############################################################################################# # DISCLAIMER: # # # # THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS ARE NOT SUPPORTED UNDER ANY MICROSOFT STANDARD SUPPORT # # PROGRAM OR SERVICE. THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY # # OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT # # LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # # PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS # # AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT, ITS AUTHORS, OR # # ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THE SCRIPTS BE LIABLE # # FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS # # PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) # # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS OR DOCUMENTATION, # # EVEN IF MICROSOFT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES # ############################################################################################# # ============== Utility Functions ============== # Build a user OauthToken Function Get-UserGraphAPIToken { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$AppIDURL ) # Make sure we have a connection to msol since we needed it for this $null = Test-MSOLConnection [string]$TenantName = (Get-MsolCompanyInformation).initialdomain # Azure Powershell Client ID $clientId = "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2" # Set redirect URI for Azure PowerShell $redirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" # Set Resource URI to Azure Service Management API $resourceAppIdURI = $AppIDURL # Set Authority to Azure AD Tenant $authority = "https://login.windows.net/$TenantName" # TEMP # Read in the username of the account that can access this $Username = Read-Host "Please provide the upn of the account with access to read the Azure Audit logs:" # Create AuthenticationContext tied to Azure AD Tenant $authContext = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext" -ArgumentList $authority $userid = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.UserIdentifier" -ArgumentList $Username,"1" # Acquire token $authResult = $authContext.AcquireToken($resourceAppIdURI, $clientId, $redirectUri,"Always",$userid) # Return Token return $authResult <# .SYNOPSIS Returning an Oauth Token for a given azure resource endpoint .DESCRIPTION Using the same authentication modules as msonline will generate an oauth token for a provided endpoint Will use an existing connection if it is there or prompt from creds if needed .OUTPUTS Oauth Token .EXAMPLE Get-UserGraphAPIToken -AppIDURL "https://graph.windows.net" Returns a user based token for graph.windows.net #> } # Get the Location of an IP using the freegeoip.net rest API Function Get-IPGeolocation { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $IPAddress ) # If we don't have a HawkAppData variable then we need to read it in if (!([bool](get-variable HawkAppData -erroraction silentlycontinue))) { Read-HawkAppData } # if there is no value of access_key then we need to get it from the user if ($null -eq $HawkAppData.access_key) { Write-Host " IpStack.com now requires an API access key to gather GeoIP information from their API. Please get an access key from https://ipstack.com/ and provide it below. " # get the access key from the user $Accesskey = Read-Host "ipstack.com accesskey" # add the access key to the appdata file Add-HawkAppData -name access_key -Value $Accesskey } else { $Accesskey = $HawkAppData.access_key } # Check the global IP cache and see if we already have the IP there if ($IPLocationCache.ip -contains $IPAddress) { return ($IPLocationCache | Where-Object {$_.ip -eq $IPAddress } ) } # If not then we need to look it up and populate it into the cache else { # URI to pull the data from $resource = "http://api.ipstack.com/" + $ipaddress + "?access_key=" + $Accesskey # Return Data from web $Error.Clear() $geoip = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -URI $resource -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (($Error.Count -gt 0) -or ($null -eq $geoip.type)) { Out-LogFile ("Failed to retreive location for IP " + $IPAddress) $hash = @{ IP = $IPAddress CountryName = "Failed to Resolve" Continent = "Unknown" ContinentName = "Unknown" City = "Unknown" KnownMicrosoftIP = "Unknown" } } else { # Determine if this IP is known to be owned by Microsoft [string]$isMSFTIP = Test-MicrosoftIP -IP $IPAddress -type $geoip.type # Push return into a response object $hash = @{ IP = $geoip.ip CountryName = $geoip.country_name Continent = $geoip.continent_code ContinentName = $geoip.continent_name City = $geoip.City KnownMicrosoftIP = $isMSFTIP } $result = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash } # Push the result to the global IPLocationCache [array]$Global:IPlocationCache += $result # Return the result to the user return $result } } # Convert output from search-adminauditlog to be more human readable Function Get-SimpleAdminAuditLog { Param ( [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true) ] $SearchResults ) # Setup to process incomming results Begin { # Make sure the array is null [array]$ResultSet = $null } # Process thru what ever is comming into the script Process { # Deal with each object in the input $searchresults | ForEach-Object { # Reset the result object $Result = New-Object PSObject # Get the alias of the User that ran the command [string]$user = $_.caller if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user)) {$user = "***"} else {$user = ($_.caller.split("/"))[-1]} # Build the command that was run $switches = $_.cmdletparameters [string]$FullCommand = $_.cmdletname # Get all of the switchs and add them in "human" form to the output foreach ($parameter in $switches) { # Format our values depending on what they are so that they are as close # a match as possible for what would have been entered switch -regex ($parameter.value) { # If we have a multi value array put in then we need to break it out and add quotes as needed '[;]' { # Reset the formatted value string $FormattedValue = $null # Split it into an array $valuearray = $switch.current.split(";") # For each entry in the array add quotes if needed and add it to the formatted value string $valuearray | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "[ \t]") {$FormattedValue = $FormattedValue + "`"" + $_ + "`";"} else {$FormattedValue = $FormattedValue + $_ + ";"} } # Clean up the trailing ; $FormattedValue = $FormattedValue.trimend(";") # Add our switch + cleaned up value to the command string $FullCommand = $FullCommand + " -" + $parameter.name + " " + $FormattedValue } # If we have a value with spaces add quotes '[ \t]' {$FullCommand = $FullCommand + " -" + $parameter.name + " `"" + $switch.current + "`""} # If we have a true or false format them with :$ in front ( -allow:$true ) '^True$|^False$' {$FullCommand = $FullCommand + " -" + $parameter.name + ":`$" + $switch.current} # Otherwise just put the switch and the value default {$FullCommand = $FullCommand + " -" + $parameter.name + " " + $switch.current} } } # Format our modified object if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.objectModified)) {$ObjModified = ""} else { $ObjModified = ($_.objectmodified.split("/"))[-1] $ObjModified = ($ObjModified.split("\"))[-1] } # Get just the name of the cmdlet that was run [string]$cmdlet = $_.CmdletName # Build the result object to return our values $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $user -Name Caller $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $cmdlet -Name Cmdlet $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $FullCommand -Name FullCommand $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ($_.rundate).ToUniversalTime() -Name 'RunDate(UTC)' $Result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ObjModified -Name ObjectModified # Add the object to the array to be returned $ResultSet = $ResultSet + $Result } } # Final steps End { # Return the array set Return $ResultSet } } # Make sure we get back all of the unified audit log results for the search we are doing Function Get-AllUnifiedAuditLogEntry { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$UnifiedSearch ) # Validate the incoming search command if (($UnifiedSearch -match "-StartDate") -or ($UnifiedSearch -match "-EndDate") -or ($UnifiedSearch -match "-SessionCommand") -or ($UnifiedSearch -match "-ResultSize") -or ($UnifiedSearch -match "-SessionId")) { Out-LogFile "Do not include any of the following in the Search Command" Out-LogFile "-StartDate, -EndDate, -SessionCommand, -ResultSize, -SessionID" Write-Error -Message "Unable to process search command, switch in UnifiedSearch that is handled by this cmdlet specified" -ErrorAction Stop } # Make sure key variables are null [string]$cmd = $null # build our search command to execute $cmd = $UnifiedSearch + " -StartDate " + $Hawk.StartDate + " -EndDate " + $Hawk.EndDate + " -SessionCommand ReturnLargeSet -resultsize 1000 -sessionid " + (Get-Date -UFormat %H%M%S) Out-LogFile ("Running Unified Audit Log Search") Out-Logfile $cmd # Run the initial command $Output = $null # $Output = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList # Setup our run variable $Run = $true # Since we have more than 1k results we need to keep returning results until we have them all while ($Run) { $Output += (Invoke-Expression $cmd) # Check for null results if so warn and stop if ($null -eq $Output) { Out-LogFile ("[WARNING] - Unified Audit log returned no results.") $Run = $false } # Else continue else { # Sort our result set to make sure the higest number is in the last position $Output = $Output | Sort-Object -Property ResultIndex # if total result count returned is 0 then we should warn and stop if ($Output[-1].ResultCount -eq 0) { Out-LogFile ("[WARNING] - Returned Result count was 0") $Run = $false } # if our resultindex = our resultcount then we have everything and should stop elseif ($Output[-1].Resultindex -ge $Output[-1].ResultCount) { Out-LogFile ("Retrieved all results.") $Run = $false } # Output the current progress Out-LogFile ("Retrieved:" + $Output[-1].ResultIndex.tostring().PadRight(5, " ") + " Total: " + $Output[-1].ResultCount) } } # Convert our list to an array and return it [array]$Output = $Output return $Output } # Writes output to a log file with a time date stamp Function Out-LogFile { Param ( [string]$string, [switch]$action, [switch]$notice, [switch]$silentnotice ) # Make sure we have the Hawk Global Object if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Hawk.FilePath)) { Initialize-HawkGlobalObject } # Get our log file path $LogFile = Join-path $Hawk.FilePath "Hawk.log" $ScreenOutput = $true $LogOutput = $true # Get the current date [string]$date = Get-Date -Format G # Deal with each switch and what log string it should put out and if any special output # Action indicates that we are starting to do something if ($action) { [string]$logstring = ( "[" + $date + "] - [ACTION] - " + $string) } # If notice is true the we should write this to intersting.txt as well elseif ($notice) { [string]$logstring = ( "[" + $date + "] - ## INVESTIGATE ## - " + $string) # Build the file name for Investigate stuff log [string]$InvestigateFile = Join-Path (Split-Path $LogFile -Parent) "_Investigate.txt" $logstring | Out-File -FilePath $InvestigateFile -Append } # For silent we need to supress the screen output elseif ($silentnotice) { [string]$logstring = ( "Addtional Information: " + $string) # Build the file name for Investigate stuff log [string]$InvestigateFile = Join-Path (Split-Path $LogFile -Parent) "_Investigate.txt" $logstring | Out-File -FilePath $InvestigateFile -Append # Supress screen and normal log output $ScreenOutput = $false $LogOutput = $false } # Normal output else { [string]$logstring = ( "[" + $date + "] - " + $string) } # Write everything to our log file if ($LogOutput) { $logstring | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Append } # Output to the screen if ($ScreenOutput) { Write-Information -MessageData $logstring -InformationAction Continue } } # Sends the output of a cmdlet to a txt file and a clixml file Function Out-MultipleFileType { param ( [Parameter (ValueFromPipeLine = $true)] $Object, [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)] [string]$FilePrefix, [string]$User, [switch]$Append = $false, [switch]$xml = $false, [Switch]$csv = $false, [Switch]$txt = $false, [Switch]$Notice ) begin { # If no file types were specified then we need to error out here if (($xml -eq $false) -and ($csv -eq $false) -and ($txt -eq $false)) { Out-LogFile "[ERROR] - No output type specified on object" Write-Error -Message "No output type specified on object" -ErrorAction Stop } # Null out our array [array]$AllObject = $null # Set the output path if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User)) { $path = join-path $Hawk.filepath "\Tenant" # Test the path if it is there do nothing otherwise create it if (test-path $path) {} else { Out-LogFile ("Making output directory for Tenant " + $Path) $Null = New-Item $Path -ItemType Directory } } else { $path = join-path $Hawk.filepath $user # Test the path if it is there do nothing otherwise create it if (test-path $path) {} else { Out-LogFile ("Making output directory for user " + $Path) $Null = New-Item $Path -ItemType Directory } } } process { # Collect up all of the incoming data into a single object for processing and output [array]$AllObject = $AllObject + $Object } end { if ($null -eq $AllObject) { Out-LogFile "No Data Found" } else { # Determine what file type or types we need to write this object into and output it # Output XML File if ($xml -eq $true) { # lets put the xml files in a seperate directory to not clutter things up $xmlpath = Join-path $Path XML if (Test-path $xmlPath) {} else { Out-LogFile ("Making output directory for xml files " + $xmlPath) $null = New-Item $xmlPath -ItemType Directory } # Build the file name and write it out $filename = Join-Path $xmlPath ($FilePrefix + ".xml") Out-LogFile ("Writing Data to " + $filename) # Output our objects to clixml $AllObject | Export-Clixml $filename # If notice is set we need to write the file name to _Investigate.txt if ($Notice) {Out-LogFile -string ($filename) -silentnotice} } # Output CSV file if ($csv -eq $true) { # Build the file name $filename = Join-Path $Path ($FilePrefix + ".csv") # If we have -append then append the data if ($append) { Out-LogFile ("Appending Data to " + $filename) # Write it out to csv making sture to append $AllObject | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation -Append } # Otherwise overwrite else { Out-LogFile ("Writing Data to " + $filename) $AllObject | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation } # If notice is set we need to write the file name to _Investigate.txt if ($Notice) {Out-LogFile -string ($filename) -silentnotice} } # Output Text files if ($txt -eq $true) { # Build the file name $filename = Join-Path $Path ($FilePrefix + ".txt") # If we have -append then append the data if ($Append) { Out-LogFile ("Appending Data to " + $filename) $AllObject | Format-List * | Out-File $filename -Append } # Otherwise overwrite else { Out-LogFile ("Writing Data to " + $filename) $AllObject | Format-List * | Out-File $filename } # If notice is set we need to write the file name to _Investigate.txt if ($Notice) {Out-LogFile -string ($filename) -silentnotice} } } } } # Returns a collection of unique objects filtered by a single property Function Select-UniqueObject { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [array]$ObjectArray, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Property ) # Null out our output array [array]$Output = $null # Get the ID of the unique objects based ont he sort property [array]$UniqueObjectID = $ObjectArray | Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty $Property # Select the whole object based on the unique names found foreach ($Name in $UniqueObjectID) { [array]$Output = $Output + ($ObjectArray | Where-Object {$_.($Property) -eq $Name} | Select-Object -First 1) } return $Output } # Test if we are connected to the compliance center online and connect if now Function Test-CCOConnection { Write-Output "Not yet implemented" } # Test if we are connected to Exchange Online and connect if not Function Test-EXOConnection { try { $null = Get-OrganizationConfig -erroraction stop } catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] { Out-LogFile "[ERROR] - Not Connected to Exchange Online" Write-Output "`nPlease connect to Exchange Online Prior to running" Write-Output "`nStandard connection method" Write-Output "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj984289(v=exchg.160).aspx" Write-Output "`nFor Accounts protected by MFA" Write-Output "https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt775114(v=exchg.160).aspx `n" break } } # Test if we are connected to MSOL and connect if we are not Function Test-MSOLConnection { try {Get-MsolCompanyInformation -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null} catch [Microsoft.Online.Administration.Automation.MicrosoftOnlineException] { # Write to the screen if we don't have a log file path yet if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Hawk.Logfile)) { Write-Output "[ERROR] - Please connect to MSOL prior to running this cmdlet" Write-Output "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/msonline/?view=azureadps-1.0#msonline `n" } # Otherwise output to the log file else { Out-LogFile "[ERROR] - Please connect to MSOL prior to running this cmdlet" Out-LogFile "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/msonline/?view=azureadps-1.0#msonline `n" } break } } # Test if we have a connection with the AzureAD Cmdlets Function Test-AzureADConnection { $TestModule = Get-Module AzureAD -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $MinimumVersion = New-Object -TypeName Version -ArgumentList "" if ($null -eq $TestModule) { Out-LogFile "Please Install the AzureAD Module with the following command:" Out-LogFile "Install-Module AzureAD" break } # Since we are not null pull the highest version else { $TestModuleVersion = ($TestModule | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending)[0].version } # Test the version we need at least if ($TestModuleVersion -lt $MinimumVersion) { Out-LogFile ("AzureAD Module Installed Version: " + $TestModuleVersion) Out-LogFile ("Miniumum Required Version: " + $MinimumVersion) Out-LogFile "Please update the module with: Update-Module AzureAD" break } # Do nothing else {} try { $Null = Get-AzureADTenantDetail -ErrorAction Stop} catch [Microsoft.Open.Azure.AD.CommonLibrary.AadNeedAuthenticationException] { Out-LogFile "Please connect to AzureAD prior to running this cmdlet" Out-LogFile "Connect-AzureAD" break } } # Check to see if a recipient object was created since our start date Function Test-RecipientAge { Param([string]$RecipientID) $recipient = Get-Recipient -Identity $RecipientID -erroraction SilentlyContinue # Verify that we got something back if ($null -eq $recipient) { Return 2 } # If the date created is newer than our StartDate return non zero (1) elseif ($recipient.whencreated -gt $Hawk.StartDate) { Return 1 } # If it is older than the start date return 0 else { Return 0 } } # Determine if an IP listed in on the O365 XML list Function Test-MicrosoftIP { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$IPToTest, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Type ) # Check if we have imported all of our IP Addresses if ($null -eq $MSFTIPList) { Out-Logfile "Building MSFTIPList" # Load our networking dll pulled from https://github.com/lduchosal/ipnetwork [string]$dll = join-path (Split-path (((get-module Hawk)[0]).path) -Parent) "System.Net.IPNetwork.dll" $Error.Clear() Out-LogFile ("Loading Networking functions from " + $dll) [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($dll) if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { Out-Logfile "[WARNING] - DLL Failed to load can't process IPs" Return "Unknown" } $Error.clear() # Read in the XML file from the internet Out-LogFile ("Reading XML for MSFT IP Addresses https://support.content.office.net/en-us/static/O365IPAddresses.xml") [xml]$msftxml = (Invoke-webRequest -Uri https://support.content.office.net/en-us/static/O365IPAddresses.xml).content if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { Out-Logfile "[WARNING] - Unable to retrieve XML file" Return "Unknown" } # Make sure our arrays are null [array]$ipv6 = $Null [array]$ipv4 = $Null # Go thru each product in the XML foreach ($Product in $msftxml.products.product) { # For each product look thru the list of ip addresses foreach ($addresslist in $Product.addresslist) { # If IPv6 add to that list if ($addresslist.type -eq "Ipv6") { $ipv6 += $addresslist.address } # if IPv4 add to that list elseif ($addresslist.type -eq "IPv4") { $ipv4 += $addresslist.address } # if anything else ignore else {} } } # Now we need to filter out the duplicate addresses in the lists $ipv6 = $ipv6 | select-object -Unique $ipv4 = $ipv4 | Select-Object -Unique Out-LogFile ("Found " + $ipv6.Count + " unique MSFT IPv6 address ranges") Out-LogFile ("Found " + $ipv4.count + " unique MSFT IPv4 address ranges") # New up using our networking dll we need to pull these all in as network objects foreach ($ip in $ipv6) { [array]$ipv6objects += [System.Net.IPNetwork]::Parse($ip) } foreach ($ip in $ipv4) { [array]$ipv4objects += [System.Net.IPNetwork]::Parse($ip) } # Now create our output object $output = $Null $output = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ipv6objects -Name IPv6Objects $output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $ipv4objects -Name IPv4Objects # Create a global variable to hold our IP list so we can keep using it Out-LogFile "Creating global variable `$MSFTIPList" New-Variable -Name MSFTIPList -Value $output -Scope global } # Determine if we have an ipv6 or ipv4 address if ($Type -like "ipv6") { # Compare to the IPv6 list [int]$i = 0 [int]$count = $MSFTIPList.ipv6objects.count - 1 # Compare each IP to the ip networks to see if it is in that network # If we get back a True or we are beyond the end of the list then stop do { # Test the IP $parsedip = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IPToTest) $test = [System.Net.IPNetwork]::Contains($MSFTIPList.ipv6objects[$i], $parsedip) $i++ } until(($test -eq $true) -or ($i -gt $count)) # Return the value of test true = in MSFT network Return $test } else { # Compare to the IPv4 list [int]$i = 0 [int]$count = $MSFTIPList.ipv4objects.count - 1 # Compare each IP to the ip networks to see if it is in that network # If we get back a True or we are beyond the end of the list then stop do { # Test the IP $parsedip = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IPToTest) $test = [System.Net.IPNetwork]::Contains($MSFTIPList.ipv4objects[$i], $parsedip) $i++ } until(($test -eq $true) -or ($i -gt $count)) # Return the value of test true = in MSFT network Return $test } } # Determine if we have an array with UPNs or just a single UPN / UPN array unlabeled Function Test-UserObject { param ([array]$ToTest) # So we take three inputs here to -userprincipalname string,array,and array of strings # We need to test the input value and make sure that that are in a form that the Function can understand # The function needs them as an array of object with a property of .UserPrincipalName #Case 1 - String #Case 2 - Array of Strings #Check to see if the value of the entry is of type string if ($ToTest[0] -is [string]) { # Very basic check to see if this is a UPN if ($ToTest[0] -match '@') { [array]$Output = $ToTest | Select-Object -Property @{Name = "UserPrincipalName"; Expression = {$_}} Return $Output } else { Out-LogFile "[ERROR] - Unable to determine if input is a UserPrincipalName" Out-LogFile "Please provide a UPN or array of objects with propertly UserPrincipalName populated" Write-Error "Unable to determine if input is a User Principal Name" -ErrorAction Stop } } # Case 3 - Array of objects # Validate that at least one object in the array contains a UserPrincipalName Property elseif ([bool](get-member -inputobject $a[0] -name UserPrincipalName -MemberType Properties)) { Return $ToTest } else { Out-LogFile "[ERROR] - Unable to determine if input is a UserPrincipalName" Out-LogFile "Please provide a UPN or array of objects with propertly UserPrincipalName populated" Write-Error "Unable to determine if input is a User Principal Name" -ErrorAction Stop } } # Hawk upgrade check Function Update-HawkModule { param ( [switch]$ElevatedUpdate ) # If ElevatedUpdate is true then we are running from a forced elevation and we just need to run without prompting if ($ElevatedUpdate) { # Set upgrade to true $Upgrade = $true } else { # See if we can do an upgrade check if ($null -eq (Get-Command Find-Module)) {} # If we can then look for an updated version of the module else { Write-Output "Checking for latest version online" $onlineversion = Find-Module -name Hawk -erroraction silentlycontinue $Localversion = (Get-Module Hawk | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending)[0] if ($onlineversion.version -gt $localversion.version) { Write-Output "New version of Hawk module found online" Write-Output ("Local Version: " + $localversion.version + " Online Version: " + $onlineversion.version) # Prompt the user to upgrade or not $title = "Upgrade version" $message = "A Newer version of the Hawk Module has been found Online. `nUpgrade to latest version?" $Yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Stops the function and provides directions for upgrading." $No = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Continues running current function" $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($Yes, $No) $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0) # Check to see what the user choose switch ($result) { 0 {$Upgrade = $true} 1 {$Upgrade = $false} } } # If the versions match then we don't need to upgrade else { Write-Output "Latest Version Installed" } } } # If we determined that we want to do an upgrade make the needed checks and do it if ($Upgrade) { # Determine if we have an elevated powershell prompt If (([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { # Update the module Write-Output "Downloading Updated Hawk Module" Update-Module Hawk -Force Write-Output "Update Finished" Start-Sleep 3 # If Elevated update then this prompt was created by the Update-HawkModule function and we can close it out otherwise leave it up if ($ElevatedUpdate) {exit} # If we didn't elevate then we are running in the admin prompt and we need to import the new hawk module else { Write-Output "Starting new PowerShell Window with the updated Hawk Module loaded" # We can't load a new copy of the same module from inside the module so we have to start a new window Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList "-noexit -Command Import-Module Hawk -force" -Verb RunAs Write-Warning "Updated Hawk Module loaded in New PowerShell Window. `nPlease Close this Window." break } } # If we are not running as admin we need to start an admin prompt else { # Relaunch as an elevated process: Write-Output "Starting Elevated Prompt" Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList "-noexit -Command Import-Module Hawk;Update-HawkModule -ElevatedUpdate" -Verb RunAs -Wait Write-Output "Starting new PowerShell Window with the updated Hawk Module loaded" # We can't load a new copy of the same module from inside the module so we have to start a new window Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList "-noexit -Command Import-Module Hawk -force" Write-Warning "Updated Hawk Module loaded in New PowerShell Window. `nPlease Close this Window." break } } # Since upgrade is false we log and continue else { Write-Output "Skipping Upgrade" } } # Takes in a set of azure Authentication logs and combines them into a unified output Function Import-AzureAuthenticationLogs { Param([array]$JsonConvertedLogs) # Null out the output object $Listoutput = $null $baseproperties = $null $i = 0 # Create the output list array $ListOutput = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $baseproperties = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList # Process each entry in the array foreach ($entry in $JsonConvertedLogs) { if ([bool]($i % 25)){} Else { Write-Progress -Activity "Converting Json Entries" -CurrentOperation ("Entry " + $i) -PercentComplete (($i / $JsonConvertedLogs.count) * 100) -Status ("Processing") } # null out a temp object and create it as a new custom ps object $processedentry = $null $processedentry = New-Object -TypeName PSobject # Look at each member of the entry ... we want to process each in turn and add them to a new object foreach ($member in ($entry | get-member -MemberType NoteProperty)) { # Identity unique properties and add to property list of base object if not present if ($baseproperties -contains $member.name){} else { $baseproperties.add($member.name) | Out-Null } # Switch statement to deal with known "special" properties switch ($member.name) { # Extended properties can contain addtional values so we need to expand those ExtendedProperties { # Null check if ($null -eq $entry.ExtendedProperties){} else { # expand out each entry and add it to the base properties and to the property of our exported object Foreach ($Object in $entry.ExtendedProperties) { # Identity unique properties and add to property list of base object if not present if ($baseproperties -contains $object.name){} else { $baseproperties.add($object.name) | out-null } # For some entries a property can appear in ExtendedProperties and as a normal property # We need to deal with this situation try { # Now add the entry from extendedproperties to the overall properties list $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $object.name -Value $object.value -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { if ((($error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId).split(",")[0]) -eq "MemberAlreadyExists"){} } } # Convert our extended properties into a string and add that just for fidelity # null the output string [string]$epstring = $null # Convert into a string that is , seperated but with : seperating name and value foreach ($ep in $entry.extendedproperties) { [string]$epstring += $ep.name + ":" + $ep.v + "," } # We also still want to add extendedproperties in as is just for fidelity $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtendedProperties -Value ($epstring.TrimEnd(",")) } } # Need to convert this from a system object into a string # This is an initial pass at this might be a better way to do it Actor { if ($null -eq $entry.actor){} else { # null the output string [string]$actorstring = $null # Convert into a string that is , seperated but with : seperating ID and type foreach ($actor in $entry.actor) { [string]$actorstring += $actor.id + ":" + $actor.type + "," } # Add the string to the output $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Actor" -Value ($actorstring.TrimEnd(",")) } } Target { if ($null -eq $entry.target){} else { # null the output string [string]$targetstring = $null # Convert into a string that is , seperated but with : seperating ID and type foreach ($target in $entry.target) { [string]$targetstring += $target.id + ":" + $target.type + "," } # Add the string to the output $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Target" -Value ($targetstring.TrimEnd(",")) } } Creationtime { $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CreationTime -value (get-date $entry.Creationtime -format g) } Default { # For some entries a property can appear in ExtendedProperties and as a normal property # We need to deal with this situation try { # Now add the entry from extendedproperties to the overall properties list $processedentry | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $member.name -Value $entry.($member.name) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { if ((($error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId).split(",")[0]) -eq "MemberAlreadyExists"){} } } } } # Increment our counter $i++ # Add to output object $Listoutput.add($processedentry) | Out-Null } Write-Progress -Completed -Activity "Converting Json Entries" -Status " " # Build a base object using all unique property names $baseobject = $null $baseobject = New-Object -TypeName PSobject foreach ($propertyname in $baseproperties) { switch ($propertyname) { CreationTime { $baseobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $propertyname -Value (get-date 01/01/1900 -format g) } Default {$baseobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $propertyname -Value "Base"} } } # Add that object to the output $Listoutput.add($baseobject) | Out-Null # Base object HAS to be the first entry in the output so that when it is written to CSV it includes all properties [array]$sortedoutput = $Listoutput | Sort-Object -Property creationtime # Build an ordered arry to use to order the output coloums # Key coloums that we want ordered at the begining of the output [array]$baseorder = "CreationTime","UserId","Workload","ClientIP","CountryName","KnownMicrosoftIP" foreach ($coloumheader in $baseorder) { # If the coloum header exists as one of our base properties then add to to coloumorder array and remove from baseproperties list if ($baseproperties -contains $coloumheader) { [array]$coloumorder += $coloumheader $baseproperties.remove($coloumheader) } else {} } # Add all of the remaining base properties to the sort order array [array]$coloumorder += $baseproperties $sortedoutput = $sortedoutput | Select-Object $coloumorder # write-host $baseproperties return $sortedoutput } # ============== Global Functions ============== # Shows a basic "help" document on how to use Hawk Function Show-HawkHelp { Out-LogFile "Creating Hawk Help File" $help = "BASIC USAGE INFORMATION FOR THE HAWK MODULE =========================================== Hawk is in constant development. We will be adding addtional data gathering and information analysis. DISCLAIMER: =========================================== THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS ARE NOT SUPPORTED UNDER ANY MICROSOFT STANDARD SUPPORT PROGRAM OR SERVICE. THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT, ITS AUTHORS, OR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THE SCRIPTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS OR DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF MICROSOFT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES PURPOSE: =========================================== The Hawk module has been designed to ease the burden on O365 administrators who are performing a forensic analysis in their organization. It does NOT take the place of a human reviewing the data generated and is simply here to make data gathering easier. HOW TO USE: =========================================== Hawk is divided into two primary forms of cmdlets; user based Cmdlets and Tenant based cmdlets. User based cmdlets take the form Verb-HawkUser<action>. They all expect a -user switch and will retrieve information specific to the user that is specified. Tenant based cmdlets take the form Verb-HawkTenant<Action>. They don't need any switches and will return information about the whole tenant. A good starting place is the Start-HawkTenantInvestigation this will run all the tenant based cmdlets and provide a collection of data to start with. Once this data has been reviewed if there are specific user(s) that more information should be gathered on Start-HawkUserInvestigation will gather all the User specific information for a single user. All Hawk cmdlets include help that provides an overview of the data they gather and a listing of all possible output files. Run Get-Help <cmdlet> -full to see the full help output for a given Hawk cmdlet. Some of the Hawk cmdlets will flag results that should be further reviewed. These will appear in _Investigate files. These are NOT indicative of unwanted activity but are simply things that should reviewed. REVIEW HAWK CODE: =========================================== The Hawk module is written in PowerShell and only uses cmdlets and function that are availble to all O365 customers. Since it is written in PowerShell anyone who has downloaded it can and is encouraged to review the code so that they have a clear understanding of what it is doing and are comfortable with it prior to running it in their environment. To view the code in notepad run the following command in powershell: notepad (join-path ((get-module hawk -ListAvailable)[0]).modulebase 'Hawk.psm1') To get the path for the module for use in other application run: ((Get-module Hawk -listavailable)[0]).modulebase" $help | Out-MultipleFileType -FilePrefix "Hawk_Help" -txt Notepad (Join-Path $hawk.filepath "Tenant\Hawk_Help.txt") <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the Hawk_Help.txt file .DESCRIPTION Create the Hawk_Help.txt file Opens the file in Notepad .OUTPUTS Hawk_Help.txt file .EXAMPLE Show-HawkHelp Creates the Hawk_Help.txt file and opens it in notepad #> } # Read in hawk app data if it is there Function Read-HawkAppData { $HawkAppdataPath = join-path $env:LOCALAPPDATA "Hawk\Hawk.json" # check to see if our xml file is there if (test-path $HawkAppdataPath) { Out-LogFile ("Reading file " + $HawkAppdataPath) $global:HawkAppData = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject ([string](Get-Content $HawkAppdataPath)) } # if we don't have an xml file then do nothing else { Out-LogFile ("No HawkAppData File found " + $HawkAppdataPath) } } # Output hawk appdata to a file Function Out-HawkAppData { $HawkAppdataPath = join-path $env:LOCALAPPDATA "Hawk\Hawk.json" $HawkAppdataFolder = join-path $env:LOCALAPPDATA "Hawk" # test if the folder exists if (test-path $HawkAppdataFolder){} # if it doesn't we need to create it else { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $HawkAppdataFolder } Out-LogFile ("Recording HawkAppData to file " + $HawkAppdataPath) $global:HawkAppData | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $HawkAppdataPath -Force } # add objects to the hawk app data Function Add-HawkAppData { param ( [string]$Name, [string]$Value ) Out-LogFile ("Adding " + $value + " to " + $Name + " in HawkAppData") # Test if our HawkAppData variable exists if ([bool](get-variable HawkAppData -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $global:HawkAppData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Name -Value $Value } else { $global:HawkAppData = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $global:HawkAppData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Name -Value $Value } # make sure we then write that out to the appdata storage Out-HawkAppData } # Create the hawk global object for use by other cmdlets in the hawk module Function Initialize-HawkGlobalObject { param ( [switch]$Force ) # True if Doesn't exits; -force is true; variable is null if (($null -eq (Get-Variable -Name Hawk -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) -or ($Force -eq $true) -or ($null -eq $Hawk)) { # Test if we have a connection to msol Test-MSOLConnection # Check to see if there is an Update for Hawk Update-HawkModule # If the global variable Hawk doesn't exist or we have -force then set the variable up Write-Output "Setting Up initial Hawk environment variable" # Check to see if the user has accepted the EULA # If they haven't prompt and ask to accept if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Hawk.EULA)) { Write-Output @(" DISCLAIMER: THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS ARE NOT SUPPORTED UNDER ANY MICROSOFT STANDARD SUPPORT PROGRAM OR SERVICE. THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT, ITS AUTHORS, OR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THE SCRIPTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS OR DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF MICROSOFT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES ") # Prompt the user to agree with EULA $title = "Disclaimer" $message = "Do you agree with the above disclaimer?" $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Logs agreement and continues use of the Hawk Functions." $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Stops execution of Hawk Functions" $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no) $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0) # If yes log and continue # If no log error and exit switch ($result) { 0 { Write-Output "`n" $Eula = ("Agreed " + (get-date)) } 1 { Write-Output "Aborting Cmdlet" Write-Error -Message "Failure to agree with EULA" -ErrorAction Stop break } } } else {$Eula = $Hawk.EULA} # Null our object then create it $Output = $null $Output = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $ValidPath = $false While ($ValidPath -eq $false) { [string]$OutputPath = Read-Host "Please provide an output directory" # Need to validate that the outputpath is a folder # Check if the path provided contains a file name if ((Split-Path $OutputPath -Leaf) -like "*.*") { Write-Output "Please provide the path to an existing directory and Not to a specific file name" continue } # Test if the path exists if (Test-Path $OutputPath) { # Verify that what we found is a container and not just a file with no extension if ((Get-Item $OutputPath).PSIsContainer -eq $true) { # Create our date_time subfolder [string]$FolderID = (get-date -UFormat %Y%m%d_%H%M).tostring() $FullOutputPath = Join-path $OutputPath $FolderID # Just in case we run this twice in a min lets not throw an error if (Test-Path $FullOutputPath) { Write-Output "Path Exists" $ValidPath = $true } # If it is not there make it else { Write-Output ("Creating subfolder with name " + $FullOutputPath) $null = New-Item $FullOutputPath -ItemType Directory # Set validpath to true so we stop the loop $ValidPath = $true } } # If it exists but isn't a directory then throw an error else { Write-Output "Please provide a path to a directory" } } # If we can't find the path at all then the directory does exist else { Write-Output "Please provide a path to a diretory that exists" } } # Get the number of days to look back Do { $Days = Read-Host "How far back in the past should we search? (1-90 Default 90)" # If nothing is entered default to 90 if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Days)) {$Days = "90"} } while ( #Validate that we have a number between 1 and 365 Input claims 90 but some will take > (1..365) -notcontains $Days ) # Determine if we have access to a P1 or P2 Azure Ad License # EMS SKU contains Azure P1 as part of the sku if ([bool](Get-MsolAccountSku | Where-Object {($_.accountskuid -like "*aad_premium*") -or ($_.accountskuid -like "*EMS")})) { Write-Output "Advanced Azure AD License Found" [bool]$AdvancedAzureLicense = $true } else { Write-Output "Advanced Azure AD License NOT Found" [bool]$AdvancedAzureLicense = $false } # Build the output object from what we have collected $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FilePath -Value $FullOutputPath $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DaysToLookBack -Value $Days $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StartDate -Value (Get-date ((Get-Date).adddays( - ([int]$Days))) -UFormat %m/%d/%Y) $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EndDate -Value (Get-date ((Get-Date).adddays(1)) -UFormat %m/%d/%Y) $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AdvancedAzureLicense -Value $AdvancedAzureLicense $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name WhenCreated -Value (Get-Date -Format g) $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EULA -Value $Eula # Create the global hawk variable Write-Output "Setting up Global Hawk environment variable`n" New-Variable -Name Hawk -Scope Global -value $Output -Force Out-LogFile "Global Variable Configured" Out-LogFile ("Version " + (Get-Module Hawk).version) Out-LogFile $Hawk } <# .SYNOPSIS Create global variable $Hawk for use by all Hawk cmdlets. .DESCRIPTION Creates the global variable $Hawk and populates it with information needed by the other Hawk cmdlets. * Checks for latest version of the Hawk module * Creates path for output files * Records target start and end dates for searches .PARAMETER Force Switch to force the function to run and allow the variable to be recreated .OUTPUTS Creates the $Hawk global variable and populates it with a custom PS object with the following properties Property Name Contents ========== ========== FilePath Path to output files DaysToLookBack Number of day back in time we are searching StartDate Calculated start date for searches based on DaysToLookBack EndDate One day in the future WhenCreated Date and time that the variable was created EULA If you have agreed to the EULA or not .EXAMPLE Initialize-HawkGlobalObject -Force This Command will force the creation of a new $Hawk variable even if one already exists. #> } # Compress all hawk data for upload Function Compress-HawkData { Out-LogFile ("Compressing all data in " + $Hawk.FilePath + " for Upload") # Make sure we don't already have a zip file if ($null -eq (Get-ChildItem *.zip -Path $Hawk.filepath)) {} else { Out-LogFile ("Removing existing zip file(s) from " + $Hawk.filepath) $allfiles = Get-ChildItem *.zip -Path $Hawk.FilePath # Remove the existing zip files foreach ($file in $allfiles) { $Error.Clear() Remove-Item $File.FullName -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Make sure we didn't throw an error when we tried to remove them if ($Error.Count -gt 0) { Out-LogFile "Unable to remove existing zip files from " + $Hawk.filepath + " please remove them manually" Write-Error -Message "Unable to remove existing zip files from " + $Hawk.filepath + " please remove them manually" -ErrorAction Stop } else {} } } # Get all of the files in the output directory #[array]$allfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Hawk.filepath -Recurse #Out-LogFile ("Found " + $allfiles.count + " files to add to zip") # create the zip file name [string]$zipname = "Hawk_" + (Split-path $Hawk.filepath -Leaf) + ".zip" [string]$zipfullpath = Join-Path $env:TEMP $zipname Out-LogFile ("Creating temporary zip file " + $zipfullpath) # Load the zip assembly Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem # Create the zip file from the current hawk file directory [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($Hawk.filepath, $zipfullpath) # Move the item from the temp directory to the full filepath Out-LogFile ("Moving file to the " + $hawk.filepath + " directory") Move-Item $zipfullpath (Join-Path $Hawk.filepath $zipname) <# .SYNOPSIS Compresses all files located in the $Hawk.FilePath folder .DESCRIPTION Compresses all files located in the $Hawk.FilePath folder * Removes any zip files from the existing folder * Creates a zip file with name of Hawk_<folder name> * Adds all contents of the folder to the new zip file * Opens file explorer to the file path $Hawk.FilePath .OUTPUTS Zip file with all contents from $Hawk.FilePath .EXAMPLE Compress-HawkData Compressess all files and open explorer to the specified file path #> } ## TODO: Pull the Possible_Bad_Actors_Forwarding.csv file and do message tracking based on email addresses found ## TODO: Get All Audit logs related to a single user ## TODO: Figure out a way to determine if that bad actor has added rules via EWS/Outlook vs. cmdlets ## TODO: OWA changes to forwarding aren't logged in the audit log so I need to sweep the whole tenant to pull the forwarding information ## TODO: Get-mailbox ... should put this into a whole user data gathering ## TODO: RBAC Check against accounts ... list out unexpected roles ## TODO: Need the user inbox rule bit to spit out if no rules are found ## TODO: Convert Get-HawkUserMailboxAuditing from search search unified audit log to -> search mailbox audit log ## TODO: Put in a cmdlet to change the date range ... should be obvious that you run this to do that ## TODO: Need Error Handling on the web lookups for ip -> location ## TODO: Add Start-HawkGUI to spawn basic gui that will launch Powershell with needed cmdlets ## TODO: Investigate MAPI Delivery Tables they should be null in default mailbox need to figure out how to pull them and make sure they are null ## TODO: Need a better way to test for connectivity to EXO ## TODO: Need a better way to test for MSOL Connectivity ## TODO: Update Test connectivity functions to not just fail out but to help you connect |