
using module Gumby.Debug;

If necessary, abbreviates a string by replacing part of it with the ellipsis.
String to abbreviate.
Maximum length of abbreviated string.
Ellipsis string (optional, defaults to "...").
Abbreviated string.

function Abbreviate([string] $Text, [uint32] $MaxLength, [string] $Ellipsis = "...") {
    if ($Text.Length -le $MaxLength) {
        return $Text
    } else {
        # Assert ($MaxLength -gt $Ellipsis.length)
        # PS converts floats to ints by rounding, not by truncation of the fractional part

        # 01234567890123456789
        # abcdefghij
        # p q
        # | |
        # l v v p q
        # 9 abc... hij 3 7 x = (9-3)/2 = 3 p = round(x, 0, 1) q = l - trunc(x)
        # 8 abc... ij 3 8 x = (8-3)/2 = 2.5 p = round(x, 0, 1) q = l - trunc(x)
        # 7 ab... ij 2 8 x = (7-3)/2 = 2 p = round(x, 0, 1) q = l - trunc(x)
        # 6 ab... j 2 9 x = (6-3)/2 = 1.5 p = round(x, 0, 1) q = l - trunc(x)
        # 5 a... j 1 9 x = (5-3)/2 = 1 p = round(x, 0, 1) q = l - trunc(x)
        # 4 a... 1 10 x = (4-3)/2 = 0.5

        $x = ($MaxLength - $Ellipsis.Length ) / 2
        return $Text.Substring(0, [Math]::Round($x, 0, 1)) + $Ellipsis + $Text.Substring($Text.Length - [Math]::Truncate($x))

Ensures a string has the specified length.
Text to ensure length of.
Desired length of the text.
Character to pad the text with if it is shorter than the specified length (optional, defaults to
' ').
Text with the specified length.

function EnsureStringLength([string] $Text, [int] $Length, [string] $FillChar = ' ') {
    if ($Text.Length -lt $Length) {
        return $Text.PadRight($Length, $FillChar)
    } else {
        return $Text.Substring(0, $Length)

Expand macro references ('$MacroName') with macro values.
String containing macro references.
Hashtable with macro names as keys and macro values as values.
String in which macro references have been replaced with macro values.

function ExpandMacros($Text, $Macros) {
    [regex] $macroPattern = '(?<!`)\$(?<MacroName>[a-zA-Z_]\w*)'
    return $macroPattern.Replace($Text, {
        param ($match)
        $macroName = $match.Groups['MacroName'].Value
        if ($Macros.ContainsKey($macroName)) {
            return $Macros[$macroName]
        } else {
            return $match.Value

Normalizes a string by removing whitespace characters from its beginning and end, and by reducing
whitespace character sequences in the middle of the string to a single whitespace character.
String to normalize.
Normalized string.

function NormalizeWhitespace([string] $Text) {
    $([regex] '\s+').Replace($Text.Trim().Replace('`r`n', ' ').Replace('`r', ' ').Replace('`n', ' '), ' ')

function SpaceWords([string[]] $Words, [int] $Width, [string] $SpacingChar = ' ') {
    # The code below is a sketch that only works correctly for 2 words. A proper version needs
    # to provide heterogenous spacing lengths according to the integer divisibility of the
    # total spacing length.

    Assert ($Words.Count -ge 2)
    Assert ($SpacingChar.Length -eq 1)

    $totalSpacingLength = $Width
    foreach ($word in $Words) { $totalSpacingLength -= $word.Length }

    Assert ($totalSpacingLength -ge 0)

    $spacingLength = $totalSpacingLength / ($Words.Count - 1)

    $sb = [Text.StringBuilder]::new($Width)
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Words.Count; ++$i) {
        $sb.Append($Words[$i]) | Out-Null
        if ($i -lt $Words.Count - 1) { $sb.Append($SpacingChar * $spacingLength) | Out-Null }

    return $sb.ToString()

Splits a string of comma-separated, quoted sub-strings (e.g. a line from a CSV file).
String to split.
List of substrings.

function SplitCSVLine([string] $Line) {
    [bool] $inString = $false;

    $fields = @()
    $accu = ""

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Line.Length; $i++) {
        switch ($Line[$i]) {
            #{$_ -eq '"' -and -not $inString} {$inString = $true; break}
            #{$_ -eq '"' -and $inString} {$inString = $false; break}
            {$_ -eq '"'} {$inString = !$inString; break}
            {($_ -in ',', ';') -and -not $inString} {$fields += $accu; $accu = ""; break}
            default {$accu += $_}

    $fields += $accu
    return $fields

Integrates an array of names and an array of values into a hash table.
Array of names. The items therein become the hash table keys.
Array of values. The items therein become the hash table values.
Hash table.

function Zip($Names, $Values) {
    if ($Names.Length -ne $Values.Length) { throw "Number of names and values does not line up." }

    $hash = @{}

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Names.Length; $i++) {
        $hash.Add($Names[$i], $Values[$i])

    return $hash

class TextArray {
    [void] SetText($lineIndex, $columnIndex, $text) {
        # ensure there are enough lines
        for ($i = $lineIndex - $this.lines.Count; $i -ge 0; --$i) {

        $line = $this.lines[$lineIndex]

        if ($line.Length -le $columnIndex) {
            # append text
            [void]($line.Append(' ' * ($columnIndex - $line.Length)).Append($text))
        } else {
            # (partially) overwrite text

            # 012
            # line = "abc"
            # ^- columnIndex = 2
            # text = "pqr"
            # removeCount = 1
            # result = "abpqr"

            # 012345678
            # line = "abcdefghi"
            # ^- columnIndex = 2
            # text = "pqr"
            # removeCount = 3
            # result = "abpqrfghi"

            $removeCount = [Math]::Min($line.Length - $columnIndex, $text.Length)

            [void]($line.Remove($columnIndex, $removeCount))
            [void]($line.Insert($columnIndex, $text))

    [string] GetLine($lineIndex) {
        return $this.lines[$lineIndex].ToString()

    [int] GetLineCount() {
        return $this.lines.Count

    hidden [System.Collections.ArrayList] $lines = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

enum TextJustification {

# All whitespace in a line boundary position is replaced by a line break. Therefore, this function
# does not preserve whitespace (i.e. if you were to join the resulting lines, you would get the
# original string back).
function WordWrap(
    [string] $Text,
    [int] $Width,
    [TextJustification] $Justification = [TextJustification]::Left) {

    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Text) -and ($Width -lt 1)) { throw "width must be greater than or equal to 1" }

    $lines = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

    function JustifyAppend($s) {

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($s)) { return }

        switch ($Justification) {
            ([TextJustification]::Left) {
                # PadRight?
            ([TextJustification]::Right) {
                $s = $s.PadLeft($Width)


    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Text)) { return $lines }

    [int] $start = 0

    while ($start -lt $Text.Length) {

        # trim whitespace at the start of a line
        while ($start -lt $Text.Length -and [char]::IsWhiteSpace($Text, $start)) { ++$start }

        # The lines in the 'Adjust length' region below search for the end of the line by adjusting
        # the 'length' value.

        #region Adjust length

        # start value for length
        [int] $length = [Math]::Min($Width, $Text.Length - $start)

        # Look for the first (rightmost) whitespace. If 'length' is positioned at the end of the
        # string, we don't have to look for it as the end of the string counts as a separator.

        if ((($start + $length) -lt $Text.Length) -and (!([char]::IsWhiteSpace($Text, $start + $length)))) {
            while (($length -gt 0) -and !([char]::IsWhiteSpace($Text, $start + $length - 1))) { --$length }

        if ($length -eq 0) {
            # no whitespace, break in the middle of a word
            $length = [Math]::Min($Width, $Text.Length - $start)
        } else {
            # trim whitespace at the end of a line by attempting to move the 'length' position
            # to the left
            while (($length -gt 0) -and ([char]::IsWhiteSpace($Text, $start + $length - 1))) { --$length }


        JustifyAppend $Text.Substring($start, $length)

        # prepare next iteration
        $start += $length
    return $lines