<# .SYNOPSIS Convert array of policy rule entries to a DSC configuration script .DESCRIPTION Convert array of policy rule entries to a DSC configuration script .PARAMETER ConfigurationItem The list of configuration items .PARAMETER ConfigurationName The name of the configuration .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem -Path . -File | Get-G2DObjectFromPolicyRulesFile | Group-Object -Property PolicyName | ForEach-Object { $_.Group | Get-G2DDscConfigurationString -ConfigurationName $_.Name } Convert an entire folder of PolicyRules files to DSC configuration strings #> function Get-G2DPesterString { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [object[]] $ConfigurationItem, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ConfigurationName ) begin { $string = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $null = $string.AppendLine( "#Requires -Module @{ ModuleName = 'Pester'; RequiredVersion = '4.9.0' }" ) $null = $string.AppendLine( "Describe 'Testing policy $($ConfigurationName)' {" ) $null = $string.AppendLine( '' ) $null = $string.AppendLine( '' ) $count = 0 } process { $groups = $ConfigurationItem | Group-Object -Property PolicyName foreach ($group in $groups) { $null = $string.AppendLine("Context '$($group.Name)' {") foreach ($item in $group.Group) { Write-PSFMessage -Message ($item | Out-String) switch ($item.ObjectType) { 'RegistryItem' { $null = $string.AppendLine( (" It 'Registry entry - `"{0}\{1}`" should have value {2}' {3}" -f $item.Key, $item.ValueName, $item.ValueData, '{')) $vData = if ($item.ValueData.Count -gt 1) { '@("{0}")' -f $($item.ValueData -join '","') } elseif ($item.ValueData.Count -eq 1) { $item.ValueData } else { "`$null" } $null = $string.AppendLine( ("(Get-ItemProperty -Path '{0}' -Name '{1}' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).'{1}' | Should -Be {2}" -f ($Item.Key -replace 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'HKLM:' -replace 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER','HKCU:'), $item.ValueName, $vData)) $null = $string.AppendLine( " }" ) break } 'UserRightsAssignment' { $null = $string.AppendLine( ("It 'User Rights Assignment - Identity `"{0}`" should be configured for/to do {1}' {2}" -f ($item.Identity -join ','), $item.Policy, '{') ) $null = $string.AppendLine( " Invoke-DscResource -Name UserRightsAssignment -Module SecurityPolicyDsc -Method Test -Prop @{" ) $null = $string.AppendLine( (" Identity = '{0}'" -f $($item.Identity -join "','"))) $null = $string.AppendLine( (" Policy = '{0}'" -f $item.Policy)) $null = $string.AppendLine( " } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should -Be `$true }" ) break } 'SecurityOptions' { $null = $string.AppendLine( ("It 'Security Option - {0} should be {1}' {2}" -f $item.SettingName, $item.SettingValue, '{') ) $null = $string.AppendLine( "Invoke-DscResource -Name SecurityOption -Method Test -Module SecurityPolicyDsc -Prop @{" ) $null = $string.AppendLine( " $($item.SettingName) = '$($item.SettingValue)'") $null = $string.AppendLine( " Name = '$($item.ObjectType)$count'") $null = $string.AppendLine( " } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should -Be `$true } " ) $count ++ break } 'AuditPol' { $null = $string.AppendLine( ("It 'Audit Setting - `"{0}`" should be configured to audit `"{1}`"' {2}" -f $Item.Name, $Item.AuditFlag, '{') ) $null = $string.AppendLine( "Invoke-DscResource -Name AuditPolicy -Module AuditPolicyDsc -Method Test -Prop @{" ) $null = $string.AppendLine( (" AuditFlag = '{0}'" -f $item.AuditFlag)) $null = $string.AppendLine( (" Name = '{0}'" -f $item.Name)) $null = $string.AppendLine( " } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should -Be `$true }" ) break } } $null = $string.AppendLine( '' ) $null = $string.AppendLine( '' ) } $null = $string.AppendLine( '}' ) } } end { $null = $string.AppendLine( '}' ) $string.ToString() } } |