Function Get-HawkTenantEDiscoveryLog { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Unified Audit Logs (UAL) data for eDiscovery .DESCRIPTION Searches the Unified Audit Log (UAL) for eDiscovery events and activities. This includes searches, exports, and management activities related to eDiscovery cases. The function checks for any eDiscovery activities within the timeframe specified in the Hawk global configuration object. The results can help identify: * When eDiscovery searches were performed * Who performed eDiscovery activities * Which cases were accessed or modified * What operations were performed .EXAMPLE Get-HawkTenantEDiscoveryLog This will search for all eDiscovery-related activities in the Unified Audit Log for the configured time period and export the results to CSV format. .EXAMPLE $logs = Get-HawkTenantEDiscoveryLog $logs | Where-Object {$_.Operation -eq "SearchCreated"} This example shows how to retrieve eDiscovery logs and filter for specific operations like new search creation. .OUTPUTS File: eDiscoveryLogs.csv Path: \Tenant Description: Contains all eDiscovery activities found in the UAL with fields for: - CreationTime: When the activity occurred - Id: Unique identifier for the activity - Operation: Type of eDiscovery action performed - Workload: The workload where the activity occurred - UserID: User who performed the action - Case: eDiscovery case name - CaseId: Unique identifier for the eDiscovery case - Cmdlet: Command that was executed (if applicable) #> # Search UAL audit logs for any Domain configuration changes Test-EXOConnection Send-AIEvent -Event "CmdRun" Out-LogFile "Gathering any eDiscovery logs" -action # Search UAL audit logs for any Domain configuration changes $eDiscoveryLogs = Get-AllUnifiedAuditLogEntry -UnifiedSearch ("Search-UnifiedAuditLog -RecordType 'Discovery'") # If null we found no changes to nothing to do here if ($null -eq $eDiscoveryLogs) { Out-LogFile "No eDiscovery Logs found" -Information } # If not null then we must have found some events so flag them else { Out-LogFile "eDiscovery Log have been found." -Notice Out-LogFile "Please review these eDiscoveryLogs.csv to validate the activity is legitimate." -Notice # Go thru each even and prepare it to output to CSV Foreach ($log in $eDiscoveryLogs) { $log1 = $log.auditdata | ConvertFrom-Json $report = $log1 | Select-Object -Property CreationTime, Id, Operation, Workload, UserID, Case, @{Name = 'CaseID'; Expression = { ($_.ExtendedProperties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'CaseId' }).value } }, @{Name = 'Cmdlet'; Expression = { ($_.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Cmdlet' }).value } } $report | Out-MultipleFileType -fileprefix "eDiscoveryLogs" -csv -append } } } |