Set-StrictMode -Version latest $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\DscOperations.psm1 function Update-PolicyParameter { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Hashtable[]] $Parameter ) $updatedParameterInfo = @() foreach($parmInfo in $Parameter) { $param = @{} $param['Type'] = 'string' if($parmInfo.Contains('Name')) { $param['ReferenceName'] = $parmInfo.Name } else { Throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'Name'. Please make sure that parameter name is specified in Policy parameter." } if($parmInfo.Contains('DisplayName')) { $param['DisplayName'] = $parmInfo.DisplayName } else { Throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'DisplayName'. Please make sure that parameter display name is specified in Policy parameter." } if($parmInfo.Contains('Description')) { $param['Description'] = $parmInfo.Description } if(-not $parmInfo.Contains('ResourceType')) { Throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'ResourceType'. Please make sure that configuration resource type is specified in Policy parameter." } elseif(-not $parmInfo.Contains('ResourceId')) { Throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'ResourceId'. Please make sure that configuration resource Id is specified in Policy parameter." } else { $param['MofResourceReference'] = "[$($parmInfo.ResourceType)]$($parmInfo.ResourceId)" } if($parmInfo.Contains('ResourcePropertyName')) { $param['MofParameterName'] = $parmInfo.ResourcePropertyName } else { Throw "Policy parameter is missing a mandatory property 'ResourcePropertyName'. Please make sure that configuration resource property name is specified in Policy parameter." } if($parmInfo.Contains('DefaultValue')) { $param['DefaultValue'] = $parmInfo.DefaultValue } if($parmInfo.Contains('AllowedValues')) { $param['AllowedValues'] = $parmInfo.AllowedValues } $updatedParameterInfo += $param; } return $updatedParameterInfo } function Test-GuestConfigurationMofResourceDependencies { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Path ) $resourcesInMofDocument = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportInstances($Path, 4) $externalResources = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $resourcesInMofDocument.Count; $i++) { if($resourcesInMofDocument[$i].CimInstanceProperties.Name -contains 'ModuleName' -and $resourcesInMofDocument[$i].ModuleName -ne 'GuestConfiguration') { if($resourcesInMofDocument[$i].ModuleName -ieq 'PsDesiredStateConfiguration') { Throw "'PsDesiredStateConfiguration' module is not supported by GuestConfiguration. Please use 'PSDscResources' module instead of 'PsDesiredStateConfiguration' module in DSC configuration." } $configurationName = $resourcesInMofDocument[$i].ConfigurationName Write-Warning -Message "The configuration '$configurationName' is using one or more resources outside of GuestConfiguration module. Please make sure these resources works with PowerShell core 6.0." break } } } function Copy-DscResources { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $MofDocumentPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Destination ) $resourcesInMofDocument = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportInstances($MofDocumentPath, 4) Write-Verbose "Copy DSC resources ..." $modulePath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $Destination 'Modules') $guestConfigModulePath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $modulePath 'GuestConfiguration') $latestModule = (Get-Module GuestConfiguration -ListAvailable)[0] Copy-Item "$($latestModule.ModuleBase)/*" $guestConfigModulePath -Recurse -Force $modulesToCopy = @{} $resourcesInMofDocument | % { # if resource is not a GuestConfiguration module resource. if($_.CimInstanceProperties.Name -contains 'ModuleName' -and $_.CimInstanceProperties.Name -contains 'ModuleVersion') { $modulesToCopy[$_.CimClass.CimClassName] = @{ModuleName = $_.ModuleName; ModuleVersion = $_.ModuleVersion} } } $modulesToCopy.Values | % { $moduleToCopy = Get-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{ModuleName = $_.ModuleName; RequiredVersion = $_.ModuleVersion} -ListAvailable $moduleToCopyPath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $modulePath $_.ModuleName) Copy-Item "$($moduleToCopy.ModuleBase)/*" $moduleToCopyPath -Recurse -Force } # Copy binary resources. $nativeResourcePath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $modulePath 'DscNativeResources') $resources = Get-DscResource -Module GuestConfiguration $resources | ForEach-Object { if($_.ImplementedAs -eq 'Binary') { $binaryResourcePath = Join-Path (Join-Path $latestModule.ModuleBase 'DscResources') $_.ResourceType Get-ChildItem $binaryResourcePath\* -Include *.sh | % { Convert-FileToUnixLineEndings -FilePath $_ } Copy-Item $binaryResourcePath $nativeResourcePath -Recurse -Force } } # Remove DSC binaries from package. $binaryPath = Join-Path $guestConfigModulePath 'bin' Remove-Item -Path $binaryPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | Out-Null } function Copy-ChefInspecDependencies { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $PackagePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Configuration, [string] $ChefInspecProfilePath ) # Copy Chef resource and profiles. $modulePath = Join-Path $PackagePath 'Modules' $nativeResourcePath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $modulePath 'DscNativeResources') $missingDependencies = @() $chefInspecProfiles = @() $resourcesInMofDocument = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportInstances($Configuration, 4) $usingChefResource = $false $resourcesInMofDocument | ForEach-Object { if($_.CimClass.CimClassName -eq 'MSFT_ChefInSpecResource') { $usingChefResource = $true if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ChefInspecProfilePath)) { Throw "Failed to find Chef Inspec profile(s) '$($_.CimInstanceProperties['Name'].Value)'. Please use ChefInspecProfilePath parameter to specify profile path." } $inspecProfilePath = Join-Path $ChefInspecProfilePath $_.CimInstanceProperties['Name'].Value if(-not (Test-Path $inspecProfilePath)) { $missingDependencies += $_.CimInstanceProperties['Name'].Value } else { $chefInspecProfiles += $inspecProfilePath } $chefResourcePath = Join-Path $nativeResourcePath 'MSFT_ChefInSpecResource' Copy-Item $chefResourcePath\ $modulePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } if($usingChefResource) { if($missingDependencies.Length) { Throw "Failed to find Chef Inspec profile for '$($missingDependencies -join ',')'. Please make sure profile is present on $ChefInspecProfilePath path." } else { $chefInspecProfiles | % { Copy-Item $_ $modulePath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } else { if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ChefInspecProfilePath)) { Throw "ChefInspecProfilePath parameter is supported only for Linux packages." } } } function Convert-FileToUnixLineEndings { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $FilePath ) $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Raw $fileContentWithLinuxLineEndings = $fileContent.Replace("`r`n","`n") $null = Set-Content -Path $FilePath -Value $fileContentWithLinuxLineEndings -Force Write-Verbose -Message "Converted the file at the path '$FilePath' to Unix line endings." } function Get-GuestConfigurationMofContent { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Path ) Write-Verbose "Parsing Configuration document '$Path'" $resourcesInMofDocument = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportInstances($Path, 4) # Set the profile path for Chef resource $resourcesInMofDocument | ForEach-Object { if($_.CimClass.CimClassName -eq 'MSFT_ChefInSpecResource') { $profilePath = "$Name/Modules/$($_.Name)" $item = $_.CimInstanceProperties.Item('GithubPath') if($item -eq $null) { $item = [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimProperty]::Create('GithubPath', $profilePath, [Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimFlags]::Property) $_.CimInstanceProperties.Add($item) } else { $item.Value = $profilePath } } } return $resourcesInMofDocument } function Save-GuestConfigurationMofDocument { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SourcePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $DestinationPath ) $resourcesInMofDocument = Get-GuestConfigurationMofContent -Name $Name -Path $SourcePath # if mof contains Chef resource if($resourcesInMofDocument.CimSystemProperties.ClassName -contains 'MSFT_ChefInSpecResource') { Write-Verbose "Serialize DSC document to $DestinationPath path ..." $content = "" for($i = 0; $i -lt $resourcesInMofDocument.Count; $i++) { $resourceClassName = $resourcesInMofDocument[$i].CimSystemProperties.ClassName $content += "instance of $resourceClassName" if($resourceClassName -ne 'OMI_ConfigurationDocument') { $content += ' as $' + "$resourceClassName$i" } $content += "`n{`n" $resourcesInMofDocument[$i].CimInstanceProperties | % { $content += " $($_.Name)" if($_.CimType -eq 'StringArray') { $content += " = {""$($_.Value -replace '[""\\]','\$&')""}; `n" } else { $content += " = ""$($_.Value -replace '[""\\]','\$&')""; `n" } } $content += "};`n" ; } $content | Out-File $DestinationPath } else { Write-Verbose "Copy DSC document to $DestinationPath path ..." Copy-Item $SourcePath $DestinationPath } } function Format-Json { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Json ) $indent = 0 $jsonLines = $Json -Split '\n' $formattedLines = @() $previousLine = '' foreach ($line in $jsonLines) { $skipAddingLine = $false if ($line -match '^\s*\}\s*' -or $line -match '^\s*\]\s*') { # This line contains ] or }, decrement the indentation level $indent-- } $formattedLine = (' ' * $indent * 4) + $line.TrimStart().Replace(': ', ': ') if ($line -match '\s*".*"\s*:\s*\[' -or $line -match '\s*".*"\s*:\s*\{' -or $line -match '^\s*\{\s*' -or $line -match '^\s*\[\s*') { # This line contains [ or {, increment the indentation level $indent++ } if ($previousLine.Trim().EndsWith("{")) { if ($formattedLine.Trim() -in @("}", "},")) { $newLine = "$($previousLine.TrimEnd())$($formattedLine.Trim())" #Write-Verbose -Message "FOUND SHORTENED LINE: $newLine" $formattedLines[($formattedLines.Count - 1)] = $newLine $previousLine = $newLine $skipAddingLine = $true } } if ($previousLine.Trim().EndsWith("[")) { if ($formattedLine.Trim() -in @("]", "],")) { $newLine = "$($previousLine.TrimEnd())$($formattedLine.Trim())" #Write-Verbose -Message "FOUND SHORTENED LINE: $newLine" $formattedLines[($formattedLines.Count - 1)] = $newLine $previousLine = $newLine $skipAddingLine = $true } } if (-not $skipAddingLine -and -not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($formattedLine)) { $previousLine = $formattedLine $formattedLines += $formattedLine } } $formattedJson = $formattedLines -join "`n" return $formattedJson } function New-GuestConfigurationDeployPolicyDefinition { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $FileName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $FolderPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $DisplayName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $ConfigurationName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [version] $ConfigurationVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $ContentUri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $ContentHash, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $ReferenceId, [Parameter()] [Hashtable[]] $ParameterInfo, [Parameter()] [String] $Guid, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Windows', 'Linux')] [String] $Platform = 'Windows', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Microsoft.Compute', 'Microsoft.HybridCompute')] [String] $RPName = 'Microsoft.Compute', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('virtualMachines', 'machines')] [String] $ResourceName = 'virtualMachines', [Parameter()] [bool] $UseCertificateValidation = $false ) if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Guid)) { $deployPolicyGuid = $Guid } else { $deployPolicyGuid = [Guid]::NewGuid() } $filePath = Join-Path -Path $FolderPath -ChildPath $FileName $deployPolicyContentHashtable = [Ordered]@{ properties = [Ordered]@{ displayName = $DisplayName policyType = 'Custom' mode = 'Indexed' description = $Description metadata = [Ordered]@{ category = 'Guest Configuration' requiredProviders = @( 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration' ) } } } $policyRuleHashtable = [Ordered]@{ if = [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = 'type' equals = $RPName+'/'+$ResourceName } ) } then = [Ordered]@{ effect = 'deployIfNotExists' details = [Ordered]@{ type = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments' name = $ConfigurationName roleDefinitionIds = @('/providers/microsoft.authorization/roleDefinitions/b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c') } } } $deploymentHashtable = [Ordered]@{ properties = [Ordered]@{ mode = 'incremental' parameters = [Ordered]@{ vmName = [Ordered]@{ value = "[field('name')]" } location = [Ordered]@{ value = "[field('location')]" } configurationName = [Ordered]@{ value = $ConfigurationName } contentUri = [Ordered]@{ value = $ContentUri } contentHash = [Ordered]@{ value = $ContentHash } } template = [Ordered]@{ '$schema' = '' contentVersion = '' parameters = [Ordered]@{ vmName = [Ordered]@{ type = 'string' } location = [Ordered]@{ type = 'string' } configurationName = [Ordered]@{ type = 'string' } contentUri = [Ordered]@{ type = 'string' } contentHash = [Ordered]@{ type = 'string' } } resources = @() } } } $guestConfigurationAssignmentHashtable = [Ordered]@{ apiVersion = '2018-11-20' type = $RPName+'/'+$ResourceName+'/providers/guestConfigurationAssignments' name = "[concat(parameters('vmName'), '/Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/', parameters('configurationName'))]" location = "[parameters('location')]" properties = [Ordered]@{ guestConfiguration = [Ordered]@{ name = "[parameters('configurationName')]" contentUri = "[parameters('contentUri')]" contentHash = "[parameters('contentHash')]" version = $ConfigurationVersion.ToString() } } } if ($Platform -ieq 'Windows') { $policyRuleHashtable['if']['allOf'] += @( [Ordered]@{ anyOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' in = @( 'esri', 'incredibuild', 'MicrosoftDynamicsAX', 'MicrosoftSharepoint', 'MicrosoftVisualStudio', 'MicrosoftWindowsDesktop', 'MicrosoftWindowsServerHPCPack' ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'MicrosoftWindowsServer' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageSKU' notLike = '2008*' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'MicrosoftSQLServer' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageSKU' notEquals = 'SQL2008R2SP3-WS2008R2SP1' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'microsoft-dsvm' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' equals = 'dsvm-windows' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'microsoft-ads' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' in = @( 'standard-data-science-vm', 'windows-data-science-vm' ) } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'batch' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' equals = 'rendering-windows2016' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'center-for-internet-security-inc' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' like = 'cis-windows-server-201*' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'pivotal' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' like = 'bosh-windows-server*' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'cloud-infrastructure-services' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' like = 'ad*' } ) } ) } ) $guestConfigurationExtensionHashtable = [Ordered]@{ apiVersion = '2015-05-01-preview' name = "[concat(parameters('vmName'), '/AzurePolicyforWindows')]" type = 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions' location = "[parameters('location')]" properties = [Ordered]@{ publisher = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration' type = 'ConfigurationforWindows' typeHandlerVersion = '1.1' autoUpgradeMinorVersion = $true settings = @{} protectedSettings = @{} } dependsOn = @( "[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/',parameters('vmName'),'/providers/Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/',parameters('configurationName'))]" ) } } elseif ($Platform -ieq 'Linux') { $policyRuleHashtable['if']['allOf'] += @( [Ordered]@{ anyOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' in = @( 'microsoft-aks', 'AzureDatabricks', 'qubole-inc', 'datastax', 'couchbase', 'scalegrid', 'checkpoint', 'paloaltonetworks' ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'OpenLogic' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' like = 'CentOS*' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageSKU' notLike = '6*' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'RedHat' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' equals = 'RHEL' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageSKU' notLike = '6*' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'RedHat' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' equals = 'osa' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'credativ' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' equals = 'Debian' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageSKU' notLike = '7*' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'Suse' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' like = 'SLES*' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageSKU' notLike = '11*' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'Canonical' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' equals = 'UbuntuServer' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageSKU' notLike = '12*' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'microsoft-dsvm' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' in = @( 'linux-data-science-vm-ubuntu', 'azureml' ) } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'cloudera' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' equals = 'cloudera-centos-os' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageSKU' notLike = '6*' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'cloudera' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' equals = 'cloudera-altus-centos-os' } ) }, [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imagePublisher' equals = 'microsoft-ads' }, [Ordered]@{ field = $RPName+'/imageOffer' like = 'linux*' } ) } ) } ) $guestConfigurationExtensionHashtable = [Ordered]@{ apiVersion = '2015-05-01-preview' name = "[concat(parameters('vmName'), '/AzurePolicyforLinux')]" type = 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions' location = "[parameters('location')]" properties = [Ordered]@{ publisher = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration' type = 'ConfigurationforLinux' typeHandlerVersion = '1.0' autoUpgradeMinorVersion = $true } dependsOn = @( "[concat('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/',parameters('vmName'),'/providers/Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/',parameters('configurationName'))]" ) } } else { throw "The specified platform '$Platform' is not currently supported by this script." } $existenceConditionList = @() # Handle adding parameters if needed if ($null -ne $ParameterInfo -and $ParameterInfo.Count -gt 0) { $parameterValueConceatenatedStringList = @() if (-not $deployPolicyContentHashtable['properties'].Contains('parameters')) { $deployPolicyContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'] = [Ordered]@{} } if (-not $guestConfigurationAssignmentHashtable['properties']['guestConfiguration'].Contains('configurationParameter')) { $guestConfigurationAssignmentHashtable['properties']['guestConfiguration']['configurationParameter'] = @() } foreach ($currentParameterInfo in $ParameterInfo) { $deployPolicyContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'] += [Ordered]@{ $currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName = [Ordered]@{ type = $currentParameterInfo.Type metadata = [Ordered]@{ displayName = $currentParameterInfo.DisplayName } } } if ($currentParameterInfo.ContainsKey('Description')) { $deployPolicyContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'][$currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName]['metadata']['description'] = $currentParameterInfo['Description'] } if ($currentParameterInfo.ContainsKey('DefaultValue')) { $deployPolicyContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'][$currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName] += [Ordered]@{ defaultValue = $currentParameterInfo.DefaultValue } } if ($currentParameterInfo.ContainsKey('AllowedValues')) { $deployPolicyContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'][$currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName] += [Ordered]@{ allowedValues = $currentParameterInfo.AllowedValues } } if ($currentParameterInfo.ContainsKey('DeploymentValue')) { $deploymentHashtable['properties']['parameters'] += [Ordered]@{ $currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName = [Ordered]@{ value = $currentParameterInfo.DeploymentValue } } } else { $deploymentHashtable['properties']['parameters'] += [Ordered]@{ $currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName = [Ordered]@{ value = "[parameters('$($currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName)')]" } } } $deploymentHashtable['properties']['template']['parameters'] += [Ordered]@{ $currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName = [Ordered]@{ type = $currentParameterInfo.Type } } $configurationParameterName = "$($currentParameterInfo.MofResourceReference);$($currentParameterInfo.MofParameterName)" if ($currentParameterInfo.ContainsKey('ConfigurationValue')) { $configurationParameterValue = $currentParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue if ($currentParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue.StartsWith('[') -and $currentParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue.EndsWith(']')) { $configurationParameterStringValue = $currentParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue.Substring(1, $currentParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue.Length - 2) } else { $configurationParameterStringValue = "'$($currentParameterInfo.ConfigurationValue)'" } } else { $configurationParameterValue = "[parameters('$($currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName)')]" $configurationParameterStringValue = "parameters('$($currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName)')" } $guestConfigurationAssignmentHashtable['properties']['guestConfiguration']['configurationParameter'] += [Ordered]@{ name = $configurationParameterName value = $configurationParameterValue } $currentParameterValueConcatenatedString = "'$configurationParameterName', '=', $configurationParameterStringValue" $parameterValueConceatenatedStringList += $currentParameterValueConcatenatedString } $allParameterValueConcantenatedString = $parameterValueConceatenatedStringList -join ", ',', " $parameterExistenceConditionEqualsValue = "[base64(concat($allParameterValueConcantenatedString))]" $existenceConditionList += [Ordered]@{ field = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/parameterHash' equals = $parameterExistenceConditionEqualsValue } } $existenceConditionList += [Ordered]@{ field = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/contentHash' equals = "$ContentHash" } $policyRuleHashtable['then']['details']['existenceCondition'] = [Ordered]@{ allOf = $existenceConditionList } $policyRuleHashtable['then']['details']['deployment'] = $deploymentHashtable $policyRuleHashtable['then']['details']['deployment']['properties']['template']['resources'] += $guestConfigurationAssignmentHashtable if ($RPName -eq 'Microsoft.Compute') { $systemAssignedHashtable = [Ordered]@{ apiVersion = '2017-03-30' type = 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' identity = [Ordered]@{ type = 'SystemAssigned' } name = "[parameters('vmName')]" location = "[parameters('location')]" } if(-not $UseCertificateValidation) { $systemAssignedHashtable['tags'] = [Ordered]@{ 'GuestConfigurationCustomPolicy' = "enabled" } } $policyRuleHashtable['then']['details']['deployment']['properties']['template']['resources'] += $systemAssignedHashtable $policyRuleHashtable['then']['details']['deployment']['properties']['template']['resources'] += $guestConfigurationExtensionHashtable } $deployPolicyContentHashtable['properties']['policyRule'] = $policyRuleHashtable $deployPolicyContentHashtable += [Ordered]@{ id = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/$deployPolicyGuid" name = $deployPolicyGuid } $deployPolicyContent = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $deployPolicyContentHashtable -Depth 100 | ForEach-Object { [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($_) } $formattedDeployPolicyContent = Format-Json -Json $deployPolicyContent if (Test-Path -Path $filePath) { Write-Error -Message "A file at the policy destination path '$filePath' already exists. Please remove this file or specify a different destination path." } else { $null = New-Item -Path $filePath -ItemType 'File' -Value $formattedDeployPolicyContent } return $deployPolicyGuid } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new audit policy definition for a guest configuration policy definition set. #> function New-GuestConfigurationAuditPolicyDefinition { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $FileName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $FolderPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $DisplayName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $ConfigurationName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $ReferenceId, [Parameter()] [String] $Guid ) if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Guid)) { $auditPolicyGuid = $Guid } else { $auditPolicyGuid = [Guid]::NewGuid() } $filePath = Join-Path -Path $FolderPath -ChildPath $FileName $auditPolicyContentHashtable = [Ordered]@{ properties = [Ordered]@{ displayName = $DisplayName policyType = 'Custom' mode = 'All' description = $Description metadata = [Ordered]@{ category = 'Guest Configuration' } policyRule = [Ordered]@{ if = [Ordered]@{ allOf = @( [Ordered]@{ field = 'type' equals = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments' }, [Ordered]@{ field = 'name' equals = $configurationName }, [Ordered]@{ field = 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/complianceStatus' notEquals = 'Compliant' } ) } then = [Ordered]@{ effect = 'audit' } } } id = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/$auditPolicyGuid" name = $auditPolicyGuid } $auditPolicyContent = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $auditPolicyContentHashtable -Depth 100 | ForEach-Object { [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($_) } $formattedAuditPolicyContent = Format-Json -Json $auditPolicyContent if (Test-Path -Path $filePath) { Write-Error -Message "A file at the policy destination path '$filePath' already exists. Please remove this file or specify a different destination path." } else { $null = New-Item -Path $filePath -ItemType 'File' -Value $formattedAuditPolicyContent } return $auditPolicyGuid } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new policy initiative definition for a guest configuration policy definition set. #> function New-GuestConfigurationPolicyInitiativeDefinition { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $FileName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $FolderPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Hashtable[]] $DeployPolicyInfo, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Hashtable[]] $AuditPolicyInfo, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $DisplayName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Description, [Parameter()] [String] $Guid ) if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Guid)) { $initiativeGuid = $Guid } else { $initiativeGuid = [Guid]::NewGuid() } $filePath = Join-Path -Path $FolderPath -ChildPath $FileName $policyDefinitions = @() $initiativeContentHashtable = [Ordered]@{ properties = [Ordered]@{ displayName = $DisplayName policyType = 'Custom' description = $Description metadata = [Ordered]@{ category = 'Guest Configuration' } } } foreach ($currentDeployPolicyInfo in $DeployPolicyInfo) { $deployPolicyContentHash = [Ordered]@{ policyDefinitionId = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/$($currentDeployPolicyInfo.Guid)" policyDefinitionReferenceId = $currentDeployPolicyInfo.ReferenceId } if ($currentDeployPolicyInfo.ContainsKey('ParameterInfo')) { if (-not $initiativeContentHashtable['properties'].Contains('parameters')) { $initiativeContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'] = [Ordered]@{} } if (-not $deployPolicyContentHash.Contains('parameters')) { $deployPolicyContentHash['parameters'] = [Ordered]@{} } foreach ($currentParameterInfo in $currentDeployPolicyInfo.ParameterInfo) { $initiativeContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'] += [Ordered]@{ $currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName = [Ordered]@{ type = $currentParameterInfo.Type metadata = [Ordered]@{ displayName = $currentParameterInfo.DisplayName } } } if ($currentParameterInfo.ContainsKey('Description')) { $initiativeContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'][$currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName]['metadata']['description'] = $currentParameterInfo['Description'] } if ($currentParameterInfo.ContainsKey('DefaultValue')) { $initiativeContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'][$currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName] += [Ordered]@{ defaultValue = $currentParameterInfo.DefaultValue } } if ($currentParameterInfo.ContainsKey('AllowedValues')) { $initiativeContentHashtable['properties']['parameters'][$currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName] += [Ordered]@{ allowedValues = $currentParameterInfo.AllowedValues } } $deployPolicyContentHash['parameters'] += [Ordered]@{ $currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName = [Ordered]@{ value = "[parameters('$($currentParameterInfo.ReferenceName)')]" } } } } $policyDefinitions += $deployPolicyContentHash } foreach ($currentAuditPolicyInfo in $AuditPolicyInfo) { $auditPolicyContentHash = [Ordered]@{ policyDefinitionId = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/$($currentAuditPolicyInfo.Guid)" policyDefinitionReferenceId = $currentAuditPolicyInfo.ReferenceId } $policyDefinitions += $auditPolicyContentHash } $initiativeContentHashtable['properties']['policyDefinitions'] = $policyDefinitions $initiativeContentHashtable += [Ordered]@{ id = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/$initiativeGuid" name = $initiativeGuid } $initiativeContent = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $initiativeContentHashtable -Depth 100 | ForEach-Object { [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($_) } $formattedInitiativeContent = Format-Json -Json $initiativeContent if (Test-Path -Path $filePath) { Write-Error -Message "A file at the initiative destination path '$filePath' already exists. Please remove this file or specify a different destination path." } else { $null = New-Item -Path $filePath -ItemType 'File' -Value $formattedInitiativeContent } return $initiativeGuid } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new policy set for guest configuration. This set should include at least one audit policy definition, at least one deploy policy definition, and only one policy initiative definition. #> function New-GuestConfigurationPolicyDefinitionSet { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $PolicyFolderPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Hashtable[]] $DeployPolicyInfo, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Hashtable[]] $AuditPolicyInfo, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Hashtable] $InitiativeInfo, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Windows', 'Linux')] [String] $Platform = 'Windows' ) if (Test-Path -Path $PolicyFolderPath) { $null = Remove-Item -Path $PolicyFolderPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' } $null = New-Item -Path $PolicyFolderPath -ItemType 'Directory' foreach ($currentDeployPolicyInfo in $DeployPolicyInfo) { $currentDeployPolicyInfo['FolderPath'] = $PolicyFolderPath $deployPolicyGuid = New-GuestConfigurationDeployPolicyDefinition @currentDeployPolicyInfo -Platform $Platform $currentDeployPolicyInfo['Guid'] = $deployPolicyGuid } foreach ($currentAuditPolicyInfo in $AuditPolicyInfo) { $currentAuditPolicyInfo['FolderPath'] = $PolicyFolderPath $auditPolicyGuid = New-GuestConfigurationAuditPolicyDefinition @currentAuditPolicyInfo $currentAuditPolicyInfo['Guid'] = $auditPolicyGuid } $InitiativeInfo['FolderPath'] = $PolicyFolderPath $InitiativeInfo['DeployPolicyInfo'] = $DeployPolicyInfo $InitiativeInfo['AuditPolicyInfo'] = $AuditPolicyInfo $initiativeGuid = New-GuestConfigurationPolicyInitiativeDefinition @InitiativeInfo return $initiativeGuid } function New-CustomGuestConfigPolicy { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $PolicyFolderPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Hashtable] $DeployPolicyInfo, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Hashtable] $AuditPolicyInfo, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Hashtable] $InitiativeInfo, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Windows', 'Linux')] [String] $Platform = 'Windows' ) $existingPolicies = Get-AzPolicyDefinition $existingDeployPolicy = $existingPolicies | Where-Object {($_.Properties.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'displayName') -and ($_.Properties.displayName -eq $DeployPolicyInfo.DisplayName)} if ($null -ne $existingDeployPolicy) { Write-Verbose -Message "Found policy with name '$($existingDeployPolicy.Properties.displayName)' and guid '$($existingDeployPolicy.Name)'..." $DeployPolicyInfo['Guid'] = $existingDeployPolicy.Name } $existingAuditPolicy = $existingPolicies | Where-Object {($_.Properties.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'displayName') -and ($_.Properties.displayName -eq $AuditPolicyInfo.DisplayName)} if ($null -ne $existingAuditPolicy) { Write-Verbose -Message "Found policy with name '$($existingAuditPolicy.Properties.displayName)' and guid '$($existingAuditPolicy.Name)'..." $AuditPolicyInfo['Guid'] = $existingAuditPolicy.Name } $existingInitiative = Get-AzPolicySetDefinition | Where-Object {($_.Properties.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'displayName') -and ($_.Properties.displayName -eq $InitiativeInfo.DisplayName)} if ($null -ne $existingInitiative) { Write-Verbose -Message "Found initiative with name '$($existingInitiative.Properties.displayName)' and guid '$($existingInitiative.Name)'..." $InitiativeInfo['Guid'] = $existingInitiative.Name } New-GuestConfigurationPolicyDefinitionSet @PSBoundParameters } |