function Invoke-GitClean { <# .SYNOPSIS Cleans all git repositories under a directory. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will search for all git repositories in a directory and it's children and clean them using 'git clean -xfd'. By default, it will only clean repositories that do not have untracked files. If the -Force switch is provided, it will clean all repositories, even if they have untracked files. If the -WhatIf switch is provided, it will only show which repositories would be cleaned, but will not actually clean them. The -Confirm switch can be used to prompt the user to confirm before cleaning each repository. .PARAMETER RootDirectoryPath The root directory to search for git repositories in. If not provided, the current directory will be used. Alias: Path. .PARAMETER DirectorySearchDepth The max depth from the root directory to search for git repositories in. A large value may increase the time it takes to discover git repositories. Default is 3. Alias: Depth. .PARAMETER CalculateDiskSpaceReclaimed If provided, the amount of disk space reclaimed by the git clean operations will be reported in the output. This will increase the time it takes to perform the operation. .PARAMETER Force If provided, all git repositories will be cleaned, even if they have untracked files. Be careful with this switch! .PARAMETER WhatIf If provided, no git repositories will be cleaned; it will just show which repos would be cleaned, even if -Force is provided. .PARAMETER Confirm Prompts the user to confirm before cleaning each git repository. .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject] The cmdlet returns an object containing the following properties: - RootDirectoryPath: The root directory that was searched for git repositories. - DirectorySearchDepth: The max depth from the root directory to search for git repositories. - CalculateDiskSpaceReclaimed: If the amount of disk space reclaimed by the git clean operations was reported in the output. - NumberOfGitRepositoriesFound: The number of git repositories found. - GitRepositoriesCleaned: The git repositories that were cleaned. - GitRepositoriesWithUntrackedFiles: The git repositories that were not cleaned because they had untracked files. - Duration: The duration of the operation. - DiskSpaceReclaimedInMb: The amount of disk space reclaimed by the git clean operations, in megabytes. .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-GitClean -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' Cleans all git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos' that do not have untracked files. .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-GitClean -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -Force Cleans all git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos', even if they have untracked files. .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-GitClean -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -WhatIf Shows which git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos' would be cleaned, but does not actually clean them. .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-GitClean -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -Confirm Prompts the user to confirm before cleaning each git repository. .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-GitClean -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -DirectorySearchDepth 2 Cleans all git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos' that do not have untracked files, searching up to 2 child directories deep. .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-GitClean -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -CalculateDiskSpaceReclaimed Cleans all git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos' that do not have untracked files, showing the amount of disk space reclaimed. NOTE: Calculating the disk space reclaimed will increase the time it takes to perform the operation, as the git directories will be scanned before and after the clean operation to determine how much disk space was reclaimed. .EXAMPLE PS> Invoke-GitClean -RootDirectoryPath 'C:\GitRepos' -InformationAction Continue -Verbose Cleans all git repositories under 'C:\GitRepos' that do not have untracked files, showing information messages and verbose output. .LINK #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'Force', Justification = 'Used in a child scope')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'The root directory to search for git repositories in. If not provided, the current directory will be used.')] [Alias('Path')] [string] $RootDirectoryPath = [string]::Empty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'The max depth from the root directory to search for git repositories in.')] [Alias('Depth')] [UInt32] $DirectorySearchDepth = 3, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'If provided, the amount of disk space reclaimed by the git clean operations will be reported in the output. This will increase the time it takes to perform the operation.')] [switch] $CalculateDiskSpaceReclaimed = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'If provided, all git repositories will be cleaned, even if they have untracked files.')] [switch] $Force = $false ) [DateTime] $startTime = Get-Date WriteVerbose "Validating the root directory path..." if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RootDirectoryPath)) { $RootDirectoryPath = Get-Location } if (-not (Test-Path -Path $RootDirectoryPath -PathType Container)) { Write-Error "The specified RootDirectoryPath '$RootDirectoryPath' does not exist or is not a directory." return } $RootDirectoryPath = Resolve-Path -Path $RootDirectoryPath Write-Information "Searching for git repositories in '$RootDirectoryPath'..." [string[]] $gitRepositoryDirectoryPaths = GetGitRepositoryDirectoryPaths -rootDirectory $RootDirectoryPath -depth $DirectorySearchDepth Write-Information "Testing git repositories to see which ones can be safely cleaned..." $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsWithUntrackedFiles = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsToClean = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() ForEachWithProgress -collection $gitRepositoryDirectoryPaths -scriptBlock { param([string] $gitRepoDirectoryPath) # If the -Force switch was provided, don't bother checking for untracked files; just add it to the list of repos to clean. if ($Force) { $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsToClean.Add($gitRepoDirectoryPath) > $null return } [bool] $gitRepoHasUntrackedFiles = TestGitRepositoryHasUntrackedFile -gitRepositoryDirectoryPath $gitRepoDirectoryPath if ($gitRepoHasUntrackedFiles) { $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsWithUntrackedFiles.Add($gitRepoDirectoryPath) > $null } else { $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsToClean.Add($gitRepoDirectoryPath) > $null } } -activity "Checking for untracked files" -status "Git repo '{0}'" Write-Information "Cleaning git repositories..." $diskSpaceReclaimedDictionary = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, long]]::new() ForEachWithProgress -collection $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsToClean -scriptBlock { param([string] $gitRepoDirectoryPath) [long] $diskSpaceReclaimed = CleanGitRepository -gitRepositoryDirectoryPath $gitRepoDirectoryPath -calculateDiskSpaceReclaimed $CalculateDiskSpaceReclaimed if ($CalculateDiskSpaceReclaimed) { $diskSpaceReclaimedDictionary.Add($gitRepoDirectoryPath, $diskSpaceReclaimed) } } -activity "Cleaning git repositories" -status "Git repo '{0}'" if ($gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsWithUntrackedFiles.Count -gt 0) { Write-Information ("The following git repo directories have untracked files, so they were not cleaned: " + [System.Environment]::NewLine + ($gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsWithUntrackedFiles -join [System.Environment]::NewLine)) } [int] $totalDiskSpaceReclaimedInMb = -1 if ($CalculateDiskSpaceReclaimed) { WriteVerbose "Calculating disk space reclaimed..." $totalDiskSpaceReclaimedInMb = ($diskSpaceReclaimedDictionary.Values | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum) / 1MB Write-Information "Total disk space reclaimed: $($totalDiskSpaceReclaimedInMb) MB" } [DateTime] $finishTime = Get-Date [TimeSpan] $duration = $finishTime - $startTime # Build and write the result object. [PSCustomObject] $result = @{ RootDirectoryPath = $RootDirectoryPath DirectorySearchDepth = $DirectorySearchDepth CalculateDiskSpaceReclaimed = $CalculateDiskSpaceReclaimed NumberOfGitRepositoriesFound = $gitRepositoryDirectoryPaths.Count GitRepositoriesCleaned = $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsToClean GitRepositoriesWithUntrackedFiles = $gitRepositoryDirectoryPathsWithUntrackedFiles Duration = $duration DiskSpaceReclaimedInMb = $totalDiskSpaceReclaimedInMb } Write-Output $result } function GetGitRepositoryDirectoryPaths([string] $rootDirectory, [int] $depth) { [System.IO.DirectoryInfo[]] $gitDirectoryPaths = @() # If this is Windows PowerShell, we need to use the slower Get-ChildItem cmdlet. if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { $gitDirectoryPaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $rootDirectory -Filter '.git' -Recurse -Depth $depth -Force -Directory } # Else this is PowerShell Core, so we can use the faster System.IO.DirectoryInfo because it supports System.IO.EnumerationOptions. else { $searchOptions = [System.IO.EnumerationOptions]::new() $searchOptions.RecurseSubdirectories = $true $searchOptions.MaxRecursionDepth = $depth $searchOptions.MatchType = [System.IO.MatchType]::Simple $searchOptions.AttributesToSkip = [System.IO.FileAttributes]::None $gitDirectoryPaths = [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]::new($rootDirectory).GetDirectories('*.git', $searchOptions) } [string[]] $gitRepoPaths = $gitDirectoryPaths | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | ForEach-Object { $gitDirectoryPath = $_.FullName $gitRepositoryDirectoryPath = Split-Path -Path $gitDirectoryPath -Parent return $gitRepositoryDirectoryPath } return $gitRepoPaths } function TestGitRepositoryHasUntrackedFile([string] $gitRepositoryDirectoryPath) { WriteVerbose "Checking git repository for untracked files: '$gitRepositoryDirectoryPath'" [string] $gitOutput = (& git -C "$gitRepositoryDirectoryPath" status) | Out-String # NOTE: Git.exe currently only supports English output. # If that ever changes, we may need to allow the user to provide the 'Untracked files' string to look for. [bool] $gitRepoHasUntrackedFiles = $gitOutput.Contains('Untracked files') return $gitRepoHasUntrackedFiles } function CleanGitRepository { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param([string] $gitRepositoryDirectoryPath, [bool] $calculateDiskSpaceReclaimed) [long] $diskSpaceReclaimed = 0 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($gitRepositoryDirectoryPath, 'git clean -xfd')) { [long] $repoSizeBeforeCleaning = 0 if ($calculateDiskSpaceReclaimed) { # Use System.IO.DirectoryInfo instead of Get-ChildItem for performance reasons. WriteVerbose "Calculating size of directory before cleaning: '$gitRepositoryDirectoryPath'" $repoSizeBeforeCleaning = [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]::new($gitRepositoryDirectoryPath).GetFiles('*', 'AllDirectories') | ForEach-Object { $_.Length } | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum } WriteVerbose "Cleaning git repository using 'git clean -xfd': '$gitRepositoryDirectoryPath'" [string] $gitCleanOutput = (& git -C "$gitRepositoryDirectoryPath" clean -xdf) | Out-String WriteVerbose $gitCleanOutput [long] $repoSizeAfterCleaning = 0 if ($calculateDiskSpaceReclaimed) { # Use System.IO.DirectoryInfo instead of Get-ChildItem for performance reasons. WriteVerbose "Calculating size of directory after cleaning: '$gitRepositoryDirectoryPath'" $repoSizeAfterCleaning = [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]::new($gitRepositoryDirectoryPath).GetFiles('*', 'AllDirectories') | ForEach-Object { $_.Length } | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum } $diskSpaceReclaimed = $repoSizeBeforeCleaning - $repoSizeAfterCleaning WriteVerbose "Size before: '$repoSizeBeforeCleaning'. Size after: '$repoSizeAfterCleaning'. Disk space reclaimed: '$diskSpaceReclaimed' bytes." WriteVerbose '----------' } return $diskSpaceReclaimed } # This function performs a ForEach-Object loop with a progress bar to show the status and how many iterations are left. # Adding all the code inline to support Write-Progress made things feel very messy. # This function helps clean that up, but does add some complexity to the script, especially because # you cannot assign a variable in the script block a new value and have it persist outside the script block. function ForEachWithProgress([object[]] $collection, [scriptblock] $scriptBlock, [string] $activity, [string] $status) { # If there are no items to process, then just return. if ($null -eq $collection -or $collection.Count -eq 0) { return } [int] $numberOfItems = $collection.Count [int] $numberOfItemsProcessed = 0 $collection | ForEach-Object { $numberOfItemsProcessed++ $splat = @{ Activity = $activity Status = "'$numberOfItemsProcessed' of '$numberOfItems' : $($status -f $_)" PercentComplete = (($numberOfItemsProcessed / $numberOfItems) * 100) } Write-Progress @splat & $scriptBlock $_ } Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed # Hide the progress bar. } function WriteVerbose([string] $message) { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($message)) { $time = Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss.fff' Write-Verbose "$time : $message" } } |