.SYNOPSIS Prompts user for one out of a list of choices. .PARAMETER prompt Text to show to the user. .PARAMETER choices List of valid choices. .PARAMETER caseSensitive Value indicating whether input casing matters (true) or not (false). If it doesn't, the function returns the user input uppercased. .OUTPUTS Choice selected by the user. #> function ReadChoice([string] $prompt, $choices, [bool]$caseSensitive=$false) { while ($true) { $choice = Read-Host "$prompt [$($choices -join '')]" if (($caseSensitive -and ($choices -ccontains $choice)) -or (-not($caseSensitive) -and ($choices -contains $choice))) { break } else { Write-Host "Sorry, only valid choices are $($choices -join ', ').`n" } } if ($caseSensitive) { $choice } else { $choice.ToUpperInvariant() } } |