
Disclaimer: The scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service.
The scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied
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# Copyright © 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Group Provisioning to AD (GPAD) Module for Entra CloudSync
# Version 0.0.1 - 2024-10-14
# - Beta Release:
# Get-GpadGroups
# Get-GpadSyncedGroupMembers
# Get-GpadSynchronizationIdentifiers
# Get-GpadWritebackEnabledExtensionName
# Get-GpadWritebackEnabledGroups
# Set-GpadWritebackEnabledExtension
# Start-GpadOnDemandProvisionGroup
# Confirm-GpadReconciliationNeeded
# Update-GpadWritebackEnabledExtension

    Group Provisioning to Active Directory (Gpad) Tools Module.
    This module provides functions to manage group provisioning from Microsoft Entra ID to Active Directory using Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.
    - Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK: Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
    - Microsoft Active Directory PowerShell Module: Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Tools
    Connect to Microsoft Graph before using the functions:
    Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All, Synchronization.ReadWrite.All"

$ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop

    Get the name of the custom extension property for writeback enabled.
    Retrieves the name of the custom extension property that indicates if writeback is enabled.
    System.String. The name of the custom extension property.

function Get-GpadWritebackEnabledExtensionName 
    param ()

    # Import Graph modules
        Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
        Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Applications
        Throw "'CloudSyncCustomExtensionsApp' application not found. Error details: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    # Get CloudSyncCustomExtensionsApp
        $tenantId = (Get-MgOrganization).Id
        $cloudSyncCustomExtApp = Get-MgApplication -Filter "identifierUris/any(uri:uri eq 'api://$tenantId/CloudSyncCustomExtensionsApp')"
        Throw "'CloudSyncCustomExtensionsApp' application not found. Error details: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    # Get Custom Extension Property Name
        $gwbEnabledExtAttrib = Get-MgBetaApplicationExtensionProperty -ApplicationId $cloudSyncCustomExtApp.Id | 
            Where-Object { $_.Name -Like '*WritebackEnabled' } | Select-Object -First 1
        if (-not $gwbEnabledExtAttrib) 
            Throw "Failed to retrieve 'WritebackEnabled' custom extension property."
        $gwbEnabledExtName = $gwbEnabledExtAttrib.Name
        Throw "Failed to get 'WritebackEnabled' custom extension property. Error details: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    return  $gwbEnabledExtName

    Get synchronization identifiers for Microsoft Entra ID to Active Directory Provisioning.
    Retrieves the service principal ID, synchronization job ID, and synchronization rules ID for a given domain name.
    The domain name to get the synchronization identifiers for.
    Get-GpadSynchronizationIdentifiers -DomainName
    PSCustomObject. Contains ServicePrincipalId, SynchronizationJobId, and SynchronizationRulesId.

function Get-GpadSynchronizationIdentifiers 
    param (
        # Group Identifier
        [string] $DomainName

    # Get "Microsoft Entra ID to Active Directory Provisioning" Application from App template Id
    # Note: Getting service principal (SP) by display name is not feasible because all Cloud Sync SPs use the domain name so it's not possible to determine which SP is
    # for Entra ID to Active Directory Provisioning"
    # Reference:
    $entraIDToADapp = Get-MgApplication -Filter "ApplicationTemplateId eq 'fb81332f-3eca-4ecf-a939-4278e501d330'" -Property id, AppId, DisplayName  |
        Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq  $DomainName }

    if ($entraIDToADapp)
        # Get the Service Principal
        $entraIDToADsp = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Filter "AppId eq '$($entraIDToADapp.AppId)'"

        # Get the Synchronization Job
        $entraIDToADjob = Get-MgServicePrincipalSynchronizationJob -ServicePrincipalId $entraIDToADsp.Id -Property Id

        # Get the Synchronization Rule Id
        $entraIDToADschema = Get-MgServicePrincipalSynchronizationJobSchema -ServicePrincipalId $entraIDToADsp.Id -SynchronizationJobId $entraIDToADjob.Id -Property * 

        $result = [PSCustomObject]@{
            ServicePrincipalId = $entraIDToADsp.Id
            SynchronizationJobId    =  $entraIDToADjob.Id
            SynchronizationRulesId = $
        Throw "Microsoft Entra ID to Active Directory Provisioning for '$DomainName' domain not found."
    Return $result

    Retrieves security groups with WritebackEnabled extension set to true.
    This function retrieves all security groups where the WritebackEnabled extension is set to true.
    It excludes cloud M365/Unified groups that have WritebackEnabled extension set to False/null.

function Get-GpadWritebackEnabledGroups
    param ()

    # Get all Security groups with WritebackEnabled extension == True
    $gwbEnabledExtName = Get-GpadWritebackEnabledExtensionName
    $p = @('DisplayName', 'Id', 'GroupTypes', 'OnPremisesSyncEnabled', 'WritebackConfiguration', $gwbEnabledExtName)
    $groups = Get-MgBetaGroup -Property $p -ConsistencyLevel eventual -All  | Where-Object {$_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled -ne 'True'}
    foreach ($group in $groups) 
        if ((-not ($group.GroupTypes -Match 'Unified')) -and $group.AdditionalProperties.$gwbEnabledExtName) 
            $group | Select-Object DisplayName, Id, `
                @{Name = 'WritebackConfiguration_IsEnabled'; Expression = { $_.WritebackConfiguration.IsEnabled } }, `
                @{Name = $gwbEnabledExtName; Expression = { $_.AdditionalProperties.$gwbEnabledExtName } }

    Get members of a group that are synced from on-premises AD.
    Retrieves the members of a specified group that are synchronized from on-premises Active Directory.
    The ID of the group to get members for.
    Get-GpadSyncedGroupMembers -GroupId '3b100a44-2fdc-48d6-a72e-aefa9835c3e0'
    System.Collections.ArrayList. A list of members with object ID and type.

function Get-GpadSyncedGroupMembers 
        # Group Identifier
        [string] $GroupId
    Write-Host "Getting membership for group '$GroupId'..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $members = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $GroupId -All -Property Id, onPremisesSyncEnabled

    $membersHt = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()
    ForEach ($m in $members)
        if ($m.AdditionalProperties.onPremisesSyncEnabled)
            switch ($m.AdditionalProperties.'@odata.type') 
                '#microsoft.graph.user' { $type = 'User'}
                '' { $type = 'Group' }
                Default { continue } # unknown object type, skipped!
            $entry = @{
                objectId       = $m.Id
                objectTypeName = $type
            $membersHt += $entry
    return $membersHt

    Updates the WritebackEnabled extension for security groups.
    This function updates the WritebackEnabled extension property for all security groups based on
    their WritebackConfiguration property. It only processes groups where WritebackConfiguration
    property differs from WritebackEnabled extension.

function Update-GpadWritebackEnabledExtension
    param ()
    Write-Host "Updating security groups' WritebackEnabled extension property. Please wait..." -ForegroundColor Cyan

    # Properties to fetch from groups
    $gwbEnabledExtName = Get-GpadWritebackEnabledExtensionName
    $p = @('DisplayName', 'Id', 'MailNickname', 'Description', 'GroupTypes', 'OnPremisesSyncEnabled', 'WritebackConfiguration', $gwbEnabledExtName)

    # Get cloud groups
        $groups = Get-MgBetaGroup -Property $p -ConsistencyLevel eventual -All  | Where-Object {$_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled -ne 'True'}
        Write-Verbose "$($groups.count) cloud groups returned..."
        Throw "Failed to retrieve groups. Error details: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    # Output groups with Writeback property and WritebackEnabled extension
    foreach ($group in $groups)
        # Filter security groups only
        if (-not ($group.GroupTypes -Match 'Unified'))
            $shouldUpdate = ($group.WritebackConfiguration.IsEnabled -and (-not $group.AdditionalProperties.$gwbEnabledExtName)) -or
                            ((-not $group.WritebackConfiguration.IsEnabled) -and $group.AdditionalProperties.$gwbEnabledExtName)
            Write-Verbose "Group '$($group.DisplayName)' needs update: $shouldUpdate"
            if ($shouldUpdate)
                $updatedValue = [bool]$group.WritebackConfiguration.IsEnabled
                    Update-MgGroup -GroupId $group.Id -AdditionalProperties @{$gwbEnabledExtName = $updatedValue }
                    # show update
                    $group.AdditionalProperties.$gwbEnabledExtName = $updatedValue
                    $group | Select-Object DisplayName, Id, `
                        @{Name = 'WritebackConfiguration_IsEnabled'; Expression = { $_.WritebackConfiguration.IsEnabled } }, `
                        @{Name = $gwbEnabledExtName; Expression = { $_.AdditionalProperties.$gwbEnabledExtName } }
                    Write-Error "There was an error updating group '$($group.Id)'. Error Details: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    Lists security groups and outputs WritebackConfiguration property and WritebackEnabled extension.
    This function retrieves and lists all security groups showing their WritebackConfiguration property
    and WritebackEnabled extension.

function Get-GpadGroups
    param ()

    # Get WritebackEnabled Extension name
    $gwbEnabledExtName = Get-GpadWritebackEnabledExtensionName
    $p = @('DisplayName', 'Id', 'GroupTypes', 'OnPremisesSyncEnabled', 'WritebackConfiguration', $gwbEnabledExtName)

        # NOTE: Cannot use Get-MgGroup (non-beta) as it doesn't retrieve WritebackConfiguration.IsEnabled property
        $groups = Get-MgBetaGroup -Property $p -ConsistencyLevel eventual -All  | Where-Object {$_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled -ne 'True'}
        Throw "Failed to retrieve groups. Error details: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    foreach ($group in $groups)
        # Ensure the group is not a Unified group
        if (-not ($group.GroupTypes -Match 'Unified'))
            $group | Select-Object DisplayName, Id, `
                @{Name = 'WritebackConfiguration_IsEnabled'; Expression = { $_.WritebackConfiguration.IsEnabled } }, `
                @{Name = $gwbEnabledExtName; Expression = { $_.AdditionalProperties.$gwbEnabledExtName } }

Checks if reconciliation is needed between an Entra ID group and its corresponding AD group.
This function retrieves the members of an Entra ID group and its corresponding AD group, compares its members,
and determines if there are any discrepancies. If discrepancies are found, it indicates that reconciliation
is needed.
The identifier(s) of the Entra ID group(s) to be checked.
.PARAMETER GroupWritebackOU
(Optional) The organizational unit for the group writeback. This is used as the search base when looking for
written back groups in AD.
PS C:\> Confirm-GpadReconciliationNeeded -GroupId "07b12a06-8f02-4526-9739-b3f9fae3c9fb"
PS C:\> Confirm-GpadReconciliationNeeded -GroupId "07b12a06-8f02-4526-9739-b3f9fae3c9fb" -GroupWritebackOU "OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com"
PS C:\> $groups = '3b100a44-2fdc-48d6-a72e-aefa9835c3e0', '07b12a06-8f02-4526-9739-b3f9fae3c9fb' |
            Confirm-GpadReconciliationNeeded -Verbose
This function uses the Microsoft Graph module to retrieve Entra ID group members and the Active Directory
module to retrieve AD group members.

function Confirm-GpadReconciliationNeeded
        # Group Identifier
        [string[]] $GroupId,

        # Cloud Sync Group Writeback OU in Active Directory
        [string] $GroupWritebackOU
    begin {}
        Write-Verbose "Getting membership for Entra ID group '$GroupId'..."
        $allCloudGroupMembers = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $GroupId[0] -All -Property Id, onPremisesSyncEnabled, onPremisesSecurityIdentifier

        $allCloudGroupSyncedMembersSid = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()
        ForEach ($m in $allCloudGroupMembers)
            if ($m.AdditionalProperties.onPremisesSyncEnabled)
                $allCloudGroupSyncedMembersSid += $m.AdditionalProperties.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier
        Write-Verbose "Entra ID group '$GroupId' has $($allCloudGroupSyncedMembersSid.Count) synced members."
        # Get the respetive written back group from AD
        Write-Verbose "Getting membership for AD group with 'Group_$GroupId' anchor..."
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GroupWritebackOU))
                $adGroup = Get-ADObject -Filter "adminDescription -eq 'Group_$($GroupId[0])'" -Properties member
                $adGroup = Get-ADObject -Filter "adminDescription -eq 'Group_$($GroupId[0])'" -SearchBase $GroupWritebackOU -Properties member
            Throw "Failed to retrieve members from AD group with 'Group_$GroupId' anchor. Error details: $($_.Exception.Message)"

        if ($adGroup -eq $null)
            Write-Verbose "Failed to find AD group with 'Group_$GroupId' anchor. Group needs reprovisoning."
            [bool] $groupNotProvisioned = $true
                $allAdGroupMembersSid = ($adGroup.member | Get-ADObject -Properties objectSid | select -ExpandProperty objectSid).Value
                Throw "Failed to retrieve objectSid from AD group members with 'Group_$GroupId' anchor. Error details: $($_.Exception.Message)"
            Write-Verbose "AD group with 'Group_$GroupId' anchor has $($allAdGroupMembersSid.Count) synced members."
            # Get the members that are not present in both groups
            $membersNotInCommon = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()
            $membersNotInCommon = ($allAdGroupMembersSid | Where {$allCloudGroupSyncedMembersSid -NotContains $_}) 
            $membersNotInCommon += ($allCloudGroupSyncedMembersSid | Where {$allAdGroupMembersSid -NotContains $_})    

        $result = "" | select Id, ReconciliationNeeded
        $result.Id = $GroupId[0]

        if ($membersNotInCommon.Count)
            Write-Warning "Entra ID group '$GroupId' has $($membersNotInCommon.Count) synced members diverging."
            $result.ReconciliationNeeded = $true
        elseif ($groupNotProvisioned)
            Write-Warning "Entra ID group '$GroupId' is not provisioned in Active Directory."
            $result.ReconciliationNeeded = $true
            Write-Verbose "Entra ID group '$GroupId' is consistent."
            $result.ReconciliationNeeded = $false
        return $result
    end {}

    Call synchronization job on-demand for Entra ID groups.
    Triggers synchronization job on-demand for groups.
    The ID of the group to trigger synchronization for.
    Accepts multiple group IDs from the pipeline.
.PARAMETER ServicePrincipalId
    The service principal ID for the synchronization job.
.PARAMETER SynchronizationJobId
    The synchronization job ID.
.PARAMETER SynchronizationRulesId
    The synchronization rules ID.
.PARAMETER GroupWritebackOU
    (Optional) The organizational unit for the group writeback. This is used as the
    search base when looking for written back groups in AD.
    $onDemandProv = Get-GpadSynchronizationIdentifiers -DomainName ''
    Start-GpadOnDemandProvisionGroup -GroupId '3b100a44-2fdc-48d6-a72e-aefa9835c3e0'
                    -ServicePrincipalId $onDemandProv.ServicePrincipalId `
                    -SynchronizationJobId $onDemandProv.SynchronizationJobId `
                    -SynchronizationRulesId $onDemandProv.SynchronizationRulesId `
                    -GroupWritebackOU 'OU=GWB,OU=SYNC,DC=Contoso,DC=com'
    $onDemandProv = Get-GpadSynchronizationIdentifiers -DomainName ''
    '3b100a44-2fdc-48d6-a72e-aefa9835c3e0', 'b92b5d22-e5d4-497e-b4b2-2b288c6fba8d' |
        Start-GpadOnDemandProvisionGroup `
            -ServicePrincipalId $onDemandProv.ServicePrincipalId `
            -SynchronizationJobId $onDemandProv.SynchronizationJobId `
            -SynchronizationRulesId $onDemandProv.SynchronizationRulesId

function Start-GpadOnDemandProvisionGroup
        # Group Identifier
        [string[]] $GroupId,

        # Cloud Sync ServicePrincipalId
        [string] $ServicePrincipalId,

        # Cloud Sync SynchronizationJobId
        [string] $SynchronizationJobId,

        # Cloud Sync SynchronizationJobId
        [string] $SynchronizationRulesId,

        # Cloud Sync Group Writeback OU in Active Directory
        [string] $GroupWritebackOU
    begin {}
        # Get cloud group members from Entra ID
        $allGroupMembersHt = Get-GpadSyncedGroupMembers -GroupId $GroupId[0]
        Write-Host "Processing group '$GroupId' with '$($allGroupMembersHt.count)' members. Please wait..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        # Get the respetive written back group from AD
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GroupWritebackOU))
                $adGroup = Get-ADObject -Filter "adminDescription -eq 'Group_$($GroupId[0])'" -Properties member
                $adGroup = Get-ADObject -Filter "adminDescription -eq 'Group_$($GroupId[0])'" -SearchBase $GroupWritebackOU  -Properties member
            Throw "Failed to retrieve members from AD group with 'Group_$GroupId' anchor. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

        # Obsolete members in group written back to AD
            if ($adGroup.member.count)
                Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $adGroup -Members $adGroup.member -Confirm:$false
            Throw "Failed to remove members from AD group with 'Group_$GroupId' anchor. Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        # Reconcile members, split by membersLimit
        $membersLimit = 5
        $i = 0
        while ($i -lt $allGroupMembersHt.Count)
            $groupMembersHt = [System.Collections.ArrayList] @()
            for ($j = 0; $j -lt $membersLimit; $j++) 
                if ($i -lt $allGroupMembersHt.Count)
                    $groupMembersHt += $allGroupMembersHt[$i]
            # Build body parameter with members
            Write-Host "Processing $($groupMembersHt.Count) members... " -ForegroundColor Cyan
            $params = @{
                parameters = @(
                        ruleId   = $SynchronizationRulesId
                        subjects = @(
                                objectId       = $GroupId[0]
                                objectTypeName = "Group"
                                links          = @{
                                    members = @($groupMembersHt)

            # Call Synchronization Job On-Demand
            $result = New-MgServicePrincipalSynchronizationJobOnDemand `
                                    -ServicePrincipalId $ServicePrincipalId `
                                    -SynchronizationJobId $SynchronizationJobId `
                                    -BodyParameter $params        

            $result.Value | ConvertFrom-Json
    end {}

    Sets the WritebackEnabled property and extension for a cloud group.
    This function updates (True/False) the WritebackEnabled property from group schema and the
    WritebackEnabled extension in directory schema for a given cloud group.
    Accepts multiple Group Ids from the pipeline.
    Set-GpadWritebackEnabledExtension -GrouppId 'b92b5d22-e5d4-497e-b4b2-2b288c6fba8d' -Value $true

function Set-GpadWritebackEnabledExtension 
        # Group Identifier
        [string[]] $GroupId,

        # Group Identifier
        [string] $Value
        $gwbEnabledExtName = Get-GpadWritebackEnabledExtensionName
        # Set Group Writeback flag
        Update-MgGroup -GroupId $GroupId[0] -AdditionalProperties @{$gwbEnabledExtName = $Value}  

        # Set Group Writeback flag
        Update-MgBetaGroup -GroupId $GroupId[0] -WritebackConfiguration @{isEnabled = $Value}  

# - Start-GpadOnDemandProvisionGroup is not accepting PropertyName from Get-GpadSynchronizationIdentifiers
# using pipelining (issue). E.g., Get-GpadSynchronizationIdentifiers |
# Start-GpadOnDemandProvisionGroup - GroupId 3b100a44-2fdc-48d6-a72e-aefa9835c3e0

# --- MAIN ----
$introMsg = @"
Welcome to Group Provisioning for Active Directory module (BETA). This module has the following pre-requisites:
- Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK: Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
- Microsoft Active Directory PowerShell Module: Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Tools
Before starting, connect to Microsoft Graph:
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All, Synchronization.ReadWrite.All"

Write-Host $introMsg -ForegroundColor Cyan