
#Region './prefix.ps1' 0
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/../DscOperations -Force
#EndRegion './prefix.ps1' 5
#Region './Private/Convert-FileToUnixLineEndings.ps1' 0
function Convert-FileToUnixLineEndings
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Raw
    $fileContentWithLinuxLineEndings = $fileContent.Replace("`r`n", "`n")
    $null = Set-Content -Path $FilePath -Value $fileContentWithLinuxLineEndings -Force -NoNewline
    Write-Verbose -Message "Converted the file '$FilePath' to Unix line endings."
#EndRegion './Private/Convert-FileToUnixLineEndings.ps1' 16
#Region './Private/Format-Json.ps1' 0
function Format-Json
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $indent = 0
    $jsonLines = $Json -Split '\n'
    $formattedLines = @()
    $previousLine = ''

    foreach ($line in $jsonLines)
        $skipAddingLine = $false
        if ($line -match '^\s*\}\s*' -or $line -match '^\s*\]\s*')
            # This line contains ] or }, decrement the indentation level

        $formattedLine = (' ' * $indent * 4) + $line.TrimStart().Replace(': ', ': ')

        if ($line -match '\s*".*"\s*:\s*\[' -or $line -match '\s*".*"\s*:\s*\{' -or $line -match '^\s*\{\s*' -or $line -match '^\s*\[\s*')
            # This line contains [ or {, increment the indentation level

        if ($previousLine.Trim().EndsWith("{"))
            if ($formattedLine.Trim() -in @("}", "},"))
                $newLine = "$($previousLine.TrimEnd())$($formattedLine.Trim())"
                #Write-Verbose -Message "FOUND SHORTENED LINE: $newLine"
                $formattedLines[($formattedLines.Count - 1)] = $newLine
                $previousLine = $newLine
                $skipAddingLine = $true

        if ($previousLine.Trim().EndsWith("["))
            if ($formattedLine.Trim() -in @("]", "],"))
                $newLine = "$($previousLine.TrimEnd())$($formattedLine.Trim())"
                #Write-Verbose -Message "FOUND SHORTENED LINE: $newLine"
                $formattedLines[($formattedLines.Count - 1)] = $newLine
                $previousLine = $newLine
                $skipAddingLine = $true

        if (-not $skipAddingLine -and -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($formattedLine))
            $previousLine = $formattedLine
            $formattedLines += $formattedLine

    $formattedJson = $formattedLines -join "`n"
    return $formattedJson
#EndRegion './Private/Format-Json.ps1' 68
#Region './Private/Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParameterName.ps1' 0
        Retrieves the name of a Guest Configuration Assignment parameter correctly formatted to be passed to the Guest Configuration Assignment.
    .PARAMETER ParameterInfo
        A single hashtable indicating the necessary parameter info from which to retrieve the parameter name.
        Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParameterName -ParameterInfo $currentParameterInfo

function Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParameterName
    $assignmentParameterName = "$($ParameterInfo.MofResourceReference);$($ParameterInfo.MofParameterName)"
    return $assignmentParameterName
#EndRegion './Private/Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParameterName.ps1' 22
#Region './Private/Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParametersExistenceConditionSection.ps1' 0

        Retrieves a policy section check for the existence of a Guest Configuration Assignment with the specified parameters.
    .PARAMETER ParameterInfo
        A list of hashtables indicating the necessary info for parameters that need to be passed into this Guest Configuration Assignment.
        Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParametersExistenceConditionSection -ParameterInfo $parameterInfo

function Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParametersExistenceConditionSection
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $parameterValueConceatenatedStringList = @()
    foreach ($currentParameterInfo in $ParameterInfo)
        $assignmentParameterName = Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParameterName -ParameterInfo $currentParameterInfo
        $assignmentParameterStringValue = Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParameterStringValue -ParameterInfo $currentParameterInfo
        $currentParameterValueConcatenatedString = "'$assignmentParameterName', '=', $assignmentParameterStringValue"
        $parameterValueConceatenatedStringList += $currentParameterValueConcatenatedString

    $allParameterValueConcantenatedString = $parameterValueConceatenatedStringList -join ", ',', "
    $parameterExistenceConditionEqualsValue = "[base64(concat($allParameterValueConcantenatedString))]"
    $existenceConditionHashtable = [Ordered]@{
        field  = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/parameterHash'
        equals = $parameterExistenceConditionEqualsValue

    return $existenceConditionHashtable
#EndRegion './Private/Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParametersExistenceConditionSection.ps1' 40
#Region './Private/Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParameterStringValue.ps1' 0
        Retrieves the string value of a Guest Configuration Assignment parameter correctly formatted to be passed to the Guest Configuration Assignment as part of the parameter hash.
    .PARAMETER ParameterInfo
        A single hashtable indicating the necessary parameter info from which to retrieve the parameter string value.
        Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParameterStringValue -ParameterInfo $currentParameterInfo

function Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParameterStringValue

    if ($ParameterInfo.ContainsKey('ConfigurationValue'))
        if ($ParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue.StartsWith('[') -and $ParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue.EndsWith(']'))
            $assignmentParameterStringValue = $ParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue.Substring(1, $ParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue.Length - 2)
            $assignmentParameterStringValue = "'$($ParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue)'"
        $assignmentParameterStringValue = "parameters('$($ParameterInfo.ReferenceName)')"

    return $assignmentParameterStringValue
#EndRegion './Private/Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParameterStringValue.ps1' 38
#Region './Private/Get-GuestConfigurationMofContent.ps1' 0

function Get-GuestConfigurationMofContent
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Verbose "Parsing Configuration document '$Path'"
    $resourcesInMofDocument = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportInstances($Path, 4)

    # Set the profile path for Chef resource
    $resourcesInMofDocument | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_.CimClass.CimClassName -eq 'MSFT_ChefInSpecResource')
            $profilePath = "$Name/Modules/$($_.Name)"
            $item = $_.CimInstanceProperties.Item('GithubPath')
            if ($null -eq $item)
                $item = [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimProperty]::Create('GithubPath', $profilePath, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimFlags]::Property)
                $item.Value = $profilePath

    return $resourcesInMofDocument
#EndRegion './Private/Get-GuestConfigurationMofContent.ps1' 39
#Region './Private/Get-ParameterDefinition.ps1' 0
        Define the parmameters of a policy for Audit or Deploy.
    .PARAMETER ParameterInfo
        A list of hashtables indicating the necessary info for parameters that need to be passed into this Guest Configuration Assignment.

function Get-ParameterDefinition
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $paramDefinition = [Ordered]@{}
    foreach ($item in $ParameterInfo)
        $paramDefinition[$($item.ReferenceName)] = @{
            type = $item.Type
            metadata = [Ordered]@{
                displayName = $item.DisplayName
                description = $item.Description

         if ($item.ContainsKey('AllowedValues'))
            $paramDefinition[$($item.ReferenceName)]['allowedValues'] = $item.AllowedValues

         if ($item.ContainsKey('DefaultValue'))
            $paramDefinition[$($item.ReferenceName)]['defaultValue'] = $item.DefaultValue

    return $paramDefinition
#EndRegion './Private/Get-ParameterDefinition.ps1' 40
#Region './Private/Get-ParameterMappingForAINE.ps1' 0

        Define the policy parameter mapping to the parameters of the MOF file.
    .PARAMETER ParameterInfo
        A list of hashtables indicating the necessary info for parameters that need to be passed into this Guest Configuration Assignment.

function  Get-ParameterMappingForAINE
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $paramMapping = @{}
    foreach ($item in $ParameterInfo)
        $paramMapping[$item.ReferenceName] = ("{0};{1}" -f $item.MofResourceReference, $item.MofParameterName)

    return $paramMapping
#EndRegion './Private/Get-ParameterMappingForAINE.ps1' 28
#Region './Private/Get-ParameterMappingForDINE.ps1' 0

        Define the policy parameter mapping to the parameters of the MOF file.
        Expected output should follow the following format:
                "name": "[MyFile]createFoobarTestFile;path",
                "value": "[parameters('path')]"
                "name": "[MyFile]createFoobarTestFile;ensure",
                "value": "[parameters('ensure')]"
                "name": "[MyFile]createFoobarTestFile;content",
                "value": "[parameters('content')]"

    .PARAMETER ParameterInfo
        A list of hashtables indicating the necessary info for parameters that need to be passed into this Guest Configuration Assignment.

function Get-ParameterMappingForDINE
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $paramMapping = @()
    foreach ($item in $ParameterInfo)
        $parameterPair = @{
            "name" = ("{0};{1}" -f $item.MofResourceReference, $item.MofParameterName)
            "value" = ("[parameters('{0}')]" -f $item.ReferenceName)
        $paramMapping += $parameterPair

    return $paramMapping
#EndRegion './Private/Get-ParameterMappingForDINE.ps1' 45
#Region './Private/New-GuestConfigurationAuditPolicyDefinition.ps1' 0
        Creates a new audit policy definition for a guest configuration policy.

function New-GuestConfigurationAuditPolicyDefinition
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]





        $UseCertificateValidation = $false,

        $Category = 'Guest Configuration',


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Windows', 'Linux')]


    $filePath = Join-Path -Path $FolderPath -ChildPath $FileName
    Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Guest Configuration Audit Policy Definition to '$filePath'."

    if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Guid))
        $auditPolicyGuid = $Guid
        $auditPolicyGuid = [Guid]::NewGuid()

    $ParameterMapping = @{ }
    $ParameterDefinitions = @{ }
    $auditPolicyContentHashtable = [Ordered]@{ }

    if ($null -ne $ParameterInfo)
        $ParameterMapping = Get-ParameterMappingForAINE -ParameterInfo $ParameterInfo
        $ParameterDefinitions = Get-ParameterDefinition -ParameterInfo $ParameterInfo

    $ParameterDefinitions['IncludeArcMachines'] += [Ordered]@{
        type          = "string"
        metadata      = [Ordered]@{
            displayName = 'Include Arc connected servers'
            description = 'By selecting this option, you agree to be charged monthly per Arc connected machine.'

        allowedValues = @('True', 'False')
        defaultValue  = 'False'

    $auditPolicyContentHashtable = [Ordered]@{
        properties = [Ordered]@{
            displayName = $DisplayName
            policyType  = 'Custom'
            mode        = 'All'
            description = $Description
            metadata    = [Ordered]@{
                category           = $Category
                guestConfiguration = [Ordered]@{
                    name                   = $ConfigurationName
                    version                = $ConfigurationVersion
                    contentType            = "Custom"
                    contentUri             = $ContentUri
                    contentHash            = $ContentHash
                    configurationParameter = $ParameterMapping
            parameters  = $ParameterDefinitions

        id         = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/$auditPolicyGuid"
        name       = $auditPolicyGuid

    $policyRuleHashtable = [Ordered]@{
        if   = [Ordered]@{
            anyOf = @(
                    allOf = @(
                            field  = 'type'
                            equals = "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"
                    allOf = @(
                            value  = "[parameters('IncludeArcMachines')]"
                            equals = "true"
                            field  = "type"
                            equals = "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines"
        then = [Ordered]@{
            effect  = 'auditIfNotExists'
            details = [Ordered]@{
                type = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments'
                name = $ConfigurationName

    if ($Platform -ieq 'Windows')
        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][0]['allOf'] += @(
                anyOf = @(
                        field = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                        in    = @(
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                                equals = 'MicrosoftWindowsServer'
                                field   = "Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU"
                                notLike = '2008*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                                equals = 'MicrosoftSQLServer'
                                field   = "Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer"
                                notLike = 'SQL2008*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                                equals = 'microsoft-dsvm'
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer"
                                equals = 'dsvm-windows'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                                equals = 'microsoft-ads'
                                field = "Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer"
                                in    = @(
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                                equals = 'batch'
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer"
                                equals = 'rendering-windows2016'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                                equals = 'center-for-internet-security-inc'
                                field = "Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer"
                                like  = 'cis-windows-server-201*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                                equals = 'pivotal'
                                field = "Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer"
                                like  = 'bosh-windows-server*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                                equals = 'cloud-infrastructure-services'
                                field = "Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer"
                                like  = 'ad*'
                        allOf = @(
                                anyOf = @(
                                        field  = "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/osProfile.windowsConfiguration"
                                        exists = 'true'
                                        field = "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/storageProfile.osDisk.osType"
                                        like  = 'Windows*'
                                anyOf = @(
                                        field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU"
                                        exists = 'false'
                                        allOf = @(
                                                field   = "Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU"
                                                notLike = '2008*'
                                                field   = "Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer"
                                                notLike = 'SQL2008*'

        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][1]['allOf'] += @(
                field = "Microsoft.HybridCompute/imageOffer"
                like  = "windows*"
    elseif ($Platform -ieq 'Linux')
        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][0]['allOf'] += @(
                anyOf = @(
                        field = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                        in    = @(
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                                equals = 'OpenLogic'
                                field = "Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer"
                                like  = 'CentOS*'
                                field   = "Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU"
                                notLike = '6*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                                equals = 'Oracle'
                                field  = "Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer"
                                equals = 'Oracle-Linux'
                                field   = "Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU"
                                notLike = '6*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'RedHat'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                in    = @(
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '6*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'RedHat'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                in    = @(
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'center-for-internet-security-inc'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                in    = @(

                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'credativ'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'Debian'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '7*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'Suse'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                like  = 'SLES*'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '11*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'Canonical'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'UbuntuServer'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '12*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'microsoft-dsvm'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                in    = @(
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'cloudera'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'cloudera-centos-os'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '6*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'cloudera'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'cloudera-altus-centos-os'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'microsoft-ads'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                like  = 'linux*'

        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][1]['allOf'] += @(
                field = "Microsoft.HybridCompute/imageOffer"
                like  = "linux*"

        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][1]['allOf'] += @(
                field = 'Microsoft.HybridCompute/imageOffer'
                like  = 'linux*'

        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][1]['allOf'] += @(
                field = "Microsoft.HybridCompute/imageOffer"
                like  = "linux*"
        throw "The specified platform '$Platform' is not currently supported by this script."

    # if there is atleast one tag
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tag') -AND $null -ne $Tag)
        # capture existing 'anyOf' section
        $anyOf = $policyRuleHashtable['if']
        # replace with new 'allOf' at top order
        $policyRuleHashtable['if'] = [Ordered]@{
            allOf = @(
        # add tags section under new 'allOf'
        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['allOf'] += [Ordered]@{
            allOf = @(
        # re-insert 'anyOf' under new 'allOf' after tags 'allOf'
        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['allOf'] += $anyOf
        # add each tag individually to tags 'allOf'
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Tag.count; $i++)
            # if there is atleast one tag
            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Tag[$i].Keys))
                $policyRuleHashtable['if']['allOf'][0]['allOf'] += [Ordered]@{
                    field  = "tags.$($Tag[$i].Keys)"
                    equals = "$($Tag[$i].Values)"

    $existenceConditionList = [Ordered]@{
        allOf = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

        field  = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/complianceStatus'
        equals = 'Compliant'

    if ($null -ne $ParameterInfo)
        $parametersExistenceCondition = Get-GuestConfigurationAssignmentParametersExistenceConditionSection -ParameterInfo $ParameterInfo

    $policyRuleHashtable['then']['details']['existenceCondition'] = $existenceConditionList

    $auditPolicyContentHashtable['properties']['policyRule'] = $policyRuleHashtable

    $auditPolicyContent = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $auditPolicyContentHashtable -Depth 100 | ForEach-Object { [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($_) }
    $formattedAuditPolicyContent = Format-Json -Json $auditPolicyContent

    if (Test-Path -Path $filePath)
        Write-Error -Message "A file at the policy destination path '$filePath' already exists. Please remove this file or specify a different destination path."
        $null = New-Item -Path $filePath -ItemType 'File' -Value $formattedAuditPolicyContent

    return $auditPolicyGuid
#EndRegion './Private/New-GuestConfigurationAuditPolicyDefinition.ps1' 643
#Region './Private/New-PesterResourceSection.ps1' 0

function New-PesterResourceSection
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $index = 1

    $Version = (Get-Module -Name 'GuestConfiguration').Version.ToString()

    # this is a workaround for inserting the variable in the middle of a word inside a here-string
    $ref = '$MSFT_PesterResource'+$Index+'ref'

    # MOF should not contain the file extension since that is added by the resource
    $PesterFileName = $PesterFileName.replace('.ps1','')

    $MOFResourceSection = @"
instance of MSFT_PesterResource as $ref
    ModuleName = "GuestConfiguration";
    SourceInfo = "Pester scripts";
    PesterFileName = "$PesterFileName";
    ResourceID = "[PesterResource]$PesterFileName";
    ModuleVersion = "$Version";
    ConfigurationName = "$Name";

    return $MOFResourceSection
#EndRegion './Private/New-PesterResourceSection.ps1' 43
#Region './Public/Copy-ChefInspecDependencies.ps1' 0
function Copy-ChefInspecDependencies
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    # Copy Inspec install script and profiles.
    $modulePath = Join-Path $PackagePath 'Modules'
    $resourcesInMofDocument = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportInstances($Configuration, 4)
    $missingDependencies = @()
    $chefInspecProfiles = @()

    $resourcesInMofDocument | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_.CimClass.CimClassName -eq 'MSFT_ChefInSpecResource')
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ChefInspecProfilePath))
                throw "'$($_.CimInstanceProperties['Name'].Value)'. Please use ChefInspecProfilePath parameter to specify profile path."

            $inspecProfilePath = Join-Path $ChefInspecProfilePath $_.CimInstanceProperties['Name'].Value
            if (-not (Test-Path $inspecProfilePath))
                $missingDependencies += $_.CimInstanceProperties['Name'].Value
                $chefInspecProfiles += $inspecProfilePath


    if ($missingDependencies.Length)
        throw "Failed to find Chef Inspec profile for '$($missingDependencies -join ',')'. Please make sure profile is present on $ChefInspecProfilePath path."

    $chefInspecProfiles | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item $_ $modulePath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

#EndRegion './Public/Copy-ChefInspecDependencies.ps1' 54
#Region './Public/Copy-DscResources.ps1' 0

function Copy-DscResources
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $resourcesInMofDocument = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportInstances($MofDocumentPath, 4)

    Write-Verbose 'Copy DSC resources ...'
    $modulePath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $Destination 'Modules')
    $guestConfigModulePath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $modulePath 'GuestConfiguration')

        $latestModule = @()
        $latestModule += Get-Module GuestConfiguration
        $latestModule += Get-Module GuestConfiguration -ListAvailable
        $latestModule = ($latestModule | Sort-Object Version -Descending)[0]
        write-error 'unable to find the GuestConfiguration module either as an imported module or in $env:PSModulePath'

    Copy-Item "$($latestModule.ModuleBase)/DscResources/" "$guestConfigModulePath/DscResources/" -Recurse -Force
    Copy-Item "$($latestModule.ModuleBase)/Modules/" "$guestConfigModulePath/Modules/" -Recurse -Force
    Copy-Item "$($latestModule.ModuleBase)/GuestConfiguration.psd1" "$guestConfigModulePath/GuestConfiguration.psd1" -Force
    Copy-Item "$($latestModule.ModuleBase)/GuestConfiguration.psm1" "$guestConfigModulePath/GuestConfiguration.psm1" -Force

    # Copies DSC resource modules
    $modulesToCopy = @{ }
    $IncludePesterModule = $false
        $_.CimInstanceProperties.Name -contains 'ModuleName' -and $_.CimInstanceProperties.Name -contains 'ModuleVersion'
        $modulesToCopy[$_.CimClass.CimClassName] = @{
            ModuleName = $_.ModuleName
            ModuleVersion = $_.ModuleVersion

        if ($_.ResourceID -match 'PesterResource')
            $IncludePesterModule = $true

    # PowerShell modules required by DSC resource module
    $powershellModulesToCopy = @{ }
        if ($_.ModuleName -ne 'GuestConfiguration')
            $requiredModule = Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{
                ModuleName = $_.ModuleName
                RequiredVersion = $_.ModuleVersion
            } -ListAvailable | Select-Object -First 1

            if (-not $requiredModule)
                throw "The module '$($_.ModuleName)' with version '$($_.ModuleVersion)' could not be found."

            if ($requiredModule.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'RequiredModules')
                $requiredModule.RequiredModules | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($null -ne $_.Version)
                        $powershellModulesToCopy[$_.Name] = @{
                            ModuleName = $_.Name
                            ModuleVersion = $_.Version

                        Write-Verbose "$($_.Name) is a required PowerShell module"
                        Write-Error "Unable to add required PowerShell module $($_.Name). No version was specified in the module manifest RequiredModules property. Please use module specification '@{ModuleName=;ModuleVersion=}'."

    if ($true -eq $IncludePesterModule)
        $latestInstalledVersionofPester = (Get-Module -Name 'Pester' -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending)[0]
        $powershellModulesToCopy['Pester'] = @{
            ModuleName = $latestInstalledVersionofPester.Name
            ModuleVersion = $latestInstalledVersionofPester.Version

        Write-Verbose "Pester is a required PowerShell module (using Pester v$($latestInstalledVersionofPester.Version))."

    $modulesToCopy += $powershellModulesToCopy

    $modulesToCopy.Values | ForEach-Object {
        if (@('Pester', 'GuestConfiguration') -notcontains $_.ModuleName)
            $moduleToCopy = Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{
                ModuleName = $_.ModuleName
                RequiredVersion = $_.ModuleVersion
            } -ListAvailable | Select-Object -First 1

            if ($null -ne $moduleToCopy)
                if ($_.ModuleName -eq 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration')
                    Write-Error 'The configuration includes DSC resources from the Windows PowerShell 5.1 module "PSDesiredStateConfiguration" that are not available in PowerShell Core. Switch to the "PSDSCResources" module available from the PowerShell Gallery. Note that the File and Package resources are not yet available in "PSDSCResources".'

                $moduleToCopyPath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $modulePath $_.ModuleName)
                Copy-Item -Path "$($moduleToCopy.ModuleBase)/*" -Destination $moduleToCopyPath -Recurse -Force
                Write-Error "Module $($_.ModuleName) version $($_.ModuleVersion) could not be found in `$env:PSModulePath"

            $moduleToCopyPath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $modulePath $_.ModuleName)
            Copy-Item -Path "$($moduleToCopy.ModuleBase)/*" -Destination $moduleToCopyPath -Recurse -Force:$Force
        elseif ($_.ModuleName -eq 'Pester')
            $moduleToCopy = $latestInstalledVersionofPester
            if ($null -ne $moduleToCopy)
                $moduleToCopyPath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $modulePath $_.ModuleName)
                Copy-Item -Path "$($moduleToCopy.ModuleBase)/*" -Destination $moduleToCopyPath -Recurse -Force
                Write-Error "The configuration includes PesterResource. This resource requires Pester version 5.0.0 or later, which could not be found in `$env:PSModulePath"

        # Add latest module to module path
        $latestModulePSModulePath = [IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $latestModule.ModuleBase
        $Env:PSModulePath += $latestModulePSModulePath

        # Copy binary resources.
        $nativeResourcePath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $modulePath 'DscNativeResources')
        $resources = Get-DscResource -Module @{
            ModuleName    = 'GuestConfiguration'
            ModuleVersion = $latestModule.Version.ToString()

        $resources | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_.ImplementedAs -eq 'Binary')
                $binaryResourcePath = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $latestModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'DscResources') -ChildPath $_.ResourceType
                Get-ChildItem -Path $binaryResourcePath/* -Include *.sh -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Convert-FileToUnixLineEndings -FilePath $_ }
                Copy-Item -Path $binaryResourcePath/* -Include *.sh -Destination $modulePath -Recurse -Force
                Copy-Item -Path $binaryResourcePath -Destination $nativeResourcePath -Recurse -Force

        # Remove DSC binaries from package (just a safeguard).
        $binaryPath = Join-Path -Path $guestConfigModulePath -ChildPath 'bin'
        $null = Remove-Item -Path $binaryPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
        # Remove addition to module path
        $Env:PSModulePath = $Env:PSModulePath.replace($latestModulePSModulePath, '')
#EndRegion './Public/Copy-DscResources.ps1' 183
#Region './Public/New-CustomGuestConfigPolicy.ps1' 0
function New-CustomGuestConfigPolicy
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Verbose -Message "Getting Policy Definitions from Current Context."

    $existingPolicies = Get-AzPolicyDefinition

    $existingAuditPolicy = $existingPolicies | Where-Object -FilterScript {
        ($_.Properties.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'displayName') -and
        ($_.Properties.displayName -eq $PolicyInfo.DisplayName)

    if ($null -ne $existingAuditPolicy)
        Write-Verbose -Message "Found policy with name '$($existingAuditPolicy.Properties.displayName)' and guid '$($existingAuditPolicy.Name)'..."
        $PolicyInfo['Guid'] = $existingAuditPolicy.Name

    New-GuestConfigurationPolicyDefinition @PSBoundParameters
#EndRegion './Public/New-CustomGuestConfigPolicy.ps1' 33
#Region './Public/New-GuestConfigurationDeployPolicyDefinition.ps1' 0
function New-GuestConfigurationDeployPolicyDefinition
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Windows', 'Linux')]

        $UseCertificateValidation = $false,

        $Category = 'Guest Configuration',


    $filePath = Join-Path -Path $FolderPath -ChildPath $FileName
    Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Guest Configuration Deploy Policy Definition to '$filePath'."

    if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Guid))
        $deployPolicyGuid = $Guid
        $deployPolicyGuid = [Guid]::NewGuid()

    $ParameterMapping = @()
    $ParameterDefinitions = @{}
    $PolicyContentHashtable = [Ordered]@{}
    $existenceConditionList = [Ordered]@{
        allOf = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

    if ($null -ne $ParameterInfo)
        $ParameterMapping += Get-ParameterMappingForDINE -ParameterInfo $ParameterInfo
        $ParameterDefinitions = Get-ParameterDefinition -ParameterInfo $ParameterInfo

    $ParameterDefinitions['IncludeArcMachines'] += [Ordered]@{
        type          = "string"
        metadata      = [Ordered]@{
            displayName = 'Include Arc connected servers'
            description = 'By selecting this option, you agree to be charged monthly per Arc connected machine.'

        allowedValues = @('True', 'False')
        defaultValue  = 'False'

    $deployPolicyContentHashtable = [Ordered]@{
        properties = [Ordered]@{
            displayName = $DisplayName
            policyType  = 'Custom'
            mode        = 'Indexed'
            description = $Description
            metadata    = [Ordered]@{
                version = $ConfigurationVersion
                category          = $Category
                requiredProviders = @(
            parameters  = $ParameterDefinitions

    $policyRuleHashtable = [Ordered]@{
        if   = [Ordered]@{
            anyOf = @(
                    allOf = @(
                            field  = 'type'
                            equals = "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"
                    allOf = @(
                            value  = "[parameters('IncludeArcMachines')]"
                            equals = "true"
                            field  = "type"
                            equals = "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines"
        then = [Ordered]@{
            effect  = 'deployIfNotExists'
            details = [Ordered]@{
                type              = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments'
                name              = $ConfigurationName
                roleDefinitionIds = @('/providers/microsoft.authorization/roleDefinitions/b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c')

    $deploymentHashtable = [Ordered]@{
        properties = [Ordered]@{
            mode       = 'incremental'
            parameters = [Ordered]@{
                vmName            = [Ordered]@{
                    value = "[field('name')]"
                location          = [Ordered]@{
                    value = "[field('location')]"
                type              = [Ordered]@{
                    value = "[field('type')]"
                configurationName = [Ordered]@{
                    value = $ConfigurationName
                contentUri        = [Ordered]@{
                    value = $ContentUri
                contentHash       = [Ordered]@{
                    value = $ContentHash
            template   = [Ordered]@{
                '$schema'      = ''
                contentVersion = ''
                parameters     = [Ordered]@{
                    vmName            = [Ordered]@{
                        type = 'string'
                    location          = [Ordered]@{
                        type = 'string'
                    type              = [Ordered]@{
                        type = 'string'
                    configurationName = [Ordered]@{
                        type = 'string'
                    contentUri        = [Ordered]@{
                        type = 'string'
                    contentHash       = [Ordered]@{
                        type = 'string'
                resources      = @()

    $guestConfigurationAssignmentHashtable = @(
        # Compute
            condition  = "[equals(toLower(parameters('type')), toLower('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'))]"
            apiVersion = '2018-11-20'
            type       = 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/providers/guestConfigurationAssignments'
            name       = "[concat(parameters('vmName'), '/Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/', parameters('configurationName'))]"
            location   = "[parameters('location')]"
            properties = [Ordered]@{
                guestConfiguration = [Ordered]@{
                    name            = "[parameters('configurationName')]"
                    version         = $ConfigurationVersion
                    contentUri      = "[parameters('contentUri')]"
                    contentHash     = "[parameters('contentHash')]"
                    assignmentType  = "$AssignmentType"
                    configurationParameter = $ParameterMapping
        # Hybrid Compute
            condition  = "[equals(toLower(parameters('type')), toLower('microsoft.hybridcompute/machines'))]"
            apiVersion = '2018-11-20'
            type       = 'Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/providers/guestConfigurationAssignments'
            name       = "[concat(parameters('vmName'), '/Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/', parameters('configurationName'))]"
            location   = "[parameters('location')]"
            properties = [Ordered]@{
                guestConfiguration = [Ordered]@{
                    name        = "[parameters('configurationName')]"
                    contentUri  = "[parameters('contentUri')]"
                    contentHash = "[parameters('contentHash')]"
                    assignmentType  = "$AssignmentType"
                    version     = $ConfigurationVersion
                    configurationParameter = $ParameterMapping

    if ($Platform -ieq 'Windows')
        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][0]['allOf'] += @(
                anyOf = @(
                        field = "Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher"
                        in    = @(
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'MicrosoftWindowsServer'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '2008*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'MicrosoftSQLServer'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                notLike = 'SQL2008*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'microsoft-dsvm'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'dsvm-windows'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'microsoft-ads'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                in    = @(
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'batch'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'rendering-windows2016'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'center-for-internet-security-inc'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                like  = 'cis-windows-server-201*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'pivotal'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                like  = 'bosh-windows-server*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'cloud-infrastructure-services'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                like  = 'ad*'
                        allOf = @(
                                anyOf = @(
                                        field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/osProfile.windowsConfiguration'
                                        exists = 'true'
                                        field = 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/storageProfile.osDisk.osType'
                                        like  = 'Windows*'
                                anyOf = @(
                                        field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                        exists = 'false'
                                        allOf = @(
                                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                                notLike = '2008*'
                                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                                notLike = 'SQL2008*'

        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][1]['allOf'] += @(
                field = 'Microsoft.HybridCompute/imageOffer'
                like  = 'windows*'
    elseif ($Platform -ieq 'Linux')
        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][0]['allOf'] += @(
                anyOf = @(
                        field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                        in    = @(
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'OpenLogic'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                like  = 'CentOS*'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '6*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'Oracle'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'Oracle-Linux'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '6*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'RedHat'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                in    = @(
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '6*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'RedHat'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                in    = @(
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'center-for-internet-security-inc'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                in    = @(

                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'credativ'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'Debian'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '7*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'Suse'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                like  = 'SLES*'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '11*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'Canonical'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'UbuntuServer'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '12*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'microsoft-dsvm'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                in    = @(
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'cloudera'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'cloudera-centos-os'
                                field   = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU'
                                notLike = '6*'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'cloudera'
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                equals = 'cloudera-altus-centos-os'
                        allOf = @(
                                field  = 'Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher'
                                equals = 'microsoft-ads'
                                field = 'Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer'
                                like  = 'linux*'

        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][1]['allOf'] += @(
                field = "Microsoft.HybridCompute/imageOffer"
                like  = "linux*"

        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['anyOf'][1]['allOf'] += @(
                field = 'Microsoft.HybridCompute/imageOffer'
                like  = 'linux*'

        throw "The specified platform '$Platform' is not currently supported by this script."

    # If there is at least one tag
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tag') -AND $null -ne $Tag)
        # Capture existing 'anyOf' section
        $anyOf = $policyRuleHashtable['if']
        # Replace with new 'allOf' at top order
        $policyRuleHashtable['if'] = [Ordered]@{
            allOf = @(

        # Add tags section under new 'allOf'
        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['allOf'] += [Ordered]@{
            allOf = @(

        # Re-insert 'anyOf' under new 'allOf' after tags 'allOf'
        $policyRuleHashtable['if']['allOf'] += $anyOf
        # Add each tag individually to tags 'allOf'
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Tag.count; $i++)
            # If there is at least one tag
            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Tag[$i].Keys))
                $policyRuleHashtable['if']['allOf'][0]['allOf'] += [Ordered]@{
                    field  = "tags.$($Tag[$i].Keys)"
                    equals = "$($Tag[$i].Values)"

    # Handle adding parameters if needed
    if ($null -ne $ParameterInfo -and $ParameterInfo.Count -gt 0)
        $parameterValueConceatenatedStringList = @()

        if (-not $deployPolicyContentHashtable['properties'].Contains('parameters'))
            $deployPolicyContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'] = [Ordered]@{ }

        foreach ($guestConfigurationAssignment in $guestConfigurationAssignmentHashtable)
            if (-not $guestConfigurationAssignment['properties']['guestConfiguration'].Contains('configurationParameter'))
                $guestConfigurationAssignment['properties']['guestConfiguration']['configurationParameter'] = @()

        # Parameter Hash Section
        $parameterValueConceatenatedStringList = @()
        foreach ($parameterPair in $ParameterMapping) {
            $name = $
            $value = $parameterPair.value -replace "[][]",""

            $currentParameterValueConcatenatedString = "'$name', '=', $value"
            $parameterValueConceatenatedStringList += $currentParameterValueConcatenatedString

        $allParameterValueConcantenatedString = $parameterValueConceatenatedStringList -join ", ',', "
        $parameterExistenceConditionEqualsValue = "[base64(concat($allParameterValueConcantenatedString))]"
            field  = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/parameterHash'
            equals = $parameterExistenceConditionEqualsValue

        # Adding parameters into the deploymentHashTable
        foreach ($currentParameterInfo in $parameterInfo)
            # Add values in Deployment > Properties > Parameter section
            if ($currentParameterInfo.ContainsKey('DeploymentValue'))
                $deploymentHashtable['properties']['parameters'] += [Ordered]@{
                    $currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName = [Ordered]@{
                        value = $currentParameterInfo.DeploymentValue
                $deploymentHashtable['properties']['parameters'] += [Ordered]@{
                    $currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName = [Ordered]@{
                        value = "[parameters('$($currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName)')]"

            # Add Type to Deployment > Properties > Template > Parameters section
            $deploymentHashtable['properties']['template']['parameters'] += [Ordered]@{
                $currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName = [Ordered]@{
                    type = $currentParameterInfo.Type

    # Existence Condition section
        field  = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/contentHash'
        equals = "$ContentHash"
        field  = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/complianceStatus'
        equals = 'Compliant'

    $policyRuleHashtable['then']['details']['existenceCondition'] = $existenceConditionList

    # Deployment Section
    $policyRuleHashtable['then']['details']['deployment'] = $deploymentHashtable
    $policyRuleHashtable['then']['details']['deployment']['properties']['template']['resources'] += $guestConfigurationAssignmentHashtable
    $deployPolicyContentHashtable['properties']['policyRule'] = $policyRuleHashtable

    $deployPolicyContentHashtable += [Ordered]@{
        id   = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/$deployPolicyGuid"
        type = "Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions"
        name = $deployPolicyGuid

    $deployPolicyContent = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $deployPolicyContentHashtable -Depth 100 | ForEach-Object { [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($_) }
    $formattedDeployPolicyContent = Format-Json -Json $deployPolicyContent

    if (Test-Path -Path $filePath)
        Write-Error -Message "A file at the policy destination path '$filePath' already exists. Please remove this file or specify a different destination path."
        $null = New-Item -Path $filePath -ItemType 'File' -Value $formattedDeployPolicyContent

    return $deployPolicyGuid
#EndRegion './Public/New-GuestConfigurationDeployPolicyDefinition.ps1' 792
#Region './Public/New-GuestConfigurationPolicyDefinition.ps1' 0

        Creates a new policy for guest configuration.

    .PARAMETER PolicyFolderPath
        Folder where policy exists.

    .PARAMETER PolicyInfo
        Policy information.

        $PolicyInfo = @{
            FileName = $FileName
            DisplayName = $DisplayName
            Description = $Description
            Platform = $Platform
            ConfigurationName = $policyName
            ConfigurationVersion = $Version
            ContentUri = $ContentUri
            ContentHash = $contentHash
            AssignmentType = $Mode
            ReferenceId = "Deploy_$policyName"
            ParameterInfo = $ParameterInfo
            UseCertificateValidation = $packageIsSigned
            Category = $Category
            Tag = $Tag
        New-GuestConfigurationPolicyDefinition -PolicyFolderPath $policyDefinitionsPath -PolicyInfo $PolicyInfo


function New-GuestConfigurationPolicyDefinition
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Verbose -Message "Creating new Guest Configuration Policy to '$PolicyFolderPath'."

    if (Test-Path -Path $PolicyFolderPath)
        $null = Remove-Item -Path $PolicyFolderPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

    $null = New-Item -Path $PolicyFolderPath -ItemType 'Directory'

    if ($PolicyInfo.FileName -eq 'DeployIfNotExists.json')
        foreach ($currentDeployPolicyInfo in $PolicyInfo)
            $currentDeployPolicyInfo['FolderPath'] = $PolicyFolderPath
            New-GuestConfigurationDeployPolicyDefinition @currentDeployPolicyInfo
        foreach ($currentAuditPolicyInfo in $PolicyInfo)
            $currentAuditPolicyInfo['FolderPath'] = $PolicyFolderPath
            New-GuestConfigurationAuditPolicyDefinition @currentAuditPolicyInfo
#EndRegion './Public/New-GuestConfigurationPolicyDefinition.ps1' 72
#Region './Public/New-MofFileforPester.ps1' 0

function New-MofFileforPester
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    Write-Verbose "Getting Pester script files from '$PesterScriptsPath'"
    $Scripts = Get-ChildItem $PesterScriptsPath -Filter "*.ps1"

    $MOFContent = ''

    # Create resource section of MOF for each script
    $index = 1
    foreach ($script in $Scripts)
        $ResourceSection = $null
        $ResourceSection = New-PesterResourceSection -Name $Name -PesterFileName $script.Name -Index $index
        $MOFContent += $ResourceSection
        $MOFContent += "`n"

    # Append configuration info
    $MOFContent += @"
instance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument
    MinimumCompatibleVersion = "1.0.0";
    CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties= {"Omi_BaseResource:ConfigurationName"};

    # Write file
    Set-Content -Value $MOFContent -Path $Path -Force:$Force

    # Output the path to the new file
        Path = $Path
#EndRegion './Public/New-MofFileforPester.ps1' 59
#Region './Public/Save-GuestConfigurationMofDocument.ps1' 0
function Save-GuestConfigurationMofDocument
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $resourcesInMofDocument = Get-GuestConfigurationMofContent -Name $Name -Path $SourcePath

    # if mof contains Chef resource
    if ($resourcesInMofDocument.CimSystemProperties.ClassName -contains 'MSFT_ChefInSpecResource')
        Write-Verbose -Message "Serialize DSC document to $DestinationPath path ..."
        $content = ''
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $resourcesInMofDocument.Count; $i++)
            $resourceClassName = $resourcesInMofDocument[$i].CimSystemProperties.ClassName
            $content += "instance of $resourceClassName"

            if ($resourceClassName -ne 'OMI_ConfigurationDocument')
                $content += ' as $' + "$resourceClassName$i"

            $content += "`n{`n"
            $resourcesInMofDocument[$i].CimInstanceProperties | ForEach-Object {
                $content += " $($_.Name)"
                if ($_.CimType -eq 'StringArray')
                    $content += " = {""$($_.Value -replace '[""\\]','\$&')""}; `n"
                    $content += " = ""$($_.Value -replace '[""\\]','\$&')""; `n"

            $content += "};`n" ;

        $content | Out-File $DestinationPath
        Write-Verbose "Copy DSC document to $DestinationPath path ..."
        Copy-Item $SourcePath $DestinationPath
#EndRegion './Public/Save-GuestConfigurationMofDocument.ps1' 60
#Region './Public/Test-GuestConfigurationMofResourceDependencies.ps1' 0
function Test-GuestConfigurationMofResourceDependencies
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $resourcesInMofDocument = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportInstances($Path, 4)

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $resourcesInMofDocument.Count; $i++)
        if ($resourcesInMofDocument[$i].CimInstanceProperties.Name -contains 'ModuleName' -and $resourcesInMofDocument[$i].ModuleName -ne 'GuestConfiguration')
            if ($resourcesInMofDocument[$i].ModuleName -ieq 'PsDesiredStateConfiguration')
                throw "'PsDesiredStateConfiguration' module is not supported by GuestConfiguration. Please use 'PSDSCResources' module instead of 'PsDesiredStateConfiguration' module in DSC configuration."

            $configurationName = $resourcesInMofDocument[$i].ConfigurationName
            Write-Warning -Message "The configuration '$configurationName' is using one or more resources outside of the GuestConfiguration module. Please make sure these resources work with PowerShell Core"
#EndRegion './Public/Test-GuestConfigurationMofResourceDependencies.ps1' 28
#Region './Public/Update-MofDocumentParameters.ps1' 0
function Update-MofDocumentParameters
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    if ($Parameter.Count -eq 0)

    $resourcesInMofDocument = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportInstances($Path, 4)

    foreach ($parmInfo in $Parameter)
        if (-not $parmInfo.Contains('ResourceType'))
            throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'ResourceType'. Please make sure that configuration resource type is specified in configuration parameter."

        if (-not $parmInfo.Contains('ResourceId'))
            throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'ResourceId'. Please make sure that configuration resource Id is specified in configuration parameter."

        if (-not $parmInfo.Contains('ResourcePropertyName'))
            throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'ResourcePropertyName'. Please make sure that configuration resource property name is specified in configuration parameter."

        if (-not $parmInfo.Contains('ResourcePropertyValue'))
            throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'ResourcePropertyValue'. Please make sure that configuration resource property value is specified in configuration parameter."

        $resourceId = "[$($parmInfo.ResourceType)]$($parmInfo.ResourceId)"
        if ($null -eq (
                $resourcesInMofDocument | Where-Object {
                        ($_.CimInstanceProperties.Name -contains 'ResourceID') -and
                        ($_.CimInstanceProperties['ResourceID'].Value -eq $resourceId) -and
                        ($_.CimInstanceProperties.Name -contains $parmInfo.ResourcePropertyName)
            throw "Failed to find parameter reference in the configuration '$Path'. Please make sure parameter with ResourceType:'$($parmInfo.ResourceType)', ResourceId:'$($parmInfo.ResourceId)' and ResourcePropertyName:'$($parmInfo.ResourcePropertyName)' exist in the configuration."

        Write-Verbose "Updating configuration parameter for $resourceId ..."
        $resourcesInMofDocument | ForEach-Object {
            if (($_.CimInstanceProperties.Name -contains 'ResourceID') -and ($_.CimInstanceProperties['ResourceID'].Value -eq $resourceId))
                $item = $_.CimInstanceProperties.Item($parmInfo.ResourcePropertyName)
                $item.Value = $parmInfo.ResourcePropertyValue

    Write-Verbose "Saving configuration file '$Path' with updated parameters ..."
    $content = ""
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $resourcesInMofDocument.Count; $i++)
        $resourceClassName = $resourcesInMofDocument[$i].CimSystemProperties.ClassName
        $content += "instance of $resourceClassName"

        if ($resourceClassName -ne 'OMI_ConfigurationDocument')
            $content += ' as $' + "$resourceClassName$i"

        $content += "`n{`n"
        $resourcesInMofDocument[$i].CimInstanceProperties | ForEach-Object {
            $content += " $($_.Name)"
            if ($_.CimType -eq 'StringArray')
                $content += " = {""$($_.Value -replace '[""\\]','\$&')""}; `n"
                $content += " = ""$($_.Value -replace '[""\\]','\$&')""; `n"

        $content += "};`n" ;

    $content | Out-File $Path
#EndRegion './Public/Update-MofDocumentParameters.ps1' 96
#Region './Public/Update-PolicyParameter.ps1' 0
function Update-PolicyParameter

    $updatedParameterInfo = @()

    foreach ($parmInfo in $Parameter)
        $param = @{ }
        $param['Type'] = 'string'

        if ($parmInfo.Contains('Name'))
            $param['ReferenceName'] = $parmInfo.Name
            throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'Name'. Please make sure that parameter name is specified in Policy parameter."

        if ($parmInfo.Contains('DisplayName'))
            $param['DisplayName'] = $parmInfo.DisplayName
            throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'DisplayName'. Please make sure that parameter display name is specified in Policy parameter."

        if ($parmInfo.Contains('Description'))
            $param['Description'] = $parmInfo.Description

        if (-not $parmInfo.Contains('ResourceType'))
            throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'ResourceType'. Please make sure that configuration resource type is specified in Policy parameter."
        elseif (-not $parmInfo.Contains('ResourceId'))
            throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'ResourceId'. Please make sure that configuration resource Id is specified in Policy parameter."
            $param['MofResourceReference'] = "[$($parmInfo.ResourceType)]$($parmInfo.ResourceId)"

        if ($parmInfo.Contains('ResourcePropertyName'))
            $param['MofParameterName'] = $parmInfo.ResourcePropertyName
            throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'ResourcePropertyName'. Please make sure that configuration resource property name is specified in Policy parameter."

        if ($parmInfo.Contains('DefaultValue'))
            $param['DefaultValue'] = $parmInfo.DefaultValue

        if ($parmInfo.Contains('AllowedValues'))
            $param['AllowedValues'] = $parmInfo.AllowedValues

        $updatedParameterInfo += $param;

    return $updatedParameterInfo
#EndRegion './Public/Update-PolicyParameter.ps1' 78