.SYNOPSIS Convert output from search-adminauditlog to be more human readable .DESCRIPTION Convert output from search-adminauditlog to be more human readable .PARAMETER SearchResults Results from query .EXAMPLE PS C:\> <example usage> Explanation of what the example does .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES General notes #> Function Get-SimpleAdminAuditLog { Param ( [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true) ] $SearchResults ) # Setup to process incomming results Begin { # Make sure the array is null [array]$ResultSet = $null } # Process thru what ever is comming into the script Process { # Deal with each object in the input $searchresults | ForEach-Object { # Reset the result object $Result = New-Object PSObject # Get the alias of the User that ran the command [string]$user = $_.caller # If it is null then replace with *** for admin call if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user)) { $user = "***" } # if we have 'on behalf of' then we need to do some more processing to get the right value elseif ($_.caller -like "*on ehalf of*") { $split = $_.caller.split("/") $Start = (($Split[3].split(" "))[0]).TrimEnd('"') $End = $Split[-1].trimend('"') [string]$User = $Start + " on behalf of " + $end } # If there is a / in the username lests simply it elseif ($_.caller -contains "/") { [string]$user = ($_.caller.split("/"))[-1] } # If none of the above or true just pass it thru else { [string]$user = $_.caller } # Build the command that was run $switches = $_.cmdletparameters [string]$FullCommand = $_.cmdletname # Get all of the switchs and add them in "human" form to the output foreach ($parameter in $switches) { # Format our values depending on what they are so that they are as close # a match as possible for what would have been entered switch -regex ($parameter.value) { # If we have a multi value array put in then we need to break it out and add quotes as needed '[;]' { # Reset the formatted value string $FormattedValue = $null # Split it into an array $valuearray = $switch.current.split(";") # For each entry in the array add quotes if needed and add it to the formatted value string $valuearray | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "[ \t]") { $FormattedValue = $FormattedValue + "`"" + $_ + "`";" } else { $FormattedValue = $FormattedValue + $_ + ";" } } # Clean up the trailing ; $FormattedValue = $FormattedValue.trimend(";") # Add our switch + cleaned up value to the command string $FullCommand = $FullCommand + " -" + $ + " " + $FormattedValue } # If we have a value with spaces add quotes '[ \t]' { $FullCommand = $FullCommand + " -" + $ + " `"" + $switch.current + "`"" } # If we have a true or false format them with :$ in front ( -allow:$true ) '^True$|^False$' { $FullCommand = $FullCommand + " -" + $ + ":`$" + $switch.current } # Otherwise just put the switch and the value default { $FullCommand = $FullCommand + " -" + $ + " " + $switch.current } } } # Format our modified object if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.objectModified)) { $ObjModified = "" } else { $ObjModified = ($_.objectmodified.split("/"))[-1] $ObjModified = ($ObjModified.split("\"))[-1] } # Get just the name of the cmdlet that was run [string]$cmdlet = $_.CmdletName # Build the result object to return our values $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $user -Name Caller $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $cmdlet -Name Cmdlet $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $FullCommand -Name FullCommand $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ($_.rundate).ToUniversalTime() -Name 'RunDate(UTC)' $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ObjModified -Name ObjectModified # Add the object to the array to be returned $ResultSet = $ResultSet + $Result } } # Final steps End { # Return the array set Return $ResultSet } } |