Function Get-BarPlot { [cmdletbinding()] [alias("bar")] Param( # Parameter help description [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int[]] $Datapoints, [int] $StartOfRange, [int] $EndofRange, [int] $Step = 10 ) $Difference = $EndofRange - $StartOfRange $NumOfDatapoints = $Datapoints.Count $HalfStep = [Math]::Ceiling($Step/2) $Marker = [char] 9608 # Create a 2D Array to save datapoints in a 2D format $NumOfRows = $difference/($Step) + 1 $Array = New-Object 'object[,]' $NumOfRows,$NumOfDatapoints For($i = 0;$i -lt $Datapoints.count;$i++){ # Fit datapoint in a row, where, a row's data range = Total Datapoints / Step $RowIndex = [Math]::Ceiling($($Datapoints[$i]-$StartOfRange)/$Step) # use a half marker is datapoint falls in less than equals half of the step $HalfMark = $Datapoints[$i]%$Step -in $(1..$HalfStep) if($HalfMark){ $Array[($RowIndex),$i] = [char] 9604 }else{ $Array[($RowIndex),$i] = $Marker } # To get a bar fill all the same row indices of 2D array under and including datapoint For($j=0;$j -lt $RowIndex;$j++){ $Array[$j,$i] = $Marker } } # return the 2D array of plots return ,$Array } |