
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.EmptyDictionary`2">
            Provides cached instances of empty dictionaries.
            <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the keys in the dictionary.</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="TValue">The type of the values in the dictionary.</typeparam>
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.EmptyDictionary`2.Instance">
            Gets a cached empty <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2"/>. The returned dictionary is read-only.
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.ExpirationType">
            The type of <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration"/>; none, timeout or deadline.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.ExpirationType.None">
            No expiration; an infinite timeout.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.ExpirationType.Timeout">
            Expiration is a relative timeout, represented by a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.ExpirationType.Deadline">
            Expiration is an absolute deadline, represented by a <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>.
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration">
            Expiration specified by relative timeout or absolute deadline.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration.FromTimeout(System.TimeSpan)">
            Create an <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration"/> with a relative timeout.
            <param name="timeout">The relative timeout.</param>
            <returns>An <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration"/> with the specified relative timeout.</returns>
            Zero or negative timeouts are valid, and will cause immediate failure of the operation being performed.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration.FromDeadline(System.DateTime)">
            Create an <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration"/> with an absolute deadline.
            <param name="deadline">The absolute deadline. Should be a UTC datetime.</param>
            <returns>An <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration"/> with the specified absolute deadline.</returns>
            Deadlines in the past are valid, and will cause immediate failure of the operation being performed.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration.None">
            An <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration"/> with no timeout or deadline.
            Indicates that no expiration is required.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration.Timeout">
            If not null, the relative timeout of this expiration.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration.Deadline">
            If not null, the absolute deadline of this expiration.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration.Type">
            What <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.ExpirationType"/> is contained in this <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration"/>.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ExpirationExtensions.CalculateDeadline(Google.Api.Gax.Expiration,Google.Api.Gax.IClock)">
            Calculate a deadline from an <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration"/> and a <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.IClock"/>.
            <param name="expiration"><see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Expiration"/>, may be null.</param>
            <param name="clock"><see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.IClock"/> to use for deadline calculation.</param>
            <returns>The calculated absolute deadline, or null if no deadline should be used.</returns>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions">
            Preconditions for checking method arguments, state etc.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckNotNull``1(``0,System.String)">
            Checks that the given argument (to the calling method) is non-null.
            <typeparam name="T">The type of the parameter.</typeparam>
            <param name="argument">The argument provided for the parameter.</param>
            <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter in the calling method.</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="argument"/> is null</exception>
            <returns><paramref name="argument"/> if it is not null</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckNotNullOrEmpty(System.String,System.String)">
            Checks that a string argument is neither null, nor an empty string.
            <param name="argument">The argument provided for the parameter.</param>
            <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter in the calling method.</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="argument"/> is null</exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="argument"/> is empty</exception>
            <returns><paramref name="argument"/> if it is not null or empty</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckArgumentRange(System.Int32,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
            Checks that the given argument value is valid.
            Note that the upper bound (<paramref name="maxInclusive"/>) is inclusive,
            not exclusive. This is deliberate, to allow the specification of ranges which include
            <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue"/>.
            <param name="argument">The value of the argument passed to the calling method.</param>
            <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter in the calling method.</param>
            <param name="minInclusive">The smallest valid value.</param>
            <param name="maxInclusive">The largest valid value.</param>
            <returns><paramref name="argument"/> if it was in range</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The argument was outside the specified range.</exception>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckState(System.Boolean,System.String)">
            Checks that given condition is met, throwing an <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException"/> otherwise.
            <param name="condition">The (already evaluated) condition to check.</param>
            <param name="message">The message to include in the exception, if generated. This should not
            use interpolation, as the interpolation would be performed regardless of whether or
            not an exception is thrown.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckState``1(System.Boolean,System.String,``0)">
            Checks that given condition is met, throwing an <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException"/> otherwise.
            <param name="condition">The (already evaluated) condition to check.</param>
            <param name="format">The format string to use to create the exception message if the
            condition is not met.</param>
            <param name="arg0">The argument to the format string.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckState``2(System.Boolean,System.String,``0,``1)">
            Checks that given condition is met, throwing an <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException"/> otherwise.
            <param name="condition">The (already evaluated) condition to check.</param>
            <param name="format">The format string to use to create the exception message if the
            condition is not met.</param>
            <param name="arg0">The first argument to the format string.</param>
            <param name="arg1">The second argument to the format string.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckArgument(System.Boolean,System.String,System.String)">
            Checks that given argument-based condition is met, throwing an <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException"/> otherwise.
            <param name="condition">The (already evaluated) condition to check.</param>
            <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter whose value is being tested.</param>
            <param name="message">The message to include in the exception, if generated. This should not
            use interpolation, as the interpolation would be performed regardless of whether or not an exception
            is thrown.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckArgument``1(System.Boolean,System.String,System.String,``0)">
            Checks that given argument-based condition is met, throwing an <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException"/> otherwise.
            <param name="condition">The (already evaluated) condition to check.</param>
            <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter whose value is being tested.</param>
            <param name="format">The format string to use to create the exception message if the
            condition is not met.</param>
            <param name="arg0">The argument to the format string.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckArgument``2(System.Boolean,System.String,System.String,``0,``1)">
            Checks that given argument-based condition is met, throwing an <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException"/> otherwise.
            <param name="condition">The (already evaluated) condition to check.</param>
            <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter whose value is being tested.</param>
            <param name="format">The format string to use to create the exception message if the
            condition is not met.</param>
            <param name="arg0">The first argument to the format string.</param>
            <param name="arg1">The second argument to the format string.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckEnumValue``1(``0,System.String)">
            Checks that the given value is in fact defined in the enum used as the type argument of the method.
            <typeparam name="T">The enum type to check the value within.</typeparam>
            <param name="value">The value to check.</param>
            <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter whose value is being tested.</param>
            <returns><paramref name="value"/> if it was a defined value</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaxPreconditions.CheckNonNegativeDelay(System.TimeSpan,System.String)">
            Checks that the given <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> used as a delay is non-negative. This is internal
            as it's very specialized.
            <param name="value">The value to check.</param>
            <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter whose value is being tested.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.IClock">
            An abstraction of the ability to determine the current date and time.
            This interface primarily exists for testing purposes, allowing test code to
            isolate itself from the system clock. In production, the <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.SystemClock"/>
            implementation is by far the most likely one to be used, and the only one provided
            within this library. Code that uses a clock should generally be designed to allow it
            to be optionally specified, defaulting to <see cref="P:Google.Api.Gax.SystemClock.Instance"/>.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.IClock.GetCurrentDateTimeUtc">
            Returns the current date and time in UTC, with a kind of <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Utc"/>.
            <returns>A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> representing the current date and time in UTC.</returns>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.IResourceName">
            A resource name.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.IResourceName.Kind">
            The kind of resource name.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.IResourceName.ToString">
            The string representation of the resource name.
            <returns>The string representation of the resource name.</returns>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.IScheduler">
            Abstraction of scheduler-like operations, used for testability.
            Note that this is different to <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler"/>, which is really involved
            with assigning tasks to threads rather than any sort of delay.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.IScheduler.Delay(System.TimeSpan,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            Returns a task which will complete after the given delay. Whether the returned
            awaitable is configured to capture the current context or not is implementation-specific.
            (A test implementation may capture the current context to enable reliable testing.)
            <param name="delay">Time to delay for. Must not be negative.</param>
            <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token that will be checked prior to completing the returned task.</param>
            <returns>A task which will complete after the given delay.</returns>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.SchedulerExtensions">
            Extension methods for <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.IScheduler"/>.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.SchedulerExtensions.Sleep(Google.Api.Gax.IScheduler,System.TimeSpan,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            Simulates a synchronous delay by calling <see cref="M:Google.Api.Gax.IScheduler.Delay(System.TimeSpan,System.Threading.CancellationToken)"/> on
            <paramref name="scheduler"/>, and unwrapping any exceptions generated (typically cancellation).
            <param name="scheduler">The scheduler to use for the sleep operation.</param>
            <param name="delay">Time to sleep for. Must not be negative.</param>
            <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token that will be watched during the sleep operation.</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.OperationCanceledException">The cancellation token was cancelled during the sleep.</exception>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.Page`1">
            A page of resources which will only have fewer results than requested if
            there is no more data to fetch.
            <typeparam name="TResource">The type of resource within the page.</typeparam>
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.Page`1.NextPageToken">
            The page token to use to fetch the next set of resources.
            gRPC-based APIs use an empty string as a "no page token", whereas REST-based APIs
            use a null reference instead. The value here will be consistent with the value returned
            by the API itself.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Page`1.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0},System.String)">
            Constructs a fixed-size page from the given resource sequence and page token.
            <param name="resources">The resources in the page.</param>
            <param name="nextPageToken">The next page token.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Page`1.GetEnumerator">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Page`1.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.PagedAsyncEnumerable`2">
            An asynchronous sequence of resources obtained via API responses. Application code
            can treat this as a simple sequence (with API calls automatically being made
            lazily as more results are required), or call <see cref="M:Google.Api.Gax.PagedAsyncEnumerable`2.AsRawResponses"/> to retrieve
            one API response at a time, potentially with additional information.
            <typeparam name="TResponse">The API response type. Each response contains a page of resources.</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="TResource">The resource type contained within the response.</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PagedAsyncEnumerable`2.AsRawResponses">
            Returns the sequence of raw API responses, each of which contributes a page of
            resources to this sequence.
            <returns>An asynchronous sequence of raw API responses, each containing a page of resources.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PagedAsyncEnumerable`2.ReadPageAsync(System.Int32,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            Asynchronously reads a single page of results with a fixed maximum size. The returned page is guaranteed
            to have that many results, unless there is no more data available.
            "Natural" pages returned by the API may contain a smaller number of resources than requested.
            For example, a request for a page with 100 resources may return a page with 80 resources but
            a next page token for more to be retrieved. This is suitable for batch-processing, but not
            for user-visible paging such as in a web application, where fixed-size pages are expected.
            This method may make more than one API call in order to fill the page.
            <param name="pageSize">The page size. Must be greater than 0.</param>
            <param name="cancellationToken">A token to cancel the operation.</param>
            <returns>An asynchronous operation, the result of which is a page of resources.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PagedAsyncEnumerable`2.GetEnumerator">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.PagedEnumerable`2">
            A sequence of resources obtained via API responses, each of which contributes a page of resources.
            Application code can treat this as a simple sequence (with API calls automatically being made
            lazily as more results are required), or call <see cref="M:Google.Api.Gax.PagedEnumerable`2.AsRawResponses"/> to retrieve
            a page at a time, potentially with additional information.
            <typeparam name="TResponse">The API response type. Each response contains a page of resources.</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="TResource">The resource type contained within the response.</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PagedEnumerable`2.AsRawResponses">
            Returns the sequence of raw API responses, each of which contributes a page of
            resources to this sequence.
            <returns>A sequence of raw API responses, each containing a page of resources.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PagedEnumerable`2.ReadPage(System.Int32)">
            Asynchronously reads a single page of results with a fixed maximum size. The returned page is guaranteed
            to have that many results, unless there is no more data available.
            "Natural" pages returned by the API may contain a smaller number of resources than requested.
            For example, a request for a page with 100 resources may return a page with 80 resources but
            a next page token for more to be retrieved. This is suitable for batch-processing, but not
            for user-visible paging such as in a web application, where fixed-size pages are expected.
            This method may make more than one API call in order to fill the page.
            <param name="pageSize">The page size. Must be greater than 0.</param>
            <returns>An asynchronous operation, the result of which is a page of resources.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PagedEnumerable`2.GetEnumerator">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PagedEnumerable`2.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate">
            Represents a path template used for resource names which may be composed of multiple IDs.
            Templates use a subset of the syntax of the API platform. See
            for details of the API platform.
            This class performs no URL escaping or unescaping. It is designed for use within GRPC, where no
            URL encoding is required.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.s_slashSplit">
            Just an array containing a single slash, to avoid constructing a new array every time we need
            to split.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate._segments">
            List of segments in this template. Never modified after construction.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate._parameterSegments">
            List of the segments in this template which are wildcards. Never modified after construction.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.ParameterNames">
            The names of the parameters within the template. This collection has one element per parameter,
            but unnamed parameters have a name of <c>null</c>.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.#ctor(System.String)">
            Constructs a template from its textual representation, such as <c>shelves/*/books/**</c>.
            <param name="template">The textual representation of the template. Must not be null.</param>
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.ParameterCount">
            The number of parameter segments (regular wildcards or path wildcards, named or unnamed) in the template.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.ValidateServiceName(System.String,System.String)">
            Validates a service name, ensuring it is not empty and doesn't contain any slashes.
            (In the future, we may want to make this stricter, e.g. that it's a valid DNS-like name.)
            <param name="serviceName">The name to validate</param>
            <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.ValidateResourceId(System.Int32,System.String)">
            Validate a single value from a sequence. This is used in both parsing and instantiating.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.ValidateResourceIds(System.String[])">
            Validates a whole array of resource IDs, including that the count matches.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.Expand(System.String[])">
            Validates that the given resource IDs are valid for this template, and returns a string representation
            This is equivalent to calling <c>new ResourceName(template, resourceIds).ToString()</c>, but simpler in
            calling code and more efficient in terms of memory allocation.
            This method assumes no service name is required. Call <see cref="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.ExpandWithService(System.String,System.String[])"/> to specify a service name.
            <param name="resourceIds">The resource IDs to use to populate the parameters in this template. Must not be null.</param>
            <returns>The string representation of the resource name.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.ExpandWithService(System.String,System.String[])">
            Validates that the given resource IDs are valid for this template, and returns a string representation
            <param name="resourceIds">The resource IDs to use to populate the parameters in this template. Must not be null.</param>
            <param name="serviceName">The service name, which may be null.</param>
            <returns>The string representation of the resource name.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.ReplaceParameters(System.String,System.String[])">
            Returns a string representation of the template with parameters replaced by resource IDs.
            <param name="serviceName">The name of the service, for full resource names. May be null, to produce a relative resource name.</param>
            <param name="resourceIds">Resource IDs to interpolate the template with. Expected to have been validated already.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.TryParseName(System.String,Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName@)">
            Attempts to parse the given resource name against this template, returning <c>null</c> on failure.
            Although this method returns <c>null</c> if a name is passed in which doesn't match the template,
            it still throws <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"/> if <paramref name="name"/> is null, as this would
            usually indicate a programming error rather than a data error.
            <param name="name">The resource name to parse against this template. Must not be null.</param>
            <param name="result">When this method returns, the parsed resource name or <c>null</c> if parsing fails.</param>
            <returns><c>true</c> if the name was parsed successfully; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.ParseName(System.String)">
            Attempts to parse the given resource name against this template, throwing <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" /> on failure.
            <param name="name">The resource name to parse against this template. Must not be null.</param>
            <returns>The parsed name as a <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.TryParseNameInternal(System.String,Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName@)">
            Implementation of parsing, returning the error message for a FormatException if parsing fails.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.ToString">
            Returns the textual representation of this template.
            <returns>The same textual representation that this template was initially constructed with.</returns>
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.SegmentKind.Literal">
            A literal path segment.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.SegmentKind.Wildcard">
            A simple wildcard ('*').
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.SegmentKind.PathWildcard">
            A path wildcard ('**').
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.Segment">
            A segment of a path.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate.Segment.Value">
            The literal value or the name of a wildcard.
            null for unnamed wildcards.
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.PlatformType">
            Execution platform type.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.PlatformType.Unknown">
            Unknown execution platform.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.PlatformType.Gce">
            Execution platform is Google Compute Engine.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.PlatformType.Gae">
            Execution platform is Google App Engine.
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.GcePlatformDetails">
            Google Compute Engine details.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GcePlatformDetails.#ctor(System.String)">
            Construct details of Google Compute Engine
            <param name="metadataJson">The full JSON string retrieved from the metadata server.</param>
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.GcePlatformDetails.MetadataJson">
            The full JSON string retrieved from the metadata server.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.GcePlatformDetails.ProjectId">
            The Project ID under which this GCE instance is running.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.GcePlatformDetails.InstanceId">
             The Instance ID of the GCE instance on which this is running.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.GcePlatformDetails.ZoneName">
            The zone name where this GCE instance is running.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GcePlatformDetails.ToString">
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.GaePlatformDetails">
            Google App Engine details.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaePlatformDetails.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
            Construct details of Google App Engine
            <param name="gcloudProject">The Project ID associated with your application,
            which is visible in the Google Cloud Platform Console.</param>
            <param name="gaeInstance">The name of the current instance.</param>
            <param name="gaeService">The service name specified in your application's app.yaml file,
            or if no service name is specified, it is set to default.</param>
            <param name="gaeVersion">The version label of the current application.</param>
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.GaePlatformDetails.ProjectId">
            The Project ID associated with your application, which is visible in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.GaePlatformDetails.InstanceId">
            The name of the current instance.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.GaePlatformDetails.ServiceId">
            The service name specified in your application's app.yaml file, or if no service name is specified, it is set to default.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.GaePlatformDetails.VersionId">
            The version label of the current application.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.GaePlatformDetails.ToString">
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.Platform">
            Information about the current execution platform.
            Supported execption platforms are Google App Engine (GAE) and Google Compute Engine (GCE).
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Platform.InstanceAsync">
            Asyncrhonously get execution platform information.
            <returns>A task containing the execution platform information.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Platform.Instance">
            Get execution platform information. This may block for up to one second.
            <returns>Execution platform information.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Platform.#ctor">
            Construct with no details.
            This leads to a platform <see cref="P:Google.Api.Gax.Platform.Type"/> of <see cref="F:Google.Api.Gax.PlatformType.Unknown"/>.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Platform.#ctor(Google.Api.Gax.GcePlatformDetails)">
            Construct with details of Google Compute Engine.
            <param name="gceDetails">Details of Google Compute Engine.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Platform.#ctor(Google.Api.Gax.GaePlatformDetails)">
            Construct with details of Google App Engine.
            <param name="gaeDetails">Details of Google App Engine.</param>
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.Platform.GaeDetails">
            Google App Engine (GAE) platform details.
            <c>null</c> if not executing on GAE.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.Platform.GceDetails">
            Google Compute Engine (GCE) platform details.
            <c>null</c> if not executing on GCE.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.Platform.Type">
            The current execution platform.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Platform.ToString">
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.Polling">
            Helper methods for polling scenarios.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Polling.PollRepeatedly``1(System.Func{System.Nullable{System.DateTime},``0},System.Predicate{``0},Google.Api.Gax.IClock,Google.Api.Gax.IScheduler,Google.Api.Gax.PollSettings,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            Repeatedly calls the specified polling action, delaying between calls,
            until a given condition is met in the response.
            <typeparam name="TResponse">The response type. Must not be null.</typeparam>
            <param name="pollAction">The poll action, typically performing an RPC. The value passed to the
            action is the overall deadline, so that the RPC settings can be adjusted accordingly. A null value
            indicates no deadline.</param>
            <param name="completionPredicate">The test for whether to return the response (<c>true</c>) or continue
            polling (<c>false</c>). Must not be null.</param>
            <param name="clock">The clock to use for determining deadlines. Must not be null.</param>
            <param name="scheduler">The scheduler to use for delaying between calls. Must not be null.</param>
            <param name="pollSettings">The poll settings, controlling timeouts, call settings and delays.</param>
            <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token used to cancel delays, if any.</param>
            <returns>The completed response.</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.TimeoutException">The timeout specified in the poll settings expired.</exception>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.Polling.PollRepeatedlyAsync``1(System.Func{System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.Tasks.Task{``0}},System.Predicate{``0},Google.Api.Gax.IClock,Google.Api.Gax.IScheduler,Google.Api.Gax.PollSettings,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            Asynchronously repeatedly calls the specified polling action, delaying between calls,
            until a given condition is met in the response.
            <typeparam name="TResponse">The response type. Must not be null.</typeparam>
            <param name="pollAction">The poll action, typically performing an RPC. The value passed to the
            action is the overall deadline, so that the RPC settings can be adjusted accordingly. A null
            value indicates no deadline.</param>
            <param name="completionPredicate">The test for whether to return the response (<c>true</c>) or continue
            polling (<c>false</c>). Must not be null.</param>
            <param name="clock">The clock to use for determining deadlines. Must not be null.</param>
            <param name="scheduler">The scheduler to use for delaying between calls. Must not be null.</param>
            <param name="pollSettings">The poll settings, controlling timeouts, call settings and delays.</param>
            <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token used to cancel delays, if any.</param>
            <returns>A task representing the asynchronous operation. The result of the task will be the completed response.</returns>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.PollSettings">
            Settings controlling repeated polling, for example when waiting for a long-running operation
            to complete.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.PollSettings.Expiration">
            How long to wait before giving up. This is never null.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.PollSettings.Delay">
            The delay between RPC calls when fetching the operation status. This is never negative.
            There is no exponential backoff between calls; the same delay is used for each call.
            This is the delay between the a successful RPC response being received
            and the next RPC request being sent.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.PollSettings.#ctor(Google.Api.Gax.Expiration,System.TimeSpan)">
            Creates poll settings from the given expiration, delay and call settings.
            <param name="expiration">The expiration to use in order to know when to stop polling. Must not be null.</param>
            <param name="delay">The delay between RPC calls. Must be non-negative.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceMismatchException">
            Exception used to indicate that an attempt was made to get or create a resource,
            and the retrieved resource did not match the expected constraints.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceMismatchException.#ctor(System.String)">
            Constructs a new instance of the exception.
            <param name="message">The error message for the exception.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameKind">
            The kind of resource name.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameKind.Simple">
            A simple, well-typed, resource name.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameKind.Oneof">
            One of a selection of resource names.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameKind.Fixed">
            A fixed string instead of a resource name.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameKind.Templated">
            A <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName"/>.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameKind.Unknown">
            An <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName"/>.
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1">
            A list of resource names of a specific type, that delegates all operations to an
            underlying list of string-based resource names.
            <typeparam name="TName">The type of the resource name contained in this list.</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.String},System.Func{System.String,`0})">
            Constructs a <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1"/> from an underlying string-based list
            and a resource name parser.
            <param name="underlyingList"></param>
            <param name="stringToName"></param>
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.Count">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.IsReadOnly">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.Item(System.Int32)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.Add(`0)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.Clear">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.Contains(`0)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.GetEnumerator">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.IndexOf(`0)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.Insert(System.Int32,`0)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.Remove(`0)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNameList`1.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.ScopedCredentialProvider">
            Simple factory of scoped credentials, which caches a scoped version of the
            default application credentials to avoid repeated authentication.
        <member name="F:Google.Api.Gax.ScopedCredentialProvider._lazyScopedDefaultCredentials">
            Lazily-created task to retrieve the default application channel credentials. Once completed, this
            task can be used whenever channel credentials are required. The returned task always runs in the
            thread pool, so its result can be used synchronously from synchronous methods without risk of deadlock.
            The same channel credentials are used by all pools. The field is initialized in the constructor, as it uses
            _scopes, and you can't refer to an instance field within an instance field initializer.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ScopedCredentialProvider.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
            Creates a channel pool which will apply the specified scopes to the credentials if they require any.
            <param name="scopes">The scopes to apply. Must not be null, and must not contain null references. May be empty.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ScopedCredentialProvider.GetCredentials(Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.GoogleCredential)">
            Returns credentials with the scopes applied if required.
            <param name="credentials">Existing credentials, if any. This may be null,
            in which case the default application credentials will be used.</param>
            <returns>A task representing the asynchronous operation. The result of the task
            is the scoped credentials.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.ScopedCredentialProvider.GetCredentialsAsync(Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.GoogleCredential)">
            Asynchronously returns credentials with the scopes applied if required.
            <param name="credentials">Existing credentials, if any. This may be null,
            in which case the default application credentials will be used.</param>
            <returns>A task representing the asynchronous operation. The result of the task
            is the scoped credentials.</returns>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.SystemClock">
            A singleton implementation of <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.IClock"/> which delegates to the BCL
            <see cref="P:System.DateTime.UtcNow"/> property.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.SystemClock.Instance">
            Retrieves the singleton instance of this type.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.SystemClock.GetCurrentDateTimeUtc">
            Returns the current date and time in UTC, using <see cref="P:System.DateTime.UtcNow"/>.
            <returns>The current date and time in UTC.</returns>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.SystemScheduler">
            Singleton implementation of <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.IScheduler"/> which uses <see cref="M:System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(System.TimeSpan,System.Threading.CancellationToken)"/>.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.SystemScheduler.Instance">
            Retrieves the singleton instance.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.SystemScheduler.Delay(System.TimeSpan,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.TaskExtensions">
            Extension methods for tasks.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TaskExtensions.ResultWithUnwrappedExceptions``1(System.Threading.Tasks.Task{``0})">
            Synchronously waits for the given task to complete, and returns the result.
            Any <see cref="T:System.AggregateException"/> thrown is unwrapped to the first inner exception.
            <typeparam name="T">The result type of the task</typeparam>
            <param name="task">The task to wait for.</param>
            <returns>The result of the completed task.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TaskExtensions.WaitWithUnwrappedExceptions(System.Threading.Tasks.Task)">
            Synchronously waits for the given task to complete.
            Any <see cref="T:System.AggregateException"/> thrown is unwrapped to the first inner exception.
            <param name="task">The task to wait for.</param>
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName">
            Class for representing and working with resource names.
            A resource name is represented by a <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate"/>, an assignment of resource IDs to parameters in
            the template, and an optional service name. This class allows the service name and resource IDs to be
            modified, but only within the same template.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.Template">
            The template this resource name is associated with. Never null.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.ServiceName">
            The service name part of this resource name, or null if no service name is specified.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.Item(System.Int32)">
            Gets or sets the identifier for the specified parameter index.
            <param name="index">The index of the parameter value to retrieve.</param>
            <returns>The identifier within the resource name at the given parameter index.</returns>
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.Item(System.String)">
            Gets or sets the identifier for the specified parameter name.
            <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter value to retrieve.</param>
            <returns>The identifier within the resource name with the given parameter name.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.#ctor(Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate,System.String[])">
            Creates a resource name with the given template and resource IDs.
            The resource IDs are cloned, so later changes to <paramref name="resourceIds"/>
            are ignored. This constructor does not populate the <see cref="P:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.ServiceName"/> property,
            but that can be set after construction.
            <param name="template">The template for the new resource name. Must not be null.</param>
            <param name="resourceIds">The resource IDs to populate template parameters with. Must not be null.</param>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.Clone">
            Creates a clone of this resource name, which is then independent of the original.
            <returns>A clone of this resource name.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.#ctor(Google.Api.Gax.PathTemplate,System.String,System.String[],System.Boolean)">
            Private constructor used by internal code to avoid repeated cloning and validation.
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.Kind">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.ToString">
            Returns a string representation of this resource name, expanding the template
            parameters with the resource IDs and prepending the service name (if present).
            <returns>A string representation of this resource name.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.GetHashCode">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.Equals(System.Object)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.Equals(Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.op_Equality(Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName,Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName.op_Inequality(Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName,Google.Api.Gax.TemplatedResourceName)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="T:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName">
            A resource name in which nothing is known about the name structure.
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName.Parse(System.String)">
            Parse a resource name into an <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName"/>.
            Only minimal verification is carried out that <paramref name="name"/> is a value resource name string.
            <param name="name">A resource name.</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="name"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><paramref name="name"/> is an invalid resource name.</exception>
            <returns>An <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName"/> representing the given string.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName.TryParse(System.String,Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName@)">
            Tries to parse the given resource name into an <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName"/>.
            Only minimal verification is carried out that <paramref name="name"/> is a value resource name string.
            <param name="name">A resource name.</param>
            <param name="result">The <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName"/> result if parsing is successful, otherwise <c>null</c>.</param>
            <returns><c>true</c> if <paramref name="name"/> was successfully parsed, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName.#ctor(System.String)">
            Creates an unkown resource name from the given resource name string.
            Only minimal verification is carried out that <paramref name="name"/> is a value resource name string.
            <param name="name"></param>
        <member name="P:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName.Kind">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName.ToString">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName.GetHashCode">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName.Equals(System.Object)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName.Equals(Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName.op_Equality(Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName,Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName)">
            <inheritdoc />
        <member name="M:Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName.op_Inequality(Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName,Google.Api.Gax.UnknownResourceName)">
            <inheritdoc />