function Get-GzVisualStudioPath() { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the Visual Studio path for a specific version or all the paths for Visual Studio installs on the current machine. .DESCRIPTION Get-VisualStudioPath gets the base install path for various versions of Visual Studio that is installed on the local machine. This is useful to build paths to executables such as devenvcom. .PARAMETER Version The version number or alias of the Visual Studio version's install path you wish to retrieve if installed. .EXAMPLE $path = Get-GzVisualStudioPath "Visual Studio 2017" .EXAMPLE $path = Get-GzVisualStudioPath "2017" .EXAMPLE $path = Get-GzVisualStudioPath "15" # still Visual Studio 2017 .EXAMPLE $paths = Get-GzVisualStudioPath # Gets all paths for VisualStudio versions that are installed #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Version, [Switch] $Latest ) if($Latest.ToBool()) { $Version = "latest" } $vsPaths = Get-ModuleVariable "VsPaths" if($null -eq $vsPaths) { $versionJson = $null; $platform = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform if($platform -eq "Win32NT") { $vsPaths = @{} $key = Get-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Sxs\VS7" foreach($entryName in $key.GetValueNames()) { [Decimal] $v = 0; if([Decimal]::TryParse($entryName, [ref] $v)) { $added = $false; if($v -gt 14) { if($null -eq $versionJson) { $vsWhere = Get-Command "vswhere.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($vsWhere) { $vsWhere = $vsWhere.Path } else { $vsWhere = "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" } if(Test-Path $vsWhere) { $versionJson = & $vsWhere -format json $versionJson = $versionJson | ConvertFrom-Json } else { $versionJson = @() } } $added = $false; foreach($v2 in $versionJson) { if($v2.installationVersion) { $major = $v.ToString() $major = $major.Substring(0, $major.IndexOf(".")) if($v2.installationVersion.StartsWith($major)) { if($v2.isPrerelease) { $vsPaths.Add("$entryName-Pre", $v2.installationPath); } else { $vsPaths.Add("${entryName}", $v2.installationPath); } $added =$true; } } } } if($added) { continue; } $path = $key.GetValue($entryName); $vsPaths.Add($entryName, $path); } } Set-ModuleVariable -Name "VsPaths" -Value $vsPaths } else { Write-Error "Platform $platform is not currently supported" } # TODO: mac version } $vsVersions = Get-ModuleVariable -Name "VsVersions" if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Version)) { if($vsPaths.Count -eq 0) { return $null; } if($version.ToLower() -eq "latest") { $ceiling = $vsPaths.Keys | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 return $vsPaths[$ceiling]; } if($vsVersions.ContainsKey($Version)) { $Version = $vsVersions[$Version]; } if($vsPaths.Contains($Version)) { return $vsPaths[$version]; } return $null; } $result = @() foreach($name in $vsPaths.Keys) { $result += New-Object PsObject -Property @{ Name = $name Path = $vsPaths[$name] } } # Handle Powershell's weird array conversion return ,$result } |