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<doc> <assembly> <name>GrouveeCollection</name> </assembly> <members> <member name="T:GrouveeCollection.ImportGrouveeCollectionCmdlet"> <summary> <para type="synopsis">Imports and parses a grouvee collection .csv file.</para> <para type="description">Imports and parses a grouvee collection .csv file which can be created via the 'Export your collection to a CSV file' function on</para> <para type="example"></para> </summary> <example> <para>Example 1: Import a grouvee collection csv file.</para> <para></para> <code>PS C:\>Import-GrouveeCollection -Path "C:\Windows\temp\grouvee_export.csv"</code> <para>This command will import a grouvee file from the provided path and</para> <para>return a list of all games contained within it.</para> </example> </member> <member name="P:GrouveeCollection.ImportGrouveeCollectionCmdlet.Path"> <summary> <para type="description">The fully qualified or relative path to the grouvee collection .csv file.</para> </summary> </member> <member name="M:GrouveeCollection.ImportGrouveeCollectionCmdlet.ProcessRecord"> <summary> <para type="description">ProcessRecord Block.</para> </summary> </member> </members> </doc> |