
Function Get-HawkUserPath {
        Gets the output folder path for a specific user in Hawk
        Creates and returns the full path to a user's output folder within the Hawk
        file structure. Creates the folder if it doesn't exist.
        The UserPrincipalName of the user to create/get path for
        Get-HawkUserPath -User ""
        Returns the full path to the user's output folder and creates it if it doesn't exist
        Returns the full path to the user's output folder
        Internal function used by Hawk cmdlets to manage user-specific output folders

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Check if Hawk global object exists
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Hawk.FilePath)) {

    # Join the Hawk filepath with the user's UPN for the output folder
    $userPath = Join-Path -Path $Hawk.FilePath -ChildPath $User

    # Create directory if it doesn't exist
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $userPath)) {
        Out-LogFile "Making output directory for user $userPath"
        New-Item -Path $userPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

    return $userPath