Function Out-LogFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Writes output to a log file with a time date stamp. .DESCRIPTION Writes output to a log file with a time date stamp and appropriate prefixes based on the type of message. By default, messages are also displayed on the screen unless the -NoDisplay switch is used. Message types: - Action: Represent ongoing operations or procedures. - Investigate (notice, silentnotice): Represent events that require attention or hold investigative value. - Information: Represent successful completion or informational status updates that do not require action or investigation. .PARAMETER string The log message to be written. .PARAMETER action Switch indicating the log entry is describing an action being performed. .PARAMETER notice Switch indicating the log entry requires investigation or special attention. .PARAMETER silentnotice Switch indicating additional investigative information that should not be displayed on the screen. This is logged to the file but suppressed in console output. .PARAMETER NoDisplay Switch indicating the message should only be written to the log file, not displayed in the console. .PARAMETER Information Switch indicating the log entry provides informational status or completion messages, for example: "Retrieved all results" or "Completed data export successfully." .EXAMPLE Out-LogFile "Routine scan completed." Writes a simple log message with a timestamp to the log file and displays it on the screen. .EXAMPLE Out-LogFile "Starting mailbox export operation" -action Writes a log message indicating an action is being performed. The output is prefixed with [ACTION] in the log file. .EXAMPLE Out-LogFile "Detected suspicious login attempt from external IP" -notice Writes a log message indicating a situation requiring investigation. The output is prefixed with [INVESTIGATE] and also recorded in a separate _Investigate.txt file. .EXAMPLE Out-LogFile "User mailbox configuration details" -silentnotice Writes investigative detail to the log and _Investigate.txt file without printing to the console. This is useful for adding detail to a previously logged [INVESTIGATE] event without cluttering the console. .EXAMPLE Out-LogFile "Retrieved all results successfully" -Information Writes a log message indicating a successful or informational event. The output is prefixed with [INFO], suitable for status updates or completion notices. .EXAMPLE Out-LogFile "Executing periodic health check" -NoDisplay Writes a log message to the file without displaying it on the console, useful for routine logging that doesn't need immediate user visibility. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$string, [switch]$action, [switch]$notice, [switch]$silentnotice, [switch]$NoDisplay, [switch]$Information ) Write-PSFMessage -Message $string -ModuleName Hawk -FunctionName (Get-PSCallstack)[1].FunctionName # Make sure we have the Hawk Global Object if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Hawk.FilePath)) { Initialize-HawkGlobalObject } # Get our log file path $LogFile = Join-path $Hawk.FilePath "Hawk.log" $ScreenOutput = -not $NoDisplay $LogOutput = $true # Get the current date [string]$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" [string]$logstring = "" # Build the log string based on the type of message if ($action) { $logstring = "[$timestamp] - [ACTION] - $string" } elseif ($notice) { $logstring = "[$timestamp] - [INVESTIGATE] - $string" # Write to the investigation file [string]$InvestigateFile = Join-Path (Split-Path $LogFile -Parent) "_Investigate.txt" $logstring | Out-File -FilePath $InvestigateFile -Append } elseif ($silentnotice) { $logstring = "[$timestamp] - [INVESTIGATE] - Additional Information: $string" # Write to the investigation file [string]$InvestigateFile = Join-Path (Split-Path $LogFile -Parent) "_Investigate.txt" $logstring | Out-File -FilePath $InvestigateFile -Append # Suppress regular output for silentnotice $ScreenOutput = $false $LogOutput = $false } elseif ($Information) { $logstring = "[$timestamp] - [INFO] - $string" } else { $logstring = "[$timestamp] - $string" } # Write to log file if enabled if ($LogOutput) { $logstring | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Append } # Write to screen if enabled if ($ScreenOutput) { Write-Information -MessageData $logstring -InformationAction Continue } } |