# Searches the unified audit log for logon activity by IP address Function Search-HawkTenantActivityByIP { param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$IpAddress ) Test-EXOConnection Send-AIEvent -Event "CmdRun" # Replace an : in the IP address with . since : isn't allowed in a directory name $DirectoryName = $IpAddress.replace(":", ".") # Make sure we got only a single IP address if ($IpAddress -like "*,*") { Out-LogFile "Please provide a single IP address to search." Write-Error -Message "Please provide a single IP address to search." -ErrorAction Stop } Out-LogFile ("Searching for events related to " + $IpAddress) -action # Gather all of the events related to these IP addresses [array]$ipevents = Get-AllUnifiedAuditLogEntry -UnifiedSearch ("Search-UnifiedAuditLog -IPAddresses " + $IPAddress ) # If we didn't get anything back log it if ($null -eq $ipevents) { Out-LogFile ("No IP logon events found for IP " + $IpAddress) } # If we did then process it else { # Expand out the Data and convert from JSON [array]$ipeventsexpanded = $ipevents | Select-object -ExpandProperty AuditData | ConvertFrom-Json Out-LogFile ("Found " + $ipeventsexpanded.count + " related to provided IP" ) $ipeventsexpanded | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "All_Events" -csv -User $DirectoryName # Get the logon events that were a success [array]$successipevents = $ipeventsexpanded | Where-Object { $_.ResultStatus -eq "success" } Out-LogFile ("Found " + $successipevents.Count + " Successful logons related to provided IP") $successipevents | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "Success_Events" -csv -User $DirectoryName # Select all unique users accessed by this IP [array]$uniqueuserlogons = Select-UniqueObject -ObjectArray $ipeventsexpanded -Property "UserID" Out-LogFile ("IP " + $ipaddress + " has tried to access " + $uniqueuserlogons.count + " users") -notice $uniqueuserlogons | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "Unique_Users_Attempted" -csv -User $DirectoryName -Notice if ($null -eq $uniqueuserlogonssuccess) { Out-LogFile ("No Successful Logon Events found for this IP: " + $IpAddress) } else { [array]$uniqueuserlogonssuccess = Select-UniqueObject -ObjectArray $successipevents -Property "UserID" Out-LogFile ("IP " + $IpAddress + " SUCCESSFULLY accessed " + $uniqueuserlogonssuccess.count + " users") -notice $uniqueuserlogonssuccess | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "Unique_Users_Success" -csv -User $DirectoryName -Notice } } <# .SYNOPSIS Gathers logon activity based on a submitted IP Address. .DESCRIPTION Pulls logon activity from the Unified Audit log based on a provided IP address. Processes the data to highlight successful logons and the number of users accessed by a given IP address. .OUTPUTS File: All_Events.csv Path: \<IP> Description: All logon events File: All_Events.xml Path: \<IP>\xml Description: Client XML of all logon events File: Success_Events.csv Path: \<IP> Description: All logon events that were successful File: Unique_Users_Attempted.csv Path: \<IP> Description: List of Unique users that this IP tried to log into File: Unique_Users_Success.csv Path: \<IP> Description: Unique Users that this IP succesfully logged into File: Unique_Users_Success.xml Path: \<IP>\XML Description: Client XML of unique users the IP logged into .EXAMPLE Search-HawkTenantActivityByIP -IPAddress Searches for all Logon activity from IP #> } |