.SYNOPSIS Sends the output of a cmdlet to a txt file and a clixml file .DESCRIPTION Sends the output of a cmdlet to a txt file and a clixml file .EXAMPLE PS C:\> <example usage> Explanation of what the example does .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES General notes #> Function Out-MultipleFileType { param ( [Parameter (ValueFromPipeLine = $true)] $Object, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$FilePrefix, [string]$User, [switch]$Append = $false, [switch]$xml = $false, [Switch]$csv = $false, [Switch]$txt = $false, [Switch]$Notice ) begin { # If no file types were specified then we need to error out here if (($xml -eq $false) -and ($csv -eq $false) -and ($txt -eq $false)) { Out-LogFile "[ERROR] - No output type specified on object" Write-Error -Message "No output type specified on object" -ErrorAction Stop } # Null out our array [array]$AllObject = $null # Set the output path if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User)) { $path = join-path $Hawk.filepath "\Tenant" # Test the path if it is there do nothing otherwise create it if (test-path $path) { } else { Out-LogFile ("Making output directory for Tenant " + $Path) $Null = New-Item $Path -ItemType Directory } } else { $path = join-path $Hawk.filepath $user # Set a bool so we know this is a user output [bool]$UserOutput = $true # Build short name of user so that it is easier to read [string]$ShortUser = ($User.split('@'))[0] # Test the path if it is there do nothing otherwise create it if (test-path $path) { } else { Out-LogFile ("Making output directory for user " + $Path) $Null = New-Item $Path -ItemType Directory } } } process { # Collect up all of the incoming data into a single object for processing and output [array]$AllObject = $AllObject + $Object } end { if ($null -eq $AllObject) { Out-LogFile "No Data Found" } else { # Determine what file type or types we need to write this object into and output it # Output XML File if ($xml -eq $true) { # lets put the xml files in a seperate directory to not clutter things up $xmlpath = Join-path $Path XML if (Test-path $xmlPath) { } else { Out-LogFile ("Making output directory for xml files " + $xmlPath) $null = New-Item $xmlPath -ItemType Directory } # Build the file name and write it out if ($UserOutput) { $filename = Join-Path $xmlpath ($FilePrefix + "_" + $ShortUser + ".xml") } else { $filename = Join-Path $xmlPath ($FilePrefix + ".xml") } Out-LogFile ("Writing Data to " + $filename) # Output our objects to clixml $AllObject | Export-Clixml $filename # If notice is set we need to write the file name to _Investigate.txt if ($Notice) { Out-LogFile -string ($filename) -silentnotice } } # Output CSV file if ($csv -eq $true) { # Build the file name if ($UserOutput) { $filename = Join-Path $Path ($FilePrefix + "_" + $ShortUser + ".csv") } else { $filename = Join-Path $Path ($FilePrefix + ".csv") } # If we have -append then append the data if ($append) { Out-LogFile ("Appending Data to " + $filename) # Write it out to csv making sture to append $AllObject | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation -Append } # Otherwise overwrite else { Out-LogFile ("Writing Data to " + $filename) $AllObject | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation } # If notice is set we need to write the file name to _Investigate.txt if ($Notice) { Out-LogFile -string ($filename) -silentnotice } } # Output Text files if ($txt -eq $true) { # Build the file name if ($UserOutput) { $filename = Join-Path $Path ($FilePrefix + "_" + $ShortUser + ".txt") } else { $filename = Join-Path $Path ($FilePrefix + ".txt") } # If we have -append then append the data if ($Append) { Out-LogFile ("Appending Data to " + $filename) $AllObject | Format-List * | Out-File $filename -Append } # Otherwise overwrite else { Out-LogFile ("Writing Data to " + $filename) $AllObject | Format-List * | Out-File $filename } # If notice is set we need to write the file name to _Investigate.txt if ($Notice) { Out-LogFile -string ($filename) -silentnotice } } } } } |