
# Gets user AutoReply Configuration and looks for Enabled state
Function Get-HawkUserAutoReply {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    Send-AIEvent -Event "CmdRun"

    # Verify our UPN input
    [array]$UserArray = Test-UserObject -ToTest $UserPrincipalName

    foreach ($Object in $UserArray) {

        [string]$User = $Object.UserPrincipalName

        # Get Autoreply Configuration
        Out-LogFile ("Retrieving Autoreply Configuration: " + $User) -action
        $AutoReply = Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -Identity  $User

        # Check if the Autoreply is Disabled
        if ($AutoReply.AutoReplyState -eq 'Disabled') {

            Out-LogFile "AutoReply is not enabled or not configured."
        # Output Enabled AutoReplyConfiguration to a generic txt
        else {

            $AutoReply | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePreFix "AutoReply" -User $user -txt

    Pulls AutoReply Configuration for the specified user.
    Gathers AutoReply configuration for the provided users.
    Looks for AutoReplyState of Enabled and exports the config.
    .PARAMETER UserPrincipalName
    Single UPN of a user, commans seperated list of UPNs, or array of objects that contain UPNs.
    File: AutoReply.txt
    Path: \<User>
    Description: AutoReplyConfiguration for the user.
    Get-HawkUserAutoReply -UserPrincipalName
    Pulls AutoReplyConfiguration for and looks for AutoReplyState Enabled.
    Get-HawkUserAutoReply -UserPrincipalName (get-mailbox -Filter {Customattribute1 -eq "C-level"})
    Gathers AutoReplyConfiguration for all users who have "C-Level" set in CustomAttribute1
