
    Get the Location of an IP using the rest API
    Get the Location of an IP using the rest API
    PS C:\> <example usage>
    Explanation of what the example does
    Inputs (if any)
    Output (if any)
    General notes

Function Get-IPGeolocation {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # If we don't have a HawkAppData variable then we need to read it in
    if (!([bool](get-variable HawkAppData -erroraction silentlycontinue))) {

    # if there is no value of access_key then we need to get it from the user
    if ($null -eq $HawkAppData.access_key) {

        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green " now requires an API access key to gather GeoIP information from their API.
        Please get a Free access key from and provide it below.

        # get the access key from the user
        $Accesskey = Read-Host " accesskey"

        # add the access key to the appdata file
        Add-HawkAppData -name access_key -Value $Accesskey
    else {
        $Accesskey = $HawkAppData.access_key

    # Check the global IP cache and see if we already have the IP there
    if ($IPLocationCache.ip -contains $IPAddress) {
        return ($IPLocationCache | Where-Object { $_.ip -eq $IPAddress } )
        Write-Verbose ("IP Cache Hit: " + [string]$IPAddress)
    elseif ($IPAddress -eq "<null>"){
        write-Verbose ("Null IP Provided: " + $IPAddress)
                $hash = @{
                IP               = $IPAddress
                CountryName      = "NULL IP"
                Continent        = "Unknown"
                ContinentName    = "Unknown"
                City             = "Unknown"
                KnownMicrosoftIP = "Unknown"
    # If not then we need to look it up and populate it into the cache
    else {
        # URI to pull the data from
        $resource = "" + $ipaddress + "?access_key=" + $Accesskey

        # Return Data from web
        $geoip = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -URI $resource -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if (($Error.Count -gt 0) -or ($null -eq $geoip.type)) {
            Out-LogFile ("Failed to retreive location for IP " + $IPAddress)
            $hash = @{
                IP               = $IPAddress
                CountryName      = "Failed to Resolve"
                Continent        = "Unknown"
                ContinentName    = "Unknown"
                City             = "Unknown"
                KnownMicrosoftIP = "Unknown"
        else {
            # Determine if this IP is known to be owned by Microsoft
            [string]$isMSFTIP = Test-MicrosoftIP -IP $IPAddress -type $geoip.type

            # Push return into a response object
            $hash = @{
                IP               = $geoip.ip
                CountryName      = $geoip.country_name
                Continent        = $geoip.continent_code
                ContinentName    = $geoip.continent_name
                City             = $geoip.City
                KnownMicrosoftIP = $isMSFTIP
            $result = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash

        # Push the result to the global IPLocationCache
        [array]$Global:IPlocationCache += $result

        # Return the result to the user
        return $result