
Function Import-AzureAuthenticationLog {
        Takes in a set of azure Authentication logs and combines them into a unified output
        Takes in a set of azure Authentication logs and combines them into a unified output
    .PARAMETER JsonConvertedLogs
        Logs that are converted
        Imprts Azure Auth logs
        General notes

        # Null out the output object
        $Listoutput = $null
        $baseproperties = $null
        $i = 0
        # Create the output list array
        $ListOutput = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        $baseproperties = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        # Process each entry in the array
        foreach ($entry in $JsonConvertedLogs) {
            if ([bool]($i % 25)) { }
            Else {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Converting Json Entries" -CurrentOperation ("Entry " + $i) -PercentComplete (($i / $JsonConvertedLogs.count) * 100) -Status ("Processing")
            # null out a temp object and create it as a new custom ps object
            $processedentry = $null
            $processedentry = New-Object -TypeName PSobject
            # Look at each member of the entry ... we want to process each in turn and add them to a new object
            foreach ($member in ($entry | get-member -MemberType NoteProperty)) {
                # Identity unique properties and add to property list of base object if not present
                if ($baseproperties -contains $ { }
                else {
                    $baseproperties.add($ | Out-Null
                # Switch statement to deal with known "special" properties
                switch ($ {
                    # Extended properties can contain addtional values so we need to expand those
                    ExtendedProperties {
                        # Null check
                        if ($null -eq $entry.ExtendedProperties) { }
                        else {
                            # expand out each entry and add it to the base properties and to the property of our exported object
                            Foreach ($Object in $entry.ExtendedProperties) {
                                # Identity unique properties and add to property list of base object if not present
                                if ($baseproperties -contains $ { }
                                else {
                                    $baseproperties.add($ | out-null
                                # For some entries a property can appear in ExtendedProperties and as a normal property
                                # We need to deal with this situation
                                try {
                                    # Now add the entry from extendedproperties to the overall properties list
                                    $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ -Value $object.value -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                                catch {
                                    if ((($error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId).split(",")[0]) -eq "MemberAlreadyExists") { }
                            # Convert our extended properties into a string and add that just for fidelity
                            # null the output string
                            [string]$epstring = $null
                            # Convert into a string that is , seperated but with : seperating name and value
                            foreach ($ep in $entry.extendedproperties) {
                                [string]$epstring += $ + ":" + $ep.v + ","
                            # We also still want to add extendedproperties in as is just for fidelity
                            $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtendedProperties -Value ($epstring.TrimEnd(","))
                    # Need to convert this from a system object into a string
                    # This is an initial pass at this might be a better way to do it
                    Actor {
                        if ($null -eq $ { }
                        else {
                            # null the output string
                            [string]$actorstring = $null
                            # Convert into a string that is , seperated but with : seperating ID and type
                            foreach ($actor in $ {
                                [string]$actorstring += $ + ":" + $actor.type + ","
                            # Add the string to the output
                            $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Actor" -Value ($actorstring.TrimEnd(","))
                    Target {
                        if ($null -eq $ { }
                        else {
                            # null the output string
                            [string]$targetstring = $null
                            # Convert into a string that is , seperated but with : seperating ID and type
                            foreach ($target in $ {
                                [string]$targetstring += $ + ":" + $target.type + ","
                            # Add the string to the output
                            $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Target" -Value ($targetstring.TrimEnd(","))
                    Creationtime {
                        $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CreationTime -value (get-date $entry.Creationtime -format g)
                    Default {
                        # For some entries a property can appear in ExtendedProperties and as a normal property
                        # We need to deal with this situation
                        try {
                            # Now add the entry from extendedproperties to the overall properties list
                            $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ -Value $entry.($ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                        catch {
                            if ((($error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId).split(",")[0]) -eq "MemberAlreadyExists") { }
            # Increment our counter
            # Add to output object
            $Listoutput.add($processedentry) | Out-Null
        Write-Progress -Completed -Activity "Converting Json Entries" -Status " "
        # Build a base object using all unique property names
        $baseobject = $null
        $baseobject = New-Object -TypeName PSobject
        foreach ($propertyname in $baseproperties) {
            switch ($propertyname) {
                CreationTime { $baseobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $propertyname -Value (get-date 01/01/1900 -format g) }
                Default { $baseobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $propertyname -Value "Base" }
        # Add that object to the output
        $Listoutput.add($baseobject) | Out-Null
        # Base object HAS to be the first entry in the output so that when it is written to CSV it includes all properties
        [array]$sortedoutput = $Listoutput | Sort-Object -Property creationtime
        $sortedoutput = $sortedoutput | Where-Object { $_.ClientIP -ne 'Base' }
        # Build an ordered arry to use to order the output coloums
        # Key coloums that we want ordered at the begining of the output
        [array]$baseorder = "CreationTime", "UserId", "Workload", "ClientIP", "CountryName", "KnownMicrosoftIP"
        foreach ($coloumheader in $baseorder) {
            # If the coloum header exists as one of our base properties then add to to coloumorder array and remove from baseproperties list
            if ($baseproperties -contains $coloumheader) {
                [array]$coloumorder += $coloumheader
            else { }
        # Add all of the remaining base properties to the sort order array
        [array]$coloumorder += $baseproperties
        $sortedoutput = $sortedoutput | Select-Object $coloumorder
        # write-host $baseproperties
        return $sortedoutput