function Get-ModulePRTemplate { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] $config = Import-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration if ($config.PRTemplatePath) { Get-Content $config.PRTemplatePath -Raw } else { $PRTemplate } } function Import-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration() { $configuration = Import-Configuration -Name 'GithubPRBuilder' -CompanyName '' $requiredKeys = @('JiraHost', 'JiraLogin', 'JiraPassword', 'GithubToken', 'GithubOwner') $notExistedConfigs = $requiredKeys ` | ? {!$configuration.ContainsKey($_) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($configuration[$_])} if ($notExistedConfigs) { $congigsStr = [string]::Join(', ', $notExistedConfigs) Write-Warning "Thanks for using GithubPRBuilder, configurations not found: $congigsStr, please run Update-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration to configure." throw "Module not configured. Run Update-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration" } $secureString = $configuration.JiraPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString $credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList '_', $secureString $configuration.JiraPassword = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $configuration } function Set-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration { [CmdletBinding(supportsShouldProcess)] param( # Jira [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$JiraHost, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$JiraLogin, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [SecureString]$JiraPassword, # Github [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$GithubToken, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$GithubOwner, # Other [string]$PRTemplatePath ) end { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Saving settings to $(Get-ConfigurationPath)")) { $config = Import-Configuration if (!$config) { $config = @{} } foreach ($parKey in $PSBoundParameters.Keys | ? {$_ -ne 'JiraPassword'}) { $config[$parKey] = $PSBoundParameters[$parKey] } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('JiraPassword')) { $securePassword = $JiraPassword | ConvertFrom-SecureString $config.JiraPassword = $securePassword } $config | Export-Configuration -Module (Get-Module GithubPRBuilder) } } } function Update-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration() { [CmdletBinding(supportsShouldProcess)] param( # Jira [string]$JiraHost, [string]$JiraLogin, [switch]$JiraPassword, # Github [string]$GithubToken, [string]$GithubOwner, # Other [string]$PRTemplatePath ) end { If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Saving settings to $(Get-ConfigurationPath)")) { $config = Import-Configuration if (!$config) { $config = @{} } foreach ($parKey in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { $config[$parKey] = $PSBoundParameters[$parKey] } if ($JiraPassword) { $securePassword = (Read-Host "Enter jira password" -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString) $config.JiraPassword = $securePassword } $config | Export-Configuration -Module (Get-Module GithubPRBuilder) } } } function Get-GitBranchName { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$BranchRef = "HEAD" ) $branch = $BranchRef if ($BranchRef -eq "HEAD") { $branch = (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) } $branch } function Get-GitCommitsDiff { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([GitCommit[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Target = "HEAD", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Base = "develop" ) # We use delimiters, since the text can contain a carriage return code # %s - commit's title # %b - commit's description $logFormat = "%s<commit_head_end>%b<commit_end>" $log = Get-GitLog -Target $Target -Base $Base -LogFormat $logFormat $commits = $log.Split(@("<commit_end>"), [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) #| % {$_.Trim("`r`n")} foreach ($commit in $commits) { $commitParts = $commit -split "<commit_head_end>" [GitCommit]::new($commitParts[0], $commitParts[1]) } } function Get-GitLog { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Target, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Base, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$LogFormat ) if ($Script:gitCommitsCache) { $log = $Script:gitCommitsCache } else { Write-Verbose "git fetch origin $Base" $null = (git fetch origin $Base) Write-Verbose "git log $Target --not $Base --quiet --pretty=$LogFormat --reverse" $log = (git log $Target --not $Base --quiet --pretty=$LogFormat --reverse) -join "`r`n" # Encoding $utf8 = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 $outputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding $log = $utf8.GetString($outputEncoding.GetBytes($log)) Write-Verbose "GIT COMMITS: $log" $Script:gitCommitsCache = $log } return $log } function Get-GitRepositoryName { $originUrls = (git config --get remote.origin.url) $repository = $originUrls ` | ? {$_ -match ':[^/]*?/(?<rep>.*?)\.git'} ` | % {$Matches['rep']} ` | select -First 1 return $repository } class GitCommit { [string] $Title [string] $Description GitCommit($Title, $Description) { if ($Title) { $this.Title = $Title.Trim() } if ($Description) { $this.Description = $Description.Trim() } } } function Get-GithubPRTemplate { $gitRoot = (git rev-parse --show-toplevel) $template = "$gitRoot\" if (Test-Path $template) { Get-Content $template -Encoding UTF8 -Raw } else { "" } } function Send-GitubPullrequest { [CmdletBinding(supportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Owner, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Repository, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Title, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Head, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Base, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string]$Body ) try { $settings = Import-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration $postData = @{ head = $Head; base = $Base title = $Title; body = $Body } Write-Verbose "PostData = $($postData | Out-String)" $params = @{ Uri = ("$Owner/$Repository/pulls" + "?access_token=$($settings.GitHubToken)"); Method = 'POST'; ContentType = 'application/json'; Body = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((ConvertTo-Json $postData -Compress)); } If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Invoke-RestMethod $($params | Out-String)")) { Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Error "An unexpected error occurred $_" } } function Get-JiraIssue { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$IssueKey ) $settings = Import-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration $authorizationHeader = New-JiraAuthHeader $fullUri = "$($settings.JiraHost)/rest/api/2/issue/$IssueKey" $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $fullUri -Headers $authorizationHeader ConvertFrom-Json $response.Content } function Get-JiraIssueSafe { param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [string]$JiraKey ) try { Get-JiraIssue -IssueKey $JiraKey } catch { Write-Warning "jira issue $JiraKey not found" } } function New-JiraAuthHeader { $settings = Import-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($settings.JiraLogin):$($settings.JiraPassword)") $encodedCreds = 'Basic ' + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) @{Authorization = $encodedCreds} } function Fill-JiraParagraph { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Target, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Base, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Template ) function Add-JiraKeyFromBranch([string[]] $JiraKeys) { if ($Target -match 'CASEM-\d+') { $jiraKeys += $Matches[0] } $jiraKeys | select -Unique } function New-JiraParagraph([object[]]$JiraIssues) { $jiraParagraph = '' $jiraMarkdownLinks = $JiraIssues | % {"* [$($_.fields.summary)]($($_.key))"} if ($jiraMarkdownLinks) { $jiraParagraph = [string]::Join("`r`n", $jiraMarkdownLinks) } return $jiraParagraph } if ($prTemplate.Contains('<jira>')) { $jiraKeys = Get-JiraKeysFromCommits -Target $Target -Base $Base $jiraKeys = Add-JiraKeyFromBranch -JiraKeys $jiraKeys $jiraIssues = $jiraKeys | Get-JiraIssueSafe $jiraParagraph = New-JiraParagraph -JiraIssues $jiraIssues $Template -replace '<jira>', $jiraParagraph } else { $Template } } function Fill-SolutionParagraph { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Target, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Base, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Template ) [GitCommit[]] $commits = Get-GitCommitsDiff -Target $Target -Base "origin/$Base" $solutions = $commits | % { $body = "* $($_.Title.TrimEnd('.'))." if ($_.Description) { $body += "`r`n`r`n$($_.Description)" } $body } $solutionParagraph = [string]::Join("`r`n", $solutions) $Template -replace '<solution>', $solutionParagraph } function Get-JiraKeysFromCommits { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Target, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Base ) $commits = Get-GitCommitsDiff -Target $Target -Base "origin/$Base" $commits ` | ? {$_.Title -match 'CASEM-\d+' } ` | % {$Matches[0]} ` | select -Unique } function New-PRDescription { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Target, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Base ) $prTemplate = Get-ModulePRTemplate $prTemplate = Fill-JiraParagraph -Template $prTemplate -Target $Target -Base $Base $prTemplate = Fill-SolutionParagraph -Template $prTemplate -Target $Target -Base $Base Write-Verbose "PR Description:`r`n$prTemplate" $prTemplate } function New-PRTitle { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$TargetBranch = "HEAD", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Base = "develop" ) $title = $targetBranch if ($targetBranch -match 'CASEM-\d+') { $issueKey = $Matches[0] # Get jira issue name try { $branchIssue = Get-JiraIssue -IssueKey $issueKey } catch { Write-Warning "jira issue $_ not found" } if ($branchIssue) { $title = "$targetBranch $($branchIssue.fields.summary)" } } Write-Verbose "PR Title:`r`n$title" return $title } <# .SYNOPSIS Create pull request .DESCRIPTION Conditions: 1) You have remote repository with 'origin' alias 2) You use ssh protocol .PARAMETER Target Branch with changes .PARAMETER Base Base branch #> function New-GithubPullrequest { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$TargetRef = "HEAD", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Base = "develop" ) # TODO: refactoring # Clear commits cache $Script:gitCommitsCache = $null $settings = Import-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 $targetBranch = Get-GitBranchName -BranchRef $TargetRef $title = New-PRTitle -TargetBranch $targetBranch $description = New-PRDescription -Target $targetBranch -Base $Base $repository = Get-GitRepositoryName $pull = Send-GitubPullrequest ` -Owner $settings.GitHubOwner ` -Repository $repository ` -Title $title ` -Body $description ` -Base $Base ` -Head $targetBranch If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Open pull request github page")) { Start-Process $pull.html_url } } $PRTemplate = @" :ledger: JIRA -- <jira> :fire: Задача\Проблема -- Техническое описание проблемы или задачи. :bulb: Реализация -- <solution> :checkered_flag: Тестирование -- Какие тесты были написаны или по каким причинам не удалось написать тест. Зона аффекта --- Не забыть указать зону аффекта баги в jira задаче. Это особенно необходимо если это баг в `prerelease` или задевает ту функциональность которая уже протестирована в фиче. "@ Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-GithubPullrequest -ParameterName Base -ScriptBlock { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter) $branches = git branch --no-color ` | ? {$_ -notmatch "^\* \(HEAD detached .+\)$"}` | ? {$_ -match "^\*?\s*(?<ref>.*)"}` | % {$matches['ref'] } $branches += git branch --no-color -r ` | ? {$_ -match "^ (?<ref>\S+)(?: -> .+)?"}` | % { $matches['ref'] } $branches ` | ? { $_ -ne '(no branch)'}` | ? { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } ` | % { [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_, $_, 'ParameterValue', $_)} } # Test for it **during** module import: try { $null = Import-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration } catch { # Hide the error on import, just warn them Write-Warning "You must configure module to avoid this warning on first run. Use Set-GithubPRBuilderConfiguration" } |