function Invoke-PullGrafana{ <# .SYNOPSIS Function Get Grafana config to json output .DESCRIPTION .EXAMPLE Pull-Grafana -Login admin -Password Passw0rd -Token fsqjdfmlj -url http://localhost:3000 .PARAMETER Login Login for Grafana authentication .PARAMETER Password Password for Grafana authentication .PARAMETER Token API token of Grafana organisation .PARAMETER url Grafana root URL #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Login, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Token, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$url, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$path ) Process { ########################## # Connect to grafana API # ########################## Connect-Grafana -Login $Login -Password $Password -Token $Token -url $url ########################### # Export Grafana Settings # ########################### If(!(test-path "$path\Settings")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$path\Settings" } $Settings = Get-GrafanaSettings if ($Settings.Statuscode -ne "200" ) { Write-Verbose "No Settings found" } else { $Settingsjson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Settings.Data -Depth 100 #-Compress $pathsettingsdata = "$Path\Settings\Settings.json" $Settingsjson | Out-File -FilePath $pathsettingsdata -Force } ########################## # Export Grafana Folders # ########################## If(!(test-path "$path\Folders")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$path\Folders" } If(!(test-path "$path\Folders\Permissions")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$path\Folders\Permissions" } $Folders = Get-GrafanaFolder if ($Folders.Statuscode -ne "200" ) { Write-Verbose "No Folders found" } else { foreach($Folder in $Folders.Data){ $FolderUid = $($Folder.uid) $Folderdata = Get-GrafanaFolder -uid $FolderUid $Folderjson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Folderdata -Depth 100 #-Compress $pathfolderdata = "$Path\Folders\$($Folder.uid)-$($Folder.Title).json" $Folderjson | Out-File -FilePath $pathfolderdata -Force $Folderperm = Get-GrafanaFolderPermissions -uid $FolderUid if ($Folderperm.Statuscode -eq "200"){ $Folderpermjson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Folderperm.Data -Depth 100 #-Compress $pathfolderperm = "$Path\Folders\Permissions\$($Folder.uid)-Permissions.json" $Folderpermjson | Out-File -FilePath $pathfolderperm -Force } } } ############################## # Export Grafana Datasources # ############################## If(!(test-path "$path\DataSources")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$path\DataSources" } $DataSources = Get-GrafanaDatasource if ($DataSources.Statuscode -ne "200" ) { Write-Verbose "No Datasources found" } else { foreach($Datasource in $DataSources.Data){ #$DatasourceName = $($ #$DatasourceName = $DatasourceName -replace '/', '' $Datasourcedata = Get-GrafanaDatasource -uid $Datasource.uid if ($Datasourcedata.Statuscode -eq "200" ) { $DatasourceContentJson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Datasourcedata.Data -Depth 100 #-Compress $pathdsdata = "$Path\DataSources\$($Datasource.uid)-$($" $DatasourceContentJson | Out-File -FilePath $pathdsdata -Force } } } ############################# # Export Grafana Dashboards # ############################# If(!(test-path "$path\Dashboards")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$path\Dashboards" } If(!(test-path "$path\Dashboards\Permissions")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$path\Dashboards\Permissions" } $ReturnDashboards = Get-GrafanaDashboard if ($ReturnDashboards.StatusCode -ne "200"){ Write-Verbose "No Dashboards found" } else { $Dashboards = $ReturnDashboards.Data foreach($Dashboard in $Dashboards){ $DashboardTitle = $($Dashboard.title) $DashboardTitle = $DashboardTitle -replace '/', '' $dashboardcontent = Export-GrafanaDashboard -id $ -latest if ($dashboardcontent.StatusCode -eq "200") { #$dsj = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $dashboardcontentjson $Dashboard | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'data' -Value dashboardcontent #$dsj $dashboarddatajson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Dashboard -Depth 100 #-Compress $pathdbdata = "$Path\Dashboards\$($Dashboard.uid)-$DashboardTitle.json" $dashboarddatajson | Out-File -FilePath $pathdbdata -Force $Dashperm = Get-GrafanaDashboardPermissions -uid $Dashboard.uid if ($Dashperm.StatusCode -eq "200") { $Dashpermjson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Dashperm.Data -Depth 100 #-Compress $pathdashperm = "$Path\Dashboards\Permissions\$($Dashboard.uid)-Permissions.json" $Dashpermjson | Out-File -FilePath $pathdashperm -Force } } else { Write-Verbose "Error Getting DashboardContent for uid $" } } } ################################# # Export Grafana Library Panels # ################################# If(!(test-path "$path\Panels")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$path\Panels" } $Panels = Get-GrafanaPanels if ($Panels.StatusCode -ne "200"){ Write-Verbose "No Panels found" } else { foreach($Panel in $Panels.Data.result.elements){ $PanelJson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Panel -Depth 100 #-Compress $pathpldata = "$Path\Panels\$($Panel.uid)-$($" $PanelJson | Out-File -FilePath $pathpldata -Force } } ############################# # Disconnect to grafana API # ############################# Disconnect-Grafana } } |