$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' . $PSScriptRoot\powertab\default-config.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\powertab\ConsoleLib.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\powertab\TabExpansionUtil.ps1 Function Install-GuiCompletion($Key = 'Ctrl+Spacebar') { Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key $Key -ScriptBlock { Invoke-GuiCompletion } } Function Invoke-GuiCompletion { while($true) { # Get input buffer state from PSReadLine $buffer = "" $cursorPosition = 0 [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$buffer, [ref]$cursorPosition) if($cursorPosition -eq 0) { return } # get list of completion items via the standard API $completion = TabExpansion2 $buffer $cursorPosition if($completion.CompletionMatches.Count -eq 0) { return } $lastWord = $buffer.Substring($completion.ReplacementIndex, $completion.ReplacementLength) # show the menu $menuItems = $completion.CompletionMatches | ForEach-Object { New-TabItem -Text $_.CompletionText -Value $_.CompletionText } $Recurse = $false $replacement = $menuItems | Out-ConsoleList -LastWord $lastWord -Recurse ([ref]$Recurse) # Based on return value, apply the completion to the buffer state if($replacement -cne $lastWord) { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Replace($completion.ReplacementIndex, $completion.ReplacementLength, $replacement) } if($Recurse -eq $false) { break } } } # The list of export functions and variables is further restricted in .psd1 Export-ModuleMember -Function * Export-ModuleMember -Variable GuiCompletionConfig |