. $PSScriptRoot\..\Src\QueryInvocation.ps1 Describe 'Invoke-GithubCodeSearch.Tests' { $searchParameters = @{ Text = 'break' Language = 'C#' Repo = 'ocp/ed209' Org = 'ocp' PerPage = 10 Page = 20 } $basicAuthenticationToken = 'xyzzy' $queryString = 'q=(>^ ^)>?' $mockResponse = [pscustomobject]@{ items = @( [pscustomobject]@{ html_url = 'http://result1.url' text_matches = @( [pscustomobject]@{ fragment = 'break;' } [pscustomobject]@{ fragment = 'break;' } ) } [pscustomobject]@{ html_url = 'http://result2.url' text_matches = @( [pscustomobject]@{ fragment = '// this breaks the build' } ) } ) } BeforeEach { Mock Get-GithubCodeSearchToken { $basicAuthenticationToken } -Verifiable Mock Get-GithubCodeSearchQueryString { $queryString } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Text -eq $searchParameters.Text -and ` $Language -eq $searchParameters.Language -and ` $Repo -eq $searchParameters.Repo -and ` $Org -eq $searchParameters.Org -and ` $PerPage -eq $searchParameters.PerPage -and ` $Page -eq $searchParameters.Page } Mock Invoke-RestMethod { $mockResponse } -Verifiable -ParameterFilter { $Uri -eq "https://api.github.com/search/code?$queryString" -and ` $Headers.Authorization -eq "Basic $basicAuthenticationToken" -and ` $Headers.Accept -eq 'application/vnd.github.v3.text-match+json' } } It 'builds up a the expected request' { Invoke-GithubCodeSearch @searchParameters Assert-VerifiableMock } it 'returns the URLs for matches' { $results = Invoke-GithubCodeSearch @searchParameters $results[0].URL | Should -Be 'http://result1.url' $results[1].URL | Should -Be 'http://result2.url' } it 'returns the matching text fragments' { $results = Invoke-GithubCodeSearch @searchParameters $results[0].Matches | Should -Be @('break;', 'break;') $results[1].Matches | Should -Be @('// this breaks the build') } } |