function Test-GphDfsReplicationMode { <# .SYNOPSIS Test-ReplicationMode returns the Replication-Mode for the SYSVOL-Folder .DESCRIPTION The Script checks the Replication Mode of the SYSVOL-Folder. AD-Cmdlets must be available. .EXAMPLE Test-ReplicationMode Returns the ReplicationMode of the Domain .NOTES If the domain still uses FRS for SYSVOL-Replication, you can find the technet documentation migration here: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/filecab/2014/06/25/streamlined-migration-of-frs-to-dfsr-sysvol/ .LINK URLs to related sites The first link is opened by Get-Help -Online Test-ReplicationMode #> [CmdletBinding()] param() $DFSRGlobalSettings = Get-ADObject -Filter { name -eq 'DFSR-GlobalSettings' } -Properties 'msDFSR-Flags' If ( $DFSRGlobalSettings.'msDFSR-Flags' -eq 48 ) { 'ReplicationMode DFS' } Else { 'ReplicationMode FRS' } } |