function Get-OVGDServerHardware { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the Server hardware connected to the Global Dashboard instance .DESCRIPTION This function will retrieve the Server hardware on the specified Global Dashboard instance .NOTES Info Author : Rudi Martinsen / Intility AS Date : 25/03-2019 Version : 0.2.2 Revised : 24/04-2019 Changelog: 0.2.2 -- Fixed minor bug in help text, added link 0.2.1 -- Added help text 0.2.0 -- Added count param .LINK .LINK .LINK .PARAMETER Server The Global Dashboard to retrieve Server Hardware from .PARAMETER Entity The Id of the Hardware to retrieve .PARAMETER Count The count of hardware to retrieve, defaults to 25 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-OVGDServerHardware Retrieves all server hardware connected to the Global Dashboard instance .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-OVGDServerHardware -Entity xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-54e195f27f36 Retrieves the specific Server Hardware with the specified ID #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Server, [alias("ServerHardware")] $Entity, $Count = 25 ) begin { $ResourceType = "server-hardware" } process { $Resource = BuildPath -Resource $ResourceType -Entity $Entity $Query = "count=$Count" $result = Invoke-OVGDRequest -Resource $Resource -Query $Query #-Verbose if ($result.Count -lt $result.Total ) { Write-Verbose "The result has been paged. Total number of results is: $($" } $output = Add-OVGDTypeName -TypeName "GlobalDashboardPS.OVGDServerHardware" -Object $result.members return $output } end { } } |