function Convert-ToNearestFrac([double] $Number, [int] $Denominator) { # Future: Denominator should have a default value of 0 which - as an impossible denominator - # could indicate that the resulting fraction should be shortened. # (8.25, 16) => 8 4/16 # TODO: shorten the fraction [int] $whole = [Math]::Floor($Number) [int] $nominator = [Math]::Round(($Number - $whole) * $Denominator) Write-Output "$whole $nominator/$Denominator" } #region Length #region Metric to US function Convert-CentimetersToInches([double] $Centimeters, [int] $Precision = -1, [switch] $IncludeUnit) { return (Convert-MetersToInches -Meters ($Centimeters / 100) -Precision $Precision, -IncludeUnit $IncludeUnit) } function Convert-CentimetersToInchesFrac([double] $Centimeters, [int] $Denominator = 16) { return (Convert-MetersToInchesFrac -Meters ($Centimeters / 100) -Denominator $Denominator) } <# .SYNOPSIS TBW .PARAMETER Meters TBW .PARAMETER Denominator TBW .OUTPUTS TBW .NOTES This function should be the only one containing the conversion factor between a metric length and inches. #> function Convert-MetersToInches([double] $Meters, [int] $Precision = -1, [switch] $IncludeUnit) { [double] $inches = $Meters / 0.0254 if ($Precision -ge 0) { $inches = [Math]::Round($inches, $Precision) } if ($IncludeUnit) { return "$inches `"" # return value is a string } else { return $inches # return value is a double } } <# .SYNOPSIS TBW .PARAMETER Meters TBW .PARAMETER Denominator TBW .OUTPUTS String consisting of whole and fractional inches. .NOTES By its nature, the output is a string (it cannot be a numeric value without subverting the "Frac" semantics). Therefore, a Precision parameter makes no sense for this function. #> function Convert-MetersToInchesFrac([double] $Meters, [int] $Denominator = 16) { [double] $inches = Convert-MetersToInches $Meters [string] $inchesFrac = Convert-ToNearestFrac $inches $Denominator Write-Output "$inchesFrac" } function Convert-MetersToFeet([double] $Meters, [int] $Precision = -1, [switch] $IncludeUnit) { [double] $feet = $Meters / 0.3048 if ($Precision -ge 0) { $feet = [Math]::Round($feet, $Precision) } if ($IncludeUnit) { return "$feet '" # return value is a string } else { return $feet # return value is a double } } function Convert-MetersToInchesFrac([double] $Meters, [int] $Denominator = 16) { Write-Output "$(Convert-ToNearestFrac (Convert-MetersToInches $Meters) $Denominator)`"" } function Convert-MetersToFeetInchesFrac([double] $Meters, [int] $Denominator = 16) { [int] $feet = [Math]::Floor((Convert-MetersToFeet $Meters)) [double] $remainder = $Meters - (Convert-FeetToMeters $feet) $inches = Convert-ToNearestFrac (Convert-MetersToInches $remainder) $Denominator Write-Output "$feet' $inches`"" } #endregion #region US to Metric function Convert-InchesToMeters([double] $Inches, [int] $Precision = -1, [switch] $IncludeUnit) { [double] $meters = $Inches * 0.0254 if ($Precision -ge 0) { $meters = [Math]::Round($meters, $Precision) } if ($IncludeUnit) { return "$meters m" # return value is a string } else { return $meters # return value is a double } } function Convert-FeetToMeters([double] $Feet, [int] $Precision = -1, [switch] $IncludeUnit) { [double] $meters = $Feet * 0.3048 if ($Precision -ge 0) { $meters = [Math]::Round($meters, $Precision) } if ($IncludeUnit) { return "$meters m" # return value is a string } else { return $meters # return value is a double } } #endregion #endregion #region Temperature function Convert-CelsiusToFahrenheit([double] $Celsius, [int] $Precision = -1, [switch] $IncludeUnit) { [double] $fahrenheit = $Celsius * 9/5 + 32 if ($Precision -ge 0) { $fahrenheit = [Math]::Round($fahrenheit, $Precision) } if ($IncludeUnit) { return "$fahrenheit $([char]0x00B0)F" # return value is a string } else { return $fahrenheit # return value is a double } } function Convert-FahrenheitToCelsius ([double] $Fahrenheit, [int] $Precision = -1, [switch] $IncludeUnit) { [double] $celsius = ($Fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9 if ($Precision -ge 0) { $celsius = [Math]::Round($celsius, $Precision) } if ($IncludeUnit) { return "$celsius $([char]0x00B0)C" # return value is a string } else { return $celsius # return value is a double } } #endregion |