Function Get-HawkTenantInboxRules { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets inbox rules and forwarding directly from all mailboxes in the org. .DESCRIPTION Uses Start-RobustCloudCommand to gather data from each mailbox in the org. Gathers inbox rules with Get-HawkUserInboxRule Gathers forwarding with Get-HawkUserEmailForwarding .PARAMETER CSVPath Path to a CSV file with a list of users to run against. CSV header should have DisplayName,PrimarySMTPAddress at minimum .PARAMETER UserPrincipalName The UPN of the user that will authenticate against Exchange Online. .OUTPUTS See Help for Get-HawkUserInboxRule for inbox rule output See Help for Get-HawkUserEmailForwarding for email forwarding output File: Robust.log Path: \ Description: Logfile for Start-RobustCloudCommand .EXAMPLE Start-HawkTenantInboxRules -UserPrincipalName Runs Get-HawkUserInboxRule and Get-HawkUserEmailForwarding against all mailboxes in the org. The UserPrincipalName is the Admin/User who is running the cmdlet. .EXAMPLE Start-HawkTenantInboxRules -csvpath c:\temp\myusers.csv Runs Get-HawkUserInboxRule and Get-HawkUserEmailForwarding against all mailboxes listed in myusers.csv.The UserPrincipalName is the Admin/User who is running the cmdlet. .LINK #> param ( [string]$CSVPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$UserPrincipalName ) Test-EXOConnection Send-AIEvent -Event "CmdRun" # Prompt the user that this is going to take a long time to run $title = "Long Running Command" $message = "Running this search can take a very long time to complete (~1min per user). `nDo you wish to continue?" $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Continue operation" $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Exit Cmdlet" $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no) $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0) # If yes log and continue # If no log error and exit switch ($result) { 0 { Out-LogFile "Starting full Tenant Search" } 1 { Write-Error -Message "User Stopped Cmdlet" -ErrorAction Stop } } # Get the exo PS session $exopssession = get-pssession | Where-Object { ($_.ConfigurationName -eq 'Microsoft.Exchange') -and ($_.State -eq 'Opened') } # Gather all of the mailboxes Out-LogFile "Getting all Mailboxes" # If we don't have a value for csvpath then gather all users in the tenant if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CSVPath)) { $AllMailboxes = Invoke-Command -Session $exopssession -ScriptBlock { Get-Recipient -RecipientTypeDetails UserMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, PrimarySMTPAddress } $Allmailboxes | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "All_Mailboxes" -csv } # If we do read that in else { # Import the csv with error checking $error.clear() $AllMailboxes = Import-Csv $CSVPath if ($error.Count -gt 0) { Write-Error "Problem importing csv file aborting" -ErrorAction Stop } } # Report how many mailboxes we are going to operate on Out-LogFile ("Found " + $AllMailboxes.count + " Mailboxes") # Path for robust log file $RobustLog = Join-path $Hawk.FilePath "Robust.log" # Build the command we are going to need to run with Start-RobustCloudCommand $cmd = "Start-RobustCloudCommand -UserPrincipalName " + $UserPrincipalName + " -logfile `$RobustLog -recipients `$AllMailboxes -scriptblock {Get-HawkUserInboxRule -UserPrincipalName `$input.PrimarySmtpAddress.tostring()}" # Invoke our Start-Robust command to get all of the inbox rules Out-LogFile "===== Starting Robust Cloud Command to gather user inbox rules for all tenant users =====" Out-LogFile $cmd Invoke-Expression $cmd Out-LogFile "Process Complete" } |