.SYNOPSIS Function to get a device authentication token. .DESCRIPTION This function works only if your tenant satisfy the pre-requisites below: - Registered Graph API application with required permissions (depends of the requests that you need) - Enabled redirection for Mobile and desktop applications. More details here: - Configured redirect URL: https://localhost - '"allowPublicClient": true' in application Manifest json .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-GraphDeviceAuthToken -TenantName 'contoso' -AppId '246c7445-eee6-4d60-968d-f83d67183753' Getting the device auth token for Contoso tenant using application ID registered in Azure AD .PARAMETER TenantName You can find your tenant name using Azure AD portal > Overview > Basic information > Name .PARAMETER AppId Фpplication ID registered in Azure AD .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-GraphDeviceAuthToke .OUTPUTS System.Array. Returns the array with token .LINK Source code of this function: .LINK Source code of whole project: #> function Get-GraphDeviceAuthToken { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $AppId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $TenantName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ApiUrl = "" ) . $PSScriptRoot\..\Private\New-GraphAuthFormWindow.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Get-GraphDeviceAuthCode.ps1 $TenantUrl = "$" $AuthUrl = "$TenantUrl" $CodeRequestSplat = @{ TenantName = $TenantName AppId = $AppId } $DeviceCodeObject = Get-GraphDeviceAuthCode @CodeRequestSplat Write-Output $DeviceCodeObject.message $Code = ($DeviceCodeObject.message -split "code " | Select-Object -Last 1) -split " to authenticate." Set-Clipboard -Value $Code New-GraphAuthFormWindow $TokenParamsSplat = @{ Method = "POST" URI = "$Authurl/oauth2/token" ErrorAction = "Stop" body = @{ grant_type = 'device_code' resource = $ApiUrl client_id = $AppId code = $($DeviceCodeObject.device_code) } } $TokenResponse = $null try { $TokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @TokenParamsSplat return $TokenResponse } catch [System.Net.WebException]{ if ($null -eq $_.Exception.Response){ throw } $Result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream() $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Result) $Reader.BaseStream.Position = 0 $ErrorBody = ConvertFrom-Json $Reader.ReadToEnd() if ($ErrorBody.Error -ne "authorization_pending"){ throw } } } |