<# Abstraction layer for mocking #> function Invoke-Git{ git $args } function Read-TagMessage{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $tag) $message = Invoke-Git tag -l --format '%(contents)' $tag # Invoke-Git tag -l returns multiline contents as an array # with an empty string item between each tag $message = $message[0..($message.Length - 2)] $message = $message -join "`n" return $message } function Read-AllTagMessages{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] $messages = Invoke-Git tag --sort=-v:refname --format '%(contents)' $messages = $messages -join "`n" return $messages } function Set-ChangelogFromTags{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([void])] param([string] $title = 'Changelog', [string] $fileName = 'Changelog') $fileName = "$" $content = "# $title`n$(Read-AllTagMessages)" [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines("$(Get-Location)\$fileName", $content) } function Push-ChangelogFromTags{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([void])] param([string] $remote = 'origin', [string] $branch = 'master', [string] $fileName = 'Changelog', [string] $commitMessage = 'Updated changelog') Invoke-Git add --intent-to-add . Invoke-Git diff --quiet if($lastexitcode -eq 1){ throw 'Stash or commit working directory changes' } Invoke-Git checkout $branch -q Set-ChangelogFromTags Invoke-Git add --intent-to-add . Invoke-Git diff --quiet if($lastexitcode -eq 1){ Invoke-Git add . Invoke-Git commit -m $commitMessage -q Invoke-Git push $remote $branch -q if($lastexitcode -ne 0){ Write-Error 'Unable to push new changelog to remote' }else{ Write-Verbose 'New changelog pushed to remote' } }else{ Write-Verbose 'Changelog unchanged' } } |