Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum VisualStudioBuildSwitches { Build, Clean, Deploy, Rebuild } "@ function Invoke-GzVisualStudioBuild() { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes the msbuild that is tied to a specific version of Visual Studio. .DESCRIPTION Visual Studio comes with a bundled version of msbuild. In the newer version the rosalyn compiler is part of the custom versionsof msbuild. This cmdlet will find the version of msbuild associated with a particular version of Visual Studio and invoke it. Specifing multiple configurations and platforms will create a matrix of invokes that will run msbuild for all the supplied configurations and platforms and will return the exit codes. .PARAMETER InputObject Required. The project or solution that will be built. Aliases: -Path, -Project, -Solution .PARAMETER Targets Optional. The targets that will be invoked. This is a semi-colon delimited string e.g. "Clean;Build" .PARAMETER Configuration Optional. The target build configuration(s) that should be used. This defaults to "Release". Aliases: -C .PARAMETER Platform Optional. The target platform(s) that should be used. The default is "Any CPU". Aliases: -P .PARAMETER ArgumentList Optional. The arguments that should be passed to msbuild. Aliases: -Args .PARAMETER Parallel Optional. This switch instructs msbuild to use parallel builds. Aliases: -M .PARAMETER NugetRestore Optional. This switch instructs runs a nuget restore. If Visual Studio is less than version 15.0, it uses the built in nuget restore. For version 15.0 the cmdlet will attempt to find the nuget on the path or use the environment variable $Env:GZ_NUGET_PATH. Aliases: -Restore .PARAMETER Redirect Optional. This switch instructs the output to be captured in a string builder and returned as part of the results. .PARAMETER VisualStudioVersion Optional. The version of Visual Studio to use. By default this cmdlet will use the latest version of Visual Studio. Aliases: -Version .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $results = Invoke-VisualStudioBuild "$Home/Project/Project.sln" .OUTPUTS Returns an array of last exit codes or an array of custom powershell objects that includes the ExitCode,Out,Error properties. Out & Error are string builders ouf the output. #> # TODO: add logfile variable # TODO: add timeout variable [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [Alias("Path")] [Alias("Solution")] [Alias("Project")] [string] $InputObject, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String] $Targets = "Clean;Build", [Alias("C")] [Parameter(Position = 2)] [string[]] $Configuration = $null, [Alias("P")] [string[]] $Platform = $null, [Alias("Args")] [string[]] $ArgumentList = $null, [Alias("M")] [Switch] $Parallel, [Alias("Restore")] [Switch] $NugetRestore, [Switch] $Redirect, [Alias("Version")] [string] $VisualStudioVersion = $null ) if(!(Test-Path $InputObject)) { throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] $InputObject } $Project = (Resolve-Path $InputObject).Path if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VisualStudioVersion)) { $VisualStudioVersion = "latest" } if($null -eq $Configuration -or $Configuration.Length -eq 0) { $Configuration = @("Release") } if($null -eq $Platform -or $Platform.Length -eq 0) { $Platform = @("Any%20CPU") } if($null -eq $ArgumentList) { $ArgumentList = @() } $vsVersion = Get-GzVisualStudioVersion $VisualStudioVersion $msBuildPath = Get-GzMsBuildPath -Version $vsVersion; if(! (Test-Path $msBuildPath)) { Write-Error "Unable to find msbuild at $msBuildPath" } $results = @(); $argz = $ArgumentList if($NugetRestore.ToBool()) { Write-Debug "Restoring Packages.." if($vsVersion -ne "15.0") { $nugetExe = Get-Command nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($nugetExe) { $nugetExe = $nugetExe.Path } if($Env:GZ_NUGET_PATH) { $nugetExe = $Env:GZ_NUGET_PATH } if(Test-Path $nugetExe) { $p = (Start-Process $nugetExe -ArgumentList "restore $Project" -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Wait) if($p.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Error "Nuget Restore Failed for $Project" } } else { Write-Warning "Nuget not found: $nugetExe" } } else { $Targets = "Restore;$Targets" } } foreach($buildConfiguration in $Configuration) { foreach($buildPlatform in $Platform) { $argz += "/p:Configuration=`"${buildConfiguration}`"" $argz += "/p:Platform=`"${buildPlatform}`"" $argz += "/p:VisualStudioVersion=`"$vsVersion`"" if($Parallel.ToBool()) { $argz += "/m" } $message = "$msBuildPath /t:$Targets $argz" if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($message)) { $results += Invoke-GzMsBuild -Path $Project -Targets $Targets -ArgumentList $argz -MsBuildPath $msBuildPath -Redirect:$Redirect } else { $results += 0 } } } return $results } |