class TokenType : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator { [String[]] GetValidValues() { $Script:TokenTypes = @{ 'graph.microsoft' = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/' 'graph' = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/' #legacy value for parameter 'portal.office' = 'https://portal.office.com/' 'substrate.office' = 'https://substrate.office.com/' 'my.sharepoint' = 'my.sharepoint.com' } return ($Script:TokenTypes).Keys } } function Get-HARToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Extracts HARTokens from an HTTP Archive (HAR) file. .DESCRIPTION The Get-HARToken function extracts HARTokens from an HTTP Archive (HAR) file, specifically designed for the 'Graph' token type. It processes the HAR file, filters for 'Bearer' tokens with 'graph' scope, and provides information about the tokens, including scopes, access tokens, refresh tokens, and expiration times. .PARAMETER type Specifies the type of token to extract. Currently, only 'Graph' is supported. .PARAMETER filePath Specifies the path to the HAR file from which tokens will be extracted. .EXAMPLE Get-HARToken -type Graph -filePath 'C:\path\to\example.har' This example extracts 'Graph' tokens from the specified HAR file and provides details about the tokens. .NOTES File paths must be specified as absolute paths, and the HAR file should be in JSON format. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateSet([TokenType],ErrorMessage="Value '{0}' is invalid. Try one of: {1}")] [string[]]$type, [string] $filePath, [switch]$all ) begin { $Har = Get-Content -Path $filePath | ConvertFrom-Json $Responses = $har.log.entries.response.content.text } process { $TokenSets = foreach($Response in $Responses){ try{ $Response | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.token_type -eq 'Bearer'} }catch{} } if($all){ $TokenSets |ForEach-Object{ [PSCustomObject]@{ Scopes = -split$_.scope Token = $_.access_token RefreshToken = $_.refresh_token ExpiresIn = $_.Expires_In Type = 'all' } } return } foreach($typeElement in $type){ $TokenSets|Where-Object{ $_.Scope.contains($script:TokenTypes[$typeElement])} | ForEach-Object{ [PSCustomObject]@{ Scopes = -split$_.scope | Where-Object{$_.contains($script:TokenTypes[$typeElement])}|ForEach-Object{([uri]$_).absolutePath-replace"/"} Token = $_.access_token RefreshToken = $_.refresh_token ExpiresIn = $_.Expires_In Type = $typeElement } } } } end { } } function Remove-HARToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Sanitizes HARTokens in an HTTP Archive (HAR) file. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-HARToken function sanitizes HARTokens in an HTTP Archive (HAR) file by replacing the tokens with a specified word (default is "Removed"). It creates a sanitized version of the HAR file without sensitive tokens, allowing for secure sharing or analysis. .PARAMETER type Specifies the type of token to sanitize. Currently, only 'Graph' is supported. .PARAMETER filePath Specifies the path to the HAR file to sanitize. .PARAMETER SantinzeWord Specifies the word to replace the sensitive tokens with. The default value is "Removed." .EXAMPLE Remove-HARToken -type Graph -filePath 'C:\path\to\example.har' -SantinzeWord 'Redacted' This example sanitizes 'Graph' tokens in the specified HAR file, replacing them with the word 'Redacted' and creates a sanitized version of the file. .NOTES File paths must be specified as absolute paths, and the HAR file should be in JSON format. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateSet([TokenType],ErrorMessage="Value '{0}' is invalid. Try one of: {1}")] [string[]]$type, [string] $filePath, $SantinzeWord ="Removed" ) process { $NewFile = Get-ChildItem -file -Path $filePath $HarContent = Get-Content -Path $filePath $NewFileName = $($NewFile.FullName -replace ".har","_Santinzed.har") (Get-HARToken -type $Type -filePath $filePath).Token.ForEach({ $HarContent = $HarContent -Replace $_,$SantinzeWord }) $HarContent | Out-File -FilePath $NewFileName -Force Write-Verbose -Message "New File: $NewFileName" } } |