Function Get-GreatestCommonDivisor { [alias('gcd')] param( [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Numbers ) $Minimum = ($Numbers | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum foreach ($Remainder in $Numbers.foreach( { $_ % $Minimum }) ) { # if remainder is greater than 0, that means a number is not completely divisible if ($Remainder -ne 0) { return 1 # in that case, greatest common divisor would be 1 } } return $Minimum # if there are no remainders } Function Get-ApplicationRatio{ [cmdletbinding()] [Alias('Ratio')] Param($String) $Rows = $String.split(',') for($i=0;$i -lt $Rows.count;$i++){ $Row = ($Rows[$i]).split('*') $Row = $Row[0..$($Row.count-2)] $Ratio = Foreach($Item in $Row){ if($Item -eq ''){ "1" }else{ $item } } $GreatestCommonDivisor = Get-GreatestCommonDivisor $Ratio $Ratio.ForEach({$_/$GreatestCommonDivisor}) -join ':' Write-Verbose $("Row{0} application ratio is {1}" -f ($i+1),($Ratio -join ':') ) } } |