
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

using namespace System.Collections.Generic

enum Ensure

# Assert once that Git is already installed on the system.

#region DSCResources
class GitClone
    [Ensure]$Ensure = [Ensure]::Present



    # The root directory where the project will be cloned to. (i.e. the directory where you expect to run `git clone`)

    [GitClone] Get()
        $currentState = [GitClone]::new()
        $currentState.HttpsUrl = $this.HttpsUrl
        $currentState.RootDirectory = $this.RootDirectory
        $currentState.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent
        $currentState.RemoteName = ($null -eq $this.RemoteName) ? "origin" : $this.RemoteName

        if (-not(Test-Path -Path $this.RootDirectory))
            return $currentState

        Set-Location $this.RootDirectory
        $projectName = GetGitProjectName($this.HttpsUrl)
        $expectedDirectory = Join-Path -Path $this.RootDirectory -ChildPath $projectName

        if (Test-Path $expectedDirectory)
            Set-Location -Path $expectedDirectory
                $gitRemoteValue = Invoke-GitRemote("get-url $($currentState.RemoteName)")
                if ($gitRemoteValue -like $this.HttpsUrl)
                    $currentState.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
                # Failed to execute `git remote`. Ensure state is `absent`

        return $currentState;

    [bool] Test()
        $currentState = $this.Get()
        return $currentState.Ensure -eq $this.Ensure

    [void] Set()
        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent)
            throw "This resource does not support removing a cloned repository."

        if (-not(Test-Path $this.RootDirectory))
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $this.RootDirectory

        Set-Location $this.RootDirectory

class GitRemote
    [Ensure]$Ensure = [Ensure]::Present



    # The root directory where the project will be cloned to. (i.e. the directory where you expect to run `git clone`)

    [GitRemote] Get()
        $currentState = [GitRemote]::new()
        $currentState.RemoteName = $this.RemoteName
        $currentState.RemoteUrl = $this.RemoteUrl
        $currentState.ProjectDirectory = $this.ProjectDirectory

        if (-not(Test-Path -Path $this.ProjectDirectory))
            throw "Project directory does not exist."

        Set-Location $this.ProjectDirectory
            $gitRemoteValue = Invoke-GitRemote("get-url $($this.RemoteName)")
            $currentState.Ensure = ($gitRemoteValue -like $this.RemoteUrl) ? [Ensure]::Present : [Ensure]::Absent
            $currentState.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

        return $currentState

    [bool] Test()
        $currentState = $this.Get()
        return $currentState.Ensure -eq $this.Ensure

    [void] Set()
        Set-Location $this.ProjectDirectory

        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
                Invoke-GitRemote("add $($this.RemoteName) $($this.RemoteUrl)")
                throw "Failed to add remote repository."
                Invoke-GitRemote("remove $($this.RemoteName)")
                throw "Failed to remove remote repository."

#endregion DSCResources

#region Functions
function Assert-Git
    # Refresh session $path value before invoking 'git'
    $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
        Invoke-Git -Command 'help'
        throw "Git is not installed"

function GetGitProjectName

    $projectName = ($HttpsUrl.split('/')[-1]).split('.')[0]
    return $projectName

function Invoke-GitRemote

    $command = [List[string]]::new()
    return Invoke-Git -Command $command 

function Invoke-GitClone

    $command = [List[string]]::new()
    return Invoke-Git -Command $command

function Invoke-Git
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return Invoke-Expression -Command "git $Command"

#endregion Functions