using module Gumby.Log using module Gumby.String #region Expectations # An expectation can be seen as a function with two parameters # function IsMatch($expected, $actual) # which has been curried into a function with one parameter # function IsMatch($actual) # by capturing the argument for the $expected parameter. Expectation trees - built, for instance, # via the constructor arguments of the And and Or expectations - allow for the validation of # complex test conditions. For instance, the expectation tree # (And (ListContains 'a') (Not (ListContains 'b'))) # checks that an actual list data structure contains an element 'a', but no element 'b'. The # IsMatch function below treats native PowerShell values and objects as expectations. For instance, # the integer 1 is treated as an expectation checking that an actual value equals 1; the array # @(1, 2, 3) is treated as an expectation checking that an actual object yields the values 1, 2 and # 3 when iterated; the object @{Name = "Joe"; Age = 33} checks that an actual object has a # member "Name" with the value "Joe" and a member "Age" with the value 33. class ExpectationBase { [bool] IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) { throw "derived classes must implement this method" } } class CustomExpectation : ExpectationBase { CustomExpectation($name, $predicate) { $ = $name $this.predicate = $predicate } [bool] IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) { if ($this.predicate.Invoke($actual)) { [Log]::Success("$($messagePrefix)`"$($`" expectation matches") return $true } else { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)`"$($`" expectation does not match") return $false } } hidden [string] $name hidden [scriptblock] $predicate } function Expect($name, $expected) { [CustomExpectation]::new($name, $expected) } <# This expectation could be encoded in many other ways, e.g. (ExpectNot $null) It is nevertheless useful because it provides clearer logging. #> class NotNullExpectation : ExpectationBase { [bool] IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) { if ($actual -ne $null) { [Log]::Success("$($messagePrefix)object '$actual' is not null") return $true } else { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)object is null") return $false } } } function ExpectNotNull { [NotNullExpectation]::new() } class RegexExpectation : ExpectationBase { RegexExpectation($expectedPattern) { $this.expectedPattern = $expectedPattern } [bool] IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) { if ($actual -match $this.expectedPattern) { [Log]::Success("$($messagePrefix)`"$actual`" matches pattern `"$($this.pattern)`"") return $true } else { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)`"$actual`" does not match pattern `"$($this.pattern)`"") return $false } } hidden [string] $expectedPattern } function ExpectRegex($pattern) { [RegexExpectation]::new($pattern) } class TypeExpectation : ExpectationBase { TypeExpectation($expectedType) { $this.expectedType = $expectedType } [bool] IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) { if ($actual -is $this.expectedType) { [Log]::Success("$($messagePrefix)object is of expected type $($this.expectedType.Name)") return $true } else { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)object is of type $($actual.GetType()), expected $($this.expectedType.Name)") return $false } } hidden [System.Reflection.TypeInfo] $expectedType } function ExpectType($type) { [TypeExpectation]::new($type) } class KeyCountEqualExpectation : ExpectationBase { KeyCountEqualExpectation($expectedKeyCount) { $this.expectedKeyCount = $expectedKeyCount } [bool] IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) { if ($actual.Keys.Count -eq $this.expectedKeyCount) { [Log]::Success("$($messagePrefix)object key count $($this.expectedKeyCount) as expected") return $true } else { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)actual object key count $($actual.Keys.Count), expected $($this.expectedKeyCount)") return $false } } hidden [uint32] $expectedKeyCount } function ExpectKeyCountEqual($count) { [KeyCountEqualExpectation]::new($count) } #region List Expectations class ContainsExpectation : ExpectationBase { ContainsExpectation($expectedItem) { $this.expectedItem = $expectedItem } [bool] IsMatch($actualItems, $messagePrefix) { # We're performing an opportunistic search below where a non-matching actual item does not # necessarily constitute a failure. $logInterceptor = [LogInterceptor]::new({param($interceptor, $messageType, $message) if ($messageType -eq ([LogMessageType]::Success)) { $interceptor.DispatchMessage($messageType, $message) } }) try { $actualItemIndex = 0 foreach ($actualItem in $actualItems) { if (IsMatch $this.expectedItem $actualItem "$($messagePrefix)item $(($actualItemIndex++)): ") { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)found expected item '$($this.expectedItem)'") return $true } } } finally { $logInterceptor.Dispose() } [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)missing item '$($this.expectedItem)'") return $false } hidden $expectedItem } function ExpectContains($item) { [ContainsExpectation]::new($item) } class CountGreaterOrEqualExpectation : ExpectationBase { CountGreaterOrEqualExpectation($expectedCount) { $this.expectedCount = $expectedCount } [bool] IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) { $actualCount = $actual.Count if ($actualCount -ge $this.expectedCount) { [Log]::Success("$($messagePrefix)item count $($this.expectedCount) is greater or equal to $actualCount") return $true } else { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)item count $($this.expectedCount) is less than $actualCount") return $false } } hidden $expectedCount } function ExpectCountGreaterOrEqual($count) { [CountGreaterOrEqualExpectation]::new($count) } # Future: ExpectCountEquals, ExpectEachItem (iterates over the items in the actual data structure, # passing each into child expectations) #endregion #region Boolean Expectations class NotExpectation : ExpectationBase { NotExpectation($expected) { $this.expected = $expected } [bool] IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) { $logInterceptor = [LogInterceptor]::new({ param ($interceptor, $messageType, $message) switch ($messageType) { ([LogMessageType]::Failure) { $messageType = ([LogMessageType]::Success)} ([LogMessageType]::Success) { $messageType = ([LogMessageType]::Failure)} } $interceptor.DispatchMessage($messageType, $message) }) try { return !(IsMatch $this.expected $actual "$($messagePrefix)NOT: ") } finally { $logInterceptor.Dispose() } } hidden $expected } function ExpectNot($operand) { [NotExpectation]::new($operand) } class AndExpectation : ExpectationBase { AndExpectation($expected) { $this.expected = $expected } [bool] IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) { foreach ($expectedTerm in $this.expected) { if (!(IsMatch $expectedTerm $actual "$($messagePrefix)AND: ")) { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)AND evaluates to false") return $false } } [Log]::Success("$($messagePrefix)AND evaluates to true") return $true } hidden $expected } function ExpectAnd { [AndExpectation]::new($args) } class OrExpectation : ExpectationBase { OrExpectation($expected) { $this.expected = $expected } [bool] IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) { # A false OR term does not necessarily constitute a failure. $logInterceptor = [LogInterceptor]::new({param($interceptor, $messageType, $message) if ($messageType -eq ([LogMessageType]::Failure)) { $messageType = ([LogMessageType]::Comment) } $interceptor.DispatchMessage($messageType, $message) }) $result = $false try { foreach ($expectedTerm in $this.expected) { if (IsMatch $expectedTerm $actual "$($messagePrefix)OR: ") { $result = $true break } } } finally { $logInterceptor.Dispose() } if ($result) { [Log]::Success("$($messagePrefix)OR evaluates to true") } else { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)OR evaluates to false") } return $result } hidden $expected } function ExpectOr { [OrExpectation]::new($args) } #endregion #endregion function IsMatch($expected, $actual, $messagePrefix) { function AreValuesEqual($expected, $actual, $messagePrefix) { if ($expected -eq $null) { if ($actual -eq $null) { [Log]::Success("$($messagePrefix)value is null") return $true } else { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)value is not null") return $false } } elseif ($actual -eq $expected) { [Log]::Success("$($messagePrefix)value '$actual' matches expectation") return $true } else { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)actual '$($actual)', expected '$($expected)'") return $false } } if ($expected -is [ExpectationBase]) { return $expected.IsMatch($actual, $messagePrefix) } elseif (($expected -eq $null) -or ($expected -is [bool]) -or ($expected -is [int]) -or ($expected -is [string])) { return (AreValuesEqual $expected $actual $messagePrefix) } elseif ($expected -is [array]) { # Implementation of System.Collections.IEnumerable cannot be used to differentiate between # objects and arrays as both implement this interface. $result = $true $actualEnum = $actual.GetEnumerator() $expectedEnum = $expected.GetEnumerator() $itemIndex = 0 while ($actualEnum.MoveNext()) { if (!$expectedEnum.MoveNext()) { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)more items than expected") return $false } $result = $result -and (IsMatch $expectedEnum.Current $actualEnum.Current "$($messagePrefix)item $(($itemIndex++)): ") } if ($expectedEnum.MoveNext()) { [Log]::Failure("$($messagePrefix)fewer items than expected") return $false } return $result } elseif ($expected -is [object]) { $result = $true foreach ($key in $expected.Keys) { $expectedValue = $expected[$key] $actualValue = $actual.($key) $result = $result -and (IsMatch $expectedValue $actualValue "$($messagePrefix)member '$key': ") } return $result } } # The way our test executor works, we do not need the return value suppression provided by this # function. At this point, this function is merely syntactic sugar. function Test($Expected, $Actual, $MessagePrefix) { [void](IsMatch $Expected $Actual $MessagePrefix) } class TestClass : Attribute {} class TestClassSetup : Attribute {} class TestClassTeardown : Attribute {} class TestMethod : Attribute {} class TestRunner { [Collections.ArrayList] $TestClasses = [Collections.ArrayList]::new() [FileLogListener] hidden $fileLogListener TestRunner([string] $logFilePath = "$env:TEMP\Test.log") { if (Test-Path $logFilePath) { Remove-Item $logFilePath } $this.fileLogListener = [FileLogListener]::new($logFilePath) } [void] RunTests() { [Log]::Listeners.Add($this.fileLogListener) | Out-Null foreach ($testClass in $this.TestClasses) { $this.RunTestClass($testClass) } [Log]::Listeners.Remove($this.fileLogListener) # Alternative displays: # 51 executed, 51 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errors, 0 warnings # 51/51 succeeded $totalTestMethodCount = $this.successCount + $this.failureCount + $this.errorCount + $this.warningCount $totalResult = $true Write-Host "$totalTestMethodCount test method$(('', 's')[$totalTestMethodCount -gt 0]) got executed" if ($this.successCount -gt 0) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "$($this.successCount) succeeded" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$($this.successCount) succeeded" $totalResult = $false } if ($this.failureCount -eq 0) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "$($this.failureCount) failed" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$($this.failureCount) failed" $totalResult = $false } if ($this.errorCount -eq 0) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "$($this.errorCount) resulted in an error" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$($this.errorCount) resulted in an error" $totalResult = $false } if ($this.warningCount -eq 0) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "$($this.warningCount) resulted in a warning" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$($this.warningCount) resulted in a warning" } $this.successCount = 0 $this.failureCount = 0 $this.errorCount = 0 $this.warningCount = 0 } hidden [void] RunTestClass($testClass) { try { $testClassInstance = $testClass::new() } catch { [Log]::Error("failed to instantiate test class `"$($testClass.Name)`"") return } $this.HandleTestClassBegin($testClass.Name) [Log]::BeginSection("test class `"$($testClass.Name)`"") try { $testClassSetupMethodsSucceeded = $true foreach ($classSetupMethod in $this.FindMembers($testClass, ([TestClassSetup]))) { try { $classSetupMethod.Invoke($testClassInstance, @()) } catch { [Log]::Error("failed to execute `"$($classSetupMethod.Name)`" class setup method of test class `"$($testClass.Name)`"") # don't execute any test methods $testClassSetupMethodsSucceeded = $false # stop executing other class setup methods break } } if ($testClassSetupMethodsSucceeded) { foreach ($testMethod in $this.FindMembers($testClass, ([TestMethod]))) { # helper object that allows us to capture the counts "by reference" $testMethodStats = @{ WarningCount = 0 ErrorCount = 0 SuccessCount = 0 FailureCount = 0 } $lo = [LogObserver]::new({ param($mt, $m) switch ($mt) { ([LogMessageType]::Warning) { ++$testMethodStats.WarningCount } ([LogMessageType]::Error) { ++$testMethodStats.ErrorCount } ([LogMessageType]::Success) { ++$testMethodStats.SuccessCount } ([LogMessageType]::Failure) { ++$testMethodStats.FailureCount } } }) $testMethodException = $null [Log]::BeginSection("test method `"$($testMethod.Name)`"") [Log]::Listeners.Add($lo) | Out-Null try { $testMethod.Invoke($testClassInstance, @()) } catch { $testMethodException = $_.Exception.InnerException } [Log]::Listeners.Remove($lo) if ($testMethodException -ne $null) { [Log]::Error("exception `"$($testMethodException.Message)`"") $this.HandleTestMethodError($testMethod.Name) } elseif($testMethodStats.ErrorCount -gt 0) { $this.HandleTestMethodError($testMethod.Name) } elseif (($testMethodStats.FailureCount -eq 0) -and ($testMethodStats.SuccessCount -gt 0)) { if ($testMethodStats.WarningCount -eq 0) { $this.HandleTestMethodSuccess($testMethod.Name) } else { $this.HandleTestMethodWarning($testMethod.Name) } } else { $this.HandleTestMethodFailure($testMethod.Name) } [Log]::EndSection("test method `"$($testMethod.Name)`"") } } foreach ($classTeardownMethod in $this.FindMembers($testClass, ([TestClassTeardown]))) { try { $classTeardownMethod.Invoke($testClassInstance, @()) } catch { [Log]::Error("failed to execute `"$($classTeardownMethod.Name)`" class teardown method of test class `"$($testClass.Name)`"") # continue executing other class teardown methods } } } finally { [Log]::EndSection("test class `"$($testClass.Name)`"") $this.HandleTestClassEnd() } } hidden [Reflection.MemberInfo[]] FindMembers([Reflection.TypeInfo] $testClass, $attributeType) { return $testClass.FindMembers( ([Reflection.MemberTypes]::Method), ([Reflection.BindingFlags]::Public) -bor ([Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance), { param([System.Reflection.MemberInfo] $memberInfo, $at) $attrs = $memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes($at, $false) return ($attrs.Count -gt 0) }, $attributeType) } hidden [void] HandleTestClassBegin([string] $testClassName) { Write-Host $testClassName $this.indentation += 2 } hidden [void] HandleTestClassEnd() { $this.indentation -= 2 } hidden [void] HandleTestMethodWarning([string] $testMethodName) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow ((' ' * $this.indentation) + (SpaceWords ($testMethodName, "WARNING") ([console]::WindowWidth - $this.indentation - 1) '.')) ++$this.warningCount } hidden [void] HandleTestMethodError([string] $testMethodName) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red ((' ' * $this.indentation) + (SpaceWords ($testMethodName, "ERROR") ([console]::WindowWidth - $this.indentation - 1) '.')) ++$this.errorCount } hidden [void] HandleTestMethodSuccess([string] $testMethodName) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green ((' ' * $this.indentation) + (SpaceWords ($testMethodName, "SUCCESS") ([console]::WindowWidth - $this.indentation - 1) '.')) ++$this.successCount } hidden [void] HandleTestMethodFailure([string] $testMethodName) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red ((' ' * $this.indentation) + (SpaceWords ($testMethodName, "FAILURE") ([console]::WindowWidth - $this.indentation - 1) '.')) ++$this.failureCount } hidden [int] $indentation = 0 hidden [uint32] $successCount = 0 hidden [uint32] $failureCount = 0 hidden [uint32] $errorCount = 0 hidden [uint32] $warningCount = 0 } function RunTests($logFilePath <#, TestClasses... #>) { $testRunner = [TestRunner]::new($logFilePath) foreach ($arg in $args) { [void]($testRunner.TestClasses.Add($arg)) } $testRunner.RunTests() } |