
    Function is getting Device Power Supply Models informations from GLPI
    Function is based on DevicePowerSupplyModelId which you can find in GLPI website
    Returns object with property's of Device Power Supply Models
    This parameter will return all Device Power Supply Models from GLPI
.PARAMETER DevicePowerSupplyModelId
    This parameter can take pipline input, either, you can use this function with -DevicePowerSupplyModelId keyword.
    Provide to this param DevicePowerSupplyModelId from GLPI Device Power Supply Models Bookmark
    Parameter which you can use with DevicePowerSupplyModelId Parameter.
    DevicePowerSupplyModelId has converted parameters from default, parameter Raw allows not convert this parameters.
.PARAMETER DevicePowerSupplyModelName
    This parameter can take pipline input, either, you can use this function with -DevicePowerSupplyModelId keyword.
    Provide to this param Device Power Supply Models Name from GLPI Device Power Supply Models Bookmark
    PS C:\> Get-GlpiToolsDropdownsDevicePowerSupplyModels -All
    Example will return all Device Power Supply Models from Glpi
    PS C:\> 326 | Get-GlpiToolsDropdownsDevicePowerSupplyModels
    Function gets DevicePowerSupplyModelId from GLPI from Pipline, and return Device Power Supply Models object
    PS C:\> 326, 321 | Get-GlpiToolsDropdownsDevicePowerSupplyModels
    Function gets DevicePowerSupplyModelId from GLPI from Pipline (u can pass many ID's like that), and return Device Power Supply Models object
    PS C:\> Get-GlpiToolsDropdownsDevicePowerSupplyModels -DevicePowerSupplyModelId 326
    Function gets DevicePowerSupplyModelId from GLPI which is provided through -DevicePowerSupplyModelId after Function type, and return Device Power Supply Models object
    PS C:\> Get-GlpiToolsDropdownsDevicePowerSupplyModels -DevicePowerSupplyModelId 326, 321
    Function gets Device Power Supply Models Id from GLPI which is provided through -DevicePowerSupplyModelId keyword after Function type (u can provide many ID's like that), and return Device Power Supply Models object
    PS C:\> Get-GlpiToolsDropdownsDevicePowerSupplyModels -DevicePowerSupplyModelName Fusion
    Example will return glpi Device Power Supply Models, but what is the most important, Device Power Supply Models will be shown exactly as you see in glpi dropdown Device Power Supply Models.
    If you want to add parameter, you have to modify "default items to show". This is the "key/tool" icon near search.
    Device Power Supply Models ID which you can find in GLPI, or use this Function to convert ID returned from other Functions
    Function returns PSCustomObject with property's of Device Power Supply Models from GLPI
    PSP 09/2019

function Get-GlpiToolsDropdownsDevicePowerSupplyModels {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = "All")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ParameterSetName = "DevicePowerSupplyModelId")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = "DevicePowerSupplyModelId")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ParameterSetName = "DevicePowerSupplyModelName")]
    begin {
        $SessionToken = $Script:SessionToken    
        $AppToken = $Script:AppToken
        $PathToGlpi = $Script:PathToGlpi

        $SessionToken = Set-GlpiToolsInitSession | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SessionToken
        $AppToken = Get-GlpiToolsConfig | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AppToken
        $PathToGlpi = Get-GlpiToolsConfig | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PathToGlpi

        $ChoosenParam = ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters).Keys

        $DevicePowerSupplyModelsArray = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::New()
    process {
        switch ($ChoosenParam) {
            All { 
                $params = @{
                    headers = @{
                        'Content-Type'  = 'application/json'
                        'App-Token'     = $AppToken
                        'Session-Token' = $SessionToken
                    method  = 'get'
                    uri     = "$($PathToGlpi)/DevicePowerSupplyModel/?range=0-9999999999999"
                $DevicePowerSupplyModelsAll = Invoke-RestMethod @params -Verbose:$false

                foreach ($DevicePowerSupplyModel in $DevicePowerSupplyModelsAll) {
                    $DevicePowerSupplyModelHash = [ordered]@{ }
                    $DevicePowerSupplyModelProperties = $DevicePowerSupplyModel.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -Property Name, Value 
                    foreach ($DevicePowerSupplyModelProp in $DevicePowerSupplyModelProperties) {
                        $DevicePowerSupplyModelHash.Add($DevicePowerSupplyModelProp.Name, $DevicePowerSupplyModelProp.Value)
                    $object = [pscustomobject]$DevicePowerSupplyModelHash
                $DevicePowerSupplyModelsArray = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::New()
            DevicePowerSupplyModelId { 
                foreach ( $DPSMId in $DevicePowerSupplyModelId ) {
                    $params = @{
                        headers = @{
                            'Content-Type'  = 'application/json'
                            'App-Token'     = $AppToken
                            'Session-Token' = $SessionToken
                        method  = 'get'
                        uri     = "$($PathToGlpi)/DevicePowerSupplyModel/$($DPSMId)"

                    Try {
                        $DevicePowerSupplyModel = Invoke-RestMethod @params -ErrorAction Stop

                        if ($Raw) {
                            $DevicePowerSupplyModelHash = [ordered]@{ }
                            $DevicePowerSupplyModelProperties = $DevicePowerSupplyModel.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -Property Name, Value 
                            foreach ($DevicePowerSupplyModelProp in $DevicePowerSupplyModelProperties) {
                                $DevicePowerSupplyModelHash.Add($DevicePowerSupplyModelProp.Name, $DevicePowerSupplyModelProp.Value)
                            $object = [pscustomobject]$DevicePowerSupplyModelHash
                        } else {
                            $DevicePowerSupplyModelHash = [ordered]@{ }
                            $DevicePowerSupplyModelProperties = $DevicePowerSupplyModel.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -Property Name, Value 
                            foreach ($DevicePowerSupplyModelProp in $DevicePowerSupplyModelProperties) {

                                $DevicePowerSupplyModelPropNewValue = Get-GlpiToolsParameters -Parameter $DevicePowerSupplyModelProp.Name -Value $DevicePowerSupplyModelProp.Value

                                $DevicePowerSupplyModelHash.Add($DevicePowerSupplyModelProp.Name, $DevicePowerSupplyModelPropNewValue)
                            $object = [pscustomobject]$DevicePowerSupplyModelHash
                    } Catch {

                        Write-Verbose -Message "Device Power Supply Model ID = $DPSMId is not found"
                    $DevicePowerSupplyModelsArray = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]::New()
            DevicePowerSupplyModelName { 
                Search-GlpiToolsItems -SearchFor DevicePowerSupplyModel -SearchType contains -SearchValue $DevicePowerSupplyModelName
            Default { }
    end {
        Set-GlpiToolsKillSession -SessionToken $SessionToken