
#Requires -Module ConvertBase64Strings

$GithubCodeSearchTokenConfig = [pscustomobject]@{
    TokenPath = "$HOME\.githubcodesearch_token"

function Set-GithubCodeSearchToken {
    Stores the specified GitHub username and password/access token.

    Combines and Base64 encodes the provided username and token ready to use
    as HTTP Basic Authentication values when calling the GitHub search API.

    The value is stored in the file $HOME\.githubcodesearch_token.

    .PARAMETER Username
    The GitHub username to use when calling the API.

    .PARAMETER Token
    The GitHub password/access token to use when calling the API.

    Set-GithubCodeSearchToken -Username my_github_username -Token my_github_token


    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (


    $base64Token = '{0}:{1}' -f $Username, $Token | ConvertTo-Base64

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($base64Token)) {
        Set-Content -Value $base64Token -Path $GithubCodeSearchTokenConfig.TokenPath -Force

function Get-GithubCodeSearchToken {    <#
    Retrieves the Base64-encoded stored GitHub username and password/access token.

    Reads and returns the contents of $HOME\.githubcodesearch_token


    Get-Content -Path $GithubCodeSearchTokenConfig.TokenPath