$global:GitlabConfigurationPath = Join-Path $env:HOME "/.config/powershell/gitlab.config" $global:GitlabConsoleColors = @{ Black = '0;30' Blue = '0;34' Cyan = '0;36' DarkGray = '1;30' Green = '0;32' LightBlue = '1;34' LightCyan = '1;36' LightGray = '0;37' LightGreen = '1;32' LightPurple = '1;35' LightRed = '1;31' Orange = '0;33' Purple = '0;35' Red = '0;31' White = '1;37' Yellow = '1;33' } # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/#id-vs-iid # TL;DR; it's a mess and we have to special-case specific entity types $global:GitlabIdentityPropertyNameExemptions=@{ 'Gitlab.AuditEvent' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.AccessToken' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.BlobSearchResult' = '' 'Gitlab.Branch' = '' 'Gitlab.Commit' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.Configuration' = '' 'Gitlab.Environment' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.Event' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.Group' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.ProjectIntegration' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.Job' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.Member' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.MergeRequestApprovalRule' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.NewPersonalAccessToken' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.Note' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.PersonalAccessToken' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.Pipeline' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.PipelineBridge' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.PipelineDefinition' = '' 'Gitlab.PipelineVariable' = '' 'Gitlab.PipelineSchedule' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.PipelineScheduleVariable' = '' 'Gitlab.Project' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.ProjectHook' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.ProtectedBranch' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.Release' = '' 'Gitlab.RepositoryFile' = '' 'Gitlab.RepositoryTree' = '' 'Gitlab.Runner' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.RunnerJob' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.SearchResult.Blob' = '' 'Gitlab.SearchResult.MergeRequest' = '' 'Gitlab.SearchResult.Project' = '' 'Gitlab.Topic' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.User' = 'Id' 'Gitlab.UserMembership' = '' 'Gitlab.Variable' = '' } $global:GitlabJobLogSections = New-Object 'Collections.Generic.Stack[string]' # Remove the following as part of https://github.com/chris-peterson/pwsh-gitlab/issues/77 # Adapted from # https://github.com/cloudbase/powershell-yaml/blob/master/Load-Assemblies.ps1 $Here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path function Initialize-Assembly { $LibDir = Join-Path $Here "lib" return [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($(Join-Path $libDir "YamlDotNet.dll")) } function Initialize-Assemblies { $RequiredTypes = @( "Parser", "MergingParser", "YamlStream", "YamlMappingNode", "YamlSequenceNode", "YamlScalarNode", "ChainedEventEmitter", "Serializer", "Deserializer", "SerializerBuilder", "StaticTypeResolver" ) $YamlDotNet = [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object Location -Match "YamlDotNet.dll" if (!$YamlDotNet) { return Initialize-Assembly } foreach ($i in $RequiredTypes){ if ($i -notin $YamlDotNet.DefinedTypes.Name) { throw "YamlDotNet is loaded but missing required types ($i). Older version installed on system?" } } } Initialize-Assemblies | Out-Null |