try { $graph ="digraph GitViz {`n" $graph += " graph [layout=dot rankdir=BT bgcolor=`"#ffffff`" title=`"Test`"]`n`n" $graph += " { node [shape=box style=`"rounded,filled`" fixedsize=true width=0.6 height=0.4 fontcolor=`"#ffffff`" fontname=Consolas fontsize=10]`n" $commits = git rev-list --all --no-merges --pretty=oneline foreach ($commit in $commits) { $info = $commit -split " ", 2 $label = $info[1] -replace "`"", "\`"" $graph += " `"$($info[0])`" [label=<<b>$($info[0].Substring(0,4) + "<br />" + $info[0].Substring(4,4))</b>> href=`"show/$($info[0])`" tooltip=`"$($label)`"]`n" } $graph += " }`n`n" $graph += " { node [shape=octagon style=filled fixedsize=true width=0.6 height=0.4 fontcolor=`"#ffffff`" fontname=Consolas fontsize=10]`n" $commits = git rev-list --all --merges --pretty=oneline foreach ($commit in $commits) { $info = $commit -split " ", 2 $label = $info[1] -replace "`"", "\`"" $graph += " `"$($info[0])`" [label=<<b>$($info[0].Substring(0,4) + "<br />" + $info[0].Substring(4,4))</b>> href=`"show/$($info[0])`" tooltip=`"$($label)`"]`n" } $graph += " }`n`n" $colors = @("#c00000", "#c06000", "#c0c000", "#00c000", "#0000c0", "#c000c0", "#00c0c0", "#60c000", "#6000c0", "#c00060", "#00c060", "#0060c0") $color_num = 0 # create ref/commit hash table and ordered list of refs # in order to match commits to most desirable refs first # and combine different refs on same commit into subgraph $refs_used = @{} $commits_used = @{} $commit_color = @{} $refs = @{} $ref_list = @() $tags = git tag $each_refs = git for-each-ref refs --sort=-committerdate --sort=objecttype --format='%(refname:short) %(objectname) %(objecttype)' foreach ($each_ref in $each_refs) { $info = $each_ref -split " " if ($info[2] -eq "tag") { # dereference annotated tag $info[1] = git rev-list -1 $info[0] } $refs.Add($info[0], $info[1]) $ref_list += $info[0] } $ref_list += "HEAD" $refs.Add("HEAD", $(git rev-parse HEAD)) foreach ($ref_search in @("master", "deploy", "")) { #$branches = git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate $ref_search --format='%(objectname) %(refname:short)' foreach ($branch in $ref_list) { #$info = $branch_info -split " " $branch_commit = $refs.Get_Item($branch) # $info[0] #$branch = $branch_info.Key # $info[1] if (-not $refs_used.ContainsKey($branch) -and ($branch.IndexOf($ref_search) -ne -1 -or $ref_search -eq "")) { #$refs_used.Add($branch, $branch_commit) #$graph += " `"$($branch)`" [label=`"$($branch)`" style=`"filled`" color=`"#404040`" fontcolor=`"#ffffff`" shape=cds tooltip=`"$($branch)`" href=`"show/$($branch)`" fontname=Calibri fontsize=10 width=0 height=0]`n" $graph += " subgraph `"$($branch)_head`" {`n" $graph += " color=`"#ffffff`";`n" $graph += " edge [color=`"#c0c0c0`" arrowhead=none penwidth=2]`n`n" #$graph += " `"$($branch_commit)`" -> `"$($branch)`"`n" $labels = @() foreach ($ref in $ref_list) { if ($refs.Get_Item($ref) -eq $branch_commit) { $refs_used.Add($ref, $branch_commit) $color = "#60c060" if ($tags.Length -gt 0 -and $tags.Contains($ref)) { $color = "#c0c060" } elseif ($ref.IndexOf("/") -ne -1) { $color = "#c06060" } elseif ($ref -eq "HEAD") { $color = "#60c0c0" } elseif ($ref -eq "stash") { $color = "#808080" } $labels += "<tr><td align=`"left`" valign=`"bottom`" href=`"show/$($ref)`" bgcolor=`"#ffffff`"><font color=`"$($color)`">$($ref.Substring(0, [math]::min(30, $ref.Length)))</font></td></tr>" } } $graph += " `"$($branch)`" [label=<<table border=`"0`" cellpadding=`"0px`" cellspacing=`"0px`">`n$($labels -join "`n")`n</table>> shape=none tooltip=`"$($branch)`" fixedsize=shape fontname=Calibri fontsize=10 width=0.5 height=0.25]`n" $graph += " `"$($branch_commit)`" -> `"$($branch)`"`n" $graph += " }`n`n" $graph += " subgraph `"cluster_$($branch)`" {`n" $graph += " color=`"#ffffff`";`n" $branch_commits = git log $branch --first-parent --format=%H foreach ($branch_commit in $branch_commits) { if (-not $commits_used.ContainsKey($branch_commit)) { $graph += " `"$($branch_commit)`" [color=`"$($colors[$color_num])`"]`n" $commits_used.Add($branch_commit, $color_num) } } $graph += " }`n`n" $color_num = ($color_num + 1) % $colors.Length } } } $graph += " edge [penwidth=4 arrowhead=none color=`"#808080`"]`n`n" $commits = git rev-list --all foreach ($commit in $commits) { $parents = (git rev-list --parents -n 1 $commit) -split " " foreach ($parent in $parents[1..10]) { $color = "#808080" if ($commits_used.ContainsKey($commit)) { $color = $colors[$commits_used.Get_Item($commit)] } $graph += " `"$($parent)`" -> `"$($commit)`" [color=`"$($color)`"]`n" } } $graph += "`n" $graph += "}" return $graph } catch { return $_.Exception | Format-List -Force | Out-String } |