using module Gumby.Debug using module Gumby.Log using module Gumby.TextBuffer using module Gumby.Window class ScrollView : Window { ScrollView( [int] $left, [int] $top, [int] $width, [int] $height, [ConsoleColor] $foregroundColor = $Global:Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor, [ConsoleColor] $backgroundColor = $Global:Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor ) : base($left, $top, $width, $height, $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor) { $this._textBuffer = [TextBuffer]::new($foregroundColor, $backgroundColor) } [int] $FirstColumnInView = 0 [int] $FirstRowInView = 0 [int] LineCount() { return $this._textBuffer.LineCount() } [void] AddLine([string] $text, [ConsoleColor] $foregroundColor, [ConsoleColor] $backgroundColor) { $this._textBuffer.AddLine($text, $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor) } [void] InsertLine([int] $lineNumber, [string] $text, [ConsoleColor] $foregroundColor, [ConsoleColor] $backgroundColor) { # FirstRowInView should remain valid under all circumstances $this._textBuffer.InsertLine($lineNumber, $text, $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor) } [object] GetLine([int] $lineNumber) { return $this._textBuffer.GetLine($lineNumber) } [void] RemoveLine([int] $lineNumber) { # if FirstRowInView < LineCount - 1: # if lineNumber <= FirstRowInView: line removal causes FirstRowInView to point to the next line # if lineNumber > FirstRowInView: line removal does not affect validity of FirstRowInView if ($this.FirstRowInView -eq ($this.LineCount() - 1)) { $this.FirstRowInView = -1 } $this._textBuffer.RemoveLine($lineNumber) } [void] ClearLines() { $this._textBuffer.ClearLines() $this.FirstColumnInView = 0 $this.FirstRowInView = 0 } hidden [void] DrawClientArea() { $this._textBuffer.SetScreenBuffer($this.ClientRectangle(), [System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates]::new($this.FirstColumnInView, $this.FirstRowInView)) } hidden [void] DrawLine([int] $lineNumber) { Assert ($lineNumber -ge $this.FirstRowInView) "trying to draw a line that is scrolled out of view" $lineRect = $this.ClientRectangle() $lineRect.Top += ($lineNumber - $this.FirstRowInView) $lineRect.Bottom = $lineRect.Top $this._textBuffer.SetScreenBuffer($lineRect, [System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates]::new($this.FirstColumnInView, $lineNumber)) } hidden [void] OnKey([System.ConsoleKeyInfo] $key) { #[Log]::Comment("SV.OnKey: Key=$($key.Key), Modifiers=$($key.Modifiers)") switch ($key.Key) { ([System.ConsoleKey]::A) { if ($this.FirstColumnInView -eq 0) { break } --$this.FirstColumnInView $this.DrawClientArea() } ([System.ConsoleKey]::D) { if ($this.FirstColumnInView + $this.ClientWidth() -eq $this._textBuffer.ColumnCount()) { break } ++$this.FirstColumnInView $this.DrawClientArea() } ([System.ConsoleKey]::W) { if ($this.FirstRowInView -eq 0) { break } --$this.FirstRowInView $this.DrawClientArea() } ([System.ConsoleKey]::X) { if ($this.FirstRowInView + $this.ClientHeight() -eq $this._textBuffer.LineCount()) { break } ++$this.FirstRowInView $this.DrawClientArea() } ([System.ConsoleKey]::Home) { # We do not receive Alt+Home, Ctrl+Home and Shift+Home :( $this.FirstColumnInView = 0 if ($key.Modifiers -eq ([System.ConsoleModifiers]::Control)) { $this.FirstRowInView = 0 } $this.DrawClientArea() } # Alternative for 'Home' key to enable modifier key combinations. ([System.ConsoleKey]::Q) { $this.FirstColumnInView = 0 if ($key.Modifiers -eq ([System.ConsoleModifiers]::Control)) { $this.FirstRowInView = 0 } $this.DrawClientArea() } ([System.ConsoleKey]::End) { # We do not receive Alt+End, Ctrl+End and Shift+End :( $this.FirstColumnInView = [System.Math]::Max(0, $this._textBuffer.ColumnCount() - $this.ClientWidth()) $this.FirstRowInView = [System.Math]::Max(0, $this._textBuffer.LineCount() - $this.ClientHeight()) $this.DrawClientArea() } # Alternative for 'End' key to enable modifier key combinations. ([System.ConsoleKey]::Z) { $this.FirstColumnInView = [System.Math]::Max(0, $this._textBuffer.ColumnCount() - $this.ClientWidth()) if ($key.Modifiers -eq ([System.ConsoleModifiers]::Control)) { $this.FirstRowInView = [System.Math]::Max(0, $this._textBuffer.LineCount() - $this.ClientHeight()) } $this.DrawClientArea() } default { ([Window]$this).OnKey($key) } } } hidden [TextBuffer] $_textBuffer } |