#Requires -RunAsAdministrator function Enable-GphAGPMEncryptedMail { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets AGPM (Advanced Group Policy Management) to send mails only encrypted over https. .DESCRIPTION By Default, AGPM sends mail unencrypted via Port 25. To switch to https secured mail transfer, simply call this cmdlet without parameters. If you want to disable encryted mail transfer, use the switch-parameter -disable. With the Parameter -port you can set the smtp-Port. .EXAMPLE Enable-GphAGPMEncrytpedMail Enables AGPM Mail encryption on default https-Port 587 .EXAMPLE Enable-GphAGPMEncrytpedMail -disable Disable encrypted mail Transport. .NOTES Author: Holger Voges Date: 2018-11-16 Version: 1.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( # Set this Parameter to Disable Mail Encryption [switch] $disable, [ValidateRange(0,65535)] [int] $port = 587 ) $AGPMKey = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\AGPM' If ( $disable ) { $Encrypted = 0 } Else { $Encrypted = 1 } Set-ItemProperty -Path $AGPMKey -Name EncryptSMTP -Value $Encrypted Set-Item -Path $AGPMKey -Path -Name -Path SmtpPort -Value $port } |