$gzAliases = @{ "New-DbConnection" = "New-GzDbConnection" "Invoke-DbCommand" = "Invoke-GzDbCommand" "Read-DbData" = "Read-GzDbData" "Write-DbData" = "Write-GzDbData" "Get-DbConnectionString" = "Get-GzDbConnectionString" "Set-DbConnectionString" = "Set-GzDbConnectionString" }; function Remove-GzDbAlias() { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the aliases that map to Gz prefixed commands for the Gz-Db module. .DESCRIPTION Removes the aliases that map to Gz prefixed commands. For example, removes the alias New-DbConnection that points to New-GzDbConnection. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-GzDbAlias .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Aliases are to remove the Gz Prefix #> foreach($key in $gzAliases.Keys) { if($null -ne (Get-Alias $key -EA SilentlyContinue)) { Remove-Item alias:\$key } } } function Add-GzDbAlias() { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the aliases that map to Gz prefixed commands for the Gz-Db module. .DESCRIPTION Adds the aliases that map to Gz prefixed commands. For example, adds the alias New-DbConnection that points to New-GzDbConnection. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Add-GzDbAlias .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES Aliases are to remove the Gz Prefix #> foreach($key in $gzAliases.Keys) { if($null -eq (Get-Alias $key -EA SilentlyContinue)) { Set-Alias -Name ($key) -Value $gzAliases[$key] -Scope Global } } } |