNxPqxwoqvOf+l8y5Kh5TsxHM/q8grkV7tKtel05iv+ # bMt+dDk2DZDv5LVOpKnqagqrhPOsZ061xPeM0SAlI+sIZD5SlsHyDxL0xY4PwaLo # LFH3c7y9hbFig3NBggfkOItqcyDQD2RzPJ6fpjOp/RnfJZPRAgMBAAGjggHNMIIB # yTASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjATBgNVHSUEDDAK # BggrBgEFBQcDAzB5BggrBgEFBQcBAQRtMGswJAYIKwYBBQUHMAGGGGh0dHA6Ly9v # Y3NwLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbTBDBggrBgEFBQcwAoY3aHR0cDovL2NhY2VydHMuZGln # aWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJlZElEUm9vdENBLmNydDCBgQYDVR0fBHow # eDA6oDigNoY0aHR0cDovL2NybDQuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJl # ZElEUm9vdENBLmNybDA6oDigNoY0aHR0cDovL2NybDMuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0Rp # Z2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJlZElEUm9vdENBLmNybDBPBgNVHSAESDBGMDgGCmCGSAGG/WwA # AgQwKjAoBggrBgEFBQcCARYcaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0NQUzAK # 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# End signature block |