
# Executes the series of Hawk cmdets that search the whole tenant
Function Start-HawkTenantInvestigation {

    Out-LogFile "Starting Tenant Sweep"
    Send-AIEvent -Event "CmdRun"
    Out-Log "Running Get-HawkTenantConfiguration" -action

    Out-Log "Running Get-HawkTenantEDiscoveryConfiguration" -action
    Out-Log "Running Get-HawkTenantEXOAuditLog" -action
    Out-Log "Running Get-HawkTenantRBACChanges" -action

    Gathers common data about a tenant.
    Runs all Hawk Basic tenant related cmdlets and gathers the data.
    Cmdlet Information Gathered
    ------------------------- -------------------------
    Get-HawkTenantConfigurationn Basic Tenant information
    Get-HawkTenantEDiscoveryConfiguration Looks for changes to ediscovery configuration
    Search-HawkTenantEXOAuditLog Searches the EXO audit log for activity
    Get-HawkTenantRBACChanges Looks for changes to Roles Based Access Control
    See help from individual cmdlets for output list.
    All outputs are placed in the $Hawk.FilePath directory
    Runs all of the tenant investigation cmdlets.
