
Function Get-HawkTenantAzureADUsers{
        This function will export all the Azure Active Directory users.
        This function will export all the Azure Active Directory users to .csv file. This data can be used
        as a reference for user presence and details about the user for additional context at a later time. This is a point
        in time users enumeration. Date created can be of help when determining account creation date.
        PS C:\>Get-HawkTenantAzureADUsers
        Exports all Azure AD users to .csv

        Out-LogFile "Gathering Azure AD Users"

        Send-AIEvent -Event "CmdRun"

    }#End BEGIN
        $users = foreach ($user in (Get-AzureADUser -All $True)){
            $userproperties = $user | Select-Object userprincipalname, objectid, usertype, userstatechangedon, DirSyncEnabled, ExtensionProperty
                foreach ($properties in $userproperties){
                    UserPrincipalname = $userproperties.userprincipalname
                    ObjectID = $userproperties.objectid
                    UserType = $userproperties.UserType
                    DateCreated = $userproperties.ExtensionProperty.createdDateTime
                    UserStateChangedOn = $userproperties.UserStateChangedOn
                    DirSyncEnabled = $userproperties.DirSyncEnabled
        $users | Sort-Object -property UserPrincipalname | Export-csv $folder\AzureADUPNS.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation
    }#End PROCESS
        Out-Logfile "Completed exporting Azure AD users"
    }#End END

}#End Function