#requires -Version 2.0 -Modules ActiveDirectory function Show-GphGPO { <# .SYNOPSIS Opens the Group-Policy directly in Group Policy Editor .DESCRIPTION Show-GphGpo opens a Group Policy directly in Group-Policy Editor. You can call Show-GpgGpo with with the Policy-Name or the Policy-Guid, or even Pipe Policy-Objects into the cmdlet. .EXAMPLE Show-GphGPO -GpoName "default domain Policy Open the Default Domain Policy in Group Policy Editor .EXAMPLE Get-GPO | Where-Object { $_.ModificationTime -lt (get-date).addhours(-12) } | Show-GphGPO Open all Policies which were modified in the last 12 Hours in the Group Policy Editor .NOTES Author: Holger Voges Date: 2018-11-16 Version: 1.0 #> [cmdletbinding()] param( # The Display-Name of the Policy to open [Parameter(mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetname='ByName')] [alias('DisplayName')] [string]$GpoName, # The GUID of the Policy to open [Parameter(mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetname='ByGUID')] [string]$GpoGuid, # Enter the Domain of the GPO. If left out, Powershell will use the current domain [string]$Domain ) Begin { $PoliciesCn = 'cn=Policies,cn=system' $domainDN = ( Get-ADDomain ).DistinguishedName $GpoParameter = @{ Filter = {( objectclass -eq 'groupPolicyContainer' ) -and ( DisplayName -eq $GpoName )} SearchBase = "$PoliciesCn,$domainDN" Properties = 'DisplayName' } If ( $domain ) { $GpoParameter.Add('Identity',$Domain) } } Process { $Gpc = Get-ADObject @GpoParameter Write-Verbose $Gpc gpme.msc /gpobject:('LDAP://{0}' -f $Gpc.DistinguishedName ) }} |