.SYNOPSIS Normalizes a path. .PARAMETER Path Path to normalize. .OUTPUTS Normalized path. #> function PathNormalize([string] $Path) { return $path.Replace('/', '\') } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the path separator character for platform the function is running on. .OUTPUTS Path separator. #> function PathSeparator() { return '\' } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of common path separator characters. .OUTPUTS List of common path separator characters. #> function PathSeparators() { return '/', '\' } <# .SYNOPSIS Extracts the base name part of a file path. .PARAMETER Path Path to extract base name part from. .OUTPUTS Base name part. #> function PathFileBaseName([string] $Path) { # a: Position after the last separator (if any) # b: Position of the last dot (if any) # "p" # 0 # a # b # "p.q" # 012 # a # b # "p.q.r" # 01234 # a # b # "p\q" # 012 # a # b # "p.q\r" # 01234 # a # b # "p\q.r\s.t.u" # 01234567890 # a # b [int] $a = $Path.LastIndexOf((PathSeparator)) if ($a -lt 0) { $a = 0 } else { ++$a } if ($a -ge $Path.Length) { return "" } [int] $b = $Path.LastIndexOf('.') if ($b -lt $a) { return $Path.Substring($a) } else { return $Path.Substring($a, $b - $a) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Joins file name parts into a path. .PARAMETER Directories Directory parts. .PARAMETER BaseName Base name part. .PARAMETER Extension Extension part. .OUTPUTS Joined path. #> function PathJoin([string[]]$Directories, [string] $BaseName, [string] $Extension) { $sb = [Text.StringBuilder]::new() foreach ($dir in $Directories) { $sb.Append($dir.Trim((PathSeparators))).Append((PathSeparator)) | Out-Null } $sb.Append($BaseName) | Out-Null if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Extension)) { if ($Extension.StartsWith('.')) { $sb.Append($Extension) | Out-Null } else { $sb.Append('.').Append($Extension) | Out-Null } } return $sb.ToString() } function PathAsUri($Path) { return "file:$($Path.Replace('\', '/'))" } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a relative path. .DESCRIPTION The function returns a relative path which, when appended to the base directory, identifies the same element as the target path. .PARAMETER BaseDirectory Absolute path of base directory. .PARAMETER TargetPath Absolute target path to make relative with respect to base directory. .OUTPUTS Relative path. #> function PathGetRelative([string] $BaseDirectory, [string] $TargetPath) { # On modern .NET framework versions, this should get replaced with # System.IO.Path.GetRelativePath() $separators = (-join (PathSeparators)).ToCharArray() $baseParts = $BaseDirectory.Split($separators, ([System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)) if ($baseParts.Count -eq 0) { return $TargetPath } $targetPathParts = $TargetPath.Split($separators, ([System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)) if ($targetPathParts.Count -eq 0) { return ("/.." * $basePArts.Count).Substring(1) } $relativePath = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new(); $lastCommon = 0 if ($baseParts[$lastCommon] -ieq $targetPathParts[$lastCommon]) { while ($lastCommon + 1 -lt [Math]::Min($baseParts.Count, $targetPathParts.Count)) { if ($baseParts[$lastCommon + 1] -ine $targetPathParts[$lastCommon + 1]) { break } ++$lastCommon } } # we could as well increment for ($i = $baseParts.Count - 1; $i -gt $lastCommon; --$i) { [void]$relativePath.Append('../') } for ($i = $lastCommon + 1; $i -lt $targetPathParts.Count; ++$i) { [void]$relativePath.Append($targetPathParts[$i]).Append('/') } if ($relativePath.Length -gt 0) { return $relativePath.ToString(0, $relativePath.Length - 1) } else { return "" } } |