Function Get-HawkTenantEXOAdmin{ <# .SYNOPSIS Exchange Online Administrator export. Must be connected to Exchange Online using the Connect-EXO cmdlet .DESCRIPTION After connecting to Exchange Online, this script will enumerate Exchange Online role group members and export the results to a .CSV file. Reviewing EXO admins can assist with determining who can change Exchange Online configurations and view .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Export-EXOAdmin -EngagementFolder foldername Exports Exchange Admins UserPrincipalName to .csv .OUTPUTS EXOAdmins.csv .NOTES #> BEGIN{ Out-LogFile "Gathering Exchange Online Administrators" -Action Test-EXOConnection Send-AIEvent -Event "CmdRun" } PROCESS{ $roles = foreach ($Role in Get-RoleGroup){ $ExchangeAdmins = Get-RoleGroupMember -Identity $Role.Identity | Select-Object -Property * foreach ($admin in $ExchangeAdmins){ if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($admin.WindowsLiveId)){ [PSCustomObject]@{ ExchangeAdminGroup = $Role.Name Members= $admin.DisplayName RecipientType = $admin.RecipientType } } else{ [PSCustomObject]@{ ExchangeAdminGroup = $Role.Name Members = $admin.WindowsLiveId RecipientType = $admin.RecipientType } } } } $roles | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "ExchangeOnlineAdministrators" -csv -json } END{ Out-Logfile "Completed exporting Exchange Online Admins" -Information } }#End Function |